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March 10, 1998 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-03-10

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The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 10, 1998 - 3


SACUA rejects creation of faculty regent

Man reports a
mugging on
S. State Street
A man called the Department of
Mfublic Safety Tuesday morning to
eport he was mugged on the 400 block
of S. State Street by three individuals,
reports state.
Two males tackled the victim, while
a female went through his pockets and
stole $80. The three assailants then fled
south through Mason Hall.
The victim refused to give out his
name and hung up the phone before the
operator could obtain further informa-
tion. Ann Arbor Police Department
Officers reporting to the scene did not
locate any suspects.
Thieves break
into cars, escape
A man contacted DPS early Saturday
morning to report that a cellular phone,
battery and headlight cover were stolen
from his vehicle, DPS reports state.
fhe car was parked on the third level of
the carport on Church Street.
Police said another vehicle was bro-
ken into less than five minutes later.
Thieves broke the passenger side win-
dow of a Ford Taurus on the third level
of the carport to steal the cellular phone
and other items.
Reports indicate that the suspects,
six males driving a recent model of a
black Ford Taurus, have not been
Drivers report
road collapse
Two University bus drivers called
DPS on Friday to report a sink hole on
Bonisteel Boulevard, reports state. The
drivers told police they could feel the
road sinking and could see pavement
Officers reporting to the scene
ound that the North Campus road's
surface had dropped 1.5 feet within a
24-hour period. Police contacted the
University plumbing and plumbers
said they believed the ground settled
as a result of a prior water main
Eastbound Bonisteel was shut
down at the plumber's request, and
barricades were erected to protect
e area until the road could be
Man tries to
break into vehicle
An Angell Hall computing site work-
er called DPS on Friday to report that a
woman was screaming for help at the
corner of N. Thayer Street and North
University Avenue, DPS reports state.
Ghe victim said a male was trying to
orce his way into her vehicle.
AAPD and DPS sent officers to the
scene and a warrant check on the 28-
year-old male suspect was negative.
The man was arrested and transported
to AAPD for processing.
Change pilfered
from West Quad
soda machines
DPS received three calls yesterday
or before reporting that three men
were breaking into the soda
machines in the lobby of the West
Quad Residence Hall. After the rob-
bery, the suspects walked onto

Thompson Street and fled eastbound
on Packard in a blue Toyota Camry.
Housing security told police that the
en would have large amounts of
Iange and a tool used to break into the
machine. Officers met with Knights
Vending Company, whose representa-
tives said that nothing was stolen.
. Three hours later, Washtenaw County
Police told DPS they found and stopped
the suspect vehicle. Officers identified
the driver and filed a report. An arrest
was not made at the time.
-Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Jason Stofer

By William Nash
Daily Staff Reporter
The Senate Advisory Committee on University
Affairs, the faculty's advising committee, defeated
a motion to take steps toward placing a faculty
member on the Board of Regents as an ex-officio
member yesterday.
The motion was rejected in a 5-3 vote. If passed,
the motion would been discussed by the Senate
Assembly, the faculty's governing body, for future
The idea of having a faculty representative on
the Board of Regents has been discussed for the
past two years by SACUA.
SNRE prof. Bunyan Bryant, SACUA member
who sponsored the motion, said he would like the
SACUA chair to be on the board.

"We need to step up to the plate," Bryant said.
"Having faculty involvement in Board of Regents'
meetings is a potentially exciting idea"
Bryant noted that 22 of 108 universities across
the nation have faculty members on their boards.
Of the 22 members, 12 have voting privileges.
"We need to break out of the box we're in and
break tradition heading into the 21st Century,"
Bryant said.
Another advantage of placing a faculty mem-
ber on the board would be having faculty
involvement in administrative matters, regard-
less of whether the president was an individual
not as faculty-friendly as University President
Lee Bollinger, Bryant said.
But other SACUA members did not greet the
motion with the same positive reaction as Bryant.

