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February 24, 1998 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1998-02-24

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many m
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Kofi
Annan's aides saw it as a good omen:
Iraq allowed the U.N. secretary-gener-
al's plane to land at the mostly deserted
Saddam Hussein International Airport.
A small, but significant gesture.
U.N. personnel normally must fly
into a drab military airfield and drive
more than an hour to Baghdad. By
letting Annan use the closer interna-
tional airport, the Iraqis were
telegraphing that they had high hopes
for the visit.
But success was not instant. In three
days of negotiating, close aides said.
Annan had to listen to long lists of Iraqi
grievances, deciding which to answer
and which to let pass in the interests of
focusing on his immediate mission. A
U.N. linguist had to offer draft after
draft of a final agreement, looking for
language booby traps. And U.N. offi-
cials discussed intently how Annan
should handle his most critical meeting.
with Saddam himself.
The mission began as Annan, dressed
in a gray suit, stepped from his French
government jet shortly after 6 p.m.
Friday, Iraqi dignitaries and foreign
diplomats were lined up to welcome
Annan said he was optimistic his
mission would succeed. Iraq's deputy
prime minister, Tariq Aziz, standing
next to him in an olive green uniform,
said he shared "the secretary-general's
Soptim ism."
But like good poker players, the
Iraqis were careful not to show their
hands. Aziz met Annan and his party
Friday night, but the session was most-
ly social.
Day two for Annan began at 7:30
He rose early to begin preparing for
his first formal session with the Iraqis.
Russian envoy Viktor Posuvalyuk
arrived at the pink stucco villa where
Annan was staying to brief the secre-


The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 24, 1998 - 7

quick deal took
onths to reach

tary-general on his own marathon talks
with the Iraqis.
As the two sat in red-cushioned
chairs in a marble-floored salon, aides
said Posuvalyuk believed Baghdad was
ready for serious talks - already hint-
ed at by Iraq's U.N. ambassador.
Shortly before 10 a.m., Annan and
his eight-member delegation were dri-
ven to the Iraqi Foreign Ministry across
the muddy Tigris River.
After handshakes for the cameras.
Annan and Aziz left for a private room.
where they remained for the next 90
minutes - the start of about 15 hours
of diplomacy in which the U.N. chief
would often negotiate alone.
While U.N. officials and Iraqi
Cabinet members lounged on sofas or
strolled aimlessly, Annan presented
Aziz with a U.N. memorandum that
outlined broad terms of a settlement.
After the lengthy private meeting, the
two summoned other negotiators.
As the two delegations sat across a
wooden table in a small paneled confer-
ence room. aides said Aziz railed on for
about an hour detailing Iraq's com-
plaints against the U.N. weapons
inspection program.
Aziz, again wearing a green military
uniform, complained the inspectors
now wanted to wander through the
president's private residences and rum-
mage through his possessions - which
no sovereign nation could tolerate.
Annan, a reserved figure who
rarely raises his voice above a whis-
per, listened impassively. Envoys and
foreign leaders familiar with the
Iraqis advised him not to get bogged
down in point-by-point rebuttals and
to keep the discussions focused on
major topics.
When his turn came to speak, Annan
said that regardless of what the govern-
ment thought of the inspection pro-
gram, Security Council resolutions
requiring Iraq to destroy its lethal

weaponry must be respected.
lie referred to the U.S. and British
buildup in the Persian Gulf. "The mili-
tary option is close to being exercised,"
aides quoted Annan as saying.
Annan also told Aziz that the two had
to decide on something to tell the hun-
dreds of journalists from all over the
world who had gathered in Baghdad for
the showdown.
Aziz suggested they describe the
meeting as a "constructive dialogue."
They adjourned at 1 p.m., and Annan
told the reporters he was "rather opti-
mistic" a deal could be reached.
At the secretary-general's villa,
Annan and his aides talked over the
morning session and concluded that
Aziz's strong criticism of the inspection
program did not mean the Iraqis were
The best way to push the negotiations
forward, Annan told them, was to avoid
allowing the talks to degenerate into
mutual recriminations.
They met at 6 p.m. That session went
better. Instead of polemics. the two
sides went through the negotiating
memorandum line by lie -in English
marking areas of disagreement in
Once all those points were identified,
the Iraqis suggested changes in the text.
No agreement was reached yet, but the
two sides understood one another better.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
for dinner. Aziz went to a meeting of
the ruling Revolutionarv Command
Council to brief Saddam.
Back at Annan's villa, the chief U.N.
legal officer. Hans C'orell, made
chan'ges in the draft memorandum. An
accomplished linguist fluent in several
languages. Corell had to ensure the
document's language was flexible
enough to satisfy both sides but precise
enough to prevent the Iraqis from rein-
terpreting the language ifthe agreement
was signed.

