4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 29, 1998 Ulie £dtigan &iilg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JOSH WHITE Editor in Chief ERIN MARSH Editorial Page Editor i NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'The admissions policy is more complicated than just affirmative action. There needs to be more discussion about it ... before we actually put it on the ballot.' -Michigan Student Assembly Rep. Joe Bernstein, on the resolution to put a question about affirmative action on the MSA winter election ballot PURPLE HERRING LNV E NENCE Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily & editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Incomplete state Faculty should develop, While talk of diversity and affirma- tive action procedures are present in many aspects of student life at the University, the faculty and staff also acknowledge the importance of such issues. The University's Senate Assembly, the faculty's governing body, continued its support for a diverse campus by passing the third in a series of diversity state- ments. The statement is part of a piece- meal process; its objective is to develop a series of statements that represent the fac- ulty's views. While a statement from the faculty, especially regarding such a perti- nent issue as diversity, is important to the University, an even stronger commitment is needed. The faculty senate passed the first of the statements in May 1996. This resolu- tion simply stated that the University must be open to "all qualified persons." The next statement on diversity passed shortly after the lawsuit was filed against the University challenging the use of race in admissions processes. This resolution endorsed the need for a diverse faculty and student body to help create a better educational environment. This is where the faculty's governing body had a perfect window of opportunity to address the issue of affirmative action at the University. Yet it chose to continue to pass resolutions that made no references to affirmative action nor stated expectations for the University. It is important for the University's fac- ulty to address issues that affect campus. They should make students aware of their feelings toward University policies. But a piece-meal process providing statement stronger diversity stance after statement while offering no commit- ment by the faculty or recommendations to the University is not enough. While the faculty has made it clear that they support a diverse campus, they have completely ignored the complex issue of affirmative action. How is the University to maintain a rich, diverse campus without specific recommendations as to how to achieve this? The Senate Assembly needs to devel- op a statement addressing these specific issues. University President Lee Bollinger recently asked the University's faculty for possible solutions to minority student con- cerns, particularly regarding the negative effects of the lawsuits on the campus envi- ronment. Once again, the faculty has a window of opportunity to provide the University with a strong, unified stance in support of affirmative action. While the next diversity statement is expected to include recommendations for maintaining a diverse campus, it is not expected to be released until next year. The senate should develop an all- inclusive statement. The diversity state- ments are a step in the right direction, but they are not enough. A completely unified resolution, passed by the University's fac- ulty in support of affirmative action as a means to achieve campus diversity, could provide the necessary momentum toward an acceptance of the importance of edu- cational diversity. The student body should encourage the faculty to make this bold step. To ensure a future diverse edu- cational environment at the University, the groundwork needs to be established now. 0 WON I « , f 1P I II ' '< t _._-== /I IA44 ~~~ i ~lA X i _U - am LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I bil en acc app Th ate ron ma lac ing obt env thrc tog Lac sys tim imp sys sin rep env ing Der me reen card State needs better environmental reporting ast week, the state House of Without an accurate view of the environ- J Representatives unanimously passed a ment's most pressing concerns, our legis- I that would create a comprehensive lators face a great disadvantage when vironmental report program to efficiently making decisions about environmental count for the millions of dollars the state funding. Such a large sum of money propriates for environmental projects. demands that state officials keep good e state Senate should follow suit and cre- records. With the proposed report, law- an accessible format for reporting envi- makers will have a great resource to them umental data. that will allow them to make more The state collects a great deal of infor- informed decisions. tion regarding the environment, but it Aside from greater efficiency, the state ks a unified means to report the find- has further motivation to reform its environ- s. For a legislator or private citizen to mental policies. The federal government has ain a definitive picture of the state's its own environmental report card. With a ironmental status, he or she must wade comprehensive report, the state will be better ough many different reports and piece able to address problem areas and enhance ;ether the information themselves. its rating by the federal government. In order eking an official standard, the current for the state to be prominent in the environ- tem can cause a great deal of wasted mental arena, the state must ensure that ade- ie and money. The environment is far too quate information is available to those trying portant an issue to allow this inefficient to