The disadvantages of pushing to get faculty on
the board outweigh the possible advantages, said
many SACUA members.
"It is an excellent idea in principle, but for one
reason, the SACUA chair might only represent
himself and not the rest of the faculty," SACUA
member Gordan MacAlpine said.
SACUA also discussed a failure to explore cur-
rent options for access to the board. Bollinger has
granted SACUA liaisons the right to speak in front
of the regents and could possibly let them sit at the
table, said SACUA Chair Louis D'Alecy.
"it could be a potential embarrassment," said
D'Alecy, a physiology professor. "We would be
asking for more interaction when we have not pur-
sued our current level of interaction"
Bryant said that asking Bollinger for a seat for a

SACUA member at every regents' meeting is a
"Being on the table is different from asking from
permission," Bryant said. "There is a certain psy-
chology behind asking every time to sit at the table."
Any SACUA member, or other community
member, can attend a regent's meeting.
One reason why some SACUA members
haven't attended board meetings is the faculty's
lack of direct participation in the board, said
SACUA member Lewis Kleinsmith.
"I never go to watch racquetball," Kleinsmith
said. "I have no interest in being a spectator, but
it's different being a participant."
Though turning down the motion dealt a blow to
the concept, the issue is not dead, said SACUA
Chair-elect William Ensminger.

After the flood

Hate crimes at 'U'
mark national trend

By Jason Stoffer
Daily Staff Reporter
Business junior Corey Fryling found
hate signs on his door, had a garbage
can full of water spilled into his room
and received an indirect death threat
while living at Mary Markley
Residence Hall last year.
He said these incidents were malicious
hate crimes that stemmed from his active
membership in the University's gay com-
munity. Hate crimes such as those against
Fryling have not been uncommon on the
University's campus in the past year.
The Triangle Foundation, a national
gay rights group, reported a 34-percent
increase last year in hate crimes against
the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgen-
der communities on college campuses.
"Misinformation abounds on this
campus about gays and lesbians," said
University Affirmative Action
Representative Jim Toy. "There are
5,000 entering students every year
and they bring their prejudices with
The increase in hate crimes wasn't
limited to universities - overall inci-
dents rose two percent nationally and 12
percent in Michigan, the foundation
The University is a microcosm of
society, and several highly publicized
hate crimes on campus this past year
indicate the University has been unable
to shirk the national trend, Toy said.
During the past year, University
groundskeepers controversially removed
gay rights chalkings from the Diag, while
perpetrators defaced a gay rights sticker
in Angell Hall and ripped down a gay
organization's Diag bulletin board.
Fryling said anti-gay incidents are
most common in residence halls, where
first-year students of contrasting back-
grounds live side-by-side.
"In residence halls you have a large

diversity of students coming together,
and a lot of students want to come out,"
Fryling said. "Other students just came
to Ann Arbor from communities wherc
they had little contact with gays.
"Because you have to live with each
other, (residence halls) are where a lot
of problems happen," he said.
Jeff Montgomery, the Triangle
Foundation's interim director, said that
although reported hate crimes have
increased in each of the past eight
years, it is hard to gauge how many
crimes are unreported.
"For the most part, I think (the
increase) is because people are reput-
ing more," Montgomery said.
But the large increase in campus hate
crimes was not due entirely to increaeC
reporting, he said.
"U of M, (Michigan State Universdy
and Wayne State (University) are geier-
ally very good," Montgomery said. "ac
problem is with smaller schools.
"Michigan is fortunate because they
have the best model (Lesbian, Gay
Bisexual and Transgender) office o
any school in the country' he said.
Toy said a change in college stu-
dents' political beliefs might be anothe:
factor in the rise of hate crimes.
"College students are more conserva-
tive than they were a few years agolan.
conservatives are generally more likel-
to commit these crimes,' Toy said.
Fryling said that Ellen Degenere:
coming out on television, in combination
with the growth of queer rights move-
ments, led to increased public visibilit'
for the nation's gay community last yeai.
"There's definitely a correatiol
between increased visibility in the. ga,
community and an increased numbe
hate crimes," Fryling said. "I think you'l
see even more hate crimes, but I thins
that's a natural tendency and will causc
people to start a dialogue.