President Clinton meets reporters in the Oval Office of the White House yesterday to discuss the tentative United
Nations agreement with Iraq. The president gave his cautious blessings to the U.N. agreement with Saddam Hussein.

Continued from Page 1
reprieve from the contemplated bom-
bardment, which has been aimed at
damaging some of the facilities that
NSCOM had been prevented from
In meetings with Clinton and his
Cabinet-level advisers, Gaen.
IHlenrv Shelton, the chair of the
.Ioint Chiefs of Staff, had conveyed
"the strong sense that if there was
a vav for the cup to pass, that the
military w\oulld like to see the cup
pass. sl d one of Shelton's four-
sidir 1i1 Iformed con tem poraries.
-WC had a tough time seeing
where this thing was going to take

Clinton stressed that the accord
permits the inspectors "repeat visits
and no deadlines to complete their
work." Each point represents aban-
donment of a previous Iraqi demand.
But some of the U.S. and U.N.
officials most closely involved in
the subject said unhappily that the
new arrangement gave implicit
support to Iraqi charges that the
existing panel cannot be trusted to
do its work without a new layer of
oversight. They said they worried
that Annan's apparent intentioni to
;give a new name to the expanded
panel could create a bureaucratic
rival to UNSCOM, as the present
special panel is known, and its

executive chair, the Australian
diplomat Richard Butler.
"The questions one could ask
are what is the role of the secre-
tary-general, what are the roles of
these characters, can you still do a
no-notice inspection, do the
inspections have to be approved in
advance by any group, how large
are the facilities these new proce-
dures apply to, and are there new
modalities to be approved on any
of this?" said one official who has
monitored the weapons inspection
"The inclination is to think that
('.N. inspectors') ability to do the job
is not going to be favorably affected
by this."

Dance of the devil

Continued from Page 1
victims' descriptions of the assailants were not thorough
enough to identify the suspects.
The suspects "are still out there and no one has cone for-
ward to tell us .,who they are.' Smiley said.
Smilev said he does net belie hiast cekend 's events
mark the beginning of a trend. But he said DPS will
increase the nuibher of patrols in the area where the
attacks took place.
"We fcigure this was a ramdom hit rather than the start
of a series of occurrences," Smiley said. "We'll heighten

Four of the victims reported minor physical injuries, and
DPS reported that one victim needed hospitalization after
being found incoherent and intoxicated near the Fleming
Administration Building.
The assaults occurred around 2 a.m. Sunday morning --
the same time Scorekeepers and other area bars close. Ton
Slaywood, executive director of the State Street Area
Association, an association that represents the interests of
area businesses. said more police presence in recent years
has helped deter fights that may occur as people leave local
"Merchants here are pleased with what the city has done ill
the past three years to increase police presence downtown"
Haywood said. "But you can't make sure people are protect-
ed 100 percent of the time."

patrols in that area at least for this
Continued from Page 1
ed not to participate.
Most of the participants placed the
Styrofoam peanuts on the bottom, hold-
ing them together with the five tooth-
picks. Although many of the boats
looked similar, the differences in per-

(upconming) week-

formance resulted from intricate con-
siderations such as toothpick angling
and popsicle stick positioning.
Every participant who constructed a
boat deemed seaworthy was given a
University Engineering Week T-shirt.
Engineering junior Carol Lee said
she did not feel much pressure to win
but was happy to work on an activity

with her Engineering cohorts.
"I think we have no chance" of win-
ning, Lee said. "But it's just for fun."
Zagumny's first-place effort was fol-
lowed by Engineering junior Michael
Baldarotta whose boat remained afloat
with 152 pennies. Engineering graduate
student Weiping Zhong finished in third-
place with 143 pennies.

Continued from Page 1
LSA sophomore Shira Lee Katz, co-director of Speaker
Initiative. said "we have got a lot of money together
.which allowed us to consider White-Ginder in the first
LSA first-year student Avedis Magar said she is "really
glad to see different groups within the University communi-
ty coming together to achieve something of this scale.
"Hopefully. Thursday will set a precedent of Speaker

Initiative's commitment to bringing influential and educa-
tional speakers to this campus."
Reich agreed that getting White-Ginder to visit the
University's campus was important.
"Jeanne is an inspirational speaker and this is a very impor-
tant issue on a college campus because it affects everyone.
(AIDS) doesn't care what group you are a member of or what
you look like on the outside," Reich said.
"Hopefully, Speaker Initiative will one day be adopted and
funded as a University organization. Such a group optimizes
what (University) President (Lee) Bollinger wants to tackle in
the future,"he said.

A Haitian dressed as the devil performs during carnival celebrations in Jacmel, Haiti on Sunday. Tens of thousands
celebrated the 300th anniversary of the city's foundation.



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