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One hundred seven years of editorialfreedom
February 2, 1998
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oss r
Katie Piona
)aily Staff Reporter
thletic Director Tom Goss' plan to restructure
internal organization of the University Athletic
epartment is scheduled to take effect today.
"The rationale driving this reorganization is my
ealization ... that for us to continue in our tradi-
ional role as 'The Leaders and the Best,' we must
ke three changes - changes that come under
he captions of improved communications, consol-
dation of functions and enhancement of produc-
ivity," Goss said in a memorandum to Athletic
epartment staff members.
he changes, which Goss announced Friday,
ft the responsibilities of most of the depart-
ent's senior administrators.
"We must shorten and clarify the communica-
ion lines between administrators, between admin-
e structures
istrators and coaches, and between coaches," Goss
said in the written statement.
Among the many changes is the retirement of
Senior Associate Athletic Director Keith Molin at
the end of this school year. Assistant Athletic
Director Bruce Madej will take on some of
Molin's external relations duties.
Molin said he and Goss mutually agreed upon
his retirement.
"I have been trying to decide whether I wanted to
retire for about a year," said Molin, who has been at
the University for 19 years. Goss "knew from the
day he came on board that I was ready to retire."
Molin said Goss had asked him to temporarily
delay his retirement plans to help familiarize the
new athletic director with the department.
Goss' plans also consolidate duties previously
spread among several administrators into fewer
positions. To accomplish this, Senior Associate
Athletic Director Bob DeCarolis' facility opera-
tions duties and ticket manager Steven
Lambright's post will be eliminated.
In addition to streamlining areas of the depart-
ment, Goss announced the formation of a new
department concentration.
Former Michigan football player Warde Manuel
will fill the only new position created by Goss,
which focuses on student athlete development
regarding employment and community service.
Manuel said he will link services already offered
by Career Planning and Placement and the Center
for Learning through Community Service to the
goals the department has for student athletes.
"It's to make sure that the student athletes are
our main focus and that they have access to the
material, considering the time they spend in athlet-
ics and on academics" Manuel said.
Crew team member Michelle Wolbert, a st
representative on the Board in Contr
Intercollegiate Athletics, said the addition of th
dent athlete development area will help stu
prepare their post-graduation plans.
"Playing a sport, you almost have to plan
interviews or your job search around your sea
Wolbert said. "There will be a system in pla
student athletes to go to find a job."
Senior Associate Athletic Director Fritz Se
will be in charge of Central Campus opera
Associate Athletic Director Jeff Long will e:
his post to oversee several sports, such as men
women's swimming, soccer, crew and baseba
Associate Athletic Director Peg Bra
Doppes will move from senior associate at
director to senior women's administi
New responsibilities:
)l of U Senior Associate Athletic Director
e stu- Fritz Seyferth will become the No. 2
idents person in department and will head
your U Senior Associate Athletic Director
ason, " Keith Molin will retire at the end of
ce for the year.
| Assistant Athletic Director Bruce
yferth Madej will take over all media rela-
tions. tions for the department and will
xpand report directly to Athletic Director
's and Tom Goss.
11. Former University football player
idley- Warde Manuel will fill a newly creat-
hletic ed position in which he will be
trator. responsible for overseeing the
Pe 7A lifestyles of student athletes.
He's not a guy
After on(
on a pedestal, but part of the University.
- LSA junior John Bahling
top priorityis still
By Katie Piona "I suppose in important respects, tri-
and Jennifer Yachnin umphs and tragedies are in a time
Daily Staff Reporters where you define the character and
After a year of dealing with events values of the community," Bollinger
that have thrust the University into the said. "I think all of these events, terri-
national spotlight, University ble and great, really have woven the
President Lee Bollinger enters his sec- thread of the community more tightly."
ond year on the job with a commit- Members of the University commu-
ment to advancing the intellectual nity, from executive officers to stu-
btmosphere of the University. dents, agree that the events of the past
When Bollinger stepped into office year have given them the opportunity
on Feb. 1, 1997, he did not know what to witness Bollinger's character.
challenges he would face. Taking the "I think he has very strong leader-
reigns of the University during one of ship qualities," said physiology Prof.
its most high-profile years in recent Louis D'Alecy, chair of the faculty's
history, Bollinger acknowledged his governing body. "I think he presents
obstacles, but said they did not dis- an air of confidence and openness that
tract him from his academic mission. encourages faculty engagement and
Two lawsuits challenging the that's very important in these times."
University's admissions policies, the Provost Nancy Cantor said he has
deaths of several students, the difficult met the challenge of outside scrutiny
firing of Michigan men's basketball with his open demeanor and honest
coach Steve Fisher and an unbeliev- commitment to the University.
able football season that concluded in "He handled these extremely tragic
Pasadena have not made Bollinger and demanding situations with dignity
lose sight of his vision. and humanity - that's a mark of his
"I have tried to make clear at every leadership," Cantor said. "From my
point that my main focus is on the aca- own experience with Lee, one of his
demics of this university," Bollinger strong points is his genuine interest ...
said. "You're always surrounded by in the campus."
issues pressing for attention, but you c hus."e
have to stay focused on the academic Challengesv
interest of the institution." Entering his second year, Bollinger
These well-publicized events have said he will continue to bring academ-
crafted the relationships between ic interests to the forefront. To obtain
Bollinger, the campus and the sur- his goals, Bollinger said he will use
rounding community. See BOLLINGER, Page 2A
U.S. pled ges
aid if Iraq
attacks Israel
JERUSALEM (AP) -- Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright assured Israel and its Arab neighbors yesterday that
the United States would have a "swift and resounding"
response to any Iraqi attack in the region.