Maintenance worker George Woods and Resident Adviser Arle DeJong help to clear East Quad Residence Hall's Green
Lounge of water yesterday. Water from a leak on the second floor caused water to leak through the ceiling.

U' to celebrate
women's history

By Rachel Edelman
Daily Staff Reporter
The accomplishments and legacies of
women throughout the years, as well as
those of contemporary women, will be
honored with events, speakers and panels
as the University celebrates national
Women's History Month this March.
"I think it's important to reflect on
what women have done so far, in making
strides in the feminist movement, and
what we still have left to do," said LSA
senior Puja Dhawan, who is coordinating
an event to celebrate the month.
The women's studies department has
organized one of the first major series of
events for Women's History Month in
many years. The series, titled, "Rocking
the Boat: Women in the Labor
Movement," will be held March 26-30
and focus on both contemporary and his-
torical perspectives of women's involve-
ment in the labor movement.
"We thought that (the labor movement)
was one of the most important parts of
women's history" said women's studies
program associate Donna Ainsworth,
stressing that it involve women of all ages
and cultures working together.
The series will feature a keynote
address by Martha Ojeda of the Coalition
for Justice in the Maquiladores sched-
uled for March 26; a dramatic reading by
Aurora Levins Morales about the history
of working women around the world
scheduled for March 29; and an intergen-
erational panel scheduled for March 30
that will feature many generations of
women labor organizers. A film series
and a photo exhibit of the Detroit news-
papers' strike are also planned as a part of
the celebration.
Ainsworth said the department's recog-
nition of the month stems from an editor-
ial that ran in The Michigan Daily in 1994
that criticized the University for not orga-

nizing enough events for the month.
"We were doing some programs with
our limited resources," she said. "This is
the first big thing that we've organized."
The African American Programming
Task Force is planning a celebration
focusing on black women, titled "To
Thine Own Self Be True: Affirming the
Black Woman."
"We thought it would be nice if there
was a way to celebrate black women's
history as well as every women's histo-
ry," said LSA senior Shanon Muir, an
organizer of the event.
Muir said the events will focus on the
mental and physical health of black
women. The events include a discussion
about sisterhood among women of color
scheduled for March 16, an address by
Nursing Prof. and Director of the School
of Nursing's Office of Multicultural
Affairs Patricia Coleman-Burns on
"Black Women in the Diaspora: Issues of
Class" scheduled for March 18 and a
mixer to strengthen ties between black
female faculty and students on March 22.
Artemesia 1998: A Conference on
Women's Issues, which will take place
this Friday through Sunday, will focus on
issues of relevance to women, including
violence against women, women in lead-
ership, gender roles, multiculturalism,
women's health and activism.
"It's appropriate that in a month where
we celebrate what women have achieved,
we celebrate what women in Ann Arbor
have accomplished," Dhawan said.
The conference will feature Ann Arbor
Mayor Ingrid Sheldon, U.S. Rep. Lynn
Rivers (D-Ann Arbor), state Sen. Alma-
Wheeler-Smith (D-Salem Twp.), state
Rep. Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor), the
University's Sexual Assault Prevention
Awareness Center Director Virginia
Chitanda and Provost Nancy Cantor.


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The candlelight vigil held on Feb. 25 was co-sponsored by the Michigan Taiwanese Student Association and the
Taiwanese Student Association. In addition, the Taiwanese Week was put together by MTSA, not TASA. This was incorrect-
ly reported in Feb. 26's edition of the Daily.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today

F Cleptomaniacs and Shoplifters
Anonymous, 913-6990, First
Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron St.,
Pnnm 1(n9-'7-QA- n m

Applications," Sponsored by
Center for Chinese Studies,
International Institute, Room
1636, 12 p.m.
U1 "1998 Campus Information Centers,
Staff Selection Applications avail-

203, Ypsilanti, 6-9 p.m.
h Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley
Lobby, 8 p.m.- 1:30 a.m.
U Psychology Peer Advising Office,
647-3711, East Hall, Room 1346,
11 a.m.-4 p.m.


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