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One hundred seven years of editorfil freedom
February 24, 1998
10, oft ,1111, j
e Washington Post dency
WASHINGTON - President Clinton gave unclea
is tentative endorsement yesterday to a new intelli
raqi agreement to permit United Nations highly
ons inspections but said he would keep compli
forces poised in the Persian Gulf to ensure he res
at the Baghdad government delivers on a al rig
romise to grant inspectors "immediate, unre- time,
tricted, unconditional access." our ow
The agreement, signed in Baghdad yesterday Iraqi
y U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan and accor
aq's deputy prime minister, Tariq Aziz, stopped Yes
countdown to what officials described as the the
rgest military engagement of Clinton's presi- remain
y Jason Stoffer
ally Staff Reporter
Four students were assaulted early
unday morning in three separate inci-
ents on Central Campus, according to
epartment of Public Safety reports.
nother student who has not filed a
ce report and wishes to remain
nymous also was attacked.
Ann Arbor Police Department
raining Officer David Woodside
aid police believe a group of five
r six young men committed the
"They were looking to pick fights,"
oodside said.
DPS received the first call at 1:34
.m. when a witness reported that two
ims were being attacked at the
ection of Liberty and South State
reets. Officers were dispatched to the
ene and the victims told DPS that six
igh school-aged males hit them with
eer bottles.
The assailants, who were wearing
aggy pants and baseball caps turned
ackwards, fled the scene before offi-
ers arrived.
Other assaults took place at the
ent Publications Building and
t the Fleming Administration
ilding. Witnesses said that LSA first-yea
tween two and six assailants par- re-applied fo
cipated in each incident.
Students expressed fear and shock
hen learning of the assaults, but most
id Saturday's incidents would not
revent them from going out at night S tu
n the weekends.
The assaults "scare me," said
SA senior Adarsh Pandit. "I can't
*hat I'm not going to go out any- (11
iore, but these (assaults) would
ake me a little more (concerned)
bout where and when I go out, and
ith whom." By Rachel Ede
LSA senior Amanda Barkey said and Susan T. F
e assaults are disconcerting, but Daily StaffReport
at she feels safe at night because To show
he usually goes out in large University's a
roups. its admission
"I'll still go to the bar, but (the dents have b
Slt) definitely is something to think classes today
bout," Barkey said. Day of Action
DPS Captain Jim Smiley said no teach-ins.
ne has yet been apprehended in "I think ton
lincidents. He said that the encouraging st
See ASSAULTS, Page 7 place at one tir
ni neers archi
adler at COnl(
y Trevor Gardner with pennies
r the Daily Engineering ju
Architects and Engineers flocked to of the event's o
le Electrical Engineering and The object o
.omputer Science Building yesterday create a boat th
an effort to display their talents in a pennies withou
ublic forum. Many Engi
Eighty-seven people participated in a they considere
f building competition, which was dents to be the
of Engineers Week and sponsored the sturdiest
y the mechanical engineering honor Zagumny, a L
ciety, Pi Tau Sigma. corporate recru
Contestants were given 10 minutes to Corporation,
nstruct a floating device using five logged the hig
tyrofoam peanuts, five popsicle pennies.
. But with several
ar, and with U.S.
gence assessments
skeptical of Iraqi
iance, Clinton said
erved "the unilater-
ht to respond at a
place and manner of
wn choosing" to any
breach of the new
terday's agreement,
text of which
ned closely guarded,
key provisions still
years of mandatory inspections to require spe-
cial handling for a category of suspected
weapons sites. The U.N. Special Commission
charged with ridding Iraq of its non-convention-
al weapons, which has been the subject of a
fierce Iraqi campaign to strip it of political legit-
imacy, will be permitted inside the eight named
"presidential sites" only when accompanied by
diplomats appointed by Annan.
The agreement did not make clear the identi-
ties and roles of the diplomats, described in the
text as "observers," and gave no indication what
influence they might acquire over the timing and
locations of inspections. Those and other omis-
sions, and professed uncertainty at the highest
levels of the Clinton administration about exact-
ly what the secretary general said to Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein Sunday in three
hours of talks, left unclear by late last night
whether the Baghdad government won other
concessions from Annan.
Clinton declared that "all Americans should
have a positive reaction" to the new Iraqi com-
mitments but added that there were "issues that
still need to be clarified to our satisfaction and
details that need to be spelled out" The first for-
mal discussion of the accord will occur today.
when Annan is scheduled to brief members of
the Security Council in New York. Clinton said,
"We will work with him" to "make sure the
inspections are rigorous and professional"
U.S. and foreign diplomats said they also were
working toward a Security Council resolution
that would give legal force to Annan's accord. "if
there were a resolution it would clearly need to
speak to the consequences of failure to imple-
ment it," said one senior administration official.
For all their concerns about the text, and insis-
tence that they remain prepared to launch U.S.
warplanes at Iraq, some of the president's senior
advisers expressed relief at the last-minute
See IRAQ, Page 7
was the first in seven
Students win in
Housing lottery
Current first-year
students promised
spots in traditional halls
By Katie Plona
Daily Staff Reporter
All first-year students who reap-
plied for University housing were
winners yesterday when they received
lottery numbers that guaranteed each
of them a spot in a traditional
University residence hall.
