The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 20. 1998 - 3
Dining services
employee yells
at cleague
A University employee contacted the
*partment of Public Safety on
Wednesday to report an incident of ver-
bal abuse in the dining area of the
South Quad Residence Hall, DPS
reports state.
The manager of South Quad's dining
services reported that one employee
verbally threatened another employee.
The caller said that the two were not
physically fighting, but needed to be
A report was filed.
eces in shower
hinder residents
from bathing
. A. .resident of the South Quad
Residence Hall contacted DPS on
Wednesday to report fecal matter in the
thower area, according to DPS reports.
The caller said that someone had
ecated in the shower area.
The residence hall's housekeeping
department was contacted. The area
vas barricaded to prevent use.
Dog imprisoned
in car for hours
,A person called DPS on Wednesday
to report that a dog had been locked
inside a car under a carport for hours,
*ording to DPS reports.
The caller said the dog ssas in the car
dremore than four hours and suggested
Jat.an officer contact the owner.
A DPS officer contacted the owner
f the automobile and was advised on
iternative methods of pet care. The
Jog was released from the car and sus-
ined no injuries.
-rated trash
Imped in woods
A witness contacted DPS on Tuesday
o report an incident of littering in the
vooded area near Stinchfield Road,
)PS reports state.
The caller said the suspects dumped
tight large bags of pomographic mate-
ial into the woods.
The bags were disposed of and a
ort was filed.
pedestrian struck
by automobile
DPS received an anonymous call
vonday evening from an individual
ho said a man was struck by a car on
entral Campus, DPS reports state.
The man was hit by a passing car on
he corner of Hill and Main streets. The
on Valley Ambulance was notified
later transported the man to
vrsity Hospitals.
Nest Quad dorm
room burglarized
A resident ofWestQuad called DPS on
Wednesday to report that someone had
pbtbed his room, DPS reports indicate.
Reported stoleit was approxi-
gaely 75 compact discs and a
2 sil watch. The door was left
1 ocked.
DPS has no suspects at this time. A
qpptwas filed.
Uispect enters
2mpus building
A woman called DPS yesterday
norning to report that two men had
-ntered the room that shewas studying
*t the Art and Architecture Building,
DPS reports state.
The caller said two people were
Dhging and kicking on the door. When
sitent to open the door, the two sub-
jects pushed their way inside the build-
ing. The window was cracked during
the incident.
The woman said she did not know
who the men were. A report was filed.
Compiled by Dail Staft Reporter
Reilly Brennan.
'U, patent royalty earnings less than its peers
By JasonStoffer
Dail StaffReporter
The University earned $1.07 million last year in
patent royalties, falling substantially behind other
prominent national research universities.
The Detroit News reported that the University
of California took in more than $60 million to
lead the pack, with Michigan State University's
$17.2 million revenue ranking fourth.
Jerry Jackson, business manager of the
University's Office of Technology Management,
said faculty education along with a little luck are
the keys to generating higher patent royalties.
"Offices like ours look for the so called 'one big
hit,"' Jackson said. "Typically, these big hits are
biotech kinds of inventions that may take many
years to develop. Look at Michigan State. They
have aii extremely profitable paten.
Frederic Erbisch, director of MSU's Office of
Intellectual Property, said MSU receives 9 percent
of its patent royalties from just tsso patents --- the
chemotherapy drugs Cisplatin and Carboplatin.
Patents can be lucrative for the University and
individual professors, Jackson said. Unisersity
guidelines give professors 50 percent of patent prof-
its up to 5200,000, and one-third of further revenue.
Maria Sippola-Thiele, assistant director of
Technology Development at the Unisersity's Medical
School, said professors can lose thousands of dollars
if they do not learn the nuances of patent law.
"If you publish inventions before filing a patent
application, you will lose international patent
rights." Thiele said. "In the U.S., you have a one-
year grace period to file a patent application from
the first publication date. Howeser, in therapeutic
areas, pharmaceutical companies seldom feel that
domestic patent rights are sufficient"
Thiele said the definition of published is
broad, and with millions of dollars at stake, she
said some companies will do almost anything to
invalidate patents and put information into the
public domain. She said the Medical School is
educating its professors on patent law to asoid
legal fiascoes.
"If your discovery turns out to be really valu-
able, conpetitors may try to invalidate your
patent by demonstrating that you disclosed the
invention before the patent application wsas
filed," Thiele said.
Chemistry Prof Brian Coppola said the
University provides education and resources, but
does not pressure faculty to pursue patents.
"The University of Michigan is fairly hands-
off," Coppola said. "If a faculty member wants to
patent an idea, the Office of Technology
Management is there to help do that."
Coppola said academic reputation, teaching
ability and the quantity and quality of published
papers are more important than a professor's
patents during the hiring and tenure process.
"Discovery of new knowledge is the mission
that's important," Coppola said. "In chemistry, the
majority of funding comes from public sources
like the National Science Foundation and the
National Institute of Health.