preserve the state's resources. tem to continue. Finally, the bill has symbolic impor- The bill ensures that the state produces a tance. It signals that the environment gle, all-inclusive report. Through this once again is a key topic in the state's ort, state residents can track individual capital. For years, other issues overshad- ironmental projects as well as their fund- owed the issue of preserving natural sources. Under the state's former resources. Laws allowing businesses to partment of Natural Resources, environ- police their own pollution, combined with nt reports were inadequate. lowered standards for these businesses to I Sen. Jaye's remarks were 'out of touch' TO THE DAILY: If state Sen. David Jaye thinks he is in touch with the life and mindset of students on this campus, he is radical- ly misinformed. On Jan. 25, on a program named "In Depth: Detroit" on Channel 62, Jaye said that if students want to find diversity, they should "go to a restaurant or an ethnic fair" He went on to say that "college is meant only for the purpose of readying people for the work- place." Where does Jaye get his information? From the handful of white students who he interviews to get their views on the "discriminating policies" at U of M? Or is it from the students filing the lawsuit against the University? Incidentally, they never attended the University and therefore have no idea as to what students actually want or think. It seems that Jaye does not realize that college is a place where we all grow intellectually and socially (at least I know I have). U of M is a place that we can all be proud of in that respect. 'm not white. But if I were, one of my goals in coming to Ann Arbor would be for me to grow intellectually and socially. If this was truly my goal, I definitely wouldn't want to be surrounded by people who are like me socially, economically and intellectually. That's why diversity works. And despite all the "cor- ruption" that Jaye and the two plaintiffs believe is going on here, we still main- tain one of the highest acad- emic reputations in the country. Jaye's views do not only misrepresent student life here at the University (and many other universities too, I believe), but it is frightening to think that he and his followers may get their way. Think of this: Could it be possible that these students didn't get in because the admissions officers decided that their attendancewouldn't lead to further the intellectual community that we hope to foster here? If anything good comes from this suit being brought against the University (aside from the University winning), it may be this: Jaye and his misled, prejudiced beliefs get ousted from public office. AMER ZAHR LSA SENIOR Titn;in AI,,., "Spiceworld") being made in Hollywood these days. But the criticisms he levels at "Titanic" are both unfair and confusing. Rich complains that the movie reaches a "climax that is not only inevitable but already mapped out to the audience." Of course it's inevitable. The ship sinks - that's why we've heard of Titanic and not her sister ship, the Olympic. Does Rich also feel slighted by "Tora, Tora, Tora'?" ("Oh man, I just knew the Japanese were going to end up bombing Pearl Harbor.") He is also bothered by the scenes that show the band playing on deck - "We repeatedly see the cliche," he whines. This is not cliche - it is what actually happened (at least according to some accounts). Should director James Cameron fail to include scenes with historical truth merely because they might be seen as "clichd?" Where does that stop? Is the fact that the ship didn't have enough lifeboats also a cliche? Furthermore, the voice- over that says to the audi- ence, "This was the last time Titanic ever saw the sun," is not "Cameron's way of get- ting us to be fuzzy and senti- mental" Instead, it is an effective device to put the audience on notice that the "inevitable" climax has begun. Would Rich have pre- ferred those annoying time and date stamps that seem so prevalent in movies and tele- vision these days? ("April 14th: The Day Before the Ice Came"). Finally, there is Rich's assertion that the audi- ence never has the chance to feel "real emotion." Was he out getting popcorn when the lifeboat pushed its way through the sea of frozen bodies? Or when the elderly couple waits in their cabin for the oncoming water? Which movie was he watch- ing'? There are plenty of bad movies being made. Titanic, however, is not one of them. JOSHUA TURNER LAW SCHOOL Stripper ads are offensive to women TO THE DAILY: I. was amused to read of the indignation the editorial staff of the Daily feels about having its operations support- ed by the tobacco industry ("A division within," 1/26/98). After all, the Daily regularly runs advertisements for local strip clubs - an future. And who knows? Maybe the business staff can be convinced that the welfare of its female readership takes precedence over the health of its advertising budget. JEFF SNYDER RACKHAM 'U' should re-evauate Michigan Mandate TO THE DAILY: The Michigan Mandate has advocated diversity as its underlying premise. It has operated much in the same way as most traditional approaches for increasing diversity. This approach adopts a mathematical for- mula and focuses on increas- ing the quantity of the racial components rather than tak- ing a more qualitative approach. Hence, the University campus is viewed as diverse. But there exists a serious problem: the quality of the relationship among the diverse groups. This campus is very segregated. Not only are many students are not open to other cultures, there is discernible tension and animosity. The degraded quality of the relationships is partially a by-product of a common assumption that all people are the same and have the same