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One hundred seven years ofeditorial7 freedom
February 5, 1998
1 111 lgljl milli ll lig I
By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
Rackham interim Dean Earl
Lewis was selected as the graduate
school's permanent dean yesterday,
pending approval by the University
Board of Regents at its meeting
later this month.
"I think it is a really terrific appoint-
ment," said Provost Nancy Cantor, who
selected Lewis from an unspecified
number of finalists recommended by
the Rackham dean search committee.
"He has a very good sense of his
constituents with the schools across the
University," said Cantor, adding that
Lewis' current position did not affect
her decision.
"There are many people in the
iversity with experience that would
helpful," Cantor said.
If approved by the board, Lewis, who
has served as interim dean since last
September, would begin his new post
March 1.
"Now I'll be in the position, not only
to plan, but to introduce inter-discipli-
nary programs," Lewis said.
Lewis helps to facilitate a graduate
summer program that enrolls students
multi-disciplinary studies. The pro-
am, which now just has room for 7-8
students, will be expanded to a five-
year program as a result of Lewis'
"What we're trying to work with
right now is responding to the over-
whelming response," said Lewis,
adding that almost 110 students have
applied for the small number of spaces.
"We're looking at developing new pilot
ojects that will match our graduates
th liberal arts schools in this region."
Lewis said renovations to the
Rackham Building will also be consid-
ered in the future.
"We are looking at redesigning the
building itself to better meet the needs
of graduate students," Lewis said.
"We're excited about what we have to
do_-. for part of the next few years
we'll figure out how we'll render the
q-vices we've historically provided."
See .EWIS, Page 7A
Group to
By Katie Plona
Daily Staff Reporter
A coalition is expected to file a
motion in Detroit federal court today
in hopes of intervening in the lawsuit
filed against the University that chal-
lenges the use of race in the under-
graduate admissions process.
The group, Citizens for Affirmative
*tion's Preservation, is being initiat-
ed by the NAACP Legal Defense and
Educational Fund, the American Civil
Liberties Union, the Mexican
American Legal Defense &
Educational Fund, students and
Detroit lawyers.
Although lawyers from the coalition
would not divulge specifics of the
motion before this morning's press
conference, they said in a written
0 tement that its members want to
come involved in the lawsuit
because they have a direct stake in the
case's outcome.
The suit was filed Oct. 14 by the
Center for Individual Rights on behalf
of two white applicants who claim
they were unfairly evaluated in the
College of Literature, Science and the
Arts' admissions process and that less-
qualified minority students were
mitted over them.
LSA's admissions practices, the coali-
tion argues, increase the number of
minority students who attend the
University, enhance the level of diversi-
ty on campus and make access to the
University more inclusive and fair for
By James Goldstein
Daily Sports Writer
The punishment for the Michigan men's basket-
ball team's three minor National Collegiate
Athletic Association violations will not be decided
until at least April - allowing the team to finish
the season without further distractions.
The eight-person NCAA Committee on
Infractions - the group that will decide the fate of
the program - cannot discuss the penalty until it
meets in April. Athletic Department and NCAA
officials originally said a final judgment would be
made by February.
"Nothing is going to happen from our point of
view, regardless, because we don't meet again until
April," said the committee member, who asked to
not be named. "Our committee will take no action
with anything before April."
That means the Michigan basketball team, after
a year in which a seven-month investigation into
the program concluded with the firing of former
head coach Steve Fisher, can finally concentrate
solely on the seven remaining regular season
games, the Big Ten Tournament and - if
Michigan qualifies - the NCAA Tournament.
Following numerous allegations against the pro-
gram of impropriety, the University hired a Kansas-
based law firm to investigate the claims. The firm
submitted a 280-page report to the University and
the NCAA that detailed the investigation.
After reviewing the report submitted by the
University, the NCAA announced in December
that the basketball program violated three minor
NCAA regulations through contact with Detroit
booster Ed Martin.
The University responded to the NCAA in mid-
December, offering its suggestion for appropriate
The committee will assess the University's
requested punishment and the results of the
University's seven-month investigation and then
decide how the program should be penalized.
Sanctions for minor violations can include a
reduction in the number of recruitment visits and
scholarship money.
Michigan basketball coach Brian Ellerbe would
not comment on the time frame in which possible
sanctions may be levied on the basketball program.
The committee member also said he has not yet
received any information about the University's
investigation and there was no mention of the
University in the infractions committee's meeting
last week.
See NCAA, Page 8A
Status of sanctions:
e Dec. 10, 1997: NCAA announced that the
Michigan men's basketball program
committed three minor NCAA violations.
8 Dec. 17, 1997: The University submitted it's
recommendations of NCAA sanctions to the
NCAA enforcement office, suggesting the
reduction of recruitment visits.
8 Feb., 1998: A NCAA infractions committee
member said that the committee has yet to
review the University's letter on sanction rec-
8 AprIl, 1998: This is the earliest the commit-
tee members could discuss the
investigation of the program and possible
NCAA sanctions.
