68 - The Michigan Daily Weeker Magazine- 1Thursday, Februar' 19, 1 99 Constellations fill night skies with myths and legends El Film Feature Crichton novels lose quality, complexity in transition to film The Michiganily Weekend I By Gina Rasmussen Fobr the Daily Stars have existed for billions of years, aiding navigation. inspiring sto- rytellers and even being relied upon to predict the future. But these "little dia- monds in the sky" also form constella- tions. Constellations, in essence, "are pat- terns of stars in the sky interpreted dif- ferently from culture to culture," said Pat Seitzer, an assistant professor of astronomy at the University. There are a total of 88 officially recognized and recorded constellations in the entire sky. "Forty-eight of them were derived from the ancient Greeks and the other 40 were more or less made up by mod- ern astronomers," said Richard Teske, professor emeritus of astronomy. Some constellation identities can be traced to specific cultures and civiliza- tions. "Many of the identities of the con- stellations were borrowed from Babylonian civilization, including the twelve sign of the zodiac," said John Given, a doctoral student in the depart- ment of classical studies. "The first systematic record of the constellations and their corresponding myths seem to have taken place in the third century, B.C." Star gazers already are familiar with some of these patterns in the sky, such as the Big Dipper, which actually is a part of the biggest constellation. Called the Ursa Major, the entire con- stellation is known as the Great Bear. Ursa Major and Ursa Minor are said to be the bears that cared for the infant Zeus on the island of Crete. "UIrsa Major is sometimes identified with the nymph Callisto who was seduced by Zeus and became pregnant. The problem was that Callisto has Aurigarsa!6 / C>,,--CoPolari 0!~!a M3 "D oulhubP ofsu "aet -' o Canes « !g3 " iiaj Ven aoi * .ino \Iasipiaar. f e b"31 er 48o WESTti NrTH EAST Ursa Major and Ursa Minor are some of the constellations in the Northern winter sky. promised to the virgin goddess, Artemis, to remain chaste," Given explained. Later Artemis discovered that Callisto was pregnant, and angrily turned the nymph into a bear. Eventually the bear bore a son named Arcas who threatened to kill her. To prevent such a tragedy, Zeus transport- ed both of them into the heavens as constellations. Similarly, Orion has a myth of his own. A great hunter, he often is por- trayed as boasting that he is a match for any animal on earth. But after offending the goddess of hunting, Artemis. he is killed. To the right of Orion sparkles the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, which is nine light years away. To the left is Procyn. These are known as Canis Major and Canis Minor, respectively. They represent the hunting dogs of Orion and accompany him across the sky. Almost all cultures have myths to explain the constellations. The ancient Chinese called the Big Dipper the Emperor's Chariot, while the Berbers of northern Africa considered our bears to be a camel and its calf. "There is no such thing as purity in the sky," Teske said. Astrology grew prevalent because of a strong belief that everything in the universe is linked. "Science cannot fully explain the world around us and mythology is a culture's way of adding to its store of knowledge and understanding of the world," Given said. "The two - sci- Courtesy of Guide to the Stars' by Leslie Peltier ence and myth - existed side by side, in a way that our modern culture does- n't allow. And I would say that our cul- ture is poorer for the lack of willing- ness to look beyond the purely ratio- nal." On a clear night, it is possible to see about 3,000 of the 6,000 known stars in the sky. But in Ann Arbor, one may only see about 100 stars. Light pollu- tion interferes with viewing, Seitzer said. "It is best to go to the country side, maybe 30 miles west of here, to see the brightest stars." Teske said that some of the brightest stars can be seen from a desert such as those in Texas or Arizona. But the best place to go for stargazing is the Southern Hemisphere during the win- ter months. Seeing constellations in the moon- light can provoke wonder. "Most people get their socks knocked off when they see stars," Teske said. Seitzer expressed his own opinion: "It is interesting to see pat- terns change as seasons change, and the paths of the moon and planets cross from week to week." If constellations still aren't your forte, what about eclipses? The next total solar eclipse of the sun will take place on Feb. 26. The best place to view it in its entirety will be the Caribbean island of Aruba, which is where Pat Teske plans to be. It will begin at 12:30 p.m. and end at 1:57 p.m., and the maximum length of the event will be four minutes and nine seconds long. For those of you who won't be in Aruba next week, you can catch a glimpse of the eclipse anywhere in the Detroit vicinity. A partial eclipse will take place at 1:04 p.m. and less than 10 percent of the sun will be visible. Both Teske and Seitzer said that people should not attempt to view the eclipse directly with the naked eye. Proper fil- ters or a projection system are neces- sary to prevent blindness. The next total eclipse of the sun will take place on Aug. I1, 1999 and will be visible from Central Europe, Seitzer said. Cities like Plymouth, England: Le Havre, France; Stuttgart and Munich, Germany will all be in the path of the eclipse. Science has swayed many beliefs,. myths and legends; science has changed our entire way of thinking about the world in general. But