2- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 18, 1998 NATION/A ORLD
Midshipman convicted of murder
1. . - ' .
FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) - A jury convicted
former Naval Academy midshipman Diane Zamora
yesterday of killing a 16-year-old romantic rival,
rejecting her defense that an abusive boyfriend manip-
ulated her into a confession.
The jury deliberated for six hours Monday, then
needed only minutes yesterday morning to convict
Zamora of the Dec. 4, 1995 slaying ofAdrianne Jones.
Jurors rejected lesser charges of kidna'pping, assault
and false imprisonment.
Showing no emotion as the verdict was read,
Zamora automatically received a life sentence because
prosecutors were not seeking the death penalty. She
will be eligible for parole after 40 years.
During the two-week trial, Zamora tearfully told the
jury that she confessed to helping her boyfriend kill
his one-time lover under duress. She said she had
merely memorized and repeated the same statement
given by then-fianc6 David Graham, a former Air
Force Academy cadet.
The couple were high school seniors at the time of
the killing. Both graduated with honors and earned
prestigious spots in military academies the next year
- she at the Naval Academy, he at the Air Force
Academy. They were arrested in September 1996 after
Zamora's academy roommates reported she had
admitted to a killing.
Jones' relatives addressed the court after the verdict.
Many in the courtroom dabbed their eyes as they
spoke, but Zamora remained stone-faced.
"We all loved and enjoyed Adrianne very much,"
said the girl's father, Bill Jones, speaking slowly
while fighting his emotions. "We all looked for-
ward to a life with her. ... We will never know what
heights she would have (risen) to because of this
animal act. And we shall have to wonder the rest of
our lives."
Zamora's family appeared solemn as state Judge
Joe Drago read the verdict. When he read the sen-
tence, one of her relatives gasped "Oh, God!" and sev-
eral others cried, clutching each other. One relative
prayed in a circle with their pastor.
Lead prosecutor Mike Parrish said he was stunned
by Zamora's lack of emotion.
"As she once said about Adrianne, 'She deserved it.
She deserved what she got;" Parrish said.
Zamora admitted to the slaying shortly after her
arrest in Sept. 1996. Graham also was taken into cus-
tody and faces trial later this year.
In separate police interviews, Graham and Zamora
gave similar stories about driving Jones to a remote
lake, saying Zamora hit the girl with a barbell and
Graham shot her as she tried to flee.
Both said the slaying was to appease Zamora, who
was enraged that Jones and Graham had sex once.
Defense attorneys tried to portray Zamora as a
polite, ambitious, academic all-star who became a vic-
tim of mental and sexual abuse by Graham, whom
theydescribed as manipulative and domineering.
While admitting she was present when Jones died,
Zamora testified that she did not strike the girl and
was horrified when Graham pulled the trigger.
Highway funding raises race questions
WASHINGTON - Billions of federal dollars for highways and mass transit arc.
at stake - spending that Congress overwhelmingly supports. Yet the money could
become entangled in one of the nation's touchiest political issues: affirmative
One provision of the current huge highway program steers at least 10 percent of
the money to firms owned by minorities or women. But it faces growing oppo
tion in the Republican-controlled Congress.
While Republicans are not united on the issue, the 1996 GOP platform put the
party on record against racial and gender preferences. Adding strength to the move
was California's 1996 vote on Proposition 209 to ban race or gender from being a
factor in state hiring or college admissions.
The strength of the movement against affirmative action will be tested more than
once during the current session of Congress.
Rep. Charles Canady (R-Fla.) plans to introduce, for the third time, his bill to
eliminate scores of federal programs that give advantages to women and minorities.
Other civil rights issues on the congressional table include President Clinton's call
for an $86 million spending increase to enforce the country's civil rights laws and hij
naming of Los Angeles attorney Bill Lann Lee to the Justice Department's top cis
rights post. Legislation to outlaw job discrimination against gays is also pending.
collapsed in the crowded
courtroom while the group
Continued from Page 1l
through it with a fine tooth comb ... making sure every increase was justified."
Director of Housing Public Affairs Alan Levy said the Housing rates include
long-term cost factors, such as the cost of new furniture and building repairs.
"We have to live with costs of everything from labor contracts ... to the cost of
other services like utilities," Levy said.
The housing rates are not based on inflation, Levy said.
"Our rate-setting process is not just starting where we were last year and adding
the inflation index," Levy said.
The University's room and board rates for a double room, which is used as the
standard in setting rates, is the second highest in the Big Ten conference, ranking
only behind Northwestern University, the only private institution in the conference.
"I think just taking those numbers at face value is a mistake," Power said, adding
that factors that determine the base rates include the size of the residence halls,
how they are financed and the quality of service within the halls.
"When you take apart those numbers, you find there are many numbers the
University is not in control of that yield these costs," Power said.
Sunscreen may not
prevent skin cancer
PHILADELPHIA - A provocative
presentation at a science conference yes-
terday questioned the widely held belief
that sunscreens lower the risk of deadly
melanoma skin cancer, but specialists
still caution against going into the sun-
shine without these lotions.
Sunscreens prevent sunburns, and
since there is evidence that frequent
burns, especially at an early age, trigger
melanoma, many experts assume that
using them should help ward off this
Melanoma cases have risen dramati-
cally over the last 25 years even as sun-
screen use became more common. The
lethal cancer now strikes about 42,000
Americans a year, killing 7,300.
