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February 23, 1998 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1998-02-23

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News: 76-DAILY
Advertising: 764-0554
raq, A
Tfhe Washington Post
The agre
BAGHDAD, Iraq Against a backdrop of Security Cou
-threatened United States airstrikes, U.N. reserved the
cretary General Kofi Annan reached an what the oth
agreement with senior Iraqi officials last night after speakin
that he believes could end the crisis over from the five
weapons inspections, his spokesperson said. including S
After meeting for three hours yesterday Albright -A
afternoon with President Saddam Hussein, accept the de
Annan and Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz Annan, w
agreed on a deal that would open presidential deal this mo
compounds to inspection by U.N. teams New York th
searching for evidence of nuclear, chemical document
biological weapons, Annan's spokesper- Security Coui
n, Fred Eckhard, told reporters. No details decide whet
of the deal were made available. In Washir
'U' holds in
ad rankings
y Peter Meyers
IDaily Staff Reporter
Although the University did well in the U.S. News &
World Report graduate school rankings released Friday,
many deans feel uneasy about letting a ranking indicate the
quality of an institution's graduate program.
"We're always proud to see our institution recognized,"
said Provost Nancy Cantor, adding that factors such as
"Curriculum, innovation and quality of teaching" aren't
taken into account by the study, which she said makes it
s useful as a ranking system.
The College of
Engineering rose
in the rankings U.S News and
this year from sev- World Report's
enth to fourth. - o .r
Engineering kni
Dean Stephen graduate programs:
Director said the
program has 8ustness 10
improved during L aw
last year, but Engineering 4
vearned against Education 6
reading too much Medicine 9
into the change of Pubic Affairs 8
"Schools don't change dramatically from one year to the
next," Director said.
Many deans admit the rankings are important, especially
for attracting applicants, but disagree with the way U.S.
News measures program quality. The day before the rankings
were released, deans from 164 law schools across the coun-
*, including the University's Law School Dean Jeffrey
Lehman, publicly announced their dissatisfaction with the
U.S. News ranking system.
"It was an open letter to all law school applicants to help
them understand the rankings," Lehman said.
The letter said the rankings could be misleading and that
"it would potentially be a self destructive mistake" to use
them, Lehman said.
Lehman said factors in the rankings process that specifi-
cally hurt public universities were among his main reasons

for opposing the ranking system. Lehman said that since the
jriversity uses state funding without actually billing the
Wte, the expenditure per faculty member at the University
- which is one of the variables U.S. News uses to calculate
rank - is recorded as being much lower than it actually is.
Director pointed out that every year, U.S. News changes its
ranking formula, and that this alone is responsible for much
of the shifting in the ranks.
The College of Engineering was tied for fourth with three
other schools. Director said that if he were ranking the pro-
grams, U.S. News' top seven schools would also be his top
seven schools, but not necessarily in the same order.
"Th.. top seven are the top seven," Director said. But
See RATINGS, Page 7A
Former 'U' prof.
arrested aflterIi-
police standoff
By Reilly Brennan
Daily Staff Reporter
A former University English professor, who fled the coun-
try more than 14 years ago with her boyfriend after police
tried to arrest him on a weapon charge in Ann Arbor, was
arrested and taken into custody Friday after a three-hour
standoff with police in Lexington, Ky.
Bob and Gayl Jones shut themselves in her family's house
@1 eluded police for three hours Friday before officers
stormed the doorway to present Jones with the 14-year-old war-
Bob Jones slit his own throat when officers entered the
house. He later died at the University of Kentucky Hospital.
Gayl Jones attempted suicide, but officers restrained and
arrested her.



One hundred seven years of editori1 freedom

February 23, 1998

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erment is still subject to U.N.
ncil approval, and Washington has
right to bomb Iraq regardless of
er council members decide. But
g yesterday with senior officials
permanent council members -
ecretary of State Madeleine
nrnan was confident that all would
al, according to his spokesperson.
ho is scheduled to announce the
ruing with Aziz, is to leave for
is afternoon and will present the
tomorrow afternoon to the
uncil. Council members will then
her to accept it.
ngton, U.S. offici Is, who were

briefed only on the broad outlines of the
agreement, reacted cautiously.
White House spokesperson Mike McCurry
said preliminary accounts had been received
from Baghdad, but he refused to assess them.
"We've got a lot of serious questions. It's a very
serious matter at a serious time, and we want to
get some questions answered," he said.
President Clinton and British Prime
Minister Tony Blair spoke twice yesterday
and agreed that Iraq would be given "no con-
cessions," a Blair spokesperson said.
Albright, during a television interview yes-
terday morning, insisted Saddam "has to
back down. ... He has to reverse course."
On grounds of national sovereignty, Iraq has



refused to open eight sites to the inspectors on
the U.N. weapons commission, known by the
initials UNSCOM. Iraq's refusal to cooperate
with the inspection program, a legacy of the
1991 Persian Gulf War, has led to a tense con-
frontation with the Security Council and
threats of massive American airstrikes.
"We have reached agreement," Eckhard
told reporters camped outside the river-front
guest house where Annan is staying.
Annan "feels that this agreement fulfills the
two principle objectives he had in coming here
-respect for the Security Council resolutions
governing the inspection regime in Iraq and the
preservation of the integrity of UNSCOM's
inspection process," Eckhard said.

