The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 17, 1998 - 5
site offers aid
to students
By Margene Erikson
Daily Staff Reporter
In a small, glassed-in area of the Harlan Hatcher
Graduate Library, a computing site lies unknown to
much of the University community.
The Knowledge Navigation Center is unlike most
other sites on campus; it caters to students looking for
hard-to-find technological resources instead of serv-
ing as a spot for quick c-mails and rushed papers.
"The KNC is a place for the University commu-
nity to come and learn more about information tech-
nology," said Susan Hollar, KNC manager and tech-
nology support librarian.
The site has multiple scanners and a variety of
cutting-edge software available for student use,
including tools to create three-dimensional Web
pages and programs to scan and alter photographs.
LSA junior Rabeha Kamaluddin, who uses the
KNC, said that the service can be invaluable. "If you
are computer illiterate, this is the best place to come."
Recently, KNC consultants have been looking for
ways to encourage use of the lab by more members
of the University community.
"One of the things we've been doing a lot of this
semester is working with the (graduate student instruc-
tors) on campus and helping them to set up course Web
pages" said Helen Look, a GSI for the KNC.
The KNC also is designed for students and facul-
ty who are involved in research.
"We're working with faculty, staff and students to
educate them about how to incorporate technologies
into their research," Look said. "People will, come
with their own ideas of what they need to do and we
Consul General
speaks on Turkey
LSA Junior Patrick Maun, a Knowledge Navigation Center consultant, scans materials at the KNC, which is
located on the second floor of the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library.
help to bring those to life."
Kamaluddin is utilizing the KNC resources to
work on a poetry project that involves scanning
copies of rare Arabic poetry and putting them on the
Web. Some of the poetry Kamaluddin is working
with is so rare that it has been lost for years, and
there is only one copy of it in existence.
"If it wasn't for the (KNC staff), our work would
be going a lot slower. The professor doesn't have the
time to train me," Kamaluddin said.
Kamaluddin said the KNC staff has been instru-
mental in her work.
"I've pretty much worked at every other (campus)
site, and they could care less. At other sites, some-
times they don't even get out of their chairs to help
you," Kamaluddin said. "KNC is amazing. They
train you inside and out. They sit with you for as
long as it takes you to learn. They help you so much
so that you can do it on your own after they leave,"
The KNC is only open from 1-5 p.m. Monday
through Friday, which has caused students trouble.
"The only problem with this place is it's only
open four hours a day" Kamaluddin said. "As long
as I get all their help now and fix all the quirks in
the first part of my work, then I can work on my
Kinesiology sophomore Meagan Haley said she
wishes she had known about the KNC computing site.
"When I go to the (other computing sites) it
seems like a meat factory. It's not very personable."
They shuffle you in and out. It would be nice to go
to a more personal site" Haley said.
By Melanie Sampson
Daily Staff Reporter
Republic of Turkey Consul General
Altay Cenziger visited the University
this past weekend and spoke the com-
munity about the state of democracy,
economic and industrial advances and
the changing state of the tumultuous
Middle East region.
Cenziger spoke to about 50 people
Friday about his country, democracy
and societal advances as attendees
asked about the situation between the
Kurds and Israelis.
Cenziger used imagery and a light-
hearted manor to approach the serious
topics, joking about Turkey's location.
"It lies north of the north, south of
the south, west of the west and east of
the east,' Cenziger joked.
The laughter preceded a serious dis-
cussion about the country's developing
status and troublesome issues, includ-
ing racial tensions within Turkey's soci-
"Turkey is coming of age, and that is
why we are here today with so much
conflict,' Cenziger said.
Although Cenziger repeatedly said
that open conversations are necessary
to continue Turkey's advancement and
cease tensions within the country, he
did not give explicit instructions on
how to achieve these goals.
"One singly important way to (start
resolving issues) is to start discussing
Turkey intelligently," Cenziger said.
Joshua Greenbaum, program coordi-
nator for the Center for Middle Eastern
and North African Studies -one of the
speech's sponsors - said he hopes
speeches like this will help people
understand situations in the Middle
East, especially with the current con-
flict in the region.
"Hopefully, students and the commu-
nity will come away with some better
understanding of Turkish government,"
Greenbaum said, especially "in a time
when the situation is shifting everyday."
