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January 27, 1998 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-01-27

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2 - TheMichigan Daily - Tuesday, January 27, 1998
Continued from Page 1
MSA's coursepack store would eliminate the high costs that
students pay at other coursepack distributors because students
would just pay for the cost of the paper and the cost of the
,copies instead of paying for overhead costs. The store would be
open the first two months of each semester and would operate
): - of the basement of the Michigan Union Bookstore.
Coursepack copies would cost $ .03-.04 per page.
Nagrant also explained that the delay in the operation of the
studetit-run coursepack store is partly due to complications itr
finding an affordable copy machine to do the job. MSA has
.been working with Lanier Copy Company.
Lanier, Copy Company "won't sign a contract with us unless
it's for a year. And that contract works out to $10-20,000 for
I^"ofle year," Nagrant said.
It would be difficult for the coursepack store to put out
enough coursepacks in such a short time to pay for the copi-
er, Nagrant said.
"One of the negotiations we're going to try is to get
coursepacks for 115 and 116 level math," Nagrant said. The
earnipgs from the math coursepacks "would sustain the copi-



er alone. Right now it's all about cutting costs"
LSA first-year student Brian Reich, who is working with
Nagrant to organize the coursepack store, said MSA had every
intention of having the copier ready by this semester.
"The goal was to get a high-powered copier in our hands
and in place in time for the beginning of the semester," said
Reich, an LSA representative and vice-chair of the Campus
Governance Committee. "It's a tough thing because these
copiers are enormous and enormously expensive."
MSA representatives initially overestimated the altruism of
the copier companies, Reich said.
"Admittedly, at first when we went to Xerox and a couple
of the others, we were hoping they'd be really generous and
just give (a copier) to us," Reich said. "That would be ideal:"
Reich said MSA has the support and commitment from
some University professors, but MSA still ran into obstacles.
"It's a lengthy process to convince these professors to change
the way that they're doing things," Reich said. "It's basically the
kind of process where you have to sit down with each one indi-
vidually and explain the merits of the coursepack store"
Despite the obstacles that have delayed the opening of the
store, Nagrant said he is confident that cheaper coursepacks
will be available to students by the fall.
Continued from Page 1
inspectors. While saying that they have
not abandoned hope of a peaceful end to
the crisis, officials have begun contacting
allies to inform them of U.S. resolve to
act unilaterally if diplomatic efforts fail.
* Russian President Boris Yeltsin yester-
day sent Deputy Foreign Minister Viktor
Posuvalyuk, a top Middle East expert, to
Iraq in an effort to promote a diplomatic
asses starting in outcome. Presidential spokesperson
Arbor soon! Sergei Yastrzhembsky said U.S. threats of
dayt with to reserve military action "worried" Yeltsin.
de w inh LheWorld The new mission marked the second
der in LSAT time in two months that Russia has tried
eparation. to head offa military confrontation. Last
fall, a similar Russian mission was
instrumental in persuading Saddam
Hussein to permit the return of the
weapons inspectors to Iraq. In return for
Iraqi cooperation, Russian Foreign
Minister Yevgeny Primakov promised to
lobby for an eventual end to economic
sanctions that were imposed on Iraq
after its 1990 invasion of Kuwait.
Generally, Primakov has been trying
to forge an assertive foreign policy role
for Russia and the repetitive Iraqi crises
have provided a stage for showing inde-
pendence from the United States.
Council. But a foreign ministry spokesperson
said yesterday there were "regular con-
sultations" going on with Washington.
Russian officials say that the Yeltsin
government shares the same objectives
as the United States - to eliminate
Baghdad's capacity to make chemical
and biological weapons - but differs
in tactics.
The Foreign Ministry said in a state-
ment that the use of force is "unaccept-
able and counterproductive," and any
further steps must be taken by the U.N.
Security Council-where Russia, as one
of five permanent members, has a veto.

of affair
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - Clenching
jaw and pointing his finger for emp
sis, President Clinton yesterday den
in far more forceful terms than befr
that he had a sexual relationship "
Monica Lewinsky and coached he
lie about it.
"I want you to listen to mn
Clinton said, as he glared at came
"I'm going to say this again, I did
have sexual relations with t
woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never t
anybody to lie, not a single time
never. These allegations are fa
And I need to go back to work for
American people."
Clinton's statement, which came
the day before his annual State of
Union address, was described by ai
as an attempt to state unequivocall
the public that there are no loophole
the president's denials - a clarity t
acknowledge was not present in
muted and seemingly opaque rem
he made when the uproar first brok
Wednesday morning.
Clinton wore a fierce expressio
he finished his brief statement, wh
came at the end of a presentation
child-care policy in the Roose'
Room. Quickly pivoting toward
exit, he ignored a shouted ques
about the exact nature of his relati
ship with the 24-year-old fori
intern. While the denial was not n
his tone was dramatically chan,
from comments last week to repor
- the careful pauses and tenta
demeanor were gone - as were
White House's explanations ab
what meaning the president was try
to convey.
This past weekend, Clinton ad
ers had hedged on whether his de
of a "sexual relationship" inclu
all forms of intimate contact,a
whether Clinton might eventu
back away from his denials wit
statement of partial admissiona
That ambiguity is now remo
aides said, as Clinton and his legal te
have staked out an unmovable posit
- the president had no sex of any k
with Lewinsky, despite her claims
surreptitiously made tapes to have
quently had sex with the president.
the speculation among skeptics on
own staff that he might recant or so
his denials is over. "We'll stand or f
with this version of events, a Clin
adviser said.
Several Clinton advisers descril
themselves in a period of anxious w
ing. Most immediately, they want to
how today's State of the Union addi
is received by the public. Before!
controversy broke, aides were count
on various education and child-care
tiatives Clinton will highlight in
speech to put him clearly in the do
nant position in this year's policy b
ties with Republicans.
Now, their hones are more mod
At a minimum, White House aides s

they are hoping for a polite receptior
the House chamber, and that, by c
veying the impression of an acti
chief executive carrying out his dut
they can gradually blunt the impact
the controversy.

