4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 16, 1998 Ott Wt]CbC ttlt at(tild 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University.of Michigan LAURIE MAYK Editor in Chief JACK SCHILLACI Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily FROM THE DAILY Dsrwding lines Redistriicting would benefit A2 students 'It gives us an opportunity to be recognized for the achievements we've accomplished. Being in the Senate, seeing the senators - that's a tremendous blessing.' --Defensive Back Brent Washington, on the Michigan Football team's trip to the state capitol in Lansing KAAMRAN HAFEEZ As hiTH A PPENS R TO T LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Skating on thin ice: the most intriguing eople o n1998 T o everything there is a season turn, turn, turn," quoth Ecclesiastes and The Byrds. In thi decade, no lyric could be truer. With every new year arrives new events and celebri- ties striving to etch their names into the culture of pop- ular Americana. h is 0 Ti. A fter a five-hour wrestling match with Ann Arbor Public Schools' redistrict- ing. software last Wednesday, several;par- ents unveiled a plan for reapportioning stu- dents between Ann Arbor's several elemen- tary schools. The parents' proposal comes after district-wide objection to an adminis- trative proposal that many residents say forces too many students to change schools. While the parents' proposal would trans- plant only 300 students into new schools - abotkt 400 fewer than the administrators' plan - it fails to sufficiently remedy a racial imbalance at Carpenter Elementary, where the student population is 41.3 percent African American. In light of this flaw, the district should remain committed to devel- oping a plan that adequately preserves diversity within the elementary schools before the scheduled March 25 board vote - even if such a proposal disrupts students' transition into the 1998-99 academic year. The administrators' push to offset the racial imbalance at Carpenter stems largely from its wish to adhere to district policies that dictate that African American enroll- ment at each of Ann Arbor's schools should fall between two and 32 percent. The dis- trict set the range in accordance with rec- ommended 1977 state guidelines. While the parents' proposal does reduce black enroll- ment at Carpenter, the plan only trims the proportion of African Americans to 37.8 percent - more than five percent higher than the administrators' plan. By approving a plan that falls so short of establishing adequate racial heterogeneity, the school board would far understate the importance of diversity. Though the state Department of Education has not monitored the guidelines since the early '80s, the need to maintain diversity in schools is no less important than it was 21 years ago, when the state established the guidelines. A 1996 report by Washington, D.C., urban policy consultant David Rusk found that Michigan is the most racially segregat- ed state in the nation. Although the city of Ann Arbor is the least segregated among the major metro-Detroit communities, its component residential communities exhibit strong racial segregation, yielding a hous- ing index of 50-- indicating that 50 percent of local minorities would have to move so that each census tract in the area would encompass the same percentage of minori- ties found in the area as a whole. Because students do not regularly come in contact with children of other races in their residen- tial communities, diverse schools are one of few opportunities to establish a thorough understanding of peers of other ethnicities. A racially diverse environment plays a crucial role in students' education. In addition to sharpening social sensitivities, it yields children a multi-dimensional pic- ture of the world. This factor proves para- mount in light of the fact that much of students' instruction - even in contempo- rary education - largely focuses on the Eurocentric components of American society. As the vote on the proposed redistricting of Ann Arbor's elementary school zones is more than a month away, administrators and parents have sufficient time to collaborate on a new proposal. While a plan establish- ing diversity may initially cause disruption by making students change schools, all stu- dents deserve - and need - a heteroge- nous environment to preserve the quality of education. Whose right? Maine repeal is a step backward for gay rights O ver the past decade, 11 states have passed laws protecting gays and les- bians from discrimination. This movement has been attacked by the Christian Coalition, a right-wing interest group devoted to instilling Christian values in American politics. Conservatives and coali- tjon leaders saw this past week as a great victory for their cause as voters in Maine repealed the anti-discrimination law estab- lished by the state Legislature. The coalition claims that gays and les- bians are immoral and wrong and therefore do' not deserve the rights heterosexuals have. Gay, lesbian and civil rights advocates put nearly $500,000 into the campaign - nearly five times more than what conserva- tives invested. The civil rights groups claim that this decision is not a mandate, per se, as only 30 percent of the state voted on this single-issue ballot. In addition, the referen- dum was passed by a slim 52-percent mar- gin - a far cry from an overwhelming majority. The main problem with this initiative is that gays and lesbians have been stripped of the rights that heterosexuals are guaranteed. Under the new law, it is legal to fire a homosexual employee simply due to his or her sexual orientation. Heterosexuals do not have to worry about this possibility. These are not special rights given to some and not all. These are rights that all Americans have - or should have. One dark side of this most recent vote is that it seems as if the coalition is not look- ing out for every American, as