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March 18, 1998 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1998-03-18

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16 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 18, 1998

Former 'M' basketball recruit arrested for assault

FRESNO, Calif. (AP) - Fresno Statec en-
ter Avondre Jones, a former Michigan recruit,
was kicked off the team yesterday atter he and
a top recruit were arrested and accused of
pointing handguns at a man and poking him
with samurai swords.
The arrest of Jones and Kenny Brunner
came hours after the Bulldogs beat Memphis
in the NIT and a day after Fresno Stae ofTi-
cials slammed CBS' "6() Minutes" for teus-
ing on the legal and drug troubles of the
school's athletes.
"I was devastated to hear this:, coach Jerry
Tarkanian said in a statement. "I couldn't even

enjoy one night after a big victory."
Besides kicking Jones off the team,
T<arkanian suspended Brunner indefinitely.
Jones and Brunner were booked for investiga-
tioi of assault with a deadly weapon and
grand theft.
Police said the players and Colin DeForrest
wecre drinking at Jones' apartment when an
ar<utment broke out over a TV program.
"Jones allegedly produced two handguns
and pointed them at the victim," Chief Ed
Winchester said. "Jones and Brunner then
picked up two large swords and began beating
and poking the victim.'

Fresno State center Avondre Jones (left) and recruit Kenny
Brunner make their way through reporters yesterday.



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Two field events kick into
gear for 'M' outdoor season
Injured distance runner Froud readies for comeback
By Chris Duprey keep distance between themselves and confte
Daily Sports Writer ence contenders Wisconsin and Illinois, whit
Take a look around the Michigan women's are chasing Michigan for the outdoor part c
track team as it heads into the outdoor season the conference title.
this week. You might see some fresh faces. FROUD UPDATE: Distance runner Jul
Even though field events such as the discus Froud is slowly on the comeback trail. Frou
and the javelin are not included in indoor com- one of Michigan's top three contributors on la
petition, the Wolverines have been training for fall's NCAA-qualifying cross country tear
these events throughout the indoor season. missed almost the entire indoor season wi
Now, in the outdoor season, discus and tendinitis in her left achilles tendon. She hop
javelin throwers will have the opportunity to to return within a month, if all goes well.
reap the rewards of their hard work. "I just did a workout this afternoon" Frot
Amy Johnson should be Michigan's premier said. "Hopefully the next couple of weeks w
javelin thrower. Johnson, the only experienced come along, and I'll be back."
--------------_ senior in the event, will Froud has implemented a steady diet
TraCk lead a young throwing nothing but running during her rehabilitatio
corps this season. working directly under distance coach Mi
Notebook But shot put veterans McGuire. Most injuries require some type
--------------- will help the Wolverines in cross-training, whether it be swimming or ri
the discus. ing on the stationary cycle.
Nikki Keith hopes to continue her fine sea- But the resilient Froud has never been or
son in the throwinu events. She was Michigan's for the monotonous. She just hopes her eage
premier shot putter this winter with four victo- ness to return to the lineup will not tempt h,
ries. to come back too soon.
Keith wiII see plenty of action in the discus, "I'm going to have to race myself back in
along with Stephanie Wigness and Sarah shape," Froud said. "I'll just get out there at
Clauw. run. I don't expect to be burning up the tra
Freshman Nicole Proulx is another corn- the first couple of times out."
petitor that's eager to learn the trade of the dis- NOTABLE QUOTABLE: Three weeks ag
cus. Michigan coach James Henry expressed ho
"I'm very excited to try something new in that his team could contend at Big Tens.
college," Proulx said. "In the indoor season, I "Wisconsin and Illinois are the two pr
focused about 80 percent of my time on just grams we're striving to reach," Henry said.
the shot put. Now, I'll pretty much split my The Wolverines ended up smashing bo
training with the discus." teams by more than 20 points apiece.
The addition of the two new field events It's safe to assume the two squads will be gtu
should benefit the Wolverines in their effort to ning for the Wolverines the second time aroun


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