4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 10, 1998 G be Ā£irbitgun DutiIg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan LAURIE MAYK Editor in Chief JACK SCHILLACI Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily FROM THE DAILY Share alkes 'U' should offer medical resources to coalition 'To bring together athletes, engineers and literature students to something like this, for such a worthy cause - for kids. This Is just awesome.' - LSA senior Mike Ingber; on the University of Michigan Dance Marathon that was held this past weekend YUKI KUNIYUKI GROUND ZERo WA~AJI&)y FL44s S Nouta NAVE GONE up HE' BE'S BalRAy4 ON GE ThE A Lor oF & iES PRE-L~c FOUOD "EI-Y, N.460A Jtitf? Ou THy&T Hr? - SAX. 1 H ff 1 s T his year marks the beginning of a new effort by 12 of the state's public univer- sities to collectively combat the increasing cost of health care. The project will create a dialogue among the state's institutions of higher learning, promote cooperation and fulfill its goal of providing health-care cov- erage for members of the universities' com- munities. The 12 universities - collectively known as the Michigan Universities Coalition on Health - will hold meetings every other month. Of central concern at these meetings will be a discussion of the various ways to reduce the costs of health care services at the universities. The University of Michigan, with its sprawling medical resources, is in a unique position to offer a great deal of aid to the other schools. One of the major advantages of the cooperation between schools is the sharing of information that will occur. Each school provides health care coverage and other medical services to its students, faculty and staff differently. The dialogue at these meet- ings will allow the University and other coalition members to see what other institu- tions have tried and what worked best to minimize health costs without reducing quality of services. The other major benefit of the coalition could be the purchasing power of such a large group of consumers. If the universities choose to purchase cover- age from an insurance company as a group, it would provide the schools with health care at lower prices than if they did it indi- vidually. A driving factor behind this coalition is the increasing cost of tuition across the state. Wanting to maintain the same level of health services and programs but faced with increasing costs, many universities have had to increase health fees that students and staff pay. In order to keep tuition - which is already prohibitively expensive - in line with inflation, health care costs at the schools needs to be curtailed. The new effort by the University and other public institutions is vital to keeping higher educa- tion within the average state residents' reach - universities should not continue to pass the cost of health care onto students because students will no longer be able to afford a higher education. The increased costs of health care bene- fits and services should immediately bring attention to the University's state-of-the-art medical facilities. The University spends a large portion of its budget on its top-ranked Medical Center, which is comprised of the Medical School, six hospitals and more than 150 health centers and outpatient clinics. With all of these resources, the University has the ability to contribute a great deal to the coalition members' health care situation. With its vast health resources, the Medical Center could provide care for numerous stu- dents and faculty in the Metro Detroit area. The University must commit itself to provid- ing access to its facilities to all. If the University can cooperate with other colleges to reduce health care costs, then the University can certainly facilitate a better relationship between the its medical commu- nity and other academic communities. High health care costs are a problem for the entire state - the University is in a good position to help a significant number of the state's schools combat prohibitive expenses. l ! il LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Schoolyard bully Schools should not overstep their jurisdiction E very parent sends his or her child off to school in the morning, trusting that at the end of the day, he or she will return home safely. But in recent years, young stu- dents have been testing the waters more and more as drug dealing, harassment and phys- ical violence are more and more common- place in and around some schools. New leg- islation in many school districts nationwide gives schools the right to suspend or expel students who partake in illegal activities, regardless of how the legal system disci- plines these minors. Many school officials defend their actions by quoting new federal laws man- dating "zero tolerance" for guns and nar- cotics in public school yards. They claim that in order to foster a healthy and positive classroom environment, strict measures must be employed in dealing with young people who break the law. But many schools are going further to ensure safe classrooms. In some parts of the country, children who are involved in illegal activities far away from the school's campus can be punished when they arrive in class the next morning. Some parents and guardians are speaking out against these new tactics, saying that the school- imposed punishments undermine their authority. As the law stands now in many districts, a young boy, for example, who harasses a female classmate over the telephone can be suspended for disrupting the sanctity of the ideal classroom. A matter that otherwise falls within the range of parental discipline and legal intervention is now being decided upon by people who have little or no rela- tion to the children. The new rules are turning public edu- cation into a frightening environment in that makes it difficult for students to learn. Schools are places of learning, not, prisons. In their attempt to make class- rooms safe for students, these schools have overlooked the fact that their prima- ry job is to educate - the "good apples" as well as the rotten. It makes sense that no student should fear for his or her safety when she arrives in the morning. But