it would have one believe. Rather, the coalition's members seem to simply be impressing their ideology on the American voters, not are changing the political arena to suit their beliefs, regardless of citizens' rights. These scare tactics seem to cut more toward the fears and prejudices of people than toward logical human rights. There are now 10 states that still have anti-discrimination laws intact. Gay-rights supporters fear that last week's vote will pave the way for more ballot questions abolishing rights for gays and lesbians alto- gether. In Maine, Gov. Angus King appeared on commercials trying to con- vince people that discrimination against the gay community is wrong, but the Christian Right's argument drew more people to the polls. The state of Michigan does not have a law protecting gays and lesbians from dis- crimination. But Ann Arbor - with its{ now 26-year-old ordinance - was the first city in the country to adopt such a1 policy. There needs to be more movements like those in Ann Arbor. In the coming months, civil rights supporters hope to pass gay-rights initiatives in Maryland and Iowa. American citizens should understand that gays and lesbians are not asking for special privileges. These poli- cies will give the gay community the same rights as heterosexuals - raising them to the status quo. Intolerance between people in the same community is not desirable. The homosexu- al minority in Maine certainly has been tol- erant of the indecency with which the world treats it. The Christian Coalition should be equally tolerant. Going so far as to call homosexuality "immoral" is certainly not respectful. It definitely does not take spe- cial rights for homosexuals - or the rest of Reasons and explanations are different concepts TO THE DAILY: The juxtaposition of Isa Kasoga's ("Conservative arguments show fear," 2/5/98) and David Burden's ("U' admissions are unfair to non-minority students," 2/5/98) letters was an illustra- tion of the difference between reasons and explanations. The distinction between these concepts is important. Kasoga claims that the expla- nation of anti-affirmative action opinions (e.g. "amor- phous moral arguments") is that losing privileges and opportunities makes them feel bad. Although this ignores minority members who are against affirmative action, I agree with his point. Abstract arguments are usual- ly constru'ted after the fact to justify strong feelings, but rarely cause them. Burden made a similar observation about people who feel slight- ed by "the system." What isn't acknowledged in Kasoga's letter is that the same is true of pro-affirma- tive action arguments. White hegemony and the history of oppression may be good jus- tifications for affirmative action, but when someone is pro-affirmative action, the reason has to do with how it makes them feel when minorities are denied oppor- tunities that are given to less- qualified white people. I am not saying that abstract explanations for or against affirmative action are not relevant to policy and legislative decisions. But if yohr goal is to convince peo- ple and get them to feel the lay you do, you need to address their reasons and not their explanations. Legislative and policy decisions should always take into consideration multiple factors, even explanations. But if you want people to agree with your stance, the question to discuss is this: When is it justifiable for one person to feel good at the expense of another? Is it OK if you feel good at my expense because other people have felt bad at your expense? Just because you have felt bad, does that mean that it is justified for me to have the same experience? Different people will answer these questions differ- ently - don't assume you know my answers to these questions. I am simply point- ing out that feelings are the reasons behind opinions on this issue, and these should be addressed directly when you are trying to change someone's opinion. GREG STEVENS Bones" be stopped. Berenson can preach sexism and write as many editorials as he chooses. Noe was simply pointing out the Daily's poor choice of cartoonists. I don't think we would approve of a daily white supremacist col- umn. And I do not believe Noe meant to compare Berenson to a Nazi. Rather, she was pointing out the powerful influence of daily cartoons on society. The Daily's decision to run a sex- ist cartoon constantly rein- forces negative stereotypes about women. CASEY HOYE LSA JUNIOR Daily editorials are 'biased' TO THE DAILY: I graduated from the U of M and moved to the moun- tains of Colorado. One of the things I never missed from my college days is the miser- able editorials of The Michigan Daily. I just found the Daily's Website and was impressed how, though life has changed considerably since 1988, the bias of the paper has remained steadfast. I can only imagine how the Daily has managed to ignore reality all this time. Though my bookmarks file is pages long, the Daily doesn't cut it. I'll check back in 10 years. LOREN SIEBERT UNIVERSITY ALUMNUS Refuge must be protected from oil, industry TO THE DAILY: As a member of ENACT, one of the environmental action groups here at the University, I am writing to make people aware of the threat imposed on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by oil companies. The 125 miles of coastline that is a part of the refuge is the last untouched stretch of the U.S. Arctic Coastal Plain. According to the U.S. Department of Interior, there is an 81-percent chance that there will be no recoverable oil found in the refuge. If oil is in fact discovered, it is esti- mated to be only 3.2 billion barrels - enough to fill America's energy demands for a mere 200 days. If this beautiful land is drilled for oil and tapped dry, where will oil companies go next? Plundering a national trea- sure for small potatoes is no way to meet America's long- term energy needs. The numbers and migration routes of the