WEgn *rnP News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 764-0554 One hundred seven years of edltnr Ilfreedom Wednesday February 25, 1998 a z: . ,. . F.:. .: s ,,. h 'u ' Ui Lawsuit partiesile coalition pesponses The University and CIR respond to a coalition's motion to intervene By Peter Romer-Friedman 'aily Staff Reporter oth the University and the Center Individual Rights filed responses yesterday to a coalition's motion to intervene in the first of two lawsuits challenging the University's admis- sions policies. The University did not oppose the intervention, while CIR expressed its apposition to the inclusion of the coali- tion that is seeking to intervene on behalf f 17 minority high school students. CIR filed the lawsuit against the llege of Literature, Science and the Arts on Oct. 14 targeting its use of race is a factor in the admissions process. The coalition, called Citizens for Affirmative Action's Preservation, said it wishes to intervene because it believes it has interests that cannot be sufficient- ly represented by the University. If Detroit Federal Judge Patrick Duggan approves the intervention in catz v. Bollinger, the coalition would e rights equal to both parties. "The defendants will vigorously lefend this case," the University's esponse stated. "The Proposed defen- jant-intervenors have a substantial inter- est in the subject matter of this litigation. lhe defendants do not oppose their notion to intervene in this case." CAAP, comprised of 17 students, arents, attorneys, the American Civil Liberties Union, the NAACP Legal ense and Educational Fund and the exican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, has five days to eply to the two responses, after which Duggan will hand down his decision on he intervention. CIR Senior Legal Counsel Terry Pell said the coalition has no "legally pro- :ectable interest," and therefore, Duggan should deny its motion to itrvene. He said it would also corn- ate the lawsuit and slow down the See RESPONSES, Page 7 ...... ....... A ation I Day of Action Hundreds rally for affirmative action By Rachel Edelman and Susan T. Port Daily Staff Reporters Hundreds of students attempted to capture the essence of the '60s and '70s social movements as they demonstrated support for affirmative action at the University yesterday. The National Day of Action, desig- nated by the Rev. Jesse Jackson as a day to support affirmative action nationwide, was celebrated at the University by a rally and march on the Diag, two teach-ins and a sit-in at Angell Hall. Event organizers also encouraged students to skip classes for the day. The day hit close to home at the University in light of two lawsuits filed against the University last fall that target its use of race in its admis- sions policies. "It's important for the students to show the media and the nation that it's not business as usual when affirma- tive action is under attack," said Law second-year student Kevin Pimentel. After the morning teach-in, Pimentel stood before 250 students who gathered on the Diag to rally for affirmative action. Pimentel described affirmative action as "the last game of the Civil Rights Movement that is still standing." Pimentel said that although his classes at the Law School were not cancelled, his professors accommo- dated students by offering audio and video tapes of missed lectures to stu- dents who participated in the day's events. "I think we have had a great showing of the school," Pimentel said. "The peo- ple are really listening to the speakers here at the rally and at the teach-in." University officials said no classes were officially cancelled for the events. But several professors and graduate student instructors offered alternatives for students who missed classes yesterday. History GSI Alice Ritscherle said she encouraged her class to attend the sit-in to learn more about how diversi- ty affects the campus. "I am going to let students make up their own minds," Ritscherle said. "I See ACTION, Page 7 (Above) SARA STILLMAN, (Right) ALLISON CANTER/Daily Students respond to a speaker during a rally on the Diag (above) and listen to various speakers in Angell Hall during a teach-in (right) yesterday. The rally and the teach-in were two of the events held on campus for the National Day of Action, I U.S. questions new Iraq accord SPRING BAKE [VWashington Post UNITED NATIONS - Secretary General Kofi Annan predicted yesterday that his agreement with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein about future U.N. weapons inspections will win unani- mous support from the Security Council. But after hearing a detailed explanation from Annan, U.S. offi- said they still" ave many unan- swered questions about whether the accord provides an effective means of finding Iraq's pro- hibited weaponsa systems. A senior U.S.A fficial, who lined to be identified, said the Clinton nistration is especially concerned about