4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, April 21, 1998 420 Maynard Street LAURIE MAYK Ann Arbor,-MI 48109 Editor in Chief Edited and managed by J SCH4LAC students at the JACK SCHILLACI University of Michigan Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily s editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Hall hike Fee distribution should be handled case-by-case 'You could take a picture of someone at the Naked Mile and have It on the Internet In an hour.' - Mike Steele, a University alumnus and spokesperson for www nakedmile.com, on the publicity the Naked Mile is receiving on the World Wide Web YUKI KUNIYUKI GROUN D Z ERO 1r+ nod- 4ki e, noro 4 ,- r-- a ROD a t.,FE, -THE~RER MRANY D~Es rWoS. 98- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Students who live in University Housing may soon see their fees increase under a proposal recently passed by the Residence Hall Association. The student housing fee will increase $2 for a total of $22. RHA will no longer receive funds from the Housing Division; instead, it will receive $2 of each student's fee while multicultural councils will receive $4 and house councils will receive $16. Students will be billed individually for these fees, rather than having each of these services fall under a single fee, as it does now. This amounts to an 80-cent- per-student funding increase. But while this money will be going to a good cause, the distribution of funds should not nec- essarily be the same in all of the residence halls. For some residence halls, the change in billing will be very helpful. An increase in funding would help these halls offer more services to residents, and improve race relations through the activities spon- sored by multicultural councils. House councils can help build a sense of com- munity within the individual houses of the residence halls - enhancing the learning environment. RHA should ensure that the many small-scale pro- grams that house councils put on - from barbecues to renting the CCRB - are provided for in their budget. But other residence halls, such as Couzens and Alice Lloyd, will lose fund- ing for their multicultural councils once the change in billing takes place. This should not happen, especially at a time when multicultural concerns are at the forefront of the University conscience. This clearly shows a need for individual fees to be determined on a case-by-case basis. Residence hall councils should not have to lose funding under the new sys- tem. In addition, RHA should provide more tangible services to students. Presently, many students may be unaware of the ser- vices that the association provides. To justify the increase in the housing fee, RHA should both increase the number of services and programs offered and make them better known to students. Residents of University Housing deserve to know that the increased amount of money they are paying will be put to good use. The increase in the University Housing fee should be used for purposes that will, prove beneficial to the residents of most halls. But considering the fact that some halls will actually lose funding for their multicultural committees, the change should not be a blanket distribu- tion of money in which funding is allot- ted the same way in each residence hall. Since different halls have different needs, distributing the fee money differently on a case-by-case basis would be more ben- eficial. And although students may now have a better idea of what their housing fees are being used for, it would still help for RHA to publicize its services to stu- dents and even to offer more benefits. These changes would help make resi- dence hall life better for students at the University. ed truth The 'U' helps protect Naked Mile runners The annual tradition of University stu- dents streaking through campus to celebrate and mark the end of classes will be taking place tonight. What had begun years ago as an innocent expression of college students letting loose and having fun, the Naked Mile has since become a nationally publicized event. Publicity, along with non-participating spectators, has added a negative element to the event as well as created a potentially dangerous environment for participants who bare all in celebration of the conclusion of classes. So while the City of Ann Arbor has active- ly tried to discourage students from any participation in the run so as to avoid a potentially dangerous situation, this year, the University administration has taken a different and more realistic approach - helping runners rather than leaving them to fend for themselves. The University, as well as the numerous student groups involved, deserve credit for taking a proactive stance and helping keep stu- dents safe. The University and student group rep- resentatives have developed plans that will improve the safety of the entire event. Students and administrators are working together with local police departments to help educate students and monitor the run. Women, especially, are being educated about the potential threats of sexual harassment and assault since, in the past, runners have been videotaped and fondled by onlookers. Also, student monitors will be strategically placed at high-traffic sites at which runners often congregate to aid police officers; these monitors will have access to two-way radios that can be used to contact Department of Public Safety officers if necessary. Student groups have also donated money to be used to buy T-shirts that will be given to runners as they reach the cen- ter of the Diag. Organizers plan to print as many T-shirts as they can afford, hoping to make at least several hundred. While only a small swatch of clothing, it will likely improve