"It would be almost unethical to get patents On
some of the discoveries made with these funds,"Ie
on black
By Nika Schulte
Daily Staff Reporter
Celebrating Black listory Month
with smiles, laughter and words of
encouragement, students gathered last
tight to discuss issues facing black
"Black History Month (events) are
often about men. This was an opportu-
nity to talk about wonen's progress;'
said Tyronda Haslip, an LSA first-year
The "Black Women in Progress"
forum, presented by Sister to Sister, an
undergraduate organization for black
females, included four speakers who
focused on the role of black women in
education, economic empowerment,
spirituality and relationships.
LSA junior Erica Major, president
of Sister to Sister, said this type of
forum is needed to gain insight from
the experience of others.
"This is an opportunity to hear pro-
fessional black women and learn from
the knowledge they've gained." Major
Elzora Holland, a counselor with the
University's Comprehensive Studies
Program. encouraged students to use
their education to strive for jobs they
Holland said that as a child she was
told black women were liberated
because they were able to get jobs, but
the jobs she saw them getting did not
meet her ambitions.
"I saw women cleaning and being
nannies at the expense of giving time to
their own families and children,"
Holland said. "These are not the types
ofjobs we should choose for ourselves.
"I'd like to see you on the boards of
corporations," Holland said. "If our
presence was felt and respected, they
cannot discriminate against us."
Psychology assistant Prof. Jackie
Telecast reminds
students of past
By Killy Scheer
For the Daily
University students took part in the
first National Day of Remembrance
through speeches, recollections and vari-
ous artistic performances telecast from
San Francisco State University yesterday.
The event, sponsored by the United
Asian American Organization, kicked
offa weekend of awareness recogniziig
the incarceration and civil liberties vio-
lations acainst more than 120,000
Japanese Americans during World War
The telecast allowed the University
to be "linked nationally with everything
else around the country. San Francisco
State opened people's eyes," said Rahul
Shah, Michigan Student Assembly
chair of UAAO.
Engineering senior Rudhir Patel,
coordinator of the event, said he hopes
the remembrance will help the
Uiversity get involved and recognize
this past injustice.
"Many students don't know the his-
tory of the detention camps," Shah said.
"This was an educational and observa-
tional moment to learn about different
Japanese American figures and
The program began with a brief
overview highlighting events involving
Japanese Americans from 1942 to the
present and the readings of former
internee recollections.
A tribute to two individuals, who par-
ticipants said impacted the Japanese
American community with their
strength, perseverance and pride, fol-
lowed the review of the internment.
The late Edison Uno, a survivor of
the concentration camps, was honored
during the telecast. Edison was in
internment from 1932-1946, longer
than any other Japanese American pris-
Fred Korematsu, who stood against
anti-Asian prejudice, was also recog-
nized. In an interview about former
President Franklin Roosevelt's signing
of Executive Order 9066 on February
19, 1942, which called for the exclusion
and internment of all Japanese
"So0 many people-
don't know about-
the internMent."
- Rudhir Patel
Engineering Senior
Americans from tite West coast,
Korematsu said,"I felt like I didn't have
a country. I felt so lonely, but 1 was hop-
ing I could still fight in court."
Poet Janice Mirikitani read her poem
titled "A Day of Remembrance" which
is about her own experience in World
War II.
June Watanabe and Company per-
formed an excerpt from her moderndance
piece "E.O. 9066," which was followed by
a panel discussion during the program on
the detention.
Sox Kitashima, Joy Morimoto, San
Francisco State Prof. Morgan
Yamanaka and Steve Nakajo, all intern-
ment victims, reflected on their person-
al experiences.
The program ended with a musical
performance by singer/songwriter Art
"I hope this is a spark. So many peo-
pie don't know about the internment, so
hopefully this is a good start,' Patel
"I think understanding internment is
important for every race since it is still
not illegal" Patel said. "It is necessary
for citizens as a whole to be aware and
understand it."
Shah, an LSA junior, said he hopes
recognition of the internment will grow
on the national level.
LSA junior Kyle Kurata said he
thinks events like this broadcast around
the country will help.
"This event should be remembered,"
Kurata said. "A lot of people have not
acknowledged it, so I think it's great to
have a day like this"
The Asian Pacific American Law
Students Association is sponsoring
"The Recreation of Fred Korematsu's
Writ of Coram Nobis" in Hutchins Hall
at the Law School tonight at 6.
Elzora Holland, a counselor from the comprehensive studies prof
last night at the Chemistry Building.
Mattis spoke on the importance of
strengthening relationships among
black women.
Mattis said she felt the forumtwias a
positive step toward unifying black
women. emphasizing that they have the
power to improve their lives.
"It is easier to complain than to be
proactive;' Mattis said. "Tonight is a
maniIfestation that its proactise."
Rackham second-year student
Monique Glover said last night's pro-
gram helps black women relate to each
"Having groups like this builds rela-
tionships between black people on
campus to help us understand where
everyone is coming from. Just because
another student is black doesn't mean
that you know their experience,'
Clover said.
Mattis told students the best way to
begin building stronger relationships is
to be honest - something people do
not emphasize enough.
"tumr greatest resource not valued iII
this culture is honesty,' Mattis said.
