4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 20, 1998 c tw £tdcigau Daftig 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan LAURIE MAYK Editor in Chief JACK SCHILLACI Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Lecture woes Mentor program could F irst-year students who are nervous about approaching professors or Graduate Student Instructors for academ- ic help may soon have another source for answers. Last week, the Michigan Student Assembly passed a resolution to establish a lecture mentorship program. This pro- gram would allow professors from large introductory courses to select five juniors or seniors to help students with certain questions they feel uncomfortable asking ,aprofessor or GSI. While this program may prove helpful to some first-year stu- dents, it is important to make sure that if implemented, it does not become a substi- Aute for the development of a personal student-teacher relationship with profes- sprs. Many first-year students may feel uncomfortable when first approaching a professor for help in a course. Because college is a new environment for these students, asking for help can be somewhat intimidating. The student mentors would provide a less formal and more comfort- able setting for discussing problems with course material. It may be very helpful to first-year students to have someone to speak with who has already taken the course and can discuss the class from a student's perspective as well as give ,advice on which higher-level courses to take after completing the introductory course. And since professors and GSIs hold limited office hours, student mentors may be more readily available to answer questions. For this student mentorship program to succeed, it is important that good criteria for potential mentors is established. help first-year students Students should not simply be selected on the basis of their grades, but also for their ability to help fellow students and their experience within the academic depart- ments. With these criteria, students seek- ing help could feel confident that they are receiving the best advice. Furthermore, student mentors could develop strong professional relationships with profes- sors, benefiting themselves and first-year students. But it is important that the student mentorship program does not become a substitute for asking professors for help. This danger is somewhat alleviated by the fact that the proposed program is only designed to help students in introductory- level classes. But student mentors will still need to stress the importance of seek- ing a professor's help if there is a need for it. This program should serve as a step- ping stone for first-year students, not an alternative to visiting office hours and personally asking a professor or GSI for help. After all, approaching professors gets easier with time and going to office hours signifies a student's interest in the course - which could be beneficial to that student's grade. While it would be helpful to have stu- dent mentors who can give an insider's perspective on classes, they should also refer first-year students to professors, GSIs or academic services such as English Composition Board. Students in introductory courses will benefit from having one of their peers as another source of information while learning to work with their instructors - a skill that is vital to success at the University. 'If there is a strike, it will be substantial. Saddam (Hussein) will need more than a Band-Aid.' - Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, discussing the possibility of a strike against Iraq at Ohio State University yesterday PURPLE HERRING CON VEN I EN C E ABOU N DS E ALL AGRE~E LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Pollution pressures EPA should post pollution ratings on the Web T he next time a company releases harmful chemicals and pollutants into the environment, it may end up fac- ing the wrath of the World Wide Web. At least that's the hope of the Environmental Protection Agency as it institutes a new practice of grading major industrial facil- ities' pollution risks and posting them on the Internet. As early as next month, approximately 661 plants in various industries will be sub- ,feet to a new EPA grading plan. The EPA's plan is to take data from six EPA and state programs - which are currently scattered and obscure - and make it coherent and readily available to the public. The agency's plan is designed to encourage a self-polic- ing atmosphere. But this plan has certain drawbacks. Companies complained that the index used the Sector Facility Indexing Project - is highly inaccurate and fails to take into account extenuating circumstances within individual industries. They say that the index lacks a common standard, defeating the ranking's purpose. Furthermore, indi- vidual state-level EPAs hold that the feder- al government is overstepping its bounds by pressuring them to revise their standards - 19 states have refused to cooperate with the EPA. .;The agency's plan is clearly a step in the right direction because it creates awareness not only among individuals directly affected by pollution but also among the owners of the corporations themselves. Often, industries are held accountable only to the EPA, and penal- ties usually constitute small fines for excessive pollution or lax enforcement of emisinn standards The mnnetarv nenal- to deter excessive pollution. Most of the cost is passed on to the consumer. But once these activities are posted on the Internet, the industries will have to face the public - a group that is often far less forgiving. It is apparent that pollution