schools should not be pro- moted to judge and jury. In times when children are not on school property, they are under the auspices of their parents. Similarly, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., it is the job of the school and teachers to mind the children. Assuming a student is dealing drugs on the playground or verbal- ly abusing a comrade in the boy's room, a school should most definitely take punitive action. But when the actions moves away from the school premises, it is between the the child's guardians and the legal system to take action. If a particular problem were to get out of hand, the police would likely find out and the child would be subject to the juve- nile corrections system. The schools' actions could constitute a form of double jeopardy. First, the school punishes the child and after that, he or she could face legal retribution. After being punished so much for one - or even several - wrong- doings, other things can suffer: the stu- dent's morale and in turn, his or her stud- ies. While protecting the rights and inter- ests of certain students, these schools are overstepping their role as educator and in the process, abusing the rights of the par- ents and students. Schools should do something about the rise in childhood mis- conduct - they should educate students on the repercussions of bad behavior, not U could help improve public high schools. To THE DAILY: While I believe that it is important that U of M and other universities and col- leges build campuses with a diverse student body, I believe that the idea of lower- ing standards for minorities cannot be relied on forever and that it will not solve problems that face minorities and this country in the long run. When standards are low- ered for minorities, there is a direct message being sent to school districts thatahave these minorities as a majority of their student population. The message is that their standards for education and graduating seniors are suffi- cient and competitive. Obviously, their standards are neither sufficient nor compet- itive, otherwise their students would not be given lower standards for entering univer- sities in the United States. The real crime here is not the University's policy of lowering its standards to increase minority enrollment. The real crime is that minori- ty K-12 students are receiv- ing subpar education and that trail-blazing institutions like the University are doing nothing about it. My point is that universi- ties that have relaxed minori- ty enrollment standards in the name of diversity are not doing anything revolutionary or doing a favor for society or minorities. In fact, a domi- no effect is occurring that could make minorities worse off. The universities are rewarding the students who go to college, and the stu- dents who don't go are on their own with a poor educa- tion. I propose that a gradual change be made to the way minorities are aided when it comes to education. Universities can take the lead by analyzing all immediate and underlying problems of inner-city schools. Once the data is published, advocates must go to the funding source of those school dis- tricts and demand change in the quality of education and the educational standards. As disadvantaged school districts improve the way they educate their students, standards for minority stu- dents could be gradually raised to the standards of non-minority students because they would be more competitive. Eventually, the differences between an inner- city school and a suburban school would be the same as the differences between two suburban schools under the current system. come from disadvantaged school districts is only a tem- porary solution. A creative and well thought out plan from our universities will provide a permanent solution. DANIEL SCHAUPNER UNIVERSITY ALUMNUS Bucket drives are a bad fund-raising tactic To THE DAILY: As one of approximately 30,000 students who cross the Diag each day. I would like to offer my opinion on the activist phenomenon that visits the big brass 'M' almost as often as I do: buck- et drives. Many students would agreeathat bucket dri- ves represent an unwanted annoyance, but my gripe comes from a different angle. Like many students on campus, I have done my share of fund raising for vari- ous activities and groups and seen many strategies and pro- grams for this purpose. Bucket drives are, by far, the least creative, least inspired and lowest effort fund-raising scheme I have seen. All I have to do is take two steps into Angell Hall to see other groups rake in funds by sell- ing donuts and coffee - offering a service much appreciated by passersby. This is not a criticism of the students who volunteer their time to swing those buckets in the cold Ann Arbor winds - but instead, it is a complaint to the leaders of student groups who really do their causes an injustice by associating their names with what has become the Diag's greatest annoyance (and that's no small feat). To these leaders I would ask: If you cannot come up with something more creative and effective than bucket drives, you should check your moti- vation for supporting these causes. Are you a leader because you really care and are willing to put some brain power into your cause? This university is blessed with resources; with a little effort, you can make them yours. PATRICK OH LSA SENIOR SafeHaven review was unresearched To THE DAILY: Upon joining my high school newspaper, one of the first things I was taught was that if taken out of context, would say that there are I I songs on the album - so to label the band religious based on three titles is misleading. What is more surprising is her religious interpretation of the song "Roadtrip." Those who bother to read the full set of lyrics will learn that the song is about a dead loved one and is not particu- larly religious. The only quote lliev gives us are the sole references to Heaven and angels found in the song. Furthermore, it becomes increasingly obvi- ous to those who read the review that Iliev probably didn't bother to listen to the album but rather came up with a sweeping generaliza- tion and simply read enough of the lyrics to support