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February 18, 1998 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1998-02-18

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inspires 'U'
By Sam Stavis
Daily Staff Reporter
The Big Wild Roadshow, a cross-country, grass-
roots movement to defend the United States' last great
wildlands, came to Ann Arbor last night, spreading its
inspirational message like wildfire among members
-of the University community.
The message of the two main speakers, environ-
mental activists Joshua Burnim and Martin Stephan,
was clear: The country's wilderness areas are being
destroyed, and something needs to be done to end the
unrestricted logging responsible for this devastation.
"We need to take action," Stephan said. "We need to
end public logging right now."
Singing, guitar playing, a slide show and an eye-
opening video were all part of the lively, hour-and-a-
half presentation. While Burnim spoke of the danger
the country's forests are facing, Stephan inflated a bal-
loon painted to represent Earth, released it, and sent it
careening around the room as it deflated.
"How long can the Earth sustain this unrestricted
population growth and pollution?" Burnim asked.
"The answer is, not long."
The speakers criticized the National Forest Service
for allowing publicly owned lands to be stripped of
their natural resources, when the vast amount of pri-
vately owned American forest land should be able to
cover the country's timber needs.
The public suffers in three different ways from this
process, Burnim said. It funds the logging with its own
tax dollars, destroys natural habitats of wildlife, caus-
es the extinction of indigenous species and ends up

The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 18, 1998 - 5
Metro airport to install
secunty video cameras

DETROIT (AP) -- Detroit
Metropolitan Airport will spend
$500,000 to install video cameras and
other equipment to catch people trying
to evade its security checkpoints - as
two people did last month.
As part of the move, announced
Monday, the Romulus airport also will
bolster police patrols of its three termi-
nals while warning of swift prosecution
of those trying to breach the enhanced
Reported shortcomings in the airport's
security surfaced last month, when two
travelers bolted from the X-ray machines
and metal detectors leading to Northwest
and United airlines gates.
Two such incidents also happened
last year.
Each time, the breaches forced secu-
rity to seal terminals, delay flights and
move thousands of passengers - both
in the buildings and aboard planes -
through the checkpoints again.
After last month's breaches,
Northwest - the airport's largest carri-
er - said it planned no changes
because it was satisfied with its securi-
ty contractor, Argenbright Security of
On Monday, Northwest spokesper-
son Jim Faulkner said the airline was
satisfied with Argenbright but endorses
new cameras, which will shoot color
video in allowing security agents to pan
and zoom into different areas.

"We never said security didn't need
improvement," Faulkner told the
Detroit Free Press for a story in yester-
day's editions. "... If someone decided
to run through security, these are things
that will help us catch that person bet-
Northwest approved spending the
$500,000 from the airport's budget for
the latest security measures. An operat-
ing budget comes from landing fees,
gate rents, terminal concession rents
and other fees.
Airlines - not the airport - are
responsible for security at checkpoints
and in concourses. Katz asked the air-
lines to boost the number of security
employees at checkpoints and to pay
them better. Firms such as Argenbright
often pay their workers minimum wage.
With the enhanced security, "The
hope is that when we do have a prob-
lem, we can respond quicker and incon-
venience less people," Dave Katz, the
acting Wayne County Airports
Director, told the Free Press.
An American Airlines spokesperson
declined to comment on a security
issue. A United Airlines counterpart
declined to comment because he had
not seen the airport's recommendations.
"These are the kinds of things they
are supposed to be doing," said Mary
Schiavo, a former U.S. Department of
Transportation inspector general now
living near Toledo, Ohio.

Environmental activist Martin Stephan spoke and sang at the Big Wild Roadshow, which was held last night in
Angell Hall as part of the Environmental Theme Semester.

buying back wood that it owned in the first place.
Burnim also berated the National Forest Service for
leaving the public out of the decision-making loop.
"The Forest Service still refuses to let the public
back in the process," Burnim said.
A video played at the roadshow depicted the struggle
to protect the Cove-Mallard wilderness area in Idaho,
the largest tract of unlogged native forest in the United
States. When the Clean Water Act and other federal laws
protecting endangered species failed to stop the logging
companies in 1996, activists from across the country
took direct action to protect the area.
The video showed huge barricades and other obsta-
cles that clogged logging roads, delaying the compa-

nies for weeks before federal agents terminated the
Both Stephan and Burnim were arrested for partic-
ipating in the direct action movement, and they urged
students to take action in whatever manner they could
as soon as possible.
"In two to three generations, there won't be any-
thing to fight for," Stephan said.
Mona Hanna, an SNRE senior and chair of the
Environmental Theme Semester, praised the Big Wild
Roadshow's effectiveness in delivering its message.
"It was really inspirational," Hanna said. "I'm glad
that the U of M had the opportunity to hear what was
going on."

