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February 26, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-02-26

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One hundred seven years of editn,&freedom

February 26, 1998

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By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
Former University. President Harlan
Hatcher, who oversaw the University's largest
od of expansion during his 16 years in
office, died yesterday at age 99.
"We would like him to be remembered as
a man of courage, vision and keen intellect,"
Anne Hatcher Berenberg, Hatcher's daughter
said yesterday, speaking on behalf of the
Hatcher family.
"We remember him as a loving husband and
father who nurtured the best in his family"
Hatcher said. "We remember him as loving,
arm ... with an optimistic outlook."
University President Lee Bollinger said
Hatcher will be remembered for leading the
University during a time of immense physi-
cal growth.
"President Hatcher had a noble bearing, a
noble mind and a level of human courtesy
unknown in our time," Bollinger said in a
written statement. "He presided over the
University during one of it's formative
stages. His name will always be mentioned in
By Jason Stoffer
Daily Staff Reporter
A female University student was
allegedly sexually assaulted early
Sunday morning in Couzens Residence
Hall, said Department of Public Safety
spokesperson Elizabeth Hall.
DPS reports state that a University
student is a suspect in the assault.
According to the reports, the alleged
incident is considered third degree
criminal sexual conduct, which indi-
cates that penetration occurred.
Hall, however, said she could not
confirm if penetration occurred during
the attack.
"We have a suspect," Hall said. "I'm
t able to disclose any more informa-
n at this time."
University Hospitals security offi-
cials alerted DPS this past Tuesday
that a sexual assault victim was
being seen in the hospital's emer-
gency room.
Hall said DPS filed a report and is
investigating the alleged assault.
Couzens residents said they are upset
and shocked that a sexual assault may
have taken place in their residence hall.
, LSA first-year student Lindsay
aldman, who lives in Couzens, said
she has "never even thought" about her
safety in the residence hall.
"I would never think anything like
that would happen in my hallway,"
Waldman said.
See ASSAULT, Page 7A
paperfiles e

By Christine M. Paik de
Daily Staff Reporter
The University of Wisconsin at
adison's student newspaper, The
dger Herald, filed a criminal com-
plaint against a Wisconsin state official
Monday after the official allegedly
ordered the removal of all copies of the
newspaper from the Wisconsin State
Capitol Building.
Sergeant-at-Arms Denise Solie was
accused by Capitol legislative assistant
Mike Verveer and several pages who
work in the building of ordering the
oval of the papers after a story ran
the paper last Thursday that criti-
cized Assembly Speaker Scott Jensen
(R- Wisc.). Solie is denying the accusa-
Dustin Block, a reporter for The
Badger Herald, said he filed the com-



the same breath as Michigan."
During his term as president, the Ann'
Arbor campus was massively expanded and
the Flint and Dearborn campuses were estab-
"Hatcher was
responsible for oversee-
ing our post-World War
II growth, which was°
the largest the
University has experi-
enced," said history
Prof. Margaret Steneck,
adding that the period
is often remembered as
the "Hatcher building
boom" and includes Hatcher
buildings such as the undergraduate library.
"The development of North Campus had
been conceived under (former University
president Alexander Ruthven) but it was
under Hatcher that the development of North
Campus began," Steneck said.
Enrollment grew from 17,000 students at
the beginning of Hatcher's term to 37,000 stu-

dents at the end of his presidency.
His keen memory was one of his remarkal
qualities, several University faculty memb4
"I'll always be impressed with his en
mous memory," said history Prof. Sidn
Fine, who recalled Hatcher reciting the wr
ing of Robert Browning from memory at]
95th birthday celebration.
Hatcher, who was an English profess
and wrote several books on the Gr
Lakes region, was a yearly guest lectui
in the University's course on the histo
of the University of Michigan, where
spoke on his years as president.
"He has been teaching our class each ye
right through last year," said Steneck, w
teaches the course.
During the course, Steneck said, Hatd
would discuss with clarity the day-to-d
activities he performed as president.
"What will always stand out about Harl
Hatcher to me is his memory" Steneck sa
"He could remember what he had done a
why he had done it."

