ws: 76-DAIL44 dvertislng: 76440554 'Elan Un One hundred seven years of editorialfreedom Wednesday February 18, 1998 .09 .? s, x x s. sks;y x Ex n ,t c E s,.k .,&',E,.< " * ,.M1 « r ,a 14 " Woo I Students organize Los Angeles limes + WASHINGTON detailed case yes' military action ag you" that Iraqi Ction unleash an arsen stopped now. Students urged to skip In a careful pr public as well as re lasses in support of warned that failur ffirmative action would only embo future, Rachel Edelman A peaceful solu aly Staff Reporter U.N. weapons insp A group of 40 students met yester- Clinton said in a sp to finalize plans for next a briefing by the sday's National Day of Action, a ay designated to defend affirmative ction at the University in light of the wo recent lawsuits challenging the niversity's race-based admissions ractices. The National Day of Action was esignated by the Rev. Jesse Jackson s a day to defend affirmative action round the country. Events are sched- led to be held at universities across country, including the University f California at Berkeley and the niversity of Texas. But organizers rom United for Affirmative Action, a tudent group that has formed to oordinate the day, said the niversity will have the most exten- ive list of events. Scheduled plans include a teach-in rom 9-12 a.m. in the Michigan ion Ballroom, a gathering in the bowl for student testimonials bout affirmative action, a rally and arch on the Diag from 12-1 p.m., a it-in in the Fishbowl from 1-4 p.m. nd another teach-in from 5:30-8 .m. in Angell Hall. "This is the first student strike ince (the Black Action Movement II)," said Jodi Masley, co-chair of the omen Law Student Association and member of United for Affirmative ion. "I think it's going to be excit- ng. The Center for Individual Rights ad no idea what they were getting nto when they chose the U of M as heir target." CIR filed two lawsuits - one against e College of Literature, Science and e Arts and another against the Law hool - last fall on behalf of three hite clients who claim they were dis- inated against during the ersity's admissions process. UnvriyPe e Organizers are asking students not of issues affec o attend class on the day. Several o s rofessors have already cancelled heir classes. ""This is a chance for us to really obilize," said LSA junior Diego ernal. "This is a chance for us to ave a shot, as students, to influence By Kristin Wrig he (affirmative action lawsuit) deci- Daily Staff Report ion." University ad he group, which recently formed in front of the create United for Affirmative League to discu ction and plan for the Day of University P Action, is comprised of both students vice president f rom other student groups and indi- Student Assem idual students. by the Office o Masley said the planners have North Camp orked hard to organize the event, forming ties wi "It is, in many ways, CIR's biggest long dialogue. istake and our greatest opportuni- MSA Presid See ACTION, Page 2 bridge to the ga Kegents to vote on 'U' Housing fe By Jennifer Yachnin Daily Staff Reporter The University Board of Regents will vote on annual rate increases for room and board during its monthly meeting scheduled for tomorrow. The proposal would raise residence hall room and board fees, on average, by 2.7 percent, and family housing rates would rise by 2.45 percent. "The base increase is less than inflation," said Regent lip Power (D-Ann Arbor). e residence hall rate increase is comprised of a 2.3-percent base and an additional 0.4-percent increase to make up for a reduction in the number of converted triples from 300 to 150. "I think reducing the number of converted triples has, for a long time, been a good idea," Power said. The regents also will vote on whether to reapprove a $19- inton N - President Clinton laid out a terday for prospective American gainst Iraq, saying "I guarantee President Saddam Hussein will al of destruction someday if not esentation aimed at the American luctant allies overseas, Clinton also e to deal effectively with Saddam iden tyrants and terrorists in the tion that would allow unrestricted pections "is by far our preference," eech to Pentagon officials, following Joint Chiefs of Staff. But he made clear that any deal would have to meet standards that have been' unacceptable to Iraq so far: "Iraq: must agree - and soon - to free, full, unfettered access to these sites anywhere in the country." Hours later, U.N. Secretary- General Kofi Annan said he would go to Baghdad later this week for what may be the last try for a diplomatic solution. Annan Clinton made his announcement after meeting with U.S. Ambassador Bill Richardson and envoys from the four other permanent members of the Security Council - Britain, France, Russia and China. The five did not issue any written guidelines to as e for attack him but offered what they called spoken "advice." While this implied that Annan might have more lee- way in any negotiations with Saddam than the Unites States intended, Richardson told reporters, "The United States is supportive of his trip. We wish him well. But we reserve the right to disagree if his con- clusions are not in conformity with U.N. resolutions and our national interest." The president's speech came as the White House intensified its bid to prepare the public for military action against Iraq. Lamenting that he may have to place U.S. troops "in harm's way" Clinton said the military is ready for the risk and "the American peo- ple have to be ready as well." Striving to bring the threat home on another level, See IRAQ, Page 5 Clinton warns Americans: 3 Iraq is refusing to allow unrestricted United Nations' weapons inspections. A Iraq has failed to provide a complete account of its chemical and biological weapons arsenal. U Hussein will unleash an arsenal of destruction if he is not stopped soon. MSA xvotes todenounce state budgetk,% By Jason Staffer and Kristin Wright D~aily Staff Reporters The Michigan