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January 14, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-01-14

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One hundred seven years ofeditorialfreedom

January 14, 1998

Football championship season may bring in $2M

By Jennifer Yachnin
Jaily Staff Reporter
The national football championship has brought
nore than recognition, parades, and pep rallies to the
iversity - it's also brought money.
aul Schager, the University's licensing director,
-aid the total revenue from Rose Bowl and national
:hampionship licenses will be nearly $1 million.
The University also will bring in about $950,000
from combined bowl game revenues from the Big
Ten Conference, making total profits about $2 mil-
Each Big Ten school gets an equal amount of
money from the Conference each year, regardless of
their season record.
"Revenues for the Rose Bowl and the national
ampionship might exceed ($1 million) or it may be
less than that," Schager said.
Although actual figures will not be available for a
Few months, Schager said University officials have

estimated the total revenue through informal discus-
sion with retailers.
"They say sales are going extremely well,"
Schager said. "We were fortunate enough to win a
national championship and there will be benefits
from that."
The University works with 700 licensees, although
not all of those will vend Rose Bowl or national cham-
pionship paraphernalia, Schager said.
"Throughout the year, there are always people who
want to get on board," Schager said.
Local merchants said they also have benefited from
the national championship.
"It's tripled our business for the year," said Daniel
Switzer, general manger of Steve and Barry's
University Sportswear on State Street. "National
championship T-shirts are outselling everything else
Switzer said he expects sales to taper off during the
winter, but the store will keep selling merchandise

into next year's football season.
"There will be alumni back in Ann Arbor who will
want a T-shirt," Switzer said.
Joshua Eagle, a sales associate for Moe Sport
Shops, said sales are uncommonly high for this time
of year.
"January is usually an off-time, but we've been hir-
ing new people," Eagle said. "After the Rose Bowl,
things really picked up. "This has been record-breaking
for us --people were really hungry for the Rose Bowl."
Walter Harrison, vice president for University rela-
tions, said there also may be immeasurable results
from the national title, such as the possibility of an
increase in the number of applicants for Fall 1998's
incoming class.
"It does improve the way people feel about this
institution," Harrison said. "If people feel better about
their University, it certainly has benefits.
"One of the things that makes people feel good is
successful athletics," he said.

Steve and Barry's store, one of many stores that have profited from Michigan's
season, continues to get shipments of T-shirts to meet the demand.

ITD to


users of unsafe

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Engineering first-year student John Lazette shelves books atthe Shapiro Undergraduate Library as part of his work-study program. Lazette
says he enjoys the flexible hours and relaxed atmosphere of his work-study job.
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.C~tig exptad w ork-study initiatives

By Sam Stavis
Daily Staff Reporter
Responding to the threat of hackers and other
online security risks, the University's Information
Technology Division will begin a program this
month to notify staff and students that their pass-
words may be vulnerable to electronic attack.
ITD's new program will scan the University's
online computer system for passwords that are vul-
nerable to decryption programs. The number of
these passwords is alarmingly high, officials said.
"We're not just blowing smoke here," said
Theresa Hofer, editor of ITD's Office of Policy
Development and Education. "When we did a pre-
liminary check, a significant percentage of the
passwords were found to be vulnerable."
Passwords are considered unsafe if they include
personal information or words that can be found in
a dictionary.
ITD's password program will alert University
faculty and employees later this week that they
have unsafe passwords, and students will be
warned towards the end of the month. If the warn-
ings are ignored, the user's password will automat-
ically be replaced with a random one.
"Those whose password shows up as being vul-
nerable are going to get a notice," Hofer said. "If
they don't respond to that, there will be another
check in two to three weeks. If they haven't
changed it by the deadline, it will be reset."
Users whose passwords are reset will have to
report to an ITD office with a photo ID to re-estab-
lish their account. While this may seem unfair to
some, University computer experts emphasized
the importance of secure passwords.
"The number one cause of hacking and other
security problems is compromised passwords,"
said Ed Adams, director of unit data systems in the
School of Business Administration
lTD officials said that stolen passwords can
cause tremendous damage to both individuals and
the University as a whole.
"People can use stolen passwords to do a num-
ber of things," said Virginia Rezmierski, director
of the lTD Office of Policy Development and
Education. "They can steal the identify of some-