affects the environment adversely. But some con- sumers don't realize the extent that pollu- tion affects their individual communities. Without the public awareness that could arise from the EPA's proposal, industries will continue to pollute. But the new practice does need improvement - the EPA should work hard to create a common standard by which all industries can be judged. The SFIP measures the number of toxic chem- icals an individual plant contains but does not take into account how these chemicals are handled. In Ohio, for example, an SFIP evaluation claimed that an alu- minum smelting plant that was leaking cyanide into the local groundwater posed only a fraction of the risk that a state-of- the-art auto assembly plant did. Different types of pollutants should not be mea- sured on the same scale - once a com- mon standard is developed, these incon- sistencies can be remedied. Industries should not be so quick to point out the unfairness of the system without suggest- ing specific corrective measures. This policy will not punish industries but will help them help themselves by using non-punitive measures to raise pollution awareness. Once industries realize exactly how much they are affecting their sur- rounding environment and population, they could be more willing to institute corrective meaures. The use of Internet rankings is a Chemical weapons are a threat to the world TO THE DAILY: There seems to be a great deal of confusion about Iraq in discussions on campus. Perhaps some peo- ple don't recognize it, but Saddam Hussein is not making pesticide in those chemical plants - he is making some of the most deadly weapons this world has ever seen. Saddam has proven time and time again that he will be more than willing to use such weapons on human beings, whether they be the enemy or his own citizens. Something has to be done about this man before a worldwide chemical and biological holocaust ensues. It is tragic that innocent Iraqi citizens will most like- ly die in an attack, but with- out such an attack, count- less more around the world will perish. KYLE MARSHALL LSA SOPHOMORE Day of action is a waste of students' time To THE DAILY: What will the National Day of Action tell everyone that hasn't already been said one hundred times since the lawsuits against the University were filed? The pro-affirmative action groups have exhaustively presented their arguments in the pages of the Daily, at numerous affirmative action-oriented speeches and events, on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and on the dozens of flyers littered around campus. I don't even need to reiterate the arguments because every- one knows what they stand for. The pro-affirmative action faction has inundated the University with its rhetoric about the end of diversity, resegregation of higher education and the rampant minority oppression to such an extent that most people can rattle off the argu- ments like the English alpha- bet. Why then is the National Day of Action necessary? Do students need to spend more time memorizing the ABCs of the pro-affirmative action groups? I think not. I believe it was MSA Vice President Olga Savic who said it will be "a day for alternative education." I com- pletely agree. Have the Day of Action but don't encour- Students: I encourage you to attend your classes on Feb. 24. I ask you to learn something interesting and pertinent to their cho- sen field of study. If they feel the urge for some "alternative education," attend the National Day of Action events between or after their regular courses. Better yet, take one of the many liberal arts classes where alternative course material is taught. Let's not spend more of students' precious (and expensive) college education memorizing the racist propa- ganda spewed forth by the affirmative action propo- nents. Students get enough of it just walking around cam- pus. BENJAMIN ROUSCH LSA SENIOR Daily interview disappointed with ordinary questions TO THE DAILY: I had trouble believing my eyes as I read the Daily's interview with the Houston Rockets' Rudy Tomjanovich ("Tomjanovich," 2/16/98) and saw that two of the six print- ed questions were about Michigan football. The open- ing of the article was full of information indicating that "Rudy T" is a very interest- ing man, but the actual inter- view did nothing but disap- point. The Daily alluded to the fact that he coached three of the top 50 players of all time and has won two National Basketball Association championships, but the questions asked in the interview could have been answered by any University alumnus. Landing interviews with celebrities like Tomjanovich and Jalen Rose through University ties is great, but who cares what they think about the college football coaches poll? The Daily should ask questions that actually incite newsworthy answers. The interview that ran was a waste of "Rudy T"'s time. BRIAN HAYDEN LSA FIRST-YEAR STUDENT Iraqi sanctions are part of the media's manipulation To THE DAILY: I am not sure if I have been following the same con- have been manipulated by the media to believe that these sanctions were to keep him a from continuing his power- trip military assaults or from using the same chemical war- fare that was used on our troops during the Gulf War. I am eternally grateful for the individuals who wrote the Daily and informed readers that the United Nations is merely starving young chil- dren to prove that they can. SEAN SAGE LSA JUNIOR Daily covered Kiss-In with accuracy and 'positive light' TO THE DAILY: I just wanted to write in praise of the Daily's well- written and comprehensive article about Friday's Kiss-In. It was