I1 itO, 'cragt4Ftw-qP i 41V 1 News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 764-0554 One hundred seven years of editorzilfreedom Tuesday February 10, 1998 fta Yy ,yy i ft - ftft -. ,''. : .. to bolster defenses pnKuwait The Washington Post AL JABER AIR BASE, Kuwait The United States plans to send up to 3,000 additional Army soldiers to Kuwait to shore up defenses here and discourage Iraq from attempting any retaliatory attack in the event of U.S. and British air strikes, a senior U.S. military official reported yesterday. he announcement marked the lat- in a sudden series of fresh deploy- ments to the Persian Gulf region, sig- naling intensified preparations for mil- itary action even as U.S. officials con- tinue to hold open the prospect of a diplomatic solution to the confronta- tion with Iraq over access by U.N. inspectors to suspected weapons sites. Gen. Anthony Zinni, commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East, has requested that the additional soldiers ve within the next 10 days to join about 1,500 ground troops already in Kuwait participating in a previously scheduled, routine exercise. By then, the United States should have all the forces in place for an air assault, the senior official said. While the attack plan would rely largely on cruise missiles and strike air- craft to destroy Iraqi targets, Zinni has ved to bolster not only the armored ny force in Kuwait but also the Marine presence offshore out of con- cern that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein may try to lash out at this small nation, which he invaded in 1990. At the same time, the United States and Britain have sent about 50 addition- al strike and support aircraft to the Gulf region on top of the 300 already posi- tioned there. This surge in airborne fire- power reflects further refinements in the le plan, said the official, who has played an important role in shaping it. "I'm convinced that each day, right up to the moment if it comes, we'll keep refining the plan and, if neces- sary, move the right kind of assets in or out,' the official said, suggesting pos- sibly more deployments later. Defense Secretary William Cohen interrupted his swing through Persian 'If capitals yesterday to visit this rt air base south of Kuwait City. Big House may score new board ® Athletics board Rose Bowl scoreboard in Pasadena) - we will study various universities and eXp cted to vote on ... other Big Ten scoreboards," Janveja scoreboard proposal. said. "Hopefully, we will have a conclu- sion at the end of this month to present By Jennifer Yachnin to the regents in March." Daily Staff Reporter In addition, Janveja said the Touchdown! University must still look into manufac- The simple scoreboards inside turers of the equipment for the displays. Michigan Stadium may not record "We are still looking at our various another down, if a proposal scheduled options and the manufactures who make to be made at this Thursday's meeting various scoreboards," Janveja said. of the Board in Control of The present scoreboards need to be Intercollegiate Athletics is sent on to the moved in order to accommodate the sta- University Board of Regents next dium expansion approved at month. November's regents meeting. A plan "has been discussed by the "The halo (of seats), which the planning director, the administration regents approved in their (November) and (University President Lee meeting, would be disrupted in two Bollinger) - there are no final places by the present scoreboards," details yet," said Jack Janveja, direc- Janveja said. "To accomplish the halo, tor of facilities, planning and design. the scoreboard needs to be moved." "We really haven't done much work No budget has been discussed yet for on it." the new displays, Janveja said. But if The proposal would replace the cur- approved, the scoreboards could be in rent scoreboards with technologically the Big House by the first game of the advanced units, complete with a video 1998 season. screen for instant replays. "If the regents approve the idea in "They want to upgrade to the latest, March, we are hoping to get the score- state-of-the-art scoreboard with replay board ready by September," Janveja said. features," Janveja said. "It will be Students and Michigan football fans (constructed on) both ends and will had varying opinions on the idea of replace both scoreboards on each replacing the boards, debating between side" tradition and enriching the Michigan The proposal is currently being football experience. reviewed by the architectural firm of "It might be cool, but it will lessen Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates, the tradition of the stadium," said Janveja said. The firm is involved in the Engineering senior Mike Khomutin, Master Plan, an initiative commis- who paints himself and sports a wig sioned by Bollinger to bring physical for football games. "It's an old-time cohesion to the University community. stadium and if you put in a scoreboard In order to select the style and size of with TVs, it will hamper the tradi- the new displays, University officials tion." will study scoreboards and stadiums at Khomutin said the present score- other major universities. boards should be placed behind the new "It will be a little smaller than (the See SCOREBOARD, Page 2 JOHN KRAFT/Day LSA junior Jeffrey Firestone, vice president of the Student Book Exchange, testifies yesterday before members of the Michigan House of Representative's College and University Committee. Firestone said textbooks should be tax-exempt. B may cut textbook taxes By Mike Spahn Daily Staff Reporter State legislators visited Ann Arbor yesterday to hold a discussion on the implications