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February 16, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-02-16

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One hundred seven years of edinl freedom

February 16, 1998

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Susan T. Port
)aily Staff Reporter
in order to remember the trials of the
ast and honor the challenges that lie
head, about 100 students, faculty and
dministrators crammed into a Mosher
n Residence Hall lounge yester-
ay to dedicate a new mural depicting
ortions of chicano/a history.
The dedication, which was hosted by
lianza as part of Chicano History
eek, consisted of speakers, music and
oetry readings.
Chicago artist Jeff Maldonado, the
reator of the mural, said he spent
o combat
Killy Scheer
or the Daily
Ten percent of all University women
uffer from bulimia or other eating dis-
Constant exercising, meal skipping
nd an inadequate self image are all
ommon warning signs of eating disor-
. While some cases may be less
evere than others, they are all preva-
ent, dangerous and in need of atten-
ion, University experts say.
In response to these statistics, Mary
cKinney, a staff psychotherapist at
he University's Psychological Clinic,
s co-leading the Eating Issues and
ody Image Workshop, which begins
oday and is scheduled to meet on
ondays from 3:15-4:45 p.m.
he nine-week support and educa-
i group targets women with eating
isorders and those who are obsessed
ith issues of food and weight.
"A surprisingly large percentage of
tudents feel like their self esteem
epends on whether they are successful
t their diets, " McKinney said.
A recent study conducted by Public
lealth Prof. Adam Drewnowski found
hat 2.5 percent of female first-year stu-
ts at the University engage in
u imic behavior that either may be
efined as a clinical syndrome or as an
typical eating disorder.
Of the women diagnosed with
ulimia, only one in seven get treat-
ent, Drewnowski said.
"For the most part, people seeking
elp are there of their own accord, as
ou cannot force someone to get help"
,aid Sheryl Kurze, a University Health
'ervice physician who specializes in
g disorders. "They are there
ecause they are scared."
Aly Sherling, an LSA first-year stu-
ent, said eating disorders are a big
roblem on campus.
"I have noticed that everyone here
xercises a lot and is extremely weight
onscious, Sherling said.
Kurze said the many changes experi-
nced during the transition between high
j ol and college "makes freshmen
vulnerable to eating disorders."
The workshops will address the
hysical problems caused by eating
isorders and ways to control compul-

ive eating, and will discuss concrete
asks and coping exercises.
"It is often helpful just knowing that
ou are not alone," McKinney said.
In addition to the Body Image
orkshop, the University Psychological
linic, UHS and Counseling and
hological Services are coordinating
ampus faction to participate in the
ational Eating Disorders Screening
ogram on Thursday, Feb. 26 from
:30-8:30 p.m. in the Wolverine Room
f the Michigan Union.
The program is open to all students
oncerned with weight issues.
articipants will be interviewed and will
ke a written test that will determine
hether their concerns need attention.
Effective, comprehensive treatment
of eating disorders) requires medical
and) nutritional, as well as psycholog-
cal, therapy," Kurze said. "These are
11 essential aspects of treatment that
re available on campus now."
Also scheduled are various seminars




long hours working on the project.
The mural depicts the struggles that
generations of chicano/as went
through during the movement for
equality and justice in both their own
country and abroad.
"The images just came to my head,"
Maldonado said. "All the elements
came together."
Maldonado said that since the mural
will remain in the Mosher Jordan
lounge for years to come, students will
become aware of chicano/a history.
"I put everything from my heart and
soul in there," Maldonado said. "I know

it is going be here for a long time. I am
hoping to reach many people through
the work."
Diana Derige, co-chair of Alianza,
said that the dedication was meant to
bring together the student body and
bridge the gaps between different
groups of people on campus.
"I am hoping to educate the people
about the diversity and history for the
latino people," Derige said. "It's about
being a part of the University opposed
to being just a visitor."
University President Lee Bollinger said
he admired the spirit of the students.

"There was a wonderful blend of stu-
dent political action blended with mutual
support in an attempt to enhance political
consciousness," Bollinger said.
Secretary and Vice President for
University Relations Walter Harrison
said he was impressed with the drive
and perseverance of the students.
"It was a terrific tribute," Harrison
said. "It really shows you how'drive and
dedication can get things accomplished.
I was very moved."
LSA junior Rhea Little, who is a
member of Alianza, said the event pro-
See MURAL, Page 2A

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Chicago artist Jeff Maldonado speaks before a crowd of 100 at Mosher Jordan
Residence Hall last night about a mural he painted for a hall in the lounge.
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on Iraq would
be extensive

