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February 19, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-02-19

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One hundred seven years ofeditorilfreedom

February 19, 1998

-~~- ---- -- -------

o discuss
U finding
t League
y Peter Romer-Friedman
aily Staff Reporter
The state Senate Appropriations
ubcommittee for Higher Education
ill hold a hearing tomorrow at 9:30
.m. in the Michigan League to address
he budget Gov. John Engler proposed
his past Thursday.
University President Lee Bollinger,
harlie Nelms, chancellor of the
niversity's Flint campus, and repre-
entatives from Central Michigan
niversity and the University's
earborn campus will state their cases
or increased funding for higher educa-
ion to the three members of the sub-
ommittee - Sen. John Schwarz (R-
attle Creek), Sen. Don Koivisto (D-
ronwood) and Sen. Jon Cisky (R-
chwarz, who chairs the subcommit-
ee, conducts subcommittee hearings on
he road to gather opinions from con-
tituents across the state. After meeting
t the University tomorrow, the subcom-
ittee is scheduled to visit the campuses
f Albion College, Michigan State
niversity and Oakland University in the
pcoming months.
Since last last week's announcement, a
ber of senators and representatives
ave expressed concerns about Engler's
roposal to increase higher education
ding by 1.5 percent, a full percentage
oint less than the expected inflation rate.
Schwarz said he and the other sena-
ors will attempt to boost higher educa-
ion funding above the 2.5-percent
nflation rate expected.
"The main issue is the fact that
he executive budget has a 1.5-(per-
t) increase across the board for
lic state universities," Schwarz
aid. "That is probably inadequate.
It will increase an upward pressure
n tuition. We're looking to expand
unding to bring the rate at or slight-
ly above the general inflation rate."
Cynthia Wilbanks, associate vice
resident for government relations,
said that every year the University
looks forward to testifying before the
*committee and giving its input on
tlie legislation.
"We certainly see opportunity in
working with the legislators to improve
the funding by any way we can,"
Wilbanks said. "The discussions of the
University's needs will be persuasive.
It's a starting point."
Schwarz said the Senate almost
always adopts the bill the Higher
Education Subcommittee sends to
the general appropriations commit-
Last year,. the final bill the
Senate and House passed called for
a 4.4-percent increase in higher
See SENATE, Page 7A
Lawsuit parties
have nearly on
week to reply

I 1
By Katie Plona
Daily Staff Reporter
The University and the Center for Individual Rights
nearly one more week to respond to a coalition's moti
intervene in the first of two lawsuits challengin
versity's admissions processes.
A clerk in the office of Detroit Federal Court
Patrick Duggan, the judge who will decide whether tc
mit the intervention, said no response motions have
filed yet.
The coalition, Citizens for Affirmative Act
Preservation, filed a motion in Detroit Federal Cou
Feb. 5 to become a defendant in the lawsuit. Membc
the coalition, including several national civil
organizations and high school students from sout
Michigan, said they want to intervene in the
1ause they have a direct stake in defending
University's admissions polices.
CIR filed the first lawsuit against the Universi
October on behalf of two white applicants who claim
were unfairly evaluated in the admissions processes
College of Literature, Science and Arts because it uses
as factor in evaluating applicants.


worth fighting for'

