6 - The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, February 4, 1998 ''o 11 Pil **AVAIL. JANUARY** * 418 E. Washington eff. & 1 bdrm. * 1015 W. Huron 2 bdrm. * 1001 S. Forest 1g. 2 bdrm. * 543 Church lg. 2 bdrm. * Shown By Appt. Only * Varsity Mgmt. 668-1100 1 & 2 BDRM. @ 1026 Vaughn. Modem, A/ C. prkgi. 996-8819 or 769-7025. AVAIL. NOW- Packard/Fifth. 4-Bdrm. Apts Gallatin Realty Co. 994-0624. AVAIL. SEPT. 2 bdrm. fum. apt. 1015 E. Ann. Ldry., prkg., storage. $935-$985 + elec. 12 mo. lease, no pets. 663-6138._ AVAIL. SEPT.. 1 hoover/State. 3 & 4 bdrm. houses. Gallatin Reality Co. 994-0624. AVAIL. SEPT. 1 -Packard/Division-Large Old Fashioned 4-Bdrm. 2 Bath Apt. For 4-5 People. Gallatin Realty Co. 994-0624. MAY TO MAY * 543 Church * 917 Packard 2 bdnn. * 848 Tan 1g. 2 bdrm. * 1506 des I bdrm. w/study * 801 W. Madison 2 bdrm. CALL Varsity Mgnt: 668-1100 RING FOUND 1/29 on sidewalk between Chem. Bldg., Dennison and Natural Science. Call Kathy 936-7627. **********PARKING!********** On campus parking! Special rates! 665-8825. BILL CLINTON SCANDALIZED... the sinfully low prices at the Annual Kwanis Rummage Sale. Unbelievable selec- tion of new and used items. *'Kiwanis Building* *Washington at First* *9a.m.-4p.m., Feb. 6 & 7* GOING TO EUROPE? Backpack for sale. Internal frame, very large, Jansport. Perfect for Eurail. $100. 485-4591. GOVERNMENT FORECLOSED homes from pennies on $1. Delinquent tax, repos, REO's. Your area. Toll free 800/218-9000 ext. HI-1864 for current listings. PARKING SPOT Great location! 1327 Forest Ct. Call Rachel 663-2319. NEAR CENTRAL OR MEDICAL- eff. 1 & 2 bdrm. Semi-fum. w/ appl.&prkg. avail. $475-$675/mo., util inc. 747-6895. PARK PLAZA- 1320 S. University. Avail. now 3 bdrm. facing S. Univ. Call 761-8000. SIX BEDROOM, 2 1/2 bath apartment cur- rently available near Yost Ice Arena in Ann Arbor at a reduced rate through August 18, 1998. For additional information, please con- tact Wilson White Company, Inc. at 734-995- 9200. Equal Housing Opportunity. STRATFORD-629 Forest at South U. 2 bdrms. with balconies, fum., A/C, prkg, $1050-1350. Clean, quiet apts., non-smokers only. 668-1111.668-7978. Efficiency, 1 & 2 BR. Apartments 663-5609 J THESEARCH IS OVER... For your fall 1998 campus area apartment. At Wilson White Company we offer you quality campus area apartments with great features and professional service. For additional information and an appointment to view your new home, please call 734-995-9200. Equal Housing Opportunity. TOWER PLAZA-Studio and One Bedroom units available now and for fall rental. Call Brian Tomsic-663-1 530. VICTORIAN HOME 1 bdrm. apts.- hardwood floors, high ceilings, unfumished. 741-9300. SAAB 900S 84 2.OL 4-door, 5 speed, all power, A/C, sunroof, tape, 166K, same owner, recent paint, great cond., reliable. $1500 OBO 332-0632. SEIZED CARS from $175. Porsches, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW's, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD's. Your area. Toll free 800/218- 900 ext. A-1864 for current listings. SUBARU GL WAGON 4 WD, stick, air, cassette, 120K, new clutch $3800. 975-6891 TOYOTA COROLLA '87 80K mi., 5 speed manual, moonroof, cassette. Runs fine but no A/C. $1900 Call Rich at 936-2122. MACEXCHANGE Discount Computer Outlet. Sales and Service. Plain Talk Microhone $20, PowerMacs from $699. Buy, Sell, Trade, New, Used, Upgrade. 1739 Washtenaw, 482-0739. 1U14 CHURH- MUDERN furn. Stuaio w/ balcony for 1 $580; 1 bdrm. for 1-2 $640, Tri-level Townhouse w/ courtyards for 3 $960$1020. Futon, track lighting, dishwasher, central air, prkg. & ldry. May? Sept. leases. 