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One hundred seven years of edziial freedom
March 9, 1998
4 ', .~1,'1
Coalition asserts
ight to intervene
Judge has enough
information to determine
propriety of CAAP
intervention request
By Katie Plona
Daily Staff Reporter
Following a month of motions and
legal debate, Detroit Federal Judge
prick Duggan can now decide the fate
a coalition asking to become defen-
dants in the first of two lawsuits chal-
lenging the University's use of race as a
factor in the admissions process.
Citizens for A ffirmative Action's
Preservation, a coalition composed of
17 Michigan high school students, local
attorneys and national organizations,
filed a motion this past Wednesday
asserting its right to intervene in the
'AAP's reply motion responded to
briefs filed by the University and the
Center for Individual Rights about
two weeks ago.
"The main point of the reply is that we
don't agree with CIR that we should be
kept out," said Chris Hansen, ACLU
senior staff counsel. The ACLU joined
with two other national organizations
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational
Fund and the Mexican American Legal
fense and Educational Fund -- to lead
the coalition.
The reply asserts CAAP's timely,
legal interest in the lawsuit, as well as
counter pointing other arguments Cl R
made in its response motion to
CAAP's intervention.
Godfrey Dillard, CAAP spokesper-
son, said Duggan has two options
when ruling on whether to allow the
intervention. Duggan can either make
uling based on all of the briefs
I ed by the three parties or he can
hold a hearing to allow oral argument
to decide the ruling, Dillard said.
"We feel that we have answered the
response of the CIR and we are cau-
tiously optimistic that the judge will
rule in our favor," Dillard said.
When and how Duggan will rule is
"Essentially, he could do that any
time he wants," Hansen said, adding
that the decision could come anytime
from now to September.
The related filings began when
members of the coalition filed a
motion to intervene in the lawsuit
Feb. 5. If the intervention is permit-
ted, the coalition will have the same
status in the case as both the
University and CIR.
CIR, a Washington D.C.-based law
firm, filed the lawsuit Oct. 14 against
the University on behalf of two white
applicants who claimed they were
unfairly evaluated in the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts'
admissions process because race was
used as a factor. The two applicants
argue that while they were denied
admission, less qualified minority
students were admitted to the
In its response motion, the
University did not oppose CAAP's
"We feel that we clearly meet the
requirements of a substantial legal
interest in the case," Dillard said. "If
this law is stricken down, these stu-
dents will be affected."
But Terry Pell, CIR senior legal
counsel, said this is not the case.
"Under the 6th Circuit case, they
have to show a legally protectable
interest, and they do not in this case,"
Pell said.
In addition to showing legal inter-
est in the lawsuit, the coalition must
demonstrate that its interests are not
already adequately represented by the
"Clearly, we have a fair substantial
See LAWSUIT, Page 7A
win Big
By Mark Snyder
Daily Sports Editor
CHICAGO - -Yesterday, for the third time in the past
12 months, Robert Traylor sat at a press conference
with a net around his neck and a smile on his face -
and any Michigan fan could tell who the victors were.
Michigan, behind 24 points and 13 rebounds from its
all-Big Ten center, had just captured the first Big Ten
Tournament championship in the league's history. The
Wolverines defeated Purdue in the championship game,
76-67, at the United Center.
Michigan appeared tentative at the start of the game
and trailed at halftime. The mistakes added up and Louis
Bullock, the Wolverines' best shooter, wasn't close to
finding the net. But little of that will be remembered years
from now when the Michigan record books are opened.
"I'm happy to win the basketball game,' said Traylor,
sporting the twine necklace. "The guys did a good job.
It feels so good to win the first-ever Big Ten
Tournament championship~
Traylor, named the tournament's most valuable play-
er, led Michigan (1 1-5 Big Ten, 24-8 overall) in scoring
and on the boards as the Wolverines finished the tour-
nament with their sixth straight victory.
The tournament, which began Thursday, allowed
Michigan to regain the flow it showed in winning the
National Invitational Tournament last spring and the
Puerto Rico Classic this past December.
And afterward, in front of the assembled media and
television audience, the Wolverines were all smiles.
Along with Traylor, the Wolverines got contributions
from almost everyone during their tournament run.
