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January 13, 1998 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-01-13

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 13, 1998


Continued from Page 1
the University of Texas System, is opti-
mistic that a new commission uniting
all public universities in Texas also will
find ways to soften Hopwood's impact.
"We're hopeful that the distinguished
members of the Commission on a
Representative Student Body will bring
forward innovative approaches that will
help us meet the challenge successful-
ly," Cunningham said in a written state-
This committee, composed of three
representatives from each of the eight
Texas school systems, will not meet
until late January. None of these mem-
bers are directly affiliated with the uni-
versities, but instead are community
leaders chosen to help develop options
to maintain diversity in the post-
Hopwood environment.
In October, the University of Texas at

Austin formed the Initiative for
Educational Diversity to focus on the
university's diversity plans. The initia-
tive, comprised of five separate task
forces, includes both students and fac-
"We've established a diversity initia-
tive on campus, a grass-roots attempt to
diversify the university," said Terry
Wilson, associate director for public
relations at the University of Texas at
Austin. "We're looking at five areas:
undergraduate and graduate admis-
sions, retention, outreach, and looking
at the issue of race itself."
Immediately following Hopwood, the
University of Texas at Austin had to
alter its admissions policy, as well as
certain programs that excluded white
students. Margarita Arellano, assistant
dean of students for retention services,
said many programs that helped minori-
ties adapt and succeed in college were
opened to everyone after the 1996 court

"(Some) minority students came ear-
lier in the summer," Arellano said.
"They had to complete certain courses
if they wanted to attend the university in
the fall. It is very typical to give minor-
ity students an edge to adjust to the
campus. After Hopwood, all ethnicities
were included."
Although laws forbid race as a factor
in admissions, the universities have
turned to new criteria in reviewing
Instead of banking heavily on stan-
dardized test scores, the School of Law
at the University of Texas at Austin said
it will seek "non-quantitative indicators
of academic promise" as well as "dis-
tinct experiences that are not otherwise
well-represented in the student body."
With a decline in minority represen-
tation at the school, Wilson said it is
necessary to place less weight on SAT
scores in order to maintain diversity.

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"Fewer blacks and Hispanics attend
the university than ever before," Wilson
said. "Curriculum and rank will predict
how well a student will do, rather than
SAT scores.
"The ones with the low SAT scores
and higher class ranking stay in the uni-
versity and graduate at the same rates as
those with higher SAT scores and lower
class rank," she said.
Arellano said the University of Texas
at Austin must not abandon its fight for
diversity, and that universities must
reflect society.
"One thing that I know as an educator
is that education is important for all,"
Arellano said. "Education will make the
difference in the next century. A part of
the population does not have access to
higher education. When they do not have
access, it does not benefit anyone.
"We need to look for solutions
because the problem is still there" she
Continued from Page 1
to wait and see if someone who signed
a 12-month lease is going abroad in the
An increase in advertising for this
year's event may also explain the large
turnout, Micale said.
"We did a lot more advertising this
year," he said. "And as a result, more
people are exploring the possibility of
off-campus housing."
Some students expressed that
more than one year spent in a resi-
dence hall room can be one too
"I should have gotten out a lot earli-
er," said LSA junior Jeff Hu.
An alternative to living in University
housing or in traditional houses or
apartments off campus is a cooperative
house. Co-ops, popular with thousands
of students on campus, can sometimes
save a resident more than 50 percent of
apartment rental costs.
Co-ops, which require tenants to
work around the house to supplement
their rent costs, force more responsibil-
ity upon students, said Raff Nataro, a
representative from the Inter-
Cooperative Council.
"Co-ops are a unique experience in
that it's not really renting - it's own-
ing," Nataro said. "The students get
more responsibility."
"Also, it allows more people who
normally wouldn't be able to afford off-
campus housing a chance to do so" he
said. "We know people can get sick of
the dorms."
Some companies on-hand yesterday,
such as Wilowtree Apartments, offered
coupons for $100 off the first month's
rent, while other companies ran raffle
contests that granted the winners a free
month of rent after they sign their lease
with the agency.
7:30 P.M.

Psychiatric exam of
Kaczynski begins
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - After
months of steadfastly refusing to
cooperate with government mental
experts, alleged Unabomber
Theodore Kaczynski yesterday sub-
mitted to an exam by a court-appoint-
ed psychiatrist - a move that could
pave the way for a plea-bargain
Legal experts, including a former fed-
eral prosecutor, said Kaczynski's coop-
eration could be a turning point in the
trial - even if the former University of
California at Berkeley mathematics pro-
fessor is found mentally competent to
stand trial.
They say an examination is likely
to spotlight Kaczynski's suspected
mental illness, possibly providing
federal prosecutors a graceful way to
accept a plea bargain under which
Kaczynski would plead guilty in
exchange for a sentence of life in
prison. The government is now seek-
ing the death penalty.

In the past week, prosecutors have
faced criticism for refusing to accept a
deal with Kaczynski, who has pleaded
not guilty.
But if they accept a deal for a life sen-
tence, the decision could trigger at
intense reaction from bombing victij
and their families.
U.S. health care
costs top $1 trillion
WASHINGTON - Health care costs
have topped $1 trillion in a single yea
for the first time, but the government
says annual spending increases are slow.
American spending on health ca
averaged $3,759 per person in 1996, n
4.4 percent or $126 from 1995, accord
ing to a Health and Human Service
Department report released yesterday.
That's the lowest growth rate since the
annual tally of health spending trends -
tracking public and private spending or
everything from medical -research to
Band-Aids - was first compiled it
1960. 0

Hussein halts inspection team again
WASHINGTON - Rekindling a smoldering confrontation
with the United States and its allies, Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein declared yesterday that Iraq will block arms inspec-
tions by a U.N. team led by an American, a step President
Clinton described as a "clear and serious" breach of the Gulf
War cease-fire.
Clinton predicted that the U.N. Security Council would
take "strong and appropriate action" if Iraq carries out its
The official Iraqi News Agency said Iraq will ban a Clinton
team led by former U.S. Marine Scott Ritter starting today
because it considers him to be a U.S. spy and his team includes too many
Americans. The agency said other U.N. inspectors would be allowed to oper-
A similar Iraqi threat in November touched off a crisis that eventually wa
papered over by Russian diplomacy. The United States at the time launched a n
itary build-up in the region and insisted it would keep all options open - includ-
ing the use of military force.

