News: 76-DAILY dvertising: 764-0554 WE,,F tti One hundred seven years of editonr lfreedom Thursday January 8, 1998 .. ......... ......... ......... .... .. .. ... 3 e d v i hoc] By Sharat Raju Daily Sports Writer Michigan hockey defenseman Chris Fox was arraigned yesterday on a charge of "assault with intent do bodily harm less than murder" at the 48th istrict Court in Bloomfield Hills. The charge Fox faces stems from an incident that occurred June 15, when he allegedly struck Waterford resident Robert Thomas in the face dur- ing a hockey game at the Detroit Skate Club in Bloomfield Hills. Both Fox, an LSA senior, and Thomas were play- ing in a summer "no-checking" hockey league when the assault in question occurred. The alleged strike by Fox caused Thomas to lose one tooth, and oosened two others and chipped one. Thomas has reportedly undergone two root canals and is sched- uled to undergo further oral surgery in the near future. After posting a $25,000 bond yesterday, Fox was Omenn peaks to Medical students By Jennifer Yachnin I -ly Stall Reporter 'itting with his knees bent and hands dropped between them, Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs Gilbert Omenn spoke to a handful of primarily Medical first-year students last night about their future profession. "Our faculty and students are doing great sci- ence," Omenn said. "I hope they have as much enthusiasm as I did then and now." Omenn came to Omenn the University last fall as its first EVPMA, a position created to oversee the Medical School, University Hospitals and a $1 billion annual bud- n tune with the title of the lecture, "What Will Medical Practice Roles Become for Today's Medical Businos Students?," Omenn discussed topics ranging from community involve- ment to doctor and patient use of S t computers in treatment and admin- istration. fi Medical first-year student Tom Gaffey, one of the organizers of the event, said he was happy that Medical , ents got a chance to meet with By Diba enn. Daily Sta "We wanted to give him this oppor- Stud tunity to voice his vision for the med- Rose B ical community and the Medical al cham School," Gaffey said. that the Gaffey said a good relationship rally at between the EVPMA and Medical stu- How dents is necessary, especially while the the stre University's medical community faces plans fo $200 million in budget cuts in the next Due e years. were ch "The relationship should be one in et holde which there is an open door should Website questions or concerns come up," and 750 See OMENN, Page 2 key defenseman arraigned released and a preliminary examination was sched- uled for Jan. 15, in Bloomfield Hills before District Judge Edward Avadenka. The assault charge carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison. Prosecutors are reportedly seeking medical compen- sation from Fox for upwards of several thousand dol- lars. Fox practiced with the team yesterday and has not been suspended by the team or the University. The Grosse Pointe Farms native was unable to com- ment on the allegations, but he spoke with The Michigan Daily about the increased attention around him the past several days. "It's frustrating to see myself in this negative light," Fox said. "I've worked hard to become a good hockey player, a good student and a good person - most importantly being a good person." The specifics of the incident have caused some confusion and debate. Six months after the inci- dent, there are a variety of interpretations of the alleged assault. James Halushka, chief of warrants and investiga- tions in Oakland County Prosecutor's Office, said the attack was "cowardly" and "completely unpro- voked." Halushka said Fox singled out the smallest opponent on the ice, swung baseball-style with his stick from behind, and knocked out one of Thomas' teeth. This account differs from that of Fox's attorney David Binkley, who told Detroit radio station WWJ yesterday that Fox was protecting himself. "Chris was hooked and had a gash in his face and was confronted by another player," Binkley said. "He thought he was going to be attacked again." Fox received 15 stitches following the contest. The prosecutors claim there was a six-month delay in accusing Fox because they were unsure of the identity of Thomas' attacker. Following the strike, Fox's summer team coach was told to give the See ASSAULT, Page 2 CELEBRATION TIME FILE PHOTO Michigan defenseman Chris Fox was arraigned yesterday on charges of assault for knocking out an opponent's tooth during a pickup hockey game in Oakland County. Coaches, peers saddened by wrestler's death IL NAMAN/ Dfly s senior Eric Sealov shops at Michigan Book & Supply yesterday to show his Wolverine spirit, e Van udents fae limited e aly ^ets parade mightbehl By Jordan Field and Katie Plona Daily Staf' Reporters Although weeks have passed since Michigan wrestler Jefferey Reese died after a strenuous workout, he is far from forgotten in the minds of people who knew him - and even those who did not. Some remember Reese as a dedicat- ed wrestler who earned the respect of teammates and coaches, while others recall a kind friend who always put himself second. Some say he was a well-rounded student who prioritized not only his wrestling pursuits but also his academic endeavors, while another misses a caring boyfriend. Whatever their relationship with Reese, his impact won't be forgotten. "I just hope that he is remembered as he was. He was always happy," said Jennifer Rasmussen, Reese's