Student Assembly passed a resolution last night in support of amending Gov. John Engler's proposed funding increase for higher education. If approved, Engler's budget, which he brought before the state Legislature this past Thursday, will raise the amount of funding that Michigan higher education institutions will receive to a rate far below inflation. It could virtually decrease the amount of state money allocated for higher education. As a result, Michigan colleges and universities could expe- rience a 5.5- to 8-percent tuition increase. The University's in-state students could pay about $560 more in tuition and out-of-state students could suffer an $1,800 increase. The University's tuition is already the fastest growing of all of the public universities in the Big Ten. LSA Rep. Bram Elias, co-chair of the Student Regent Task Force, said students have to voice their opposition to Engler's proposal if they want to keep tuition down. "We're not going to go along with it," said Elias, an LSA junior. "Students can't afford for the University to be under- funded by the state. This bad decision by the governor will take money from students. If the Legislature doesn't fix it, our tuition goes up for no good reason." MSA will not support Engler's proposal unless it is amended to give more financial support to higher education. SNRE sophomore Sara Deneweth said MSA must address Engler's budget proposal because it is an issue that is of con- cern to students. "I think it's really great MSA is tinally dealing with issues that affect students like higher education funding," said Deneweth, who also worked with Elias on MSA's higher edu- cation funding resolution. At last night's meeting, the assembly also voted to retract $850 of community service funding for Law Students in Defense of Affirmative Action. The assembly still will allocate $1,000 to the group. MSA decided to reallocate the $850 to a group seeking to test students for the Hepatitis B virus. But the assembly voted against taking the $850 from Law Students for Affirmative Action and allocating it to the Minority Bone Marrow Coalition. Rackham Rep. Mike Pniewski said he was in favor of moving the money from the law student groups because stu- dents have expressed interest in supporting community ser- 'vice organizations. "When students voted for community service funding, they wanted their $1 to go to things that serve others rather than towards activism," Pniewski said. See MSA, Page 5 SARA STILLMAN/Daily ident Lee Bollinger met with student leaders in the Vandenberg room of the Michigan League yesterday to discuss a number Aing the University community. Bollinger said this is the first in a series of fireside chats. e oirese ats begins ght er dministrators chatted with students yesterday afternoon fireplace in the Vandenberg room at the Michigan ass a variety of issues affecting the University. resident Lee Bollinger and Maureen Hartford, the for student affairs, met with members of the Michigan bly and other students who were selected at random f the Registrar. us concerns, affirmative action and the importance of ith faculty were topics of discussion during the hour- ent Mike Nagrant said the fireside chats helped to ap between students and University administrators. "It gave Bollinger the opportunity to receive feedback from the students and the opportunity for students to comment on how they think the president is doing and how the University is running," Nagrant said. In response to students' concerns about the isolation of North Campus, Bollinger said he would like to see more recreational development on North Campus, including the establishment of ethnic restaurants. He said his goals for improving the North Campus area are to increase community interaction and bring it livelihood. "What you have to do is think about turning North Campus into its own community so that people want to go there," Bollinger said. "That's what a University is - it's that intermixing. We need some- See FIRESIDE, Page 7 Agenda highlights for this week's regents' meetings ® Proposed 1998-99V' residence hall and family Housing rates p Increase of 2.7 percent for the residence halls, on average for a double room Increase of 2.45 percent for family housing ® Proposal for a $19 million expansion the University Hospitals emergency department tional living space it would provide for students. University "Housing is doing a great service to the residents in reducing the number of converted triples," said Taylor, an Engineering sophomore. "It's important to look at the level of services that are provided in the residence halls at this University - they are well above those at other universities." Despite recent housing shortages, which temporarily forced some students to live in residence hall lounges in September, Director of Housing William Zeller said the reduction in the amount of converted triples will improve the quality of student life. "It's a balancing act with the desire to reduce the number of overflow triples and to reduce the density (of students) as well," Zeller said. "The quality of life ... will improve by this reduc- Lambda chi Alpha returns to campus By Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud Daily Staff Reporter After a four-year absence from the University, Lambda Chi Alpha, the nation's third largest fraternity, is restarting their local chapter and hoping new members will meet stan- dards previous brothers failed to ful- fill. The Greek community is welcoming Lambda Chi Alpha's decision to return to campus. "We are completely supportive of Lambda Chi Alpha's efforts," said Tnterfraternitv (Council advis~er John ALLISON CANIEH/ The Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, owners of the house PI Kappa Alpha currently occupies, will return to campus and plans to reclaim its house. 1-1-- -C A-A-A +- a-A," -;A T orrxhr a f'hi AInba Alvha IBoard of Directors decided to Bards," said LamnIUU4 '.i i -pna