663-7444. 2 & 3 BDRM. modem apt. at 1600 Packard. Fum. or Unfum. Call 769-7025 or 995-6396. 2 BDRM. APT. 1127 Church. 2 firs. Wall to campus. Prkg., furn., heat & H20 incl., dwshr., A/C. $945. 248-348-1607. 2 BDRM. APTS.- Completely remodeled for Fall '98 near athletic campus. Call 741-9300. 2 BDRM. AT 910 PACKARD. $800 & up. 668-2862 or 769-7025. Balcony, A/C, & parking incl. 2 BEDROOM APT., Central Campus, free laundry, fireplace, hardwood floors, im- maculate 2nd floor of house, new kitchen, 8 or 12 month lease. 996-3556. 3 BDRM. FOR FALL. $595 if pre-lease by March 31. 487-5750. 3 BDRM. HOUSE FOR rent, I blk. from Yost. $1000/mo. Avail. now. Carport, fenced yard, basement. Call 313-662-4954. 3 BDRM. HSE. 3 blocks to Med. Complex, new construction, dry., A/C, full basement, garage, 907 Wildt or 700 Bowen, $1300/mo. May Ise. Pete @ 213-1615. 3 MIN. WALK TO S. QUAD-1 bdrm. (single occupancy) & 2 bdrm. apts. All remodeled prkg. balconies. 973-7368. 4 PERSON APT. Central Campus, 2 floors, 2 fireplaces, free laundry, prkg., May to May lease. Call Jesse 996-355. 415 BENJAMIN-Modem, fum. I bdrm. For 1-2 persons $580. Fum. futon, track lighting, dishwasher, A/C, prkg. & Idry. Sept. leases, 663-3070. 5 BEDROOM FURN. house. Fall rental 1229 S. State St. No pets $2000 mo. Call 429-3839. 515 & 521 WALNUT between S. Univ. & Geddes. 4 persons wanted, extra Ig. 2 bdrm. 2 bath bi-level, balcony, A/C, for more info. CALL 668-1100 or 332-5921. 6 BDRM. AT 808 E. Kingsley, next to School of Nursing. Sep. lease. $2150 (util. included) 1-248-489-1371. 612 CHURCH. 1 bdrm. bi-level apt. Suitable for 2 people. I block to B-School & Engineering. Fall 995-0865 8-5 M-F. AIR CONDITIONED Spacious unfurnished 2-bedroom apt. Balcony, dishwasher, laundry, parking. Very close to U/M Campus. Available Fall 944- 2405. APARTMENTS FOR Fall 98- Great selec- tion of eff., 1,2+3 bedroom apts. Furnished parking, laundry. Call 663-3050 or www.amvestproperty.com ARE YOU LOOKING for housing? Contact www.amvestproperty.com on the web. AVAIL. 6-1-98- 1208 E. University - 4 bdrm. hse. w/2 baths, parking, laundry, dishwasher. $1950. 741-9798. AVAIL. NOW. 9 bdrm. hse. w/ 2 1/2 bath, storage, etc. Gallatin Reality Co. 994-0624. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! 1 bedroom apartment in prime location. Furnished. Heat & water included. 665-8825. Available Now 2 bdrmn. apts.- newly renovated, modern kitchens, lg. balconies, fireplaces-flexible leases-call Rebecca 741-9300. BEST HOUSES FALL 98. Great locations, prkg., large bdrms., all appliances, etc. 702 Tappan (upper) 4 bdrm.- $2195, 702 Tappan (large studio) $795, 1225 Prospect (4 bdrm.)- $2295. 313-930-9999. BUSINESS & LAW STUDENTS Remodeled 2 bdrm. apt. w/A/C, dishwasher, balcony, & new fumiture. Located at Vaughn & E. University. Call for an appt. CALL VARSITY MANAGEMENT @ 668-1100. BY B-SCHOOL several lovely sleeping rms. w/shared kitch. & bath. Laundry & parking. May & Sept. leases @ 820 Hill & 1012 Hill. $370-540/mo. 665-5620. CAMPUS Large one bedroom unfurnished apt. Hardwood floors, bay window in lovely Victorian building close to UM campus. Phone 944-2405. CENTRAL CAMPUS housA, 6-7 people, free laundry, 2 kitchens, 3 fireplaces, hardwood floors, free parking 996-3556. EFF. @ 1100 HILL. $560. Sept. 98. Call 769-7025 or 761-4982. EFFICIENCY NEAR BUSINESS & LAW Available fall, spacious, unfumished apt. Hardwood floors, high ceilings, heat, and water incl. 944-2405. ELEGANT ONE AND TWO bedroom apts. with wood floors and fireplaces. Fall 1998. 