girlfriend. "He was just so caring and so giving." Rasmussen, who is a Kinesiology junior and student trainer, said the large attendance at both the memorial service held for Reese in Ann Arbor and the wake in Reese's New York hometown are testimony to how many lives he touched. The private funeral service, held in Wellsburg, N.Y., was attended by those who were close to Reese, including family members, his wrestling team- mates and close friends. Assistant wrestling coach Joe McFarland, who was with Reese on the night of his death, said he will never forget that night, nor the qualities that made Reese a wonderful person. "The whole thing is just so devastat- ing," he said. "I miss Jeff dearly. He was such a great kid, and such a pleasure to be around and to work with. "He loved what he was doing and took wrestling very seriously. It is a tragedy, but we all know we need to move forward and stick together for support. But even as we move forward, no one here will ever forget Jeff and the person that he was. John Fisher, an assistant wrestling coach who trained with Reese during the summer and throughout the year, said he felt overwhelmed by the out- pouring of people at Reese's wake. "I got to his funeral and there were so many people there," Fisher said, "That's when I knew how wonder- ful Jeff was because it wasn't only me who thought it. "I knew Jeff from the wrestling world, but his goodness was everywhere," Reese Fisher said. "It car- ried over to any- where he was and with everyone he met." Fisher considered his relationship with Reese more than just a typical player-coach relationship. Fisher spoke of a time during the summer when he was training but had no work-out part- ner. So Fisher called Reese in New York and said he needed him. Reese drove to Ann Arbor and helped Fisher train for a week. "I considered him a close friend because that's what friends do' Fisher said. "He knew it was important to me, and he was there for me." Fisher isn't the only person who has stories about Reese's caring nature. Reese's high school wrestling coach, Dave Buck, said the two often spoke on, the phone about school or wrestling over the past two years, and Buck often updated Reese on his old team. During Reese's first year at Michigan, Buck told him that one of his former high school teammates would compete in the state finals the upcoming weekend - the same tourna- ment Reese had won the previous year. See REESE, Page 7 Rab iff Reporter ents returned from winter break this week with owl memorabilia and enthusiasm for their nation- npionship football team, but some are now upset ey may not be able to celebrate at Sunday's pep Crisler Arena. ever, they may be able to celebrate the victory on ets of Ann Arbor if the University goes ahead with br a parade. to limited seating at Crisler, rally ticket recipients osen by a lottery of the 66,000 football season tick- ers. Season ticket holders can check a University this week to see if they are one of 7,000 students 0 faculty and staff who received a ticket to the rally. "There's no way to distribute tickets other than by way of lottery, said Senior Associate Athletic Director Keith Molin. Adding these numbers to the 400-member band, the 160- member football team, the coaches and the Athletic Department staff, the 13,000 seats in the stadium will be full, Molin said. It's possible a parade might precede the pep rally, said Senior Associate Athletic Director Fritz Seyferth. "We're trying to see if we could get it all worked out," Seyferth said yesterday. "We have to see if it is even feasi- ble, and we need to move quickly. We hope to know by noon tomorrow." Tickets will be distributed today and tomorrow at Cliff See TICKETS, Page 2 I S. Korean economic crisis causes problems tor University students Let me in By Rachel Edelman Daily Staff Reporter The turmoil of the South Korear economic crisis has forced several University exchange students to return to Korea because of financial straints. The crisis is affecting h international students and Korean Americans in the University community. "I know that a lot of exchange stu- dents are going back," said LSA first- year student Nam-Hee Park, who is The crisis began in mid-November when several South Korean conglomer- ates collapsed. The conglomerates had financed their expansion by borrowing funds, which caused the banks to be saddled with bad loans, estimated at $26 billion. A credit crisis ensued, plunging the Korean currency, the won. The won had lost half its value against the dollar by the end of 1997. The stock market's index fell to a near- ly 10-year low. Eight of the top 10 South Korean conglomerates were Nichols avoids death penalty The Washington Post DENVER - Terry Nichols was spared the death penalty yesterday when federal jurors were unable to agree on whether the Oklahoma City bombing conspirator should pay for the crime with his life. U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch dismissed the panel, which deliberated for 13 hours over two days before notify- ing him of the impasse, and said he will now assume respon- sibility for sentencing Nichols. Matsch cannot by law sentence Nichols to death for his role in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, in which 168 people were killed. The judge can, however, sentence Nichols to a maximum of life in prison without the possibility of release. He asked for recommendations from the prosecution and defense by Feb. 9 and promised a deci- I I