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February 11, 1998 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-02-11

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LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily

Wednesda t February IL 1998 3



votes to support day of action

Bill targets UVA
alcohol abusers
Two bills proposed in Virginia's
state Legislature may affect students
state schools who choose to drink
liquor and use drugs, The Cavalier
Daily reported yesterday.
The bills propose to revoke in-
state tuition and suspend financial
aid or enrollment for students con-
victed of alcohol or drug-related
Part of a statewide effort to mini-
mize alcohol abuse on university
campuses, the two bills' aim to make
he penalty for alcohol and drug
buse so stiff that students won't risk
the consequences.
Opponents say the bills, if imple-
mented, would simply create more
problems. Education and training is a
better tactic, they argue.
Donor gives $100M
A California business-person
announced this past Wednesday that
he gave $100 million to the
University of Southern California
and is planning to match the sum in a
donation to the University of
California at Los Angeles, the
Chronicle of Higher Education
reported Friday. The donation is
among the largest in the history of
higher education.
S Alfred Mann, chair and chief
executive officer of three biomed-
ical companies, donated the money
t6 USC to establish a biomedical-
research institute. He signed an
agreement with USC to create the
Alfred E. Mann Institute for
Biomedical Engineering.
Mann said more gifts could follow,
but added that "this takes a big chunk
out of my estate." He said he does not
Sntend to leave the bulk of his wealth
to his six children, but would rather
give back to society.
Rainwaters ruin
Stanford library
Muddy rainwater seeped into
tanford University's libraries and
buildings last week. The Stanford
'Daily reported Thursday. The dam-
age was further exacerbated by dan-
gerous electrical hazards created by
the flood.
Hundreds of students, administra-
tors and staff have volunteered to sal-
vage the library's priceless books and
historical documents. Volunteers
corked with flashlights in water that
easured up to their calves.
Nearly 3,000 boxes of materials
were salvaged by a freeze-drying
process, which was used to minimize
water damage. If water remains on a
book for more than 48 hours, mold
begins to grow and the book is
ruined. Clean-up costs are expected
to be more than $75,000.
offered free U.
Arizona education
University of Arizona President
"Peter Likins promised a free college
education to 101 third-graders on
Friday, the Arizona Daily Wildcat
reported yesterday.
Likins said that as long as the stu-

dents met the UA's admission
*equirements upon graduating from
high school, they will get a free col-
lege education.
The tuition waivers were part of a
collaborative effort between UA and
:lhe Southern Arizona Crime Prevention
Partnership to help the students stay out
s f trouble and instead follow a path of
continuing education.
The Rotary Club of Tucson plans to
establish a fund to provide the students
with a stipend for books and living
xpenses once they are enrolled at UA.
- Compiled by Dail Staf Reporter
Chr-istine M. Paik Irom the
Chronicle of Higher Education and
the University WIire.

By Kristin Wright
Daily Staff Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly passed a reso-
lution last night to support student, faculty and
University involvement in the National Day of
Action planned for Feb. 24.
The National Day of Action is being initiated by
the Rev. Jesse Jackson in hopes of unifying the
country in the quest for racial equality.
Members of the University community will
spend the day joining together to support the
University's affirmative action policies. Day-long
teach-ins, a march through the Diag and featured
speakers are among the planned events.
As part of the event, organizers are encouraging
students to not attend classes that day.
MSA President Mike Nagrant said the assem-
bly's support is needed to encourage University

involvement and recognition of the importance of
the day.
"I think that people look to MSA as the official
voice of the student body:, Nagrant said. "When
MSA gets behind something, I think that it will
ive the event more support, more legitimacy and
more student involvement in the event:'
Members of the Coalition to Defend
Affirmative Action By Any Means Necessary also
attended last night's meeting to ask MSA to back
the event.
BAMN member Miranda Miassie said the
university's participation in the action day will
provide a national example of leadership.
The National Day of Action "is to send a mes-
sage to the whole country that students at U of M
will not accept the reactionary attack on affirma-
tive action that's being lost"said Massie, a Detroit