761-8990. Fall 1998 Modern furnished two bedroom apartments in three locations all near central campus. Recently furnished, heat and water included. On-site parking, laundry and storage. Two locations just north of Rackham Hall, third location is same block as CCRB. From $795 - going fast! Call 663-4101 to arrange showing. - MONEY FOR COLLEGE We can help you obtain funding. 1000's of awards avail. to all students. Immed. qualification. Call 800/651- 3393. POSTING SERVICE Campus/Ann Arbor Bus., greek, group discounts avail. Make your ad stand out. 741-0027. THE WORDWRIGHT Dissertations, term papers, resumes, applications. Specialize in editing. Call Sarah 662-8977. THESIS EDITING. Language, organization, formats. All disciplines. Twenty years UofM experience. 996-0566. TYPING & WRITING SERVICE Resumes, cover letters, applications & essays. Ann Arbor Typing. 994-5515. helpwanted ANN ARBOR'S BIGGEST SPORTS BAR & RESTAURANT Now hiring waitstaff and cooks for winter and spring terms. No exp. needed but helpful. Great pay and social atmosphere. hardworking, punctual applicants should apply at SCOREKEEPERS- 310 MAYNARD, ANN ARBOR 995-0100 (ACROSS FROM BORDERS). ATTENTION STUDENTS!! MI TELEFUND is hiring!! Create your own schedule, gain valuable computer skills. Paid training, fun atmosphere. $6.50+/hr. to start, bonuses up to $8/hr. For application & info stop by 611 Church #304 or call 998-7420. EARN $750-$1500/WEE K Raise all the money your student group needs by sponsoring a VISA Fundraiser on your campus. No investment & very little time needed. There's no obligation, so why not call for information today. Call 1-800-323-8454 x 95. ABLE TO FIT part-time clerical job into your school scheduling? Student needed to work mostly morning hours and some after- noon hours. Flexible scheduling-must be available some hours on weekends. Drawer reconciliation, filing, A/P, payroll and ac- cepting deliveries are some of the duties required. Experience helpful but not a requirement. Ideal for B-school or accounting major. Dependable-punctual applicants should a pply today @ SCORE KEEPERS RESTAURANT & SPORTSBAR 310 MAYNARD A2, 995-0100. ALASKA SUMMER Employment - Fishing industry. Excellent student earnings& benefits potential (up to $2850+/mo. + Room/Board) Don't pay outrageous agency fees! Ask us how! 517-324-3118 ext A55981. ARRIBA RESTAURANT opening soon. We are now looking for team players to take Ann Arbor by storm as we introduce authen- tic Mexican cuisine. We need bright, ener- getic people for all positions. We offer flex. hrs., competitive pay, meals, tuition reimbur- sement program, & a great working environment. Apply in person M-F, 2-5, 314 S. Fourth Ave. ***RENT NOW 1 BDRM. in modem 5 bdrm. house located on N. Ingalls. 7 min. walk to Diag, near Nursing School, close to N. Campus bus stop & quiet friendly neighborhood. Females pref. for Winter term. Contact Mac @ 213-0630. $300/mo.! ***SPR/SUM SUBLET Big yellow 6 Bdrm. house. Oakland & E. Univ. Prkg. Ldry. Price neg. 741-1786 or 213-2091. ***SPR/SUM SUBLET 4 Bdrm. Hse. Great Loc. Church & Willard! Prkg. Ldry. Price neg. 665-4549 or 997-9329. *CAMIPUS BY IM: Room in basement apt. Free heat. Avail. now! 810-227-0651. 1 BDRM APT Pauline Blvd. 2/98-7/98. Great view. Fum. Non-Smoker. 669-9369. 1 BDRM. APT. AT 550 S. Ashley avail. for sublet now-Aug. $625/mo.6+ utils. & sec. dep. Call John @ 313-665-6205. 1 BEDROOM in 3 bdrm. apt. Cheap rent in- cludes util. avail. now-8/98. Leave a message. 1-888-940-7296. 915 E. Ann & 204 N. Ingalls. 1 & 2 bdrm. avail. Prkg., 9/98. 