Bullock, Jerod Ward, Travis Conlan and Traylor were
crucial to Michigan's first Big Ten basketball champi-
onship of any kind since the 1985-86 season.
Traylor may have won the tournament honor for out-
standing play during the three-game stretch, but without
the rest of the Wolverines playing their roles, Purdue
(12-4, 26-7) would likely have played a different oppo-
See BIG TENS, Page 5B
Michigan center Robert Traylor celebrates after defeating Purdue and winning the first-ever Big Ten
Tournament in Chicago yesterday. The junior was named the tournament's most valuable player.
G1 0
grabs No. 3 seedwill face Davidson
1 -
i9. t
I L' i
By James Goldstein
Daily Sports Writer
(i C -AGO In the Westin Hotel's
Mayfair Room, Michigan players and
coaches waited until the last possible
moment to learn their NCAA
Tournament fate, prompting Michigan
guard Louis Bullock to state the
unthinkable: -Maybe they forgot about
Bullock's comment was in jest, of
course, after the Wolverines capped
off a perf ct weekend with a victory
over Purdue in the finals of the inau-
gural Big Ten Tournament yesterday at
the United Center.
The atmosphere of the conference
room was that of excited anxiety as the
players, donning their championship
hats, watched ESPN for the announce-
ment of the 64-team tournament field.
The team waited throughout seven
of the eight brackets until, by process
of elimination, the Wolverines figured
out that they were heading south. And
then Michigan's name appeared on the
The result: The Wolverines (24-8) as
the No. 3 seed in the South regional will
play Davidson (20-9) -the No. 14 seed
- in Atlanta's Georgia Dome on Friday.
The time of the game will be deter-
Inside: See the schedule of games for
the NCAA tournament. Page 8B.
NCAA bid
The Michigan
basketball team
received its
invitation to the NCAA tourna-
ment. The Wolverines will face
UCLA in Tuscaloosa, Ala. See
SPORTSMonday for more info.
LSA sophomore Shruti Goenka returns to West Quad yesterday after a spring break
trip to St. Louis, where she visited her family.
Pranks, parties, studies
i sprig reak days
honor pastz'
By Sarah Welsh
For the Daily
Any student who walks past the graduate library
sees evidence of former University President Harlan
Hatcher's association with the University. But those
who knew him - as a doting grandfather, as a lover
of golf and English literature aid as a champion of
higher education- understand thrat the influence of
his extraordinary life reaches muc'h further.
Friends and family of the late president, who died Feb.
25 at the age of99,_ gAthered at Rackham Auditorium on
March 1 to share their upliting mmories and reflect on
Hatcher's long arefr at th University Many speakers
recited verses from i atcher'i vworite poems by Alfred
Lord Tennyson. Willim Shakespeare. Robert Frost,
WB. Yeats and Robert Browning and reminisced on
By Erin Holmes
Daily St fl Rporter
Sometimes you feel like a nut.
Sometimes you don't:
One week after they completed class-
and packed their suitcases to head
&Th of town, University students
returned to Ann Arbor with a mix of
wild and mild spring break memories.
For Gabe Williams, an LSA first-
year student, the week vacation meant
partying in Whistler, British Columbia
and using new pick-up lines on women.
LSA sophomore Michael-Anne
Ashford encountered an unusual stalker
at Disney World, where she spent spring
break with four of her friends.
"Eeyore (a Winnie the Pooh charac-
ter) followed us all around the park,"
Ashford said. "It started when he tick-
led one of my friends after we didn't
pose for a picture with him."
Jayson Scheiderer, an Engineering
first-year student who also vacationed in
Florida, had a different experience,
including an expression of school spirit.
Hatcher's passion for golf
"Harlan always told me you cannot postpone a
game because of rain. Maury, golf was invented in
this weather,"' said Maurice Bolmer, Hatcher's
long-time friend.
University President Lee Bollinger spoke at the ser-
Tom Berenberg speaks about his grandfather, former University President Harlan Hatcher, at a memorial service
for Hatcher held at Rackham Auditorium on March 1.
responsibility," and Hatcher presided during a crucial
16-year period of the University's history, including
faculty awards for excellence, the Undergraduate
Honors Program and the innovative undergraduate