needs. The truth is that different groups are quite different and have distinct needs and expecta- tions. The traditional approach toward diversity is the expectation that minority groups should compromise their unique values, conform to the behavioral framework set by the majority and dom- inant group, and assimilate in the big melting pot. The Michigan Mandate has simply thrown some col- ored marbles into the jar while providing ineffective mechanisms to ease the ever- increasing tension and the current all-encompassing racism by all groups against the others. The quality of the relationships could be aug- mented not only through cross-cultural educationhand communication but also through increasing respect and recognition for other cul- tures. This can happen by providing mechanisms to teach about why people are different, why they exhibit different behaviors, and what these behaviors symbolize. This kind of education would be stimulating and thought-provoking. And it has a greater potential to Semiformals: One step away from adulthood I f the Prom is kids trying to dress like grown-ups, then semiformals are grown-ups trying to act like they're going to the Prom. Perhaps it's a regression to the days when there were funny-looking clothes in a box inthe basement that came with the excuse to talk , and walk in asE way you'd never dare outside the house. Now, the dress-up clothes actually fit - OK, they fit in most places - and make-up is MGAN correctly SMEGAN. applied. In short, PR SCIPFN it's no longer a PRESCRIaPdIOferN game. Except it is. Semiformals give us the chance to pretend, just for a while, that really high heels, short black dresses and suits are real life. Wearing these clothes in a glittering room creates glamour impossible with even the dressiest regular weekend "party clothes," Styled hair and clothes from the back of the closet call for a different attitude for the evening (notice it's an evening, not just a night). Grown-up manners come more naturally when you look like a grown-up. It's natural to sit up straight and ask for things at the table to be passed to you with the proper "please" and "thank you." Conversation topics should have some grave importance instead ofjust what happened today. Smile and say all the right things - suddenly Wthey'repright there on the tip of your tongue. This new reality allows you to adopt a new character - a formal one, a carefree one, a flirty one - one deter- mined to make that night different than the Monday-through-Friday you. Knowing that the purpose of the night is not to talk about work, school or everyday life keeps things in the realm of watching what character people choose. Almost anyone can pull off formal attire for one night - leaving every- one at a new and relatively equal ground. What will that do to conver- sation? Who tells the best jokes?. What surprises will there be? How long will it take before conversation slows? The entertainment possibilities are endless - and just from people- watching people you see everyday. Add an open bar and things really get interesting. Who knew an outfit cae with such an attitude and a posture? The novelty alone is beautiful. A semiformal, which is the codeI word for "women have to wear formas dresses but men don't have to get tuxes" is a rare commodity in college. It becomes an Event. Ah, but the process of getting there is less than glamorous. It may take a village to raise a child, but it takes Ilk dorm hall, an entire house and your closest 25 friends to get ready. There's the dress - either borrow one (from all those friends) or buy one for less than $30, hopefully. Add in earrings, a bracelet, shoes,aand some hair and make-up advice and you're ready to start. Getting ready for a class is about search and throw on; prepar- ing for a semiformal is a Process, with a logical order not to be disrupted or rushed. All this work brings with it a pecu- liar set of social conventions. For once, everyone comments on what everyone else is wearing - good or bad. Notice all the effort - assuming you can rec- ognize someone with their hair up, down or even just combed. No one ever said beauty was pain- less. Tight here, loose there, empha- size this, cover that. Between sucking in, sticking out, teetering on heels and squeezing into tight shoes, formal wear should come with aspirin. Because all the tricks work in the end, and that's the point. Gradually, personalities revert to a velveted reality because dancing can't coverecharacter. It's the same music, whether you're wearing jeans or satin. Eventually the facade falls; hair comes down, jackets and shoes come off, and ties loosen. A few barriers of proper social convention - as wear- ing such attire would dictate - dis- appear as well. Topics of grave importance? Boring - more interest- ing to gossip and critique in a whis- per. The manners stick around, most- ly, but posture? Nope - gone with that pain and mid-evening exhaus 0 I 1: Under the current system, gathering information regarding the environment requires a great deal of research - deterring some individuals from taking an active role in preserving the state's natural resources. With a single report that clearly shows areas in need of improvement, people may feel encouraged to organize an effort to help pro- tect the environment. The report the bill pro- poses would be an invaluable tool for envi- meet, have damaged environmentalists' cause. This bill should be the starting point for more legislation that specifical- ly helps to preserve the state's vast natur- al resources. The preservation of the environment should be a nonpartisan issue. Michigan residents often take the environment that surrounds them for granted a fact that made possible due to the efforts of those preserv- ,I