visits OSlU
By Mike Spahn
Daily Staff Reporter
COLUMBUS - President Clinton's foreign policy team
met yesterday at Ohio State University with a rowdy crowd
in a town hall meeting to discuss the current situation in Iraq.
Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Secretary of
Defense William Cohen and National Security Adviser
Sandy Berger met for 90 minutes with a crowd that often
yelled and chanted in protest of possible U.S. military
action against Iraq.
Albright said the goal of the meeting was to "explain
the policy ramifications" of the Iraqi situation.
"Iraq is a long way from Ohio, but what happens there
matters a great deal here," Albright said.
The discussion was interrupted early and often.
Protesters began chanting anti-war slogans during
Albright's opening comments and continued through
much of the debate.
All of the panel members said a diplomatic solution to
the conflict is the preferred option, but a solution must
include free, unfettered access for United Nations
weapons inspectors to all Iraqi weapons sites.
"We want to solve this peacefully," Berger said. "But
there are some things worth fighting for.
"The UN inspectors have been remarkably successful.
The best result would be to get them back in," he said.
Berger said the aim of a possible airstrike would be
twofold: to diminish Saddam Hussein's weapons and
reduce the threat to Iraq's neighbors.
"We will send a clear message to would-be tyrants and
terrorists that we will do what is necessary to protect our
freedom," Berger said.
Albright said Iraq will not easily recover from airstrikes
if they occur.
"If there is a strike, it will be substantial. lie will need
more than a Band-Aid," Albright said.
Twice during the program, members of the audience were
removed from the arena by Secret Service agents and OSU
police. One of those people was T.J. Ghose, a representative
of the OSU African Student Union.
Ghose said he attempted to cooperate with police, but
they would not listen to him.
"They threw me up against the rails and searched me all
over," Ghose said.
The other person removed from the audience was Rich
Theis, a freelance writer from Columbus. Theis' yelling
caused the broadcast to cut to an unplanned commercial.
After a brief shouting match with CNN host Bernard
Shaw, Secret Service agents removed Theis.
Theis returned at the end of the event to voice his opinion.
"This is not an open forum," Theis said. "It is a media
event held by CNN."
Ghose said he agreed with Theis. He said the ASU came
to the event under the impression that it would not be a com-
pletely open discussion.
"It was a staged media event," Ghose said. "We weren't
going to be fooled."
Some members of the OSU student body said the out-
See IRAQ, Page 7A

Secretary William
Cohen, U.S.
Secretary of
State Madeleine
Albright and
National Security
Adviser Sandy
Berger prepare
yesterday before
the International
Town Hall
Meeting during
which all three
were pummelled
with harsh
questions from an
audience at Ohio
State University's
St. John's Arena.
Vergene Moser of
Dayton, Ohio was
one of about 150
outside the
Town Hall

lacks many
Lus Angeles ITimes
world's farthest corners, Argentina and
Australia are in. But Arab powers and
former partners Egypt and Syria are
out. And front-line states Saudi Arabia
and the United Arab Emirates have a
foot in each camp.
Seven years after the Persian Gulf
War, the United States this week put
finishing touches on a new coalition
supporting the use of military force
against Iraq if it continues to block
U.N. inspectors from seeking out
weapons of mass destruction.
But the new coalition differs dramat-
ically from the stunning assemblage of
more than three dozen nations that
launched "Operation Desert Storm."
This one is modest, at best. Its pri-
mary value is symbolic. Its combined
military might is but a fraction of the

The recent history of the lawsuit:
The Center for Individual Rights filed a lawsuit against
the University on Oct. 14, targeting its LSA admissions
U The University issued an answer to CIR's motion Dec. 3.
Citizens for Affirmative Action's Preservation, a coali-
tion that includes high school students and lawyers, filed
a motion to intervene in the lawsuit Feb. 5.
N The University and CIR have nearly one week to respond
to the coalition's motion to become defendants in the
NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund - one of the
national organizations leading the coalition.
If the parties answer the lawsuit, said Robert Sedler, a
constitutional law professor at Wayne State University,
it is not likely the University will object to CAAP's
motion to intervene in the lawsuit and it is not likely
CIR will support the intervention.
"Typically in these cases, the party on whose side they
seek to intervene would not object to the intervention,"
Sedler said.
To receive defendant status, the coalition must prove that it
has a stake in the case that is not fully represented by the
Sedler said the plaintiffs, who are represented by CIR in
this case, will typically object for various reasons. CIR might
object on the basis that a third party would "clutter the case"
or that the University adequately represents CAAP's argu-
ments, Sedler said.
William Allen, dean of James Madison College at
Michigan State University, said that although the two parties'

f air visits
By Mahvish Khan
For the Daily
Dressed formally in ties and skirts,
nearly 1,200 University students sought
summer employment yesterday at the
annual Internship and Summer Job Fair
in the Michigan Union.
From management and marketing insti-
tutions to public relations and computer
programming companies, students had
about 70 organizations to choose from.
Coordinated by Career Planning and
Placement, the event is one of many
organized by CP&P that connects stu-
dents with employers, said Judy
Lawson, director of student affairs at
"This is a great place for students to
explore their options and it is always
encouraging to see such a turnout,"
Lawson said. "U of M students obvi-
ously have a great interest in attaining
opportunities like summer internships
and the big turnout today reflects the

Eric Olmo, a Gateway 2000 representative, sets up a table yesterday at the job
fair in the Michigan Union.

looking for a position as a research lab
assistant, or something that will give

sophomore Katy Weiks.
Students said they are glad CP&P

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