N Airstrikes would target
conventional weapon
sites as well as weapons
of mass destruction
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - Defense Sec-
retary William Cohen said yesterday
that the targets of U.S. airstrikes against
Iraq would include not only sites
thought to contain Iraqi President
Saddam Hussein's suspected noncon-
ventional weapons of mass destruction
but also those housing conventional
military forces that he could use to
threaten his neighbors.
Continuing the drumbeat of Clinton
administration warnings about the
stalemate with Iraq, Cohen and nation-
al security adviser Samuel "Sandy"
Berger appeared on television interview
programs yesterday morning to reiter-
ate U.S. willingness to mount a military
assault soon unless Saddam Hussein
grants full access to suspected weapons
production sites for inspection teams
from the United Nations.
"Our national interest is in preventing
him from threatening his neighbors once
again, trying to take control and domi-
nate that region," Berger said on NBC's
"Meet the Press." "And as long as he
pops up and we stand firm, the interna-
tional community has the will to knock
him back. We will prevent him from
being that kind of threat to his region."
In recent days, President Clinton and
his senior foreign policy and military
advisers have said the objectives of U.S.
military action against Iraq would be to
significantly diminish and delay
Saddam Hussein's capacity to produce
chemical and biological weapons, and
his ability to threaten his neighbors.
Appearing yesterday on ABC's "This
Week," Cohen emphasized that the
threat posed by the Iraqi leader to the
Persian Gulf region extended beyond
the issue of nonconventional weapons.
Asked if it would be "a major aim of
an air attack on Iraq to degrade his
(Saddam Hussein's) conventional
forces," Cohen replied, "It is to degrade

his ability to threaten his neighbors,
either through weapons of mass
destruction or through a conventional
method." -
He did not elaborate on possible
targets, but one likely conventional
force target would be Iraq's
Republican Guard, the most elite and
loyal force in the Iraqi military. Such:
a course of action was urged yesterday
by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) as part
of what he said should be a longer
range plan to "destabilize and eventu-
ally overthrow" Saddam Hussein.
Interviewed on "Fox News Sunday,"
McCain said: "One of his main pillars
of support is the Republican Guarg..
So that's why it's so important that we
not only take out the other facilities that
you've heard about, but punish this
Republican Guard."
McCain and other senators said
Congress would support military
action against Iraq, although several
urged Clinton to delay ordering air
strikes until after lawmakers return to
Washington on Feb. 23 so legislators
can debate the issue and enact a for-
mal resolution of support. Several
lawmakers also said that the adminis-
tration had not adequately prepared
the public for the consequences of
military action, including U.S. casual-
ties and civilian casualties on the
ground in Iraq.
Clinton is scheduled to deliver a tele-
vised address to the nation on the Iraqi
situation tomorrow. The following day,
Cohen, Berger and Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright will go to
Columbus, Ohio, to explain U.S. policy
at Ohio State University.
As U.S. warnings continued, a tech-
nical team dispatched by U.N.
Secretary-General Kofi Annan was in
Baghdad yesterday to survey so-called
"presidential sites" that Saddam
Hussein has put off limits to U.N.
inspectors. Richard Butler, the U.N.'s
chief weapons inspector, said on CNN's
"Late Edition" that the survey teams
were sent to determine "whether there
can be some few places in Iraq -
namely about eight palaces - which
will be inspected in a special way."

Two women kiss in the Diag on Friday during the annual lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Kiss-in. The event
was held to celebrate love and freedom.
Pride, love shown at Kiss-In

By Erin Holmes
Daily Staff Reporter
The sign read "Just Married."
Students threw rice, lifted veils and
kissed each other. But it wasn't an
average wedding.
Both men and women wore veils
and held rainbow-colored stickers at
the University's annual Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Transgender Kiss-In on
Friday. The mock wedding ceremony
on the Diag paid tribute to National

Right to Marriage Day, which also
was celebrated Friday.
"I don't see enough people mak-
ing out," said John Vasquez, an
LSA first-year student, as he
announced that the Kiss-In couples
"officially" bonded in family ties.
Vasquez was the second speaker at
the event, which promoted not only
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
Transgender freedom, but also love
for everyone.

"It's hard to prove to others, and it
is hard to prove to ourselves that we
are all family," Vasquez said during
his brief address at the Kiss-In. "As a
family, we will come together and
work on things that affect each other."
Vasquez's advice on universal love
and relationships echoed the words
of Lani Ka'ahumanu, a bisexual
author and social change activist who
was the Kiss-In's keynote speaker.
See KISS-IN, Page 2A

Step show helps unify
Black Greek Association

Frozen solid

By Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud
Daily Staff Reporter
University movers and shakers showed off their
steps Friday night at the Power Center in a display
of intense dancing.
More than 500 attended the Black Greek
Association Step Show at the Power Center.
The show featured high-energy dance routines
by the University's black fraternities and soror-
"Basically, the purpose of the step show is to
display the Black Greek Association to the cam-
pus," said BGA President Gerald Olivari, an
Engineering senior. "We don't do a lot of things as
a collective organization. We are trying to unify
the campus, not just blacks, but the whole
University community."

Panhellenic President Mary Gray were invited to
judge the show as a symbolic gesture of unity in
the Greek community.
"What we've been trying to do is unify the
Greek community: Panhellenic, BGA, and IFC,"
said Holcman, a Kinesiology junior. "The two
winners tonight will be part of our variety show on
March 25."
The two Greek leaders emphasized the similar-
ities of the different associations.
"We all stand for scholarship, community ser-
vice, leadership and social enrichment," said
Gray, an LSA senior. "All three of our bodies
have that in common. That can facilitate future
Most of the step routines were performed to rap
and other rhythmically intense music. Step danc-

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