the safety of students who would otherwise be prime targets for harassment or even'assault as they conclude the Naked Mile and head home. At this point, it is more logical and effective for the University to try to improve the safety of the Naked Mile than for the city to try to ban the event outright. This new plan is a very responsible approach, both on the part of students and the administration because it is a way of reaching out to students for their own ben- efit without restricting or killing the spirit of the run. This approach of the outreach will hopefully be more successful, at least in educating and communicating to every- one involved the important issues that accompany the event, than attempts of the past. The safest approach is, of course, not to run. But as long as students are going to run, it is important for the students them- selves, as well as for the University administration, to have a plan of action that will help improve the safety of the 'K's represent a student group TO THE DAILY: I would like to clarify the question of what the solitary 'K's that have been seen on campus stand for. ("What is with all the 'K's?" 4/9/98) We hope people do not con- fuse the Circle K with any hate symbols or groups that portray ideals unbecoming of our community. On the contrary, Circle K is a premier service and lead- ership organization with pro- grams and events for the entire community. Students run the entire group with assistance from Kiwanis (the origin of the 'K'). The 'K's that have been seen around campus were made in part by our members and also children from Ann Arbor. Each one represents at least one life being influ- enced through community service - we hope for mil- lions more! Circle K performs a plethora of projects while working with the elderly, handicapped and peers, as well as our focus on children's events. We also have leader- ship-development, team-build- ing and networking programs available. Our diverse mem- bership reaches across every part of the University, so that is probably why you might frequently see 'K's. Anyone can join us for our projects (ongoing, weekly or arbitrary) and programs (Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Michigan Union). Our inter- active Website sums up everything that we do, so check it out: wwwumich.edu/~cki. Or mail us at circlek@umich.edu to get involved. With an open atmosphere and opportunity for each per- son to make their own contri- butions, we would love to have you join the Circle! RISHI MOUDGIL FORMER PRESIDENT, UNIVERSITY CIRCLE K The 'U' needs a backup plan TO THE DAILY: While there are probably a lot of people out there who would probably be quite con- tent to never read another let- ter arguing one side of affir- mative action or the other, this debate has made no gains since the day the lawsuit against the University was announced. From that day on, it has been an oversimplified shouting match between two camps of people, both of whom are determined to put that the only way schools can find black people to attend them is by asking their appli- cants straight out what their race is? Why does it seem like all of the creativity in dealing with race relations comes from the bad guys? In the '60s, when civil rights legislation was up for vote in Congress, southern represen- tatives would get up and read phone books from the podi- um until everyone else left, then they'd vote on the legis- lation. When it became unac- ceptable for country clubs to say they they would not accept blacks in their by- laws, they instituted rules that people could join only if they were recommended by a current member. The attitude of the most vicious racists in society has always been, "We don't care what laws you pass, we will find ways to keep things as they are." It's time for the University, and others around the country, to say, "We don't care what hap- pens in this lawsuit. We are the home of some of the most intelligent, creative minds in the country, and we will find ways to keep our University diverse, and to provide opportunities for those who would otherwise have none. We're smarter than you, we're as desperate as you to win, and we have righteousness on our side." If I had any say, I'd take the millions of dollars that the University is about to sink into a fight that Texas and California have already lost, and use it to subsidize the educations of the top 5 percent of those graduating from the poorest 100 schools in the state. I'd offer guaran- teed admittance letters to the top 10 percent of the classes graduating from any Michigan high school from which we've recruited a bas- ketball player. These are ideas that don't discriminate against any race in particular, and therefore should be legal even if the University loses its lawsuit, but like the coun- try club admittance rules, probably would benefit cer- tain groups of people dispro- portionately. If racism is as bad people say it is (and it is), than it should manifest itself in some tangible ways (and it does). The anti-affir- mative action crowd is trying to turn the tables on us by using old civil rights meth- ods, legislation and litigation to accomplish their goals. It's time to turn the tables on them and use subtlety and creativity to'accompish ours. DAN MCKENZIE UNIVERSITY ALUMNUS Article on hackers was 'biased' wouldn't know an IP address from his social security num- ber. The article was a one- sided portrayal of hackers as a devilish subculture. Although there was a small mention of hackers who aren't interested in single- handedly ruining the world, the article's overall tone was anti-hacker. Yes, there are naughty hackers; but there are many hackers that want to learn about computers and networks. My