rising text book prices could have on the University communi- ty. Their primary focus was on a pro- posed House bill that would exempt textbooks from the state's sales tax. State Rep. Deborah Cherry (D- Burton), chair of the House Colleges and Universities Committee, said the forum was an attempt to understand how the bill would affect Michigan stu- dents. "It makes most sense to talk to the people directly affected by (the bill)," Cherry said. "It was really productive." L.SA junior Jeffrey Firestone, vice president of the Student Book Exchange, said the proposed bill would help students. ie said that while the tax exemption would not save students large amounts of money, every bit of savings helps. "It's the simplest way that the state can support the universities," Firestone said. "This would help mitigate the cost of books without the state having to provide (additional) loans or programs to students." Members of the panel said the plan would save students approximately $30 per term on their books. Olga Savic, Michigan Student Assembly vice presi- dent, said money could go to other basic living necessities for students. "That's about the cost of paper for resumes, a couple electric bills, or even a whole new book," Savic said. LSA senior Barry Rosenberg, an MSA representative, said that the bill is a good idea, but legislators and com- munity members should not stop with this proposal. The actual cost of textbooks is a major problem, Rosenberg said. Ie See TEXTBOOK, Page 7 Senate debates aid to drug offenders By Peter Romer-Friedman waily Staff Reporter Student drug offenders across Michigan may lose inancial-aid benefits if the state Senate approves a s of 11 bills today. he bills, which the Senate's Committee on ducation have already passed, crack down on drug ealers and possessors who have received federal ourt orders by denying them student loans, grants md other forms of financial aid. "The bottom line and basic requirement is that you lo not break the law and receive tax payers' dollars for ligher education," said state Sen. Loren Bennett (R- Canton), a co-sponsor of the bills. "The hope is that it will be a deterrent. It's one more reason for people not to take part in drug trafficking." Bennett and other co-sponsors said the bills would both reduce drug use in Michigan and reinforce the federal government's Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, which first allowed federal judges to take away stu- dent loans, grants and other forms of financial aid. "It's a part of an overall anti-drug campaign strategy," said State Sen. Bill Bullard (R-Milford), a co-sponsor of the bills. "We're implementing the federal statutes." Although Bullard said he hopes to receive biparti- san support for the bills in today's session, Sen. Jim Berryman (U-Adrian) said there are many problems with the bills that the sponsors must address. "My reaction is that this looks punitive," he said. "There are a lot of questions that I've asked that haven't been brought up. I'm confused why they're pushing this bill when it will affect few Michigan citizens." These bills mark a trend in the state Legislature to impose unnecessary penalties, Berryman said. "We do this over and over again and it's like once you've committed a felony, you might as well have a scarlet 'F' on your face," Berryman said. "There's a lot of other things we can be doing to get to the root of the See DRUGS, Page 2 One Fine day City hires students to study parking By Peter Meyers Daily Staff Reporter Some Public Policy students have ana- lyzed one of the most chaotic situations in the state - parking in Ann Arbor. The Downtown Development Authority and the city of Ann Arbor jointly commissioned a study from the six students, who presented their find- ings to city council last night's meeting. The purpose of the study was to determine where and when people park in city parking lots and structures. "On South (University Avenue), everybody just assumes that a lot of stu- dents park there," said Kim Hill, city administrative assistant. But until now, no one knew the demographics of parking, he said. According to the report, 47 percent of the customers in the Forest Street we fixing the parking structures? Why not sell them and let someone else fix them?"' said Susan Pollay, executive director of the DDA. According to the report, the struc- tures are not financially self-sufficient because of extensive on-going renova- tions. The students became involved through courses in the University's School of Public Policy in which stu- dents are commissioned to study issues for state and municipal governments. "We don't want to be a typical intern- ship," said University Research Investigator Marlowe Greenberg, who supervised the class. "We want to provide a service and get paid for that service." Hill said the School of Public Policy's relationship with the city began last year with a study on the ramifica- JOHN KRAFT/Daily SNRE first-year student Rylend Grant reads the precautions on a box of Vivarin. Some students use drugs to keep from falling asleep. School schedule atr lepnghabi By Heather Wiggin Daily Staff Reporter College students are known for their unusual sleep patterns. Pulling all- night study sessions, sleeping until late afternoon and sleeping during class are all common sights on campus. These occurrences may be caused by the human body's biological clock, "Ordinarily, the clock is sensitive to stimuli from the outside. It's set accurately to be in phase with the light cycle," Easter said. This explains why people experi- ence jet lag after traveling. But their biological clock can adjust to the change. LSA first-year student Ari Derrow i .' I