Although the majority of NISA members voted
to support the National Day of Action, a few6mem-
bers were opposed to the decision.
L SA Rep. Bill Briggs said that although he sup-
ports the eventts mission, lie thinks the resolution
gives the false impression that all MSA members
are in support of the day.
MSA Vice President Olga Savic said that even
though students participating in the National Day
of Action will skip a day of class, education w ill
still be a significant part of the event.
"i's more than just students taking a day oft
from classes." Savic said. "It's a day of alterna-
tive education. I think that it's important that
people talk about social issues and continue dia-
logue about an issue that has been bubbling on

M SA also passed a resol tion to sUppor the
"Just Don't Do It" campaign that targets Nike. The
company recently has beetn accused of' nistrcatitng
its iactory enmploy ees in Indonesia China and
ietnam. N ike Iaetory wxorkers~ allegedly are
exposed to toxic chemicals and are receiving cor-
poral punishment 'rom nanagers. Nike has alsO
beeti accused of \iolating minimum xWage las in
these countries.
Campaign members and MSA members said
they are concerned about the impression made by
the University's endorsemet of Nike.
LSA Rep. toe Bernstein, an LSA sophomore.
said the U1ni versity should reconsider its aff'i liation
with the corporatiotn if the allegations are true.
"If there is an ounce of truth to any of that, then
U of M needs to rethink it's decision to endorse
Nike," Bernstein said.

Electric two-wheeler

Student oups tr to spark
nationwide diversity effort

By Rachel Edelman
Daily Staff Reporter
Thirteen campus Law student organi-
zations that support the University's use
of race as a factor in undergraduate and
Law School admissions processes sent
statements Monday to law schools
across the country.
The statements' purpose is to pro-
voke discussion and awareness on other
campuses and attempt to create a
national movement in defense of affir-
mative action while demonstrating sup-
port for the University's admissions
"We believe that this lawsuit isn't just
challenging our law school's affirma-
tive action policies, but the affirmative
action policies of law schools across the
country," said Winnie Kao, a Law first-
year student and a member of I awx
Students for Affirmative Action and the
Asian Pacific American Law Students
'Ile students molved in the mailings
said they feel that their opinions oii the
issue needed to be heard, and that sup-
port for the policies within the campus
groups should be recognized.
"We just wanted to get our state-
ments out there - our full statement
explaining in-depth our reasoning. our
ideas and why we think it is so impor-
tant," Kao said. "We believe that this
lawsuit isn't just challenging our law
school's affirmative action policies. but
the affirmative action policies of law
schools across the country."
The groups sent the schools ncew
statements as well as prev iously
released statements on thy subject.
Statements made by University
President L.ee Bollinger and Law Dean

Jeffrey Lehman that were released on
the days the Center for Individual
Rights filed lawsuits against the
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts and the
Law School "WeJ iis y
respectively, V
were also o
includedin the
package. out there
Law student

M ichigan. (a ifornia,
Massachusetts and Florida.

I exa,.



"We want to educate students at other
campuses and encourage them to get
in vol v ed"
nted to )eoi.
St ld cnts
tements t-oni th
groups also
want to
- Winnie Kao other cam-
aw first-year student Pluses to get
involved in a
National Day of Action to defend affir-

Former General Motors Chair Robert Stempel, former Chrysler Chair Lee
lacocca and Stanford Ovshinsky, president of Energy Conversion Devices,
present the electric bicycle the men are developing.
Orthodox cmmunit
faces challenges 1n1

groups involved
include Law L
Students for
Affirmative Action, the Black Lawm
Students' Alliance, the Asian Pacific r
American Law Student Association, the F
Latino Law Students Association, the
Women Law Students Association, the s
National Lawyer's Guild and the 1.aw t
School Student Senate.r
"It's unprecedented in that this
coalition of (students from) differentt
backgrounds have gotten together to
support affirmative action," said
Marie Ting, program coordinator atc
the Office of Academic Multiculturals
Initiatives. "It's wonderful that they're
showing what the I niversity oft
Michigan is doing."
The statements sent by the student
groups explain "how affirmativ e action
atfects their individual groups and the
benefits that they received from affir-s
mative action;" said Meera Deo. a L.awx
first-year student involved in awx
Students for Affirmative Action.
In addition to first-tier law schools i
such as Harvard, Yale. Stanford and c
Columbia, statements were also sent
to all the law schools in states where
lawsuits or legislation have targeted I
affirmative action, including I