"Every (current) freshman who
applied will be able to go to tradition-
al housing," said Alan Levy, director
of housing public affairs.
Elevating incoming class enroll-
ment rates prevented the University
from guaranteeing traditional housing
--meal-serving residence halls gener-
ally located on campus - to all cur-
rent first-year students for the 1998-99
school year. But the University did
guarantee all perspective students tra-
ditional housing.
Levy said University l lousing offi-
cials used the number of leases signed
at the end of the process last year --
2,652 -- to estimate this year's ceiling,
while still accommodating all incom-
ing students and decreasing crowding
in residence halls.
Regarding crowding, Levy said
I lousing is working to cut the number
of overflow triples in half, taking the
total from more than 300 to 150.
A pool of 1,110 female and 1,075
male first-year and categorical excep-
tion applicants applied for housing in
the University's traditional residence
Categorical exception applicants
are students with special housing
The University had previously set a
"ceiling" number of how many stu-
dents from this pool the residence
halls could house, which was set at
1,375 female and 1,370 male appli-
If the number of students interested
in traditional housing had exceeded
the ceiling number, then some stu-
dents would have had to look into
non-traditional University or off-cam-
pus housing.
LSA sophomore Stacey
Williamson, who received the last lot-
tery number in the female pool, said
she is not discouraged by her low
"I'm not even sure if I want to have
it or not," Williamson said, adding that
she must decide by today if she will opt
fir off-campus housing.
Levy said that this week begins the
first of three phases in the housing re-
application process for this pool of
students. Applicants who choose to
live in their current room can renew
their leases - regardless of the num-
ber they received in the Housing lot-
See HOUSING, Page 2
ar student Peter Bruno looks for his name yesterday on the Housing lottery list. Every first-year student who
r housing was guaranteed a spot in a traditional residence hall next year.
*dents to strike
day of ion
lman important to us,' said Law first-year student
Port Meera Deo, a member of United for
ers Affirmative Action.
their support for the Organizers said they are unsure about
iffirmative action policies in how many students will participate in the
s processes, University stu- activities.
een asked not to attend their "This is a day when we can leave our
and take part in the National classes because we feel so strongly about
n, featuring rallies, sit-ins and something else - we are interested in
these issues. It's a day when we can all
morrow is about uniting and come together to learn a lot from each
tudents to get together in one other," Deo said.
me to learn about things that are The day was organized by United for
Day of action events:
9:10-11:45 a~m.-~ Morning teach-in at
the Michigan Union Ballroom
Noon-1:00 p.m. - Rally and march on
the Diag
81:00-4:00 p.m. - Sit-in/teach-in at
the Angell Hall Fishbowl
S6:15-8:00 - Teach-in at Angell Hall
Auditorium D
Affirmative Action, a coalition of various stu-
dent groups and individual students in response
to the lawsuits filed against the University's
College of Literature, Science and Arts and the
Law School that target the use of race as a factor
in the schools' admissions processes.
"We felt it was necessary to do the one
day political strike to send a clear message
to our allies and opponents," said Law
first-year student Jodi Masley, a member of
United For Affirmative Action.
Several professors have cancelled classes for
See ACTION, Page 2
'U' program to
By Rachel Groman
For the Daily
National AIDS Awareness Month has provoked many
campus organizations to make a group effort. Through a new
program called Speaker Initiative, the University will be
hosting a two-day series featuring Jeanne White-Ginder,
mother of AIDS victim Ryan White, a young child who was
discriminated against for having the virus.
White-Ginder fought a losing battle when her son con-
tracted the AIDS virus through a blood-transfusion. White's
situation garnered national attention as one of the first times
AIDS was contracted through a way other than drug use or
sexual activity.
White-Ginder will speak about AIDS awareness and. the
legacy of her son this Thursday at 7 p.m. in Rackham
Auditorium. Other events include a 7 p.m. showing of The
Ryan White Movie tomorrow at Modern Languages Building
Lecture Room 2, as well as a book signing by White-Ginder at
6:30 p.m. preceding her Thursday night presentation.
During the two days, red ribbons will be distributed by
nearly 30 organizations.
The event has been made possible by Speaker Initiative.
LSA first-year student Brian Reich said he devised this
plan as a way to "form a center for communicating and net-
working between student groups."
As a result, groups can cut down on redundancy and pool
resources to bring more highly demanded, influential speak-
ers to the University, he said.
"Individual groups on campus do not have the budget to
bring a $20,000 or even $5,000 speakers to the school,"
Reich said. By forming a conglomerate, the University can
attract well-known and highly respected speakers, such as
"She wears a lot of hats in this," said Reich, alluding to the
until it sinks," said
nior Jackie Buttrick, one
f the competition was to
hat would hold the most
t sinking.
neering students said
d naval architecture stu-
favorites in the race for
sea vessel. But Todd
Iniversity alumnus and
uiter from the Raytheon
won the event and
;hest coin count at 189
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