Cenziger's speech did not address the
subject of the Kurds and racial tensions
in the Middle East, but listeners
brought it up in discussions following
the speech.
"You destroy 3,000 villages in the
past few years ... How can you discuss
intelligently when you see this as the
reality of the condition?" an audience
member asked.
Cenziger said this was a point;rep-
resenting fully what the other sice
believes of the case.
The audience member also asked
Cenziger about the position, of a
Kurdish representative, Layla Zahn, in
the Turkish government. Zahn's posi-
tion was taken away from her because
of her involvement with the Kurds.
Cenziger answered by saying goyern-
ment representatives must be neutr$l
about such issues.
"She was elected ... she must repre-
sent in good faith," Cenziger said.
Cenziger said Zahn's deep involve-
ment with the Kurdish movement
resulted in her removal. He said good
politics are neutral and Zahn should
"stop taking terrorists home and look-
ing after them ... being the leader of
what she represents, (she) cannot do
Audience members also raised,, the
issue of Turkey's relationship with Israel,
"No one can dictate with whom to be
friends and not to be friends," Cenziger
During much of the speech, Cenziger
praised Turkey's positive attributes.
Listeners said they wanted to know
more about its shortcomings, which he
didn't mention during his talk,
"The main shortcoming is the distrib-
ution of wealth - that something must
be done about this. It does not ... repre-
sent a fair distribution,' Cenziger said.
Ali Tasiran, a visiting researcher at the
University's Institute for Social
Research, said Cenziger was a good
speaker, but that he felt the speech should
have covered more realistic issues .
"He tried to give a positive picture. ;I
would be nice to have a more complete
picture, Tasiran said. "He could have
discussed such things and how we
could solve such things."
Tasiran said the same problems have
been plaguing the Middle East foi
years, and no resolution is on the hori-
"Still, people are discussing the same
thing, Tasiran said.
Reports study expressions of anger
By Heather Wiggin
Daily Staff Reporter
Although angry women are notorious
in the music industry, on daytime tele-
vision and even within circles of
I friends, University psychologists claim
that men are more likely to dwell on
their angry feelings than women.
Four studies were conducted to deter-
mine if men and women use different
methods to cope with anger, said psy-
chology Prof. Susan Nolen-Hoeksema,
one of the study's two researchers.
"We speculate that women are social-
ized to be not as comfortable with
angry feelings than men are," Nolen-
Hoeksema said. "Men and women are
socialized to cope with emotions in
quite different ways."
Subjects of the study were asked to
read a story and focus on their anger or
distance themselves.
"It was a sto y that often makes peo-
ple feel angry," Nolen-Hoeksema said.
Dwelling on angry feelings - called
rumination by psychologists - usually
makes people angrier, while distrac-
tions can help people settle down,
Nolen-Hoeksema said.
"People who focused on angry emo-
tions got angrier," Nolen-Hoeksema
said. "Our mothers and grandmothers
knew this ... taking a breath and count-
ing to 10 will help you calm down and
leave you to think."
Women are more likely to focus on
their depression than their anger,
Nolen-Hoeksema said.
"I have male friends who do flare up
quite badly when they get angry," said
Law third-year student Mitch Katz.
"Females I know seem to cry more."
Nolen-Hoeksema said society has
told women that it is acceptable to be
sad, but not to get angry.
Some students said women are hesitant
to let their true feelings be known.
"Women don't express it every time,"
said Law third-year student Kelly
Schmitt. "Every once in a while, some-
thing will trigger the anger."
Others said environment is more of a
factor than gender in expressing anger.
"I'm skeptical of generalizing
between men and women," said LSA
senior Joshua Cohen. "Individuals are
socialized based on what they see
around them."
Cohen said he knows many men and
women who either repress or express
their anger and emotions.
"I think it can go both ways" he said.
Models from family life, society and
the media may affect an individual's
views on what behaviors are appropri-
ate in stressful situations, Cohen said.
"You can make generalizations that
are randomly applicable," Cohen said,
adding that these generalizations may
not hold true for all individuals.
Schmitt said that when she gets
angry, she cries.
But Katz and Cohen said they do not
cry when angry.
"I'm shocked at how poorly men
handle anger," Katz said.
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