2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, March 18, 1998
Continued from Page 1 .
opinion may not be well-received at the
University of Michigan."
In preparation for Ward's visit, cam-
pus organizations that support the
University's affirmative action policies
have been solidifying plans to stage a
protest before the event.
Members of United for Affirmative
Action, an umbrella organization that
includes student groups such as the
Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action
by Any Means Necessary, the Black
Student Union and Alianza plan to meet
on the Diag at 5:30 p.m. to march to the
Michigan League, where they will
picket the speech.
BAMN member and LSA senior
Jessica Curtin said supporters of affir-
mative action should take Connerly's
visit very seriously.
"This is a tactic the right wing is
using to advance their agenda of reseg-
regation," Curtin said. "We want to
make it crystal clear that Ward
Connerly does not speak for us. He
does not represent our campus, and he
does not speak for blacks, women or
DPS spokesperson Elizabeth Hall
said she is not anticipating any spe-
cific problems at the event this
"We're aware of the event, and we
will be available if we're needed," Hall
Continued from Page 1
from taking a break from their stud-
ies to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
"I'm not old enough to go to the
bars," LSA junior Rachel Theisen
said. "I'm going to a couple of par-
For some students, day rekindled
fond memories of past holiday
events with family and friends.
"Sometimes we'd go to the
parade in New York," LSA first-year
student Todd Brilliant said.
One popular way to commemo-
rate St. Patrick's Day is simply to
make everything green. "My mom
used to make green eggs for break-
fast," LSA first-year student Jenna
Fry said.
Traditional stories and myths
about leprechauns and shamrocks
also were remembered by students
as a special part of St. Patrick's
"In pre-school, my teacher told
me that if I didn't wear green, that I
would be pinched by a leprechaun,"
LSA junior Gina Vantuno said.
"St. Patrick's Day is a big deal
where I'm from," Vantuno added.
The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures presents
The Twenty-First Annual Hayward Keniston Lecture
Giuseppe Mazzotta
Vico and the Idea of the University
Friday, March 20, 1998, 4:00 p.m.
The Michigan Room
Michigan League, Second Floor
A reception will follow the lecture.
Continued from Page 1
well as covering on-campus voting
"My favorite part of the whole
campaign is actually getting out
there and meeting new people," said
Garcia, who currently serves as the
Academic Affairs Committee chair
of the LSA Student Government. "I
think students appreciate when we
take the time to talk to them and to
answer their questions and under-
stand where they're coming from."
Although most students on the bal-
lot will be busy campaigning today
and tomorrow, some candidates con-
ceded that most of the legwork that
goes into a campaign has already
been done.
"I guess, to be honest, I think these
last couple of days aren't the most cru-
cial" said New Frontier Party presiden-
tial candidate Elizabeth Keslacy, an
LSA sophomore.
During the past week, Keslacy said
that she, runningmate Mike Enright
and other New Frontier Party members
have passed out a variety of flyers to
students outlining the party's main
MSA Election Director Rajeshri
Gandhi, an Education senior, said she
hopes voter turnout will increase from
last year's percentage.
"I would really love to see it at 30
percent' Gandhi said.
Many factors should make this
year's election more successful in
terms of numbers, Gandhi said,
including online voting, mass e-
mails encouraging voting and the
fact that students can see how the
issues of this election directly affect
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White House tries to discredit Willey
WASHINGTON - Wary of a backlash if they hit too hard, White House of
cials are attempting to undermine the credibility of the president's latest accus
with a quiet campaign of whisper and innuendo.
Kathleen Willey is after a book deal, they say. She's emotionally distraugl
under a lot of pressure, they suggest.
Even as White House spokesperson Mike McCurry denied yesterday that'
one was trying to smear Willey, Clinton advisers were anonymously talking U
her background.
It's a more cautious effort than earlier campaigns to undercut Monica Lewinsi
and Paula Jones, in apparent recognition that Willey, as a Democratic supporter
the president, may be viewed as more credible by the public.
"You have to treat her differently because she has a different reputation' sa
Gary Copeland, a professor at the University of Alabama and author on politic
consulting and negative campaigns. "One of the worst things that can happen
you is when a friend turns on you."
To varying degrees, the White House has worked to discredit other women wi
have made sexual allegations concerning the president.
Clinton supporters portrayed Jones, who has sued the president for s
harassment, as money-hungry and a tool of the Republican right.
- Y
' - r-
Dictionary publisher
reviews racial slurs
SPRINGFIELD, Mass.- Swamped
with complaints and a threatened boycott
about the definition of"nigger" in its dic-
tionaries, Merriam-Webster is reviewing
how it defines offensive words.
The 150-year-old publisher for the
first time in its history has assigned a
task force to consider whether to change
the practice of listing definitions histori-
cally, with the oldest - and often the
most objectionable - uses coming first.
The task force comes in the wake of
protests over the word from two
Michigan women.
Still, there are no plans to remove
words the publisher concedes are offen-
sive and derogatory -such as "queer,"
"redneck" and "white trash" - from
its adult dictionaries.
"That would be censorship," said
Deborah Burns, marketing director for
the Springfield-based publisher. "As a
reference tool, the dictionary would not
be a comprehensive tool if it did not list
the words used in our language."
Merriam-Webster's most rec
Collegiate Dictionary defines "nigg
first as: "a black person - usua
taken to be offensive." Other defi
tions refer to "a member of any da
skinned race," and "a member of
socially disadvantaged class of p
Vitamin E reduces
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"There may be a pattern developi
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tive effect from vitamin E," said
Demetrius Albanes, a National Can
Institute researcher and co-author
the study.
A report on the study will be p
lished today in the Journal of t
National Cancer Institute.
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Netanyahu: Building
in Israel won't stop
JERUSALEM - Touching a raw
nerve in Israel, Britain's foreign secre-
tary was greeted by taunts of "Anti-
Semite!" as he visited the site of a new
Jewish housing project in Jerusalem
and insisted that Mideast peace hinged
on a halt to Jewish settlement expan-
A furious Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu lashed back, vowing to
build "thousands of homes" on disput-
ed land in east Jerusalem and canceling
a dinner and even i traditional hand-
shake with the diplomat, Robin Cook.
Cook ignited deep Israeli enmity by
meeting with a Palestinian official at
the divisive housing project known in
Hebrew as Har Homa and in Arabic as
Jabal Abu Ghneim.
Ignoring the driving rain, Israeli pro-
testers jeered Cook at the 6,500-unit
construction site, banging pots and
pans and chanting "Anti-Semite!" and
"Robin, go home!"
Netanyahu's snub capped days of
wrangling between Israel and Britain
over the symbolism of Cook's visit
east Jerusalem, the sector claimed
the Palestinians as a future capital.
"The issue of Jerusalem is a cardii
one in our eyes and it is importa
us to inform any guest in Jerusale
anyone who wants to contribute to 1
peace process that Israel is sovereign
Jerusalem and will remain so," a ste
faced Netanyahu told reporters.
Commerce secretar
pushes free trade
SAN JOSE, Costa Ric
Commerce Secretary William.
says President Clinton's failure
win fast-track negotiating author
in Congress should not delay 1
drive for free trade throughout 1
"I think there will be a real deten
nation, despite not having fast track
see some real concrete progress" wi
Clinton attends a summit of het
sphere leaders next month, Daley s
in an interview.
- Compiledfrom Daily wire repo
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for spring classes is April 24. Last date to apply for summer classes is June 19.
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spring session: May 4 - June 24 * 1998 summer session: June 30 - August 19
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