663-2731. AVAIL. IMMED. Own room in 3 bdrm. hse. off State & Packard. Ldry., off-street prkg. $340/mo. neg. n-smkg. Fem. pref. 761-3284, lbruner@umich.edu AVAIL. NOW 1 bdrm. in spacious 2 bdrm. apt. Fum., prkg., ldry. Near campus 213- 3161 or 913-5848. EFF. SPR.JSUM. 503 Elm St. #4 furn. $435 (neg.) incl. util./cable 994-0368. I NEED TO GET rid of a Baits II lease for a Deluxe Suite for winter term. I have to leave Ann Arbor. Call 763-3916. MAY-AUG. SUBLET in fully fum. house w/ HUGE rm. & HUGE bed near Med. Ctr. FREE prkg. & wshr./dryer Call 668-8891. QUIET COZY 2 bdrm & basement. Ldry. Sub. May 1 - Aug. 31 or take over lease. White St. $786. Call us 996-9615. RM. IN 4 BDRM. apt. May-Aug., 430 S. 4th #2. Prkg. Furn. $350 neg. 327-4708. SUBLET FEB.- JULY Studio, heat, 1 min. to campus. $522/neg. 973-1124. $ ANN ARBOR INSTITUTE of Massage Therapy's student massage clinic is now open. $25 hr. Call 677-4430. Weekends available. FREE CASH GRANTS College. Scholarships. Business. Medical bills. Never Repay. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 Ext.G- 1864. ATTENTION: WANTED 86 people. -W will pay you to lose up to 30 lbs. in 30 dys Expires 3/15/98 1-800-598-2671. AUDIOVISUAL HELP wanted: UM M ied. School. Var. hours. Exp. w/ slides & videotape. Al Bell @ (313) 936-2243/msg. CAMP STAFF- Outstanding, accredited Slim Down Camp on modem college cam- puses in Mass. and Penn., seeks students and professionals interested in fitness and Specialties: athletics, dance, aerobics, ten swim, nutrition, R.D., R.N. 7 weeks. Inter. nship credit available Three years college minimum. You can help change a life thi summer! Camp Camelot, 800-421-4321; email loseweight@campcamelot.com CAMP SUMMIT in New York has summei job openings for qualified stud. Cabin counselors, specialty instructors for all TEAM SPORTS, SWIMMING, (WSI/LGT) TENNIS, WA TERSKIING, OUTDOOR AD- VENTURE PROGRAMS and more! Grea1 salary & benefits! Interviews on campus ( the U.M. Union, Wed, Feb. 18. Call 800-847. 8664 or 516-549-1090 for interview time CAMP TAKAJO FOR BOYS, on Long Lake, Naples, Maine. Noted for picturesquc location, exceptional facilities, and outstand ing programs. June 22-August 23. Over 10( counselor positions in tennis, baseball basketball, soccer, lacrosse, golf, streel hockey, roller hockey, swimming, sailing canoeing, waterskiing, scuba, archery, riflery weight training, journalism, photography video, woodworking, ceramics, crafts, fin arts, nature study, radio, & electronics dramatics, piano accompanist, music n strumentalist/band director, backpacki rockclimbing, whitewater canoeing, P course instructor, general (w/ youngest zxxy) secretarial, kitchen staff. Call Mike Sherb at 1-800-250-8252. CAMP TOWANDA, Pocono Mtns. PA. 1( openings for positive role models to be caring, sensitive counselors. "Have the bes summer ever!" GREAT SALARY & trave allowance. On campus interviews Feb. 15 & 16. Contact: 800-61-WANDA or staff@camptowanda.com Summer Groundskeeper Wanted Responsible for maintaining campus ground andturtur- ing plant materials on campus. As seasons dctate assist with mowing, weed whipping, weeding;leaf pick up; shrub and flower bed clean-up: preparing for planting flower bulbs: pruning ornamental trees and shrubs. Duties also include litter pick-up. Pay starts at $700 per hour; Application Deadline is 3/13/98 t Desired qualifications: 'Self-motivation 'Dependability 'Genuine interest in creating beautiful and safe campus area. To Apply: call 763-5539 Or stop by UM Grounds Department office for an applica- tion between 7:0ar-3OOpm weedas. Grounds & . Waste Manartement ,Plant Services Building (first floor) 1,1Palmer Dr. (behind the Power Center) CAMP