mative action, scheduled to take place
Feb. 24.
About 30 members of various Law
siudent and undergraduate organiza-
tions met yesterday to further discuss
plans for the day. Current plans include
a day-long teach-in in the Michigan
Union Ballroom and a rally.
Since the lawsuit against the Law
School was first announced, IaV stu-
dents have organized rallies, sympo-
siums, speakers. teach-ins and press
conferences to inform students about
the specifics of the lawsuit and rally
support for affirmative action.
Jodi Masley, a Law first-year student
and co-chair of the Women Law
Students Association, said that the
statements torced student groups Lit the
University to organise themselveis
around the issue.
'Part of what I think is useful is that
it clarifies where (student groups) stand
on affirmative action.' said Masley. -
The Law School was not involved
with the preparation of the statement".
Law School officials said that they were
unaware that the statements had been

By Susan T. Port
Daily Staff Report
Over and above the nuances of every-
day life at the Unixersity, Orthodox Jew s
have to thee the challenge of following
religious tradition.
Rabbi Rich Kirshner said that within
the Orthodox population, some rules are
left for interpretation. Kirshner said some
students follow rabbinical law to the let-
ter, while others apply it more to modern
-day situations. The Orthodox communi-
ty members keep kosher, observe
Shabbat, pray regularly and must remain
Kirshner said Orthodox students must
follow certain dietary laws, including not
eating milk and meat products within a
six-hour period.
"Because food is so central, it impacts
on people's relationships," Kirshner said.
"Orthodox students are bound by law."
Kirshner said time spent at the
University allows students to learn about
their identity. He added that although he
is a reform Rabbi, he serves all Jewish
people regardless of their denomination.
"I never x iew the students as being
orthodox. conservativ e or reform,'"
Kirshner said.
David Caroline, chair of Hillel's gov-
erning board, said Orthodox students
"from waking up to going to sleep have a
dictated way of doing things.'
Caroline said that wearing a yarmulke
every day, makes him aware that other
people view his actions in the context of
his religion.
"I often wonder if people notice the
guy with the thing on his head" Caroline
said. "You becone conscious of vour
Caroline said he has never eaten at any
of the restaurants in Ann Arbor because
he keeps kosher. He admits it is a chal-
lenge Orthodox students must face daily.

"It's definitely (a) challenge'' Carohnc
said. "You're challenged everyday you
walk by Backroom Pizza."
Caroline said he would not have
enrolled at the University if lie had
thought he could not maintain his strict
RC first-year student Sarah Chopp
said that being Orthodox has shaped who
she is today.
"I pray once a day in the morning.
Chopp said. "This was the way I was
Chopp said she spent a year in Israel
before coming to the University.
"it instilled a greater sense of identity
(in me)," Chopp said. "I have a greater
appreciation for my religion."
Chopp said she observes the
Sabbath, which is the day of rest for
Jewish students. From sunset Friday
night to Saturday night, Jews are not
allowed to write or work.
"Actually it's the best part" Chopp
said. "It's very therapeutic"
ISA senior Daniel Schwartz said that
although it is hard to follow the Orthodox
traditions, there are rewards.
"Yes, it's tough, but it's the best thing
that I have here:' Schwartz said.
Schwartz said there is a close knit
community of Orthodox students at the
"There is a core group of students that
create an environment that makes it a lot
easier." Schwartz said. "There are a lot of
new learning activities going on."
Schwartz said he looks forward to
Shabbat. He said Shabbat is spent with
the fellow members of the Orthodox
community singing and speaking about
the writings in the Torah.
"With all that is going on, it is neces-
sary to have a day of rest," Schwartz
said. "You don't think about the things
you can t do."

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' The women's basketball team has received a berth in the NCAA tournament. The Wolverines participated in 1990 and
won one game. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily.
* Inder Singh, director of the University of Michigan Dance Marathon. was misidentified in yesterday's Daily.

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