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Town and Gown meet

Indonesia agees to
follow IMF's plan
JAKARTA, Indonesia - Under
intense international pressure to put
its economic house in order,
Indonesia signaled yesterday that it is
finally prepared to begin making
sweeping economic reforms pre-
scribed by the International
Monetary Fund to stabilize its cur-
rency and stock markets.
After a two-hour meeting with
President Suharto, Stanley Fischer, the
IMF's second-highest-ranking official,
told reporters that the Indonesian
leader "didn't leave any doubt" in the
session "that he was willing to get
behind the (IMF plan) and go beyond
what had been agreed in the original
Fischer said he hoped to have the
broad outlines of the new Indonesian
plan - with specifics that Suharto
intends to adopt - worked out by
Thursday, in time to show Michel
Camdessus, the IMF managing director
who is to arrive here tomorrow to meet
with Suharto on Thursday.

Fischer's disclosure, a major
breakthrough in U.S. and Westerr
efforts to prod Suharto into comply-
ing with the IMF demands,
expected to have a significant effe
on financial markets, which have
been driving down the value ol
Indonesia's currency, the rupiah, foi
several weeks.
European countries
ban human cloning
PARIS - Less than a week afte
American scientist announced
would clone a child, 19 Europear
nations signed a treaty yesterday that
said cloning people violated humar
dignity and was a misuse of science.
Britain and Germany, however, balked
at signing the measure that London con-
siders too strict and Bonn too mild.
The signing by 19 members of the
Council of Europe came the same day
French President Jacques Chirac called
for an international ban on hun
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.
1 1;0 IF


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EDTOIA SAFJshWit, diorinChe
NEWS Jodi S. Cohen, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jeff Eldridge, Laurie Mayk. Anupama Reddy. Will Weissert.
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Reilly Brennan, Gerard Cohen-vrignaud. Greg Cox. Rachel Edelman, Margene Eriksen. Megan Exley, Maria Hackett,
Mike Haven, Stephanie Hepburn, Debra Hirschfield, Steve Horwitz. Heather Kamins, Jeffrey Kosseff, Neal Lepsetz. Ken Mazur, Chris
Metinko, Pete Meyers, William Nash, Christine M. Paik, Lee Palmer, Katie Plona. Susan T. Port, Diba Rab. Alice Robinson, Peter Romer-
Friedman, Mike SpanSam Stavis, Heather Wiggin, Kristin Wright. Jennifer Yachnin.
CALENDAR: Katie Plona.
EDITORIAL Erin Marsh, Edig
ASSOCIATE EDITORS Jack Schillaci, Sarah Lockyer
STAFF: Kristin Arola, Ellen Friedman, Lea Frost, Eric Hochstadt, Scott Hunter, Jason Korb, Yuki Kuniyuki, David Lai, James Miller, Joshua
Rich, Megan Schimpf, Paul Serilla. Ron Steiger, David Wallace, Matt Wimsatt, Jordan Young.
SPORTS John Leroi, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nicholas J. Cotsonika, Alan Goldenbach, Jim Rose. Danielle Rumore
STAFF: T.J. Berka, Josh Borkin, Evan Braunstein, Chris Duprey. Chris Farah, Jordan Field, Mark Francescutti, Rick Freeman, John Friedberg,
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ARTS Bryan Lark, Kristin Long, Editors
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Emily Lambert, Elizabeth Lucas
SUBEDITORS: Aaron Rennie (Music), Christopher Tkaczyk (Campus Arts), Joshua Pederson (Film), Jessica Eaton (Books), Stephanie Jo Klein (TV/New Media).
STAFF: Amy Barber, Matthew Barrett, Colin Bartos. Sarah Beldo, Caryn Burtt, Neal C. Carruth. Anitha Chalam, Brian Cohen, Gabe Fajuri,
Chris Felax, Laura Flyer, Michael Galloway, Geordy Gantsoudes, Anna Kovalski, Emily Lambert, Stephanie Love, James Miller, Rob
Mitchum, Stephen Paruszkiewicz, Joshua Pederson, Jennifer Petlinski, Ryan Posly, Aaron Rich, Joshua Rich, Deveron Q. Sanders, Anders
Smitn-Undall, Julia Shih, Gabriel Smith, Prashant Tamaskar, Ted Watts, Michael Zilberman, Curtis Zimmerman.
PHOTO Sara Stillman, Ed4
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Margaret Myers, Warren Zinn
STAFF: Louis Brown, Daniel Castle, Mallory S.E. Floyd, John Kraft, Kevin Krupitzer, Kelly McKinnell, Bryan McLellan, Emily Nathan, Paul Talanian.
COPY DESK Rebecca Berkun, Editor
STAFF: Alison Goldman, Jason Hoyer, Debra Liss, Amber Meloss, Jen Woodward.
ONLINE Adam Pollock, Editor
STAFF: Chris Farah, Marqunia liev, Elizabeth Lucas.
GRAPHICS Jonathan Weitz, Editor


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