how much control the U.N. Special Commission charged with eliminating [raq's weapons of mass destruction will retain over inspections of eight large aomplexes that Iraq claims are essential Lo its national security. The agreement negotiated by Annan in Baghdad this past weekend calls for giving the authority to conduct inspec- h s at the eight so-called presidential Ss to a new special group composed of LNSCOM personnel and senior diplo- mats, probably chosen from the five per- manent Security Council members. The U.S. fears that this new entity might be more susceptible than UNSCOM to out- guiding its operations. He also said he believes UNSCOM requires some kind of political oversight and added that, with this in mind, he intends to appoint a special political representative to Iraq, without spelling out the duties this offi- cial would have. In a private briefing to the Security Council yesterday morning shortly after returning here from Paris to a hero's welcome from the United Nations staff, Annan said that UNSCOM's responsibility for inspec- tions outside the eight disputed areas would continue unchanged, according to an official who was present. In the accord, Iraq agreed to grant weapons inspectors "immediate, unconditional, and unrestricted access." U.S. officials continued to describe the pact in public in generally opti- mistic, if cautious, terms. Annan's descriptions of UNSCOM's revised role, however, seem to fall short of past U.S. insistence that UNSCOM must have the central responsibility in any future inspection activity, and one offi- cial said that Annan thus far has not defined UNSCOM's duties within the new group more specifically. Late yesterday, Annan telephoned President Clinton to offer assurances that the arrangements he will make for inspections by the special group will meet key U.S. goals, according to two senior administration officials. These officials said that Annan said he will appoint an expert in weapons inspections as the head of the group, and that the inspections it MSA potentials to file candidacy anticipate races By Kristin Wright Daily Staff Reporter While some students will be relaxing and enjoying the sun during spring break, aspiring campus politicians will be preparing their campaigns for the upcoming Michigan Student Assembly elections. Although the final deadline to file for candidacy in the March 18th and 19th elections is not until Friday, prospective candidates and other students are buzzing about party affili- ations, campaign strategies and candidate platforms. LSA Rep. Trent Thompson, co-chair of the Student Regent Task Force, said his decision to run for MSA president was not easy, but he is excited about his upcoming presidential campaign. Thompson has not decided who will run on his slate for the vice president seat. "It took me a while to decide how I was going to run," Thompson said. "It was something that I didn't really think I was going to do until last night." Communications Chair Ryan Friedrichs, an LSA junior, also announced his intention to run for the presidential seat with LSA-SG Academic Affairs Committee Chair Albert Garcia as a runningmate. Friedrichs and Garcia are running as independents in the election. Friedrichs and Garcia said that running as independents will change students impression of MSA elections - that cam- paigning through a party is the only way to join the assembly. Thompson is running with the Students' party. "We're making MSA a better place. I think there's a defi- nite need for parties," Thompson said. "I personally have nothing against the party system," Garcia said. "But I've noticed that parties create a division within the assembly." Garcia said their decision to run without a party stems from a desire to eliminate the divisions within the assembly caused by parties. Garcia said that although parties have been beneficial for ALLISON CANTER/Daily LSA senior Brian Chisholm tries indoor tanning at Southern Exposure on South University Avenue before heading to the beaches in Panama City for spring break. Students prepare for Sun By Lee Palmer Daily Staff Reporter With Michigan's lack of sun this time of year, some students are resorting to local tan- ning salons in order to combat their appearance concerns and fear of burning in tropical cli- mates during spring break. Employees of Ann Arbor tanning salons said their schedules are full as students rush to try to get a base tan before they head south. "We're booked for the whole week," said round, but the recent crowd is preparing for spring break. "They, tan so they don't burn on the beach," Poszywak said. "But you also look better out there with some skin color, so you don't look like Casper." Barry Auster, a dermatologist and a clinical instructor of Dermatology at Wayne State University, said it is paradoxical for people to think they can avoid the dangers of ultra violet rays by frequenting a tanning salon before I I