Mulch love

Officials warn of
inadequate funds
for state schools

By Peter Romer-Friedman
Daily Staff Reporter
Michigan's state legislators and pub-
lie university officials agreed this past
Friday that Gov. John Engler's budget
proposal to increase higher education
funding by 1.5 percent is inadequate.
At a state Senate Appropriations
Subcommittee for Higher Education
hearing in the Michigan League,
University President Lee Bollinger
warned the subcommittee that a 1.5-
percent increase in funding would lead
to a 5.6-percent increase in tuition costs
next year.
"The allocations as seen at this point
seem to be squeezing on the
University," Bollinger said.
Sen. John Schwarz (R-Battle Creek),
who chairs the subcommittee, and Sen.
Jon Cisky (D-Saginaw) heard testimo-
ny from Bollinger, the University's
Flint campus Chancellor Charlie Nelms
and James Renick, chancellor of the
University's Dearborn campus, asking
for continued support from the sub-
Following the hearing, Schwarz said
he will propose a 3.5-percent increase
in higher education funding, which
would top Engler's proposed increases
by $30 million for the year.
A 3.5-percent increase would be simi-
lar to.last year's appropriations process
when the state Legislature added an addi-
tional 2 percent to Engler's proposal,
making it a 4.4-percent increase in fund-
In an attempt to persuade the com-
mittee to raise the University's funding,
Bollinger informed the legislators of

the growing costs that come with being
a highly competitive institution. He also
questioned Engler's budget, which
boosts funding for corrections by 5 per-
"It's a curious time. It's curious and
odd because, on the one hand, the econ-
omy seems to be booming," Bollinger
said. "But it is also difficult time for
higher education and the University of
Michigan particular because the costs
of funding a great institution like this is
increasing rapidly."
Schwarz, who agreed with most of
Bollinger's remarks, told Bollinger and
other higher education representatives
that he also has concerns with the exec-
utive budget proposal.
"As we start this budget today, I'm as
surprised as yourself at some of the
numbers in the executive budget," said
Schwarz, who asked Bollinger to sug-
gest a funding increase for the
Bollinger responded by proposing a
3.7-percent boost, which he said would
help the University continue to thrive as
one of the top institutions in the nation.
Rep. Liz Brater (D-Ann Arbor), who
attended the hearing, applauded
Bollinger's dedication to the Universit5
and expressed her objections to
Engler's proposal.
"I really appreciate your effort,"
Brater told Bollinger. "You try to weave
together those aspects and serve the'
state. It will be difficult to work with
the governor's proposed budget,"
The panel of legislators and
University representatives also
See FUNDS, Page 2A

Engineering senior Chris Pratt and Rackham student Tim Limpke convert invasive plants into
mulch on Saturday to make paths in the Arb on Engineering Service Day. See Page 3A.

'98 Winter Olympics end; Utah plans for 2002

By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
As the 1998 Winter Olympics drew
to a close last night in Nagano, the
University of Utah had already begun
preparing for the 2002 games and
University of Michigan student athletes
are already looking forward to the sum-
mer games of 2000.
"We're very involved," said J.
Bernard Machen, Utah president and
former University of Michigan provost.
"The opening and closing ceremonies
will be held in the University of Utah
football stadium."
The 2002 Olympic Village will be
located on Utah's campus, Machen
said. Beginning this summer, the uni-
versity and the Olympic committee will
both fund the construction of new resi-
dence halls where the Olympic athletes
will live for about three weeks during
the games.
"We're building a new set of dormi-
tories for the Olympic Village,"
Machen said. "They'll be used for the
next 30 years (after the Olympics).
"All the Olympians will be living on
our campus," Machen said.
Additional campus changes included
the renovation of the Utah football sta-

Salt Lake City officials are watching
the current Olympic games to see how
"things are working and how every-
thing's going," Machen said. During the
2002 games, Utah students' classes will
be disrupted, but will not affect addi-
tional semesters.
"We're going to have to suspend
school for about a month around the
time of the Olympics. Everyone agreed
it's worth the disruption." Machen said.
"We think the university will be right in
the middle of all the stuff that's going
Machen said the scheduled games
were a contributing factor in his deci-
sion to accept the Utah presidency this
past October.
"It was one of the factors that I was
very much interested in when I came
out here. I think it will be great fun," he
Many University students said they
watched just a small portion of this
year's Olympic games.
"It didn't seem very interesting when
I was watching,' said Jeff Buis, an LSA
first-year student. "I prefer the summer
Buis said the late-night coverage of
events such as hockey kept him from

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