accurate, well thought- out and presented queer issues in a very positive light. Hopefully, it will help open up the issues of gay marriages and the prejudices against queer expressions of public affection on campus. I thank the Daily for its infor- mative article and overall support. AMANDA MILLER SCHOOL OF MUSIC Hill cafeteria is not for 'lazy' students TO THE DAILY: I would like to address the letter written by Nikhil Kumar ("New cafeteria should be on South Campus," 2/17/98) concerning the new cafeteria that will be built on the Hill. First of all, Kumar needs to get the facts straight before calling a large number of students, including myself, lazy for not wanting to walk 20 more yards. The truth is that not all of the students on the Hill did agree to have this new cafete- ria. The Housing Office gave us two options to choose from. One was that all of the Hill cafeterias get remodeled, which they need, but that would raise tuition for every- one (including Kumar). The other option is to build the big cafeteria that will not cause a tuition increase (at least that's what Housing said). So students on the Hill did not lobby for this cafete- ria. Kumar said himself that Fletcher Hall has 60 students. I would be very surprised if all 60 students would use a cafeteria all of the time. A cafeteria there would proba- Things change, but the suburba bar band remains the same A couple of days ago, a fri"pd calle me up and asked me if I would fil in with his band for a gig it is playin next week ("gig" is the clever lingo~tha we in the "biz" use for what you ci ians might call a show). I haven't played with a band in quite a while, but after practicing with them, I am sure it'll go fine. The guys in the group are cool, and while I doubt you'll be hearing them on the radio anytime E A soon, they have SE ILL pretty good songs },1{,1, and an entertaining ;NIAs set. I'm not going to plug the band an the show. Besides the ethical question it might raise about using this forum fo self-promotion, I also don't want thi show to turn into dollar pitchers an heckle-the-columnist-on-stage night the Yada Yada Club (but please look my upcoming book "Dave Barry Turn 47" at your local bookstore). But play ing again did get me thinking abou bands I played with when I was younge and the whole culture of the suburba rock band. Wherever you go in thi country, on any given night you can fin a bar with a band that for all intents an purposes, is the same damn band that playing in the same kind of bar in 10 other cities. It is kind of funny because so bands actually find success - grante many are more concerned about m kin good music but let's face it, being groc star looks like a good gig. Persoriall my skill as a musician is purely amteu - I like to play, it's fun. I know hw t tune my instrument and that's about th extent of it. But there was a time back i high school when I thought I might able to get in a band that would be a Then I played in a few bands, rok out a couple of high school talent show and battles of the bands, played a fe parties, and then realized that every yea some kid gets a guitar or drum set fo Christmas. Getting that instrumen makes you believe weird things; like a any moment, one of the Rolling Stone is going to die and Mick or Keith (I a not sure about Mick, but Keith Richard can definitely not be killed by m means) are going to call you up invite you to join the band. What's even funnier is that there ar only a few kinds of bands - and I don' mean stylistically but in terms of thei attitudes or to use a word that has way t much literary weight for this context "persona." Basically, you find anyone o these bands at your local high school The level of talent in college band would seem to be higher until you r ize that most of the musicians reaTI haven't learned anything new since hig school. They just grew their hair out o got a piercing. First, you have the intense har rock/heavy metalgrunge band (depend ing on which is in style at any give nanosecond). Even if their songs are god they could care less and they tend to ram ble on in between songs about how the want to "rock ya." Example, "Go evening Lincoln High School, we Festering Sore and we're going to 'rock ya,"' the band then proceeds to play "Wa Pigs," "Inna-Gada-Da-Vida" or "Ride th Lightning"- only the strong survive. You can always find a singer/song writer, folky, Dylan-goes-electric-typ band who can't decide if they want to b Hootie and the Blowfish or actuall save blowfish from our polluted oceans They generally don't care about w the audience thinks of their music they sure as hell want to rock the vote. Always lurking around some corne is the band that knows one song anc always plays a 45-minute version. The) may call themselves a jam band, bui when the only song they know is th "Last Train to Clarksville," it become pretty hard to stomach. Then you have the party band that play a lot of covers or pop-rock 'originals' an generally has more success if the singer is really hot. They also genera ) sound better to the intoxicated. I even began to notice the roles withir the band are pretty constant. I am a bas player (in the loosest sense of the word and I know this is always the most frus trated member of the band. People actu ally watch the singer and if they wrot the words to the song, they get to feel al deep making this melodic or poetic self expression. In a rock band, the g4 player generally gets the melody sc again, the audience is watching - espe cially when the faces made during thei guitar solos give an extreme sense o impending vomit. The drummer, xvhil hidden behind the set, gets to hit thing