Continued from Page 1
MSA Vice President Olga Savic said
community service includes both actu-
al service and activism.
"I think the definition we use for
community service at the University
of Michigan is broad. And it's broad
for a good reason," Savic said.
"Within the service committee
there's a lot of doubt about how to
define service. The consensus that
they're able to come to is that it
includes actual service, service

through learning and activism."
The assembly also discussed the
upcoming MSA president, vice presi-
dent and representative elections,
which are scheduled to be held March
18 and 19.
Education senior Rajeshri Gandhi
was appointed election director.
Election packets for candidates can
be obtained in the MSA office and
in the Administration Office of
Pierpont Commons on North
The packets are due by 5 p.m. on
Feb. 27.

Friday, February 20, 1998
3:30- 4:30 p.m
ut chins Hall, Room 236
4:30 - 6:00 entation
Student Notes
Hutchins Hall, Room 236
Saturday, February 21, 1998
' , E "8:00 -9:00 a.m.
Registration and Continental
HutchinsfHall, Room 236
Welcome Address
Dean Jeffrey S. Lehman,
University of Michigan
Law School
Hutchins Hall, Room 250
9:15 - 10:45 a.m.
First Plenar: Immigration
Hutchins flarl. Room 250
11:00a.m. - 12:45P.m.
Secondary Plenary:
Affirmative Action
flutchins Halli, Room 250
y t 3:00 -4:45 p. Peay
Gender andSexuality
Hutchins Hall, Room 250
R5:00 - 6:30 Nondtable Discussion
Asian American jurisprudence
Hutchins Hall, KRoomll250
7:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Midi ~all Union,
P:et(Jn Room
Keynote S eaker
Chair, National Council of
Asian Pacific Americans


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President Clinton talks with Marine Corps Gen. Charles Krulak at the
Pentagon yesterday after discussing a possible airstrike on Iraq.

Continued from Page 1.
Clinton warned that Saddam person-
ified the modern threat to nations in
the post-Cold War era, when terror-
ists, drug traffickers and organized
criminals make up an "unholy axis"
that can use weapons of mass
"If we fail to respond today,
Saddam and all those who would
follow in his footsteps will be
emboldened tomorrow by the
knowledge that they can act with
impunity," the president said.
Clinton emphasized that Saddam
had broken a promise, made under
terms of the Gulf War cease-fire, to
provide a complete accounting of his
nation's nuclear, chemical and bio-
logical weapons within 15 days.
"That's what he promised to do."
As for what happens after any
campaign of allied airstrikes,
Clinton said the U.S. would continue
to monitor Iraq's weapons programs
and would strike again any time
Saddam tried to rebuild his arsenal.
In a response to Clinton's speech,

Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tarik
Aziz said in a Cable News Network
interview that the United States has
no authority to attack Iraq. He said
none of Iraq's neighbors favor an
attack, while countries as far away as
New Zealand, Australia and Britain
are jumping to help the U.S. "It is not
a coalition for peace. It is a belliger-
ent coalition to destroy a nation,"
Aziz said.
Public opinion polls have shown
most Americans favor airstrikes if
Saddam fails to comply with U.N.
resolutions requiring open, unfet-
tered inspection of sites believed
used to produce 'weapons of mass
destruction. But the surveys also
suggest misgivings. A Gallup Poll
conducted earlier this week for
CNN/USA Today found that only 45
percent supported military action if
the United States were forced to go it
alone; the survey also suggested
public discomfort with Iraqi civilian
casualties. If many civilians were to
be killed, Americans were virtually
split on removing Saddam, with 47
percent in favor and 45 percent

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