Mattis said dialogue is an important
step in gaining understanding.
"It's important that African
American females have an outlet to
discuss issues we lace. Our experience
is different from other groups on cam-
puss' said LSA junior Kara Willis.
Senate passes police living bill
LANSING (AP) - With its author
saying a cop living in a bad neighbor-
hood can make it safer, the Michigan
Senate passed legislation yesterday to
provide incentives for officers to live in
high-crime areas.
Despite critics' charges that few
police officers will actually move
into bad areas, the Senate passed
three bills to offer free driver's
licenses and auto registrations and
no-interest home loans to cops who
agree to live in risky neighborhoods.
"We ought to do everything in our
power to make neighborhoods safe,"
said Sen. Mike Rogers (R-Brighton).
He said an officer who lives and
works in a neighborhood builds trust
and curbs fear among other area resi-
"If it encourages a city or a neighbor-
hood to take a street back, it's the right
thing to do."
"It's an incentive that \sill ead to
neighborhood safety," said Sen.
Leon Still (R-Sprin iLake). "T'his is
a worthy package of bills that can
help many communities in
The bills passed on votes of 30-,
29-6 and 31-5, and now go to an
uncertain future in the state louse.
All opponents were Democrats
except Sen. David Jaye (R-
Washington Township).
Some opponents derided the bills as
ineffective and an election-year hand-
out for police officers.
"This series of bills does nothing
for police officers and their fami-
lies," said Sen. Jim Berryiman (D-
"Would you move your family
into a high-crime area?
"We're going in the wrong direc-
tion. Why tot clean up a high-crimile
area? I ldon't think any officer is
going to take advantage of it," he
"i's a ruise. It's not going to hap-
pen," said Sen. Joseph Conroy (D-
F limm).
Senate analysis could not estimate
the fiscal effect of the proposal.
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What's happening in Ann Arborthis weekend
FRIDAY Lounge. Sponsored by Organization of
J "Stand Up Straight, Don't Grovel" African American Artists,
S"Amazin' Blue - Arcade Sing," Sponsored by Chinese Film Series, Architects and Planners, Pierpont
Informal a acappela concert, Angell Hall, Auditorium D, 8 p.m. Commons, Atrium and Piano
Spnoreda bAmaazil cn' Blu, Lounge.
Sponsored by mazin' Blue, "StudenGroup Meeting," Sponsored
Nichols Arcade, 11 p.m. SATURDAY IBlac k Volunteer Net work ,
J "Big Black: Leader of Attica Prisoner ichigan Union, Pond Rorm, 2-4
Rebellion Speaks," Sponsored b J j "Interfaith Workshop Service," pm.
RAIL and others, Law Quau, Sponsored by Guild House J "Weekly Rummage Sale," Sponsored
Hutchins Hall, Room 100, 6 p.m. Interfaith Campus Ministry, Guild by The Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor,
, "Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship, House, 802 Monroe St., 5:30- Kiwanis Building, 200 S. First St.,
Sponsored by Chi Alpha Christian 6:30 p.m. corner of Washington, 9 a.m-12 p.m.
-- Fellowship, Dental Building, I; "Orthodox Minyan Shabbaton"
Kellogg Auditorium, 7 p.m. Sponsored by Hillel, Hillel, 1429
Ij"Orthodo Minyan Shabbaton" Hill St., After services. SUNDAY
Sponsored by Hillel, Hillel, 1429 J"2nd Annual National Jewish
Hill St., After services. LesBIGay Student Leadership J "Israeli Dancing," Sponsored by
1"2nd Annual National Jewish Conference" Sponsored by Hillel, Hillel, Hillel, 1429 Hill St., 8-10
-" LesBlGay Student Leadership Hillel, 1429 Hill St. p.m.
Conference" Sponsored by Hillel, J "7 Habits of Highly Effective u "2nd Annual National Jewish
Hillel, 1429 Hill St. (Balanced) Christians - Dr. Shelly LesBiGay Student Leadership
JtShades of U.S., 1st Annual Minority Liken," Sponsored by Graduate Conference" Sponsored by Hillel,
Art and Architecture Show," Christian Fellowship, Ann Arbor Hillel, 1429 Hill St.
Sponsored by Organization of Christian Reformed Church, 1717 J"Sunday Worship," Sponsored by
African American Artists, Broadway St., 7:15 p.m. Laymen's Evangelical Fellowship,
Architects and Planners, Pierpont J "Shades of U.S., 1st Annual Minority Ann Arbor YMCA, Zonta Room,
Commons, Atrium and Piano Art and Architecture Show," 10 a.m.
CALENDAR POLICY: The calendar's purpose is to provide a place for organizations to announce free events open to the
"titniversity community. However, we can only print announcements the day of the event. Announcements for events that
"ts-5arge admission will not be run.
All items for THE CALENDAR must be mailed or delivered to the Daily at least three days before publication. Events on
,iday, Saturday or Sunday must be submitted by 5 p.m. Wednesday prior to the event. We can not accept requests over the
elephone, and we can not guarantee that an announcement turned in within three days of the event will be run.
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