Bo lnger visits
White House
'Hope' S4
By William Nash
Daily Staff Reporter
University President Lee
Bollinger joined 300 other college
and university presidents in
Washington yesterday to hear
President Clinton announce his
plans for an initiative to aid the edu-
cation of disadvantaged students.
The High Hopes for College initia-
tive, which he first announced during
his State of the Union address last
week, will allocate $140 million to
encourage middle school students to
continue their
education after
high school.
"The High
Hopes? initiative,
will enlist col-
leges and com-
munity groups
to form partner-
ships with thou-
sands of middle
schools and give Bollinger
more than a mil-
lion students both the information
and the inspiration to seize the
opportunity of college," Clinton said
at the press conference.
Although Clinton's plan aims to pro-
vide underprivileged youths nationwide
with better access to higher education,
similar smaller scale programs already
exist at the University.
"Everyone should know we have
dozens of programs like this already,"
Bollinger said.
Among them is the King Chavez
Parks Program, which brings 2,000 sev-
enth graders to the University every
spring to participate in campus activi-
"They're excellent programs (that
are) worth expanding," Bollinger said.
The budget for High Hopes for
College will be used to provide mid-
dle school and high school students
with trained mentors and role mod-
els who will tutor students, help
them choose challenging courses
and assist them with college appli-
"The program will provide middle
school children with partners in order to
help them on the right track' said
White House spokesperson Cara
Bollinger said he hopes the initiative
will add to the almost 75 college
encouragement programs that already
"I'm positive we will be able to take
advantage of this program to support
and expand our existing programs,
Bollinger said.
The project focuses on middle
schools where 50 percent of the stu-
dents come from families with low
income levels. If the middle school
meets the initiative's qualifications,
it will provide assistance to these
students during middle and high
When implemented, High Hopes for
College could reach as many as 3,000
middle schools for a total of more than
one million students. After 1999, the
program will be funded with an addi-
tional $70 million for the following two
"I said I wanted an America
where everyone has a chance to
work, where people have the chance
to get ahead with that work, where
people have the chance to live up to
their God-given potential," Clinton
The money for the initiative will not
be taken from funds allocated for other
student aid programs.
High Hopes for College comes at a
time when more attention is being
placed on educating America's
Federal funds have also upgraded ini-
tiatives such as HeadStart, a program
that recruits college students nation-
wide to ensure that all eight-year-olds
are literate.
"In every community in this
country, there are children with an
enormous ability, who just need a
spark to go on to great things,"
Clinton said.
- Daily Staff Reporter Jennifer Yachnin
contributed to this report.
LSA senior Melissa Klien sells coffee yesterday at Cava Java in the Michigan Union. Cafe Java's new Union location
was occupied by Amer's until Amer's moved to Cava Java's Main Street location during winter break.
Cofftee shops s wap pt
By Lee Palmer
Daily Staff Reporter
In a city known for its competitive
coffee and sandwich shops, it can be
difficult to decide where to eat. But
sometimes it's hard enough to keep
track of which shop is which.
Amer's Delicatessen swapped its
Michigan Union location with the
Cava Java coffee shop on Main
Street during winter break. The
shops switched locations because
Amer's was unable to operate a deli
in the Union and Cava Java wanted
another location closer to campus,
said Lisa Chase, Cava Java's general
"It's been really good for every-
body," Chase said.
Chase, who previously worked at
the Cava Java on Main Street, said
that being located in the Union is bet-
ter for business, but she misses peo-
ple from their old location.
"I miss my regulars from my other
store but I've had a few of our old
regulars visit us here, and that has
been nice," Chase said.
Amer's owner Amer Bathish said
the decision to switch was like a
"beautiful marriage - the deal was
put together and we did it in one day.
"In business, it's not common
where you have two people in com-
petition with each other that you can
See SHOPS, Page 7A
Preliminary hearing for
'M' hockey player delayed
Workin' for a livin'
By Jason Stoffer
Daily Staff Reporter
The preliminary hearing for Michigan hockey
defenseman Chris Fox scheduled for today was
postponed after Fox hired a new attorney.
Fox was charged with assault to do bodily harm
less than murder after he allegedly slashed an
opponent in the face during a no-check hockey
game last June.
Assistant Oakland County Prosecutor Paul
Walton said the hearing was adjourned because
Fox's new lawyer, Jose Fanego, is currently work-
ing on another case and requested the hearing be
rescheduled no earlier than March 7.
Fox would not comment on the details of the
incident or whether he changed attorneys to delay
the hearing.
"I can't comment any further," Fox said. "I just
feel (changing lawyers) is the best decision to be
made at this time.
Fox was playing in the championship game for
a summer hockey league last June at the Detroit
Skate Club in Bloomfield Hills. After being
checked by a teammate of opponent Robert
Thomas, Fox struck Thomas in the face with his
Thomas allegedly lost a tooth and has under-
gone several oral surgeries as a result of the inci-