it. Lyrics are only part of pop music today, but they are the only topic of Iliev's article. She never mentions the superb playing to e found on the disc - implying she never bothered to listen to it. Finally, she closes the article with one glaring con- tradiction. She declares that SafeHaven will be successful in the Christian Rock scene because "more emphasis is placed on specific lyrical messages." But the lyrics have been her sole complaint throughout the entire article. These poor lyrics are their strength? It seems as if she should have listened to the album and maybe her article would have made sense. MATTHEW LAPRINTE LSA SOPHOMORE Proposal will not solve environmental problems TO THE DAILY: In the State of the Union address, President Bill Clinton spoke about the threat that greenhouse gases pose to the environment and the need to implement pro- grams to combat this grow- ing problem. The tax incen- tives and research program, while a laudable effort, do not go nearly far enough to significantly reduce fossil energy pollution and curb global climate change. Efficiency standards for cars, light trucks and appliances must be set and the carbon dioxide emissions from power plants must be reduced. More programs to increase the use of clean, renewable energy sources must also be set in motion. Along these lines, the tax breaks and subsidies that the president has granted to the oil and coal industry - the chief greenhouse gas emitters - can only serve to encour- age more coal and oil burn- The joys ofa free man: Sunday TV t is impossible to miss what you have I never had, and for the past three years I have only dreamed of free time and Sundays. For those of us who have worked every Sunday of our collegiate careers, a full weekend seemed like a mysterious and wonderful gift that only the virtuous could enjoy. But I never could have"imag- ined the fruits a Sunday could bring. Besides ruining any excuse I could possibly have with any of my profes- sors, here I outline the recipe for a per- fect day of laziness (only those who have nary a care in the world need apply): First, wake up sometime in the OSH afternoon. Like WTHITE 1:30 or 2 p.m. or , UMING anytime that you TN (U. estimate is later than everyone else in the same time zone woke up, including your roommate. The sun has to be up, it must be the perfect day outside, and you have to have absolutely no desire to leave your bed. After a subsequent 30-minute nap and a* least three personal debates about why it would be best to return to sleep indefi- nitely, the taste of the bar or last night's other escapades will inevitably drag you to a glass of water and the bathroom - but don't worry, that is about all the effort you'll make for the rest of the day. Second, walk out of the bathroom and land in that great easy chair that sits just feet from God's gift to the world: the tele- vision. If you are lucky like me, that chair will be in the realm of seven tow eight steps from the bathroom and will rock back, way back, to simulate still being in bed. If you are barefoot and in sweats or your underwear, add a few bonus points, it doesn't get much better than this. A little preparatory planning will land you the remote (still in between the seat cushion and the arm of the chair) and a bag of Ruffles, your two necessary elements. Since it is too late for breakfast or lunch, and way too early for dinner, chips are the perfect remedy. Trust me. Next, prepare for a workout. As my roommate has so diligently taught me, the most important aerobic activity you will experience this day is something that takes hand-eye coordination and complete and utter attention: changing the channels. Modeling yourself after masters like Butt- head and Al Bundy, stretch out the fingers by turning on the set and flipping throug the low numbers (local networks an community access) and then pause for a moment on the preview channel ... it's your menu, of sorts. And what an entree. It was absolutely astounding to see what America watches on a Sunday, and I am certainly glad that I didn't wake up any sooner because I have no need for home repentance or a televangelist sav- ior. These crazies who are too lazy to achievessalvation by walking to thei nearest place of worship are clearly o my own heart, but how is watching other people save themselves reward- ing? I mean, that sounds like those peo- ple who order a double cheeseburger, large fries and then a Diet Coke - you just can't save yourself from arterial cat- astrophe with a concession such as a diet soft drink, and you can't save your- self from eternal damnation from the venue of your La-Z-Boy. So enjoy your sloth and pick a good show. A movie with guns, bombs or really cool stuff will do. I think I watched "Roxanne" (cool nose and cool jokes), "Real Genius" (cool science stuff), "The Professional" (cool hit man) and "Terminator 2" (just cool in general). Had "Ferris Bueller" or "The Blues Brothers" been on, it would have been bliss, but these were just fine. Then came Olympics reruns. There is nothing better on television than the Olympics, and I am glad that my jaunt into nonproductiveness occurred as this historic events began in Nagano. You can learn really cool stuff about a place you will never go, hear constant updates on that location's weather and get expo- sure to lots of sports you never imagined had a place on the worldwide athletic cir- cuit. And thank God for CBS: I got to watch two hours of curling competition, Canada vs. the United States, and now f know why they call it curling, what hitting a stone on the nose is, and exactly why I had never seen it televised before (no sweet wipeouts, no exhilarating speed, no heated interchange and no attacks with iron bars by temperamental athletes). I also got to learn, from an infomercial of course, how to make a billion dollars by sitting in my own home. At first, I thought, what a great job for me and my roommate. We could make two billion dollars, all while eating nachos and watching Beavis. Then I learned that the true secret to financial success was rop- ing idiotic mid-America into buying your book, "How to make a million dol- lars like I did, you idiot," and writing a