Dick Kennedy, former vice president for
ble University relations, said that while Hatcher
ers was in office, he and his wife were the ideal
presidential couple.
or- "He and his wife were the epitome of
ey what everybody imagines when they imag-
rit- me a University president and a first lady
his on campus," Kennedy said. "He was a
scholar and was a supporter of scholarship
sor on campus. (Anne) held her own under
eat any circumstance.
rer "He managed the University when it's
ry growth was at it's peak," Kennedy said. "it
he was a very tricky process because the growth
was coming so fast - it was a phenomenal
ear management problem and (Hatcher and his
'ho administration) solved it."
The later years of Hatcher's term were
her marked by the rise of student unrest caused
lay by anti-Vietnam War sentiments on campus
during the late '60s.
an "Hatcher was never comfortable dealing
id. with dissent. We were moving into adifferent
nd era ... he knew this was an era that he was
See HATCHER, Page 7A


Fun in the sun


President's ps
has evolved
By William Nash
Daly Staff Reporter
Harlan Hatcher presided over the University during a
time when the position of University president was a little
"It's quite true that the position has changed," said psy-
chology prof. emeritus Wilbert MKeachie. "Back then,
the president was more a symbol of the University.'
Many former University faculty members said they
remember Hatcher's as a president of high societal status.
"if a Hollywood director wanted to fill the role of a uni-
versity president, they could've just taken him" said
Economics Prof. emeritus Paul McCracken.
But the fireside chats and post-football game celebra-
tions of University President Lee Bollinger stand in stark
contrast to Hatcher's style of presidency.
Class of 2002
on the nse
0 Applications for next year's
incoming class jump 17-20 percent
By Gerard Cohen-Vrgnaud
Daily Staff Reporter
Following a jubilant Rose Bowl victory and contro-
versy surrounding the University's admissions policies,
applications for admission to the University are up by
nearly 20 percent over last year at this time.
"We're 17 to 20 percent over where we were last
year," said Director of Undergraduate Admissions Ted
"We're excited that we're up so far this year. I think
this year will be comparable to some of our best years
even though it's still too early to say."
LSA Dean Edie Goldenberg said she is pleased with
the increase in applications, which will help make next
fall's entering class even more competitive.
"Increases in applications bring to Michigan the
opportunity to select an even stronger student body, and
everyone benefits from that," Goldenberg said. "Our
students come from all over the world. They are an
amazingly talented group of young people who have
engaged in a wide variety of curricular studies and
extracurricular activities."
Opinions vary on what is causing the jump in appli-
cations. The Wolverines' Rose Bowl victory and share
of the National Championship title are probably one
factor, Spencer said.
I think athletics has certainly contributed to it, but
there are a whole bunch of factors affecting the number
of applications," Spencer said. "Any time you can have
your name in front of the public in a positive light, it's
going to generate interest."
Danielle Wroblewski, a senior at Mercy High School
in Farmington Hills, said that she thinks the publicity
from the perfect Michigan football season helped the
University distinguish itself from other institutions.
"You need to do something to stand out, to differen-
tiate a University," Wroblewski said. "If you were to
spend all of your time reading the letters you got from
colleges, that would be your life."
Regardless of the University's athletic triumphs,
Spencer and Goldenberg contend that the University's
growing academic reputation has propelled Ann Arbor
to the top of the lists of competitive college-bound stu-
"I suspect that the reputation of Michigan as an out-
standing university in all respects -- in liberal arts edu-
cation, in professional education, in sports, in research

LSA sophomores Sarah Polland and Alex Villacorta lie back and relax on the Diag yesterday, enjoying the unseasonably warm and sunny
Pinted course guides eliminated

Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud
ily Staff Reporter
Bowing to the pressures of an increasingly
chnological and environmentally friendly
e, the University will no longer offer print
rsions of course guides for the College of
terature, Science and the Arts and will
tirely concentrate its efforts on improving its
line course guide.
"The course guide, as it is, currently is at a
ad-end," said Bob Wallin, director of the

Office of Academic Information and
Publications. "The possibilities for the online
version will take the courseguide to a higher
level "
The change will save the University
$10,000 in printing costs each semester, Wallin
said. About 39,000 course guides are printed
for the fall and winter terms alone.
The online course guide will offer more fea-
tures than the printed version, Wallin said.
Each course description presently is linked to

CRISP information so students can find out
class locations, times and availabilities.
"Each course has a link that will give you the
real time availability," said Mark Garrett, stu-
dent academic affairs Webmaster. "It can tell
the students where it meets, when it meets and
how many spots are left."
Course descriptions will no longer be limit-
ed by the space constraints of printed pages.
Links to University department Web pages,

Adams wins Golden
Apple award for teaching

By Wiliam Nash
Daily Staff Reporter
Envelope please. Drum roll. And the winner of
the 1998 Golden Apple is ... Well, it hasn't been
officially announced yet.
But on April 6, economics Prof. Jim Adams will
be recognized by students as their top professor.
"I'm deeply gratified being selected and put in
such great company," Adams said. "Being among
great teachers ... took my breath away."
'Th.,. X.- A,-... AAnnipa nn -nnniA cmncrpa byI

nomics Prof Gary Saxonhouse. "He has a long-
standing commitment to excellence in teaching
and is a model for everyone else in the economics-
department and University."
Students submitted nominations either by e-
mail or by ballot. The SHOUT committee then
went over the nominations, choosing the winner
based on quantity and quality.
"The length and passion with which the nomi-
nations were written was taken into account along

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