one, and harass or threaten other people. They can
get into other people's e-mail and files. A student
was dis-enrolled from all of her classes. How
would you feel if your name was the one used if a
threat was sent to a friend?"
Rezmierski said that during the last few years,
more University resources have been stored
online, with access being given out to a limited
number of people. When one of these user's pass-
words is stolen, it can result in serious problems
for the University. "They are opening the door to
the misuse of U of M resources," Rezmierski said.
There are several reasons a password will be con-
sidered vulnerable. First, users often choose pre-
dictable information - birthdays, addresses, nick-
names, and names of pets and family members.
In addition to avoiding personal information,
ITD officials recommend that passwords be five
or more characters in length, have numbers and
punctuation marks mixed in, and include upper-
and lower-case letters.
Most important, passwords should not include
words that can be found in any dictionary, in any
language. Passwords that are composed of a single
word are particularly susceptible to attack.
"These are so easily guessable by commonly
used crack programs," Rezmierski said.
Even passwords that combine several different
words are not safe from attack. "People can do a
dictionary attack," Killey said. "It's relatively easy."
Furthermore, hackers looking to gain entry to
University accounts don't need to be on campus to
do so, Adams said. Hackers are relatively familiar
with the University's online system, Kerberos
making it easy for them to crack user-IDs from the
relative safety of the Internet.
For the past few years, ITD has tried to increase
awareness about password security, but its efforts
haven't resulted in the desired effects.
"We're trying to get people to think more about
this," Rezmierski said. "People have started to pay
more attention, but there are still a large number of
individuals on our campus who are using pass-
words that are " too insecure.
ITD's program was supported by the Information
Technology Policy and Security Committees.

By Peter Romer-Friedman
Daily Staff Reporter
In line with his goals to promote educa-
tion reform, President Clinton recently
announced a proposal to increase by $70
million the Federal Work-Study Program,
which annually funds more than 940,000
college students nationwide.
If Congress passes Clinton's initiative, one
part of his balanced budget proposal, the $70
million would mark one of the greatest invest-
ments in higher education in the past 50 years,
according to White House officials.
"For the first time in the nation's history,
the only prerequisites to college are prepara-
tion and desire;" Clinton said in a written

statement. "We have delivered on our
promise to make 13th and 14th grades as
accessible as high school is today. Now you
need to seize this opportunity to help us
build the promise of America."
In Ann Arbor, students, administrators
and political groups are applauding Clinton
for his commitment to higher education.
"I think it's great," said Sara Deneweth,
co-director of the College Democrats. "The
more students that can receive federal assis-
tance, the more can attend the University.
President Clinton is making that possible.
We're really excited and support the
President's new initiative."
While Clinton and the GOP have dis-

agreed often during Clinton's presidency,
both parties are supporting the increased
funding for education.
But while the Republican Party agrees on
the importance of enhancing the quality of
education, it is cautious about overspending,
said Sage Eastman, spokesperson for the
Michigan Republican Party.
"I think support for education has always
been a primary goal of the Republican Party,"
Eastman said. "Increases through work study
is a good idea but we must be fiscally conser-
vative so we can keep spending down."
Clinton also hopes to make education
more affordable through a number of addi-
See CLINTON, Page 2

Cloning plans
conjure mixed
reactions at 'U'
By Heather Wiggin
Daily Staff Reporter
Independent scientist Richard Seed has big plans that
make him the current Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde of the medical sci-
ence community.
Seed is a physicist with a Ph.D. from Harvard who
*imed last week that he plans within the next two years to
clone adult humans in a fertility clinic.
An order was given shortly after Seed's announcement by
President Clinton to block funds on human cloning research.
"Seed is probably seeking notoriety and attention,; said
Philosophy Prof. Carl Cohen. "I think one ought to distin-

Beating the flu

Regents to vote on
Architecture dean

By Katie Plona
Daily Staff Reporter
University of Washington Prof.
Douglas Kelbaugh will become the
new dean of the School of Architecture
and Urban Planning on July 1, if he is
approved by the University Board of
Regents tomorrow.
The decision will be one of many at
the regents' monthly meeting tomorrow
and Friday.
Kelbaugh, who has taught at eight dif-
ferent schools of architecture internation-
ally and has been the editor of a national
best seller, said that although he was
ov l enticA byo nnortunities at the

Kelbaugh said he was largely attracted
to the University because of its "healthy"
"I think it's a well-funded university
with a lot of tradition of excellence,
Kelbaugh said. "I guess it was budgetary
considerations, which seem better there
than at the University of Washington."
Architecture program chair Brian
Carter, one of seven members on the
search committee that eventually rec-
ommended Kelbaugh to Provost Nancy
Cantor, said the international search
began in the Fall of !996.
"It was quite important to see candi-
dates who had ai interest in both archi-

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