WAYNE- (sister half of brother sister camp. Northeastern Pennsylvania, 6 20-8/18/98. Have the most memorable sum mer of your life! Directors needed for DIramn Camping/Nature, Cheerleading and Gpl Counselors for: Tennis, Golf, Gymnstic Team Sports, Low Ropes, Batik, Calligraphy Sculpture, Drawing/Painting, Photography Ceramics, Guitar, Silk-Screening, SwimaiM- (WSI preferred), Sailing, Waterskiing Dance, Aerobics and Piano. Other staff Driver/Video, Head Chef and Assistant Housekeeping, Night Watchperson. On Cam pus Interviews February 18th. Call1-J 279-3019 for information. COME TO NEW HAMPSHIRE for th summer (6/21-8/20). Outstanding brother sister sports camps on largest New Englan4 lake seek skilled counselors for land, wate sports, arts. Room, board & transportatioi paid. Interviews available. Robinde (Girls): 888-860-1186 Winaukee (Boys): 800-791-2018 www.winaukee.com COMPUTER ASSISTANTS - Freshmen o Sophomores for the Winter 1998 and fol lowing Terms to assist with maintaininl Macintosh hardware, software and LA part of the Student Publications comp support team. Good pay, flexible hours Work study and others call for informatioi and interview: 936-7883. COUNSELORS: TOP BOYS SPORT! CAMP in Maine! Exciting, fun summer Must have good skills, to instruct & coach. Openings In: All Land Sports & All Watei Sports, RN's, Secretaries. Top salaries Awesome Facilities, Room/Board/Ldry. Travel. CALL, E-MAIL (cobbachlef@aol.com), OR WRITE: Stevi Rubin, (800) 473.6104, CAMP COBBOS SEE 10 Silvermine Dr., S. Salem, NY 10590 DATA ENTRY/BILLING clerk part positions available in our Ann Arbor'ofie w/flexible hrs. Must type 60 wpm. WIlling I train the right person. Fax resume t6 313 677-7407 or mail to PMG, Personne Coordinator, PO Box 1108, Ann Arbo 48106. DEDICATED, OBJECTIVE, self motivated person needed to help run MSI winter elections. $1000. E-mil "Rules.comm@umich.edu by Sat., Feb. 7 at: PM. " " TOP CAMPUS LOCATIONS !!! Washington Manor Studio & 1 bdrm. * 1/2 blk. from MLB * 1/2 blk. from Frieze "w * 2 blks. N. Campus bus CALL VARSITY MNGT. 668-1100 !!!BEAUTIFUL 2 BDRM. apt. 1004 S. Forest #B1. $700. Gas/H20 incl. 332-6000. !!!GRAD STUDENT ALERT!!! Fall 98, 2 bdrm. apt. available. A2 Old West Side, Fully furnished, Must See, Call for an appt. today. Varsity Mgt. 668-1100. **2/3 BDRM BI-LEVEL apts. across from CCRB, spacious and fully loaded, Sept. & May leases avail. 741-9300. Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe ACROSS 1 Catamount 5 Shut in 10 Ancient Greek coin 14 All through 15 Edith Bunker's cousin 62 Capital of Senegal 63 Catch a glimpse of 27 Actress Anouk, from France 29 See-thru picture 31 Thin as - 46 Bottom of the barrel 48 Sound start 1 2 3 4 5 c DOWN Put in the mail Eye part Dinner basics Creative people Exile 32 34 37 38 Goes up in smoke Ice-cream treat Hoosegow Raymond Burr series 49 Person on a pedestal 50 Theme song for Lopez 51 Caesar's dinner 53 Kevin Costner I ' ASST. TO MD. Must be well organized and self starting. Bookkeeping/Accounting skills, word processingh& car. Pay is negotiable. 662-9191. Flex. hrs. r M . 00 - MMX JE W"A 0 AV SP C A AR D E SA U T H1A N TI R E'E jR jLiL E AIS T 0 R A N G E R U I N L E A N E R W RtEAT H N O EL GA B O R M Y N AEG U R G L E E RjA 0 0M A RN I E R NIA G A[R R C L EA VIE I D -L E T E T RA E1D E N H AT T ER SlA T I R E HO P IAL E S R ES I N A ON ES __PL IN_ FURN. HOUSE FOR 5-6 PERSONS. Fall occupancy. 930 Dewey. $1900 + util./mo. I yr. lease. 769-6683. GREAT APTS.! Great Prices! 1, 2, & 3 bdrm. apts. starting at $385. 487-5750. i S13-bbd-1633 OT 313-Ib1-33L .~i3O0JJ3.~ 1 N\ /-1 ---FIN -