porcupine cari- bou herd will be seriously affected. The Gwich'in are a native people who have lived in the Wildlife Refuge for hundreds of generations and depend upon the porcupine caribou herd for their sur- vival. If these animals are displaced or killed, the lives of the Gwich'in will be threatened. What is at stake is a way of life thousands of years old - all for a possible 200 days of oil. Destroying the refuge would bring tragedy. Why explore and develop this land without pursuing other oil- saving energy strategies? Raising automobile efficiency standards, developing alcohol fuels, building better mass transit and encouraging alter- native sources of energy are just some of the many possi- ble alternatives. Each of these options would reduce air pol- lution and global warming, save energy, increase national security and boost the nation's economy. If these solutions are not plausible or sensible, then we must come up with solutions that are. Why does our society have a need to develop every inch of our country without thinking of the repercus- sions? I have a dream that my children will be able to live in a world filled with open spaces and beautiful wilder- ness - not overcrowded cities bursting with technolo- gy and flooded by melting ice caps. At the rate we are using up resources, we will run out of oil and gas in 50 years. I ask everyone to write to their senators and repre- sentatives and tell them your opinions on the environment. The Earth will survive long after we are gone, but how soon will that be? ELIZABETH STROMBERG SCHOOL OF ART Spelling errors are not limited to the Daily To THE DAILY: It seems that some stu- dents and alumni are irritated with some of the Daily's spelling errors over the past few weeks. Well, the Daily is in good company. The whole University seems to be spelling just as badly. In the national classified employment advertisements for the Feb. 8 edition of The New York Times, there is an ad for the Executive Director of M-CARE. In it, University is spelled both "Unviersity" and "Universitdy." Also, "along" is spelled "alog" This advertisement was in a prime location for all to see the errors. Apparently, spelling is a r _ .._,,.,.-a... .rr.. Much to my sur- prise, just 46 days have passed in 1998 and we already have enough scandals and scoundrels to JOSHM fill a book of the RI Bible - or a folk-1 < rock song, for that )l1. matter. As I see it, if the world were to end this week, an unlikely trio would down in the history books as i*e defining personalities of this, the sec ond-to-last-year of the millennia;Tn And, eerily, these folks are remarkabVy related: Kaczynski. Lewinsky. Lipinski. Indeed, I can't think of anyone more interesting who has made news this year - except for the unfortunate, late Karla Faye Tucker. But as we well know, exe- cuted-born-again-Christian-former- drug-addicted-Texas-capital-murderers are excluded from clubs like these. I'm not keen on offering such distinctions posthumously. So take note, People magazine, the first three contenders for your "25 Most Intriguing People of 1998" are Theodore Kaczynski, the recently confessed Unabomber; Monica Lewinsky, the White House bomb- shell; and Tara Lipinski, who will be a total bomb if she doesn't win a medal in Nagano as everyone expects. Their collective celebrity ispso huge that w have yet to hear a peep about US. Olympic curler Mike Peplinski. Of course, if these names are too con- fusing, just think of them in terms of last year's most memorable folks: the Spice Girls. Hence, Psychotic Spice, Neurotic Spice and I-Hope-I-Don't- Trip-on-My-Toe-Pick Spice. (But enough of the rhyming. For obvious reasons, I've never really enjoyed the old let's-be-clever-andg rhyme-your-last-name-with-something- funny game. I know people with names. like "Hart," "Buck" and "Witt" can' sympathize with me.) Die-hard Olympics fan that I am, I've been intently watching the 1998 Winter Games in Nagano for the past week. I've suffered through CBS' abysmal, virtually all-tape-delayed' coverage with the hope that I would get to see the namesake sport of our thre4 notable people - skiing. Unfortunately, the heralded men's' downhill was repeatedly postponed' because - get this - there was too much snow falling on the slopes. Similarly, Kaczynski's trial was regu- larly delayed as he wriggled his way out of an insanity defense, Lewinsky's testimony has been put off for nearly a month now, and Lipinski's perfor- mance at the Olympics won't take place until later this week. In th immortal words of Carly Simon, "An- ti-ci-pay-yay-tion is making me wait." The comparisons don't stop there. To be sure, Kaczynski's shocking plea bargain and confession were com- pletely overshadowed by the Lewinsky scandal's repercussions that, in turn, have been ignored in light of the Winter Olympics and America's newest pint-sized darling. Strangely, even though I feel I know our three celebrities like family, I've never heard the first two speak and I have yet to see the third actually do anything on Olympic ice. Still, young Tara is already pegged as this year's incarnation of Mary Lou Retton and Kerri Strug. (Which begs the pressing question: Why do we seem to have such an obsession with little girls in leotards? Maybe President Clinton can answer that one.) Kaczynski, Lewinsky and Lipinski also share a Michigan connection, which means that they are closer-related to most Michigan Daily readers than Kevin Bacon is. Kaczynski, as many of us know, attended graduate school at the University; he lived in East Quad. Lipinski trains here in the Great Lakes state with fellow skater Todd Eldredge. Lewinsky was an intern in the White House, a building once occupied by former Wolverine (who, after stumbling down the stairs of Air Force One and whatnot, also spent a lot of time on his knees, from what I understand). Finally, we have the underpants link. Kaczynski tried to hang himself with