Foundation pledges $55M to schools
WASHINGTON - Saying every child needs a place to go after school,
President Clinton announced yesterday that a Michigan foundation has
pledged $55 million over five years for after-school programs.
The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation in Flint, which has long been asso
ciated with after-school programs, is providing the funding to help commt
nities start or expand after-school programs for children from lower-income
The funding is aimed at boosting the quality of such programs by provid-
ing technical assistance and training. It comes as the Clinton administration
is asking Congress for $1 billion over the next five years for after-school
The administration's request represents a significant increase in such funding.
his The administration's budget for this fiscal year included $40 million for after-
ha- school programs. The new request would help some 4,000 after-school programs
ied, serving about 500,000 students nationally, Education Department officials said.
ore, "Most of the kids who get in trouble get in trouble after school closes and befo
with their parents get home from work," Clinton said in a White House ceremony
r to attended by the first lady, Vice President Al Gore, Education Secretary William
Riley and William White, president of the Mott foundation.
not Airport naine may ered drive to memorialize the nation's
hat 40th president, though they have hopes
old honor Reagan of slowing it. Equally unhappy are
many members of the Metropolitan
Ilse. WASHINGTON - On Capitol Hill, Washington Airports Authority, which
the the Republican Party hopes to approve runs the federally owned airport.
legislation to rename Washington
on International Airport in time for Chelsea is handling
the Reagan's 87th birthday on Feb. 6.
des As Congress returns this week from father's scandal w e
y to its recess, the plan to rename the air-
s in port, located just across the Potomac WASHINGTON - In the latest
hey River in Virginia, has developed into an sex scandal to hit the White House,
the almost irresistible political force - there is no subject off-limits, no
arks something like Ronald Reagan himself detail too lurid to examine in graph-
eon in the 1980s. ic detail. But there is one name that
In a "dear colleague" letter this causes even the most acerbic pu
n as month, House Speaker Newt Gingrich, dits to stop and stammer in emba
ich (R-Ga.) and Senate Majority Leader rassed silence: Chelsea Clinton.
on Trent Lott (R-Miss.) urged all "I think everyone feels the worst
velt Republicans to sign on as co-sponsors for her," Kathie Lee Gifford said on
the of the legislation. Citing support from her television show yesterday. It is
tion the Reagan family, the leaders called the thought of 17-year-old Chelsea
on- the bill "a vital step toward recognizing that elevates this scandal from a
mer the contribution Ronald Reagan made dirty farce to a painful, real-life
ew, to our great nation." ordeal. No one, however they feel
ged A scattering of Democrats, as well as about the president, can forget that
ters local officials, are near despair about he is also the father of a teenage gi
tive their chances of stopping the jet-pow- who adores him.
ingUTL i.p
and party i d wand ignore it," she added.
ally The UDA is supposed to be main-
h a from peace talks taining an October 1994 cease-fire
and ensure the Ulster Democrats a place
LONDON - The party represent- the talks. But the group admitted
ved, ing Northern Ireland's largest pro- Friday that it killed at least three of the
am British paramilitary group withdrew eight Catholics slain in Northern
ion from peace talks yesterday, leaving Ireland since Christmas.
ind before they could be expelled because
in of three killings claimed by their out- Japanese officials
fre- lawed ally.
And The sudden departure of the Ulster arrested bfor nb ery
his Democratic Party, which represents the
ften banned Ulster Defense Association, will TOKYO - In a scandal likely to ro
all" likely raise fears of more attacks against Japan's unsteady financial sector, t
ton the north's Roman Catholic minority. key Ministry of Finance officials were
The paramilitary group walked arrested yesterday for allegedly accept-
bed out of negotiations on Northern ing bribes from the banks they regulate.
ait- Ireland's future before the British The charges that the two senior bank-
see and Irish governments could force ing inspectors had accepted tens of thou-
ress them out for allegedly violating the sands of dollars worth of favors from
the pledge required of all participants banks seeking inside information on
ing - nonviolence. their audits seemed to confirm what
ini- UDA commanders "have themselves Japanese cynics have long maintained

the admitted responsibility for a series of and what foreign investors have Ion
mi- appalling murders which have created feared - that Japan's financial regula
bat- such fear on the streets in Northern ry system is not only complicated and
Ireland," said Mo Mowlam, Britain's confusing, but also corrupt.
est. Northern Ireland Secretary.
aid "You can't have people murdered - Compiled from Daily wire reports.
n in
on- 1'1
t of
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are
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NEWS Jodi S. Cohen, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jeff Eldridge. Laurie Mayk, Anupama Reddy, Will Weissert.
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CALENDAR: Katie Plona.
EDITORIALErin Marsh, Edit
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Jack Schillaci, Sarah Lockyer
STAFF: Kristin Arola. Ellen Friedman, Lea Frost, Eric Hochstadt, Scott Hunter, Jason Korb, Yuki Kuniyuki, David Lai. James Miller, Joshua
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GRAPHICS innathan Weitz. Editor I

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