After extensive talks in Israel, Albright took the message
that Arabs, too, are under America's protective wing to
Kuwait. She will repeat it today in Saudi Arabia during her
tour seeking Arab support for military action against Iraq to
enforce U.N. resolutions.
Unlike in 1990, when an Iraqi invasion of Kuwait con-
gealed most of the Persian Gulf Arabs, none has bought into
the necessity of action in the current cri-
sis brought on by Iraq's refusal to let
U.N. weapons inspectors do their work.
In 1991, as planes of the U.S.-led
coalition blasted Iraq, both Israel and
Saudi Arabia were hit by Iraqi missiles
before Iraqi President Saddam
Hussein's annexation of Kuwait was
Faced with the growing likelihood of
a U.S. bombardment of suspects' armsAight
sites, Israel is worried that Saddam may Albright
be inclined to strike again.
During the Gulf war, the Bush administration pressured
Israel not to retaliate for the 39 Scud missiles that hit its ter-
ritory. The worry was that if Israel joined the conflict, the
Arabs who had joined the anti-Iraq war coalition would quit.
This time, Israel is vowing to respond to any attack.
At a news conference after inconclusive back-to-back talks
with Prime Minister ,Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat, Albright addressed the Israeli people.
"The United States stands with you in the face of Saddam's
latest threat today," she said.
In Jerusalem, the Haaretz newspaper reported that the
United States has agreed to supply Israel with hundreds of
thousands of doses of antidotes against biological warfare,
specifically anthrax.
U.S. and U.N. experts believe anthrax and other biological
weapons ingredients may be stored secretly attIraqi sites that
Saddam's government has declared off-limits to U.N. inspec-
Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai said he expects
an early word on any U.S. military strike against Iraq.
"We have been working with the United States for a
long time to be prepared today and in the future for a
nonconventional weapon attack," Mordechai , told
Speaking on CNN's "Late Edition," Albright warned the
Iraqis that if Israel or Arab nations are attacked, the U.S.
response would be forceful.
"Were Saddam Hussein to attack ... Israel, or any of the
other neighboring countries, our response would be swift and
resounding," she said.
Her talks in Israel about the Israeli-Palestinian question
were inconclusive. She said she had hoped to get further in
prodding Israel and the Palestinian Authority into negotia-
tions on linking an Israeli pullback on the West Bank with
University President Lee Bollinger has stressed academics at the University since the beginning of his
term one year ago.
*Sam Stavis
Daily Staff Reporter
The Kyoto conference on global cli-
mate change in early December ham-
mered out a vague plan to reduce world-
wide greenhouse gas emissions, but left
the world wondering if anything can
actually be done to stop global warming.
In a two-part symposium this past
weekend, titled "After Kyoto, What
wxt? Prospects for the Future," some
the world's foremost experts on glob-
al climate change gathered at East Hall
to discuss the impact of the Kyoto con-
ference and what needs to be done to
make its plans a reality.
Most of the speakers at the sympo-
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'U' to celebrate
Chicano past,
By Susan T. Port
Daily Staff Reporter
Lost chapters of Chicano history will be revisited by
University students and Ann Arbor community members
during the celebration of Chicano History Week.
The two-week commemoration begins today and is spon-
sored by Alianza, La Voz Mexicana and Movimiento
Estudiantil Chicano/a Dae Aztlan. Events include movie
viewings, art shows, a dance and speeches.
LSA senior Christina Urbina, who co-chairs La Voz
Mexicana, said the festival's goal is to educate the University
community about Chicano history.
"It's important for students to see that the University real-
ly does support our programs," Urbina said.
LSA sophomore Richard Nunn, co-chair of La Voz
Mexicana, said Mexican Americans do not receive enough
attention on campus.
"Mexican Americans don't really get recognition here,"
Nunn said. "It's time to show our presence.
Nunn said Chicano history is not taught in-history classes
and many students do not have an accurate understanding of
Stanford University Prof. Steve Schneider, one of the world's leading experts on
global climate changes, addresses the audience at the symposium on Friday.
abzAidi mt J NU
Another day, another Daily.
Another year, another chal-
With today's paper, a new
group of editors takes the reins
of The Michigan Daily.
Our flag boasts "107 years of
editorial freedom," but we know there's much more to the
Daily and its tradition. The Daily exists to inform and serve
the University community. Its pages consistently reflect the
debates, controversies and celebrations that are happening
in the classroom, on the Diag and in the bars and cof-
feeshops of Ann Arbor. As the new keepers of this tremen-
dous responsibility, we will strive to maintain the trust and
respect of our readers by presenting the most accurate,
gas emissions by 5.2 percent below
1990 levels by the year 2012.
Some countries agreed to reduce emis-
sions by more than 5.2 percent. The
United States' target is 7 percent below
144() 1lels bthe vear 2012- the
increase their greenhouse gas emissions
as their industries grow.
Other developing nations weren't
included at all in the agreement, which
was one of its biggest shortcomings,
said White House National Security