Dr. Marianne Berwick, an epidemiol-
ogist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center in New York City, said
her own study, as well as a review of
other research, offers no convincing evi-
dence that using sunscreens keeps peo-
ple from getting melanoma.
Ten studies have looked at the ques
tion, she said at the American
Association for the Advancement of
Science meeting. Three of them, includ-
ing her own, found no link between sun-
screens and melanoma risk. Two sug-
gested that sunscreens seem to preve
MCcuny's comments
trgger speculation
WASHINGTON - White House
press secretary Mike McCurry has set
off debate and speculation by saying
there appears to be no "simple, innd-
cent explanation" of President
Clinton's relationship with Moni
Lewinsky and that it could be "a ve
complicated story."
McCurry said that the nature of the
relationship between Clinton and the for-
mer White House intern could be diffi-
cult to explain to the American people.
McCurry said he had "no way of
knowing" what Clinton would eventu-
ally say about the relationship, and 'I
should not imply that I do."
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Continued from Page 1.
The fraternity was not kicked off the
campus, fraternity officials emphasize.
The chapter made the decision to leave.
"We left voluntarily because the
group we had at the time was not acting
with the standards of our international
organization," said Lambda Chi Alpha
International Fraternity staffer Brett
Manning. "It was understood at the
time between the University and our
fraternity that we had an agreement to
come back when we were ready."
Four years later, Lambda Chi Alpha
is returning to the University's campus.
"In general, after the chapter has
closed for a few years, we try to recolo-
nize a campus by getting a new group
of young men," Pearce said.
One problem still remains. When
Lambda Chi Alpha left the University,
their house was leased to another frater-
nity, Pi Kappa Alpha. Officials at
Lambda Chi Alpha are not sure when
members will be ready to move back in,
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but they are certain that Pi Kappa Alpha
will retain the house for at least one
more academic year.
Pi Kappa Alpha president Erik Ranka
said he is not upset about losing the
house since he says the fraternity never
expected to keep it forever.
"We came here with the understand-
ing that it would be a short-term lease,"
Ranka said. "We should be able to find
a property to move into. It's a nice
house and it will be sad to leave, but
I'm sure we won't look back on it."
The fraternity expects its local chapter
to be registered with the IFC and fully
operational by the beginning of the next
academic year.
"We'll be officially restarted on the
18th of February with our associate
member ceremony," Manning said.
"Following that, we'll be recruiting for
the rest of the semester."
Brothers of Lambda Chi Alpha who
were members of the campus chapter at
the time it was disbanded four years ago,
are not allowed to return to the fraternity
as undergraduates.
Continued from Page 1
ty," said Masley, a Law first-year stu-
The group discussed plans for
organizing the day, including the role
that the administration should play,
who will speak and how to publicize
and fund the event.
"We plan to raise awareness about
why we need affirmative action -
about the cultural inequities that exist
in society for minorities especially,"
said Joe Reilly, co-chair of the Native
American Student Association and an
SNRE sophomore.
Various undergraduate and Law
professors, as well as students, are
scheduled to speak throughout the
More than 13 student groups have
already announced support for the
National Day of Action, including
Alianza, the Black Student Union, the
Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action
By Any Means Necessary, the Native
American Student Association,
Academics for Affirmative Action and
Social Justice, Law Students for
Affirmative Action, the Progressive
Student Alliance, the Undergraduate
Women's Studies Association and the
Free-Mumia Coalition.
Burn AT
T11 avrHe
U.S. military preps
for possible attack
As global diplomacy plays itself out
and President Clinton takes his case for
military action against Iraq to the
American people, the stark reality of
U.S. military might already is roaring
over the complacent heads of grazing
camels near here.
F-l7A Nighthawks, the stealthy
"black"jet fighters that were the first to
strike Iraq's most heavily defended
command-and-control installations in
the 1991 Persian Gulf War, now slice
across the desert skies, presenting a
razor-thin silhouette. The 12 U.S. Air
Force Nighthawks have been deployed
on this heavily protected Kuwaiti
installation 40 miles west of Kuwait
Along with the 102 strike aircraft
aboard the carriers USS Independence
and Washington, nearby in the Persian
Gulf, they are the main offensive threat
to Iraqi President Saddam Hussein if
no solution is found in the dispute over
allowing U.N. weapons inspectors free
access inside Iraq.
And in the seven years since the Gilf
War, military officers say, quantum"
leaps achieved in navigational systems,
avionics and precision-guided weapo
ry aboard these aircraft means that an
future strike would be delivered with
even more accuracy and lethal effect
than before.
Court upholds ruling
in neo-Nazis case
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - An
appeals court upheld yesterday the coo
viction of two American neo-Nazis
who were jailed for violating Sweden's
hate laws.
Shawn Sugg of Otter Lake, Mich., and
Eric Dobbs, a Swedish resident from San
Diego, were among four Americans
arrested at a neo-Nazi concert in subur-
ban Stockholm in early January.
All were convicted of violating the
hate law by giving the Nazi "Sieg Heil"
salute and were jailed for one mont
They were released in early February.
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.
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I E , iicl iatttt + ttilu
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