the sky in plain view holds many mysteries. So sit back, relax and open your eyes (with protection of course) to the many possibilities above and beyond. Sky at a Glance To learn about different aspects of space sci- ence, set your web browsers to http://www WindoWs- umich.edu. The Website, called "Windows to the Universe," is funded by NASA and based here at the University. By Joshua Pederson Daily Film Editor The movie "Sphere" opened last week, and fans of the original Michael Crichton novel are probably lining up at theaters right now to buy tickets for the film. Or are they? The sharp decline in quality that occurs when Crichton's novels become moviesmay. lead some readers to stay away. Let's face the facts: Crichton is no Dostoevsky. He's pretty far from Mark Twain. He's not up there with Milton. On the other hand, he is quite a story- teller. He can write one heckuva page- turner. But with the release of "Jurassic Park," the movie, he found out that if you can write a popular page-turner, you can make a movie. And if you can make a movie, you can make money. And if you can make money, you can make a name for your- self. And after this stage, your name is priceless, and you don't need to write "good material" anymore. In the past five years, Michael Crichton has cashed in on his golden name. And while he's made bushels of green, nothing of real quality has come from the writer's desk -- none of his writing, none of his movies, none of his television. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying they haven't been popular. They've been a diamond mine of pop culture. But this instant popularity has- n't been due to any real originality, or any impressive ingenuity. It has occurred as a direct result of Crichton's golden name. First, let's look back to the time when the Crichton name didn't neces- sarily mean immediate financial suc- cess. He began his career as a writer in medical school, and he wrote about a half dozen novels during this portion of his life. Most were both critically and popu- larly mediocre, but one, "A Case of Need," won the Hudson Award for the best mystery of the year. It was a mod- est popular success, but nothing com- pared to the deluge which would come in years to follow. Surprisingly, Crichton made the jump to film early in his career. Many think that "Jurassic Park" was the first of Crichton's books to make the move to film. But his 1970 novel, "The Andromeda Strain," was made into a delightfully tacky piece of '70s schtick. Most important, though, it retained a large number of Crichton's original plot elements, a feat that would not be repeated in his later works. Throughout the '70s and '80s, Michael Crichton wrote a number of moderately successful science fic- tion pieces, among them "Congo," "The Terminal Man" and the afore- mentioned "Sphere," published in 1987. In 1990, he wrote "Jurassic Park," the book that would launch his popu- lar career. The novel moved up the best seller list, quickly reaching the top. "Jurassic Park"'s popularity made Crichton's fans eager to see the dra- matic, action-packed story told on film ... at least until the movie was. released. In the summer of 1993, the film ver- sion of the smash novel reached the screens. Directed by Steven Spielberg, "Jurassic Park" was an enormously profitable success. It revolutionized the special effects industry and truly was a visual spectacle. But lost in the whirlwind of computer-generated velociraptors was the sad fact that much of the novelty and imagination of the original story had been lost. Attending medical school has given Michael Crichton an intensely scientif- ic background. While much of his tal- ent as a creator can be attributed to his ability to tell a good story, it must not be forgotten that he also contrives plots that are mingled with a good amount of analytical complexity. In the film version of "Jurassic Park," much of this concise intricacy is lost. Crichton allowed his story to be convoluted and simplified, catering to a popular audience that has become accustomed to spoon-feeding at the movies. The other major problem with the Dustin Hoffman dives to exp film version was the finale had to be changed. But alterations were made to a almighty dollar. In the bool were blasted to kingdom producers know a moneynr they see it, and a nuclear isn't exactly conducive to Crichton wrote "The L( despite its predecessor's a ing. It laid the foundations effects-laden blockbuster rr ly as lucrative, and with eve ematic value. Crichton novel solely for its monetar and it showed. The result 1 that was barely readable at But "The Lost World" v only stunted offspring of version of "Jurassic Park.' stage for the movie mas: number of other Crichton m "Congo" was originally ing, semi-anthropological ko tional race of gorilla-like Hollywood turned it into a h gory revival of "Gorillas in And, to satisfy the public's r guns, the final scene featur School and w In nee, Then join us for a by a visiting te Friday.M Saturd 2 Fr Ann..Arbor! Learn more about th Conferen Come Courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox Sean Connery and Wesley Snipes star in "Rising Sun," another substandard adap- tation of a Michael Crichton novel. Nothing to do? Read The Michigan Daily online at http:f/www. pub. umich. edu/dailyl. Online daily for your Web surfing convenience. Get Your Bike Ready For The Season!!! Spring Bike Tune-Up Day Service $29.95 Reg. $44.95 "Where Service and Come "ist Ann Arbor Cyclery 1224 Packard Street (734) 761-2749 Free Repair Estimates I 1iii a _c. 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