point is this: The Daily should endeavor to delve into issues with a fair, educated and evenhanded stance. Go ahead and write about negative aspects of hacking. But make sure you know enough about the sub- ject, giving an equal amount of coverage to the other side of the story. ANNIE TOMLIN LSA SOPHOMORE MSA has a 'negative impact' TO THE DAILY: Regarding the viewpoint "MSA has improved 'U' stu- dent life" Getting rid of the Wok Express is not an accom- plishment. It has reduced the choices available to North Campus students. Perhaps it wasn't the greatest food available, but it was a choice. What will be the next "accomplishment" of MSA? Getting rid of the parking spots at the back of the lot because they are too far away? MSA has had a direct impact on my student life. A negative one. TONY WESLEY RACKHAM Letters to the editor should not be attacks TO THE DAILY: I always thought that the whole point of a letter to the editor was to address the editor of a paper with concerns or comments. Since when has it become an arena for arguing back and forth between authors of letters? Unless someone is looking for a little piece of glory (as may be the case in the angry engineers upset about someone correct- ing Pi) why not just send them an e-mail telling them how . unhappy you are with them. Must we read everyone's bick- ering everyday? People can iust no on the X.500 and Good and bad memories make t the 'U'strong oday is the end. While it has been long coming and there has been ample time to prepare, there was nothing that could have gotten me ready for today. I have had a full four years of work, fun and experiences I will never forget, but why is it that I feel too young to be grad uating yet too old for college? Perhaps all the seniors are right there, at a place none of us can describe. While I feel that my arrival at the University of Michigan was noth- ing more than a mis- take (it was the only school that would have me), it was JIs nothing short of the WHITE greatest thing that has ,1M 'N- ever happened to me. T If someone had sat me down four years ago and told me that I would have so much fun, meet so many wonderful people and that I would be at a Rose Bowl/National Championship game, I certainly would have laughed. It was my initial desire to transfer out of Ann Arbo and quickly. But this place grows on you, and it grows fast. And I wouldn't trade a moment of my college career for anything, not one thing. Sure, I have done stupid things (I am doing another really stupid thing tonight, when I run the Naked Mile - hint: If you never wanted to see me naked, avoid South University around midnight) but each one of those things has added up t the best experience I could imagine. What has been difficult for me is that I have lived a very atypical college life -- working at the Daily can do that to you. The Daily stole me from my fraternity, stole me from close friends, and stole me from the normal day-to-day of college life. Until February of this year, I did not have a singe weekend free, did not know what it was like to party on a Thursday, and could not relate to all of those peop who said they had too much work to do. By my junior year, I was putting in more than 80 hours per week, and I all but ignored several of my classes. But it isn't the time committment that made working at the Daily a hard task. Being a collegiate journalist is one of the most frustrating things that I can imagine - put yourself in our shoes for just one day. Think about what it is like to criticize your friends publicly, to bring out the bak aspects of groups you really like, and point out the shortcomings and malfeasons of the sports teams and players you revere. Take all of that"and combine it with all of the mistakes that you are inevitably going to make, the misspellings, the bad quotes, the terrible layouts. Then, just when you think it is getting to a point of excruciating pain, put all of those mis- takes around campus for 40,000 people to read on a daily basis, and ask them ridicule you on your own pages. It's like putting out a term paper every day for an entire year and asking the University com- munity to critique not only your coverage but your writing and editing abilities. Imagine a professor giving you a 'D' And telling the whole world about it - and that's just what several of you did. It is a hard position to be in, especially when people think they have to walk on eggshells around you, simply because you work at the college newspaper. The co* versations seem a bit hedged, people either pretend to love you or they really hate you, and there is the ever-present fear that maybe something in your own personal life is newsworthy, so even the reporters and editors watch their own steps. But all of that is something that was exciting, that was offered only within the confines of 420 Maynard St. To know things about campus that no one el knows, to be on top of the events that occ here and to be behind the scenes at the biggest and most spectacular events of our time is unparralleled. To work with the best up-and-coming journalists this nation knows was a priviledge and an honor for me that is ultimately quite humbling. To write about the best college in the world is a feeling that nothing else can provide.; Most of my best memories are of the arguments and the discussions and the solutions we encountered in the dail' grind. It wasn't publishing our book, it wasn't winning a Gold Crown - it was seeing the paper on the stands each morn- ing with the knowledge that we were upholding a 107-year tradition and that we didn't miss a single day. There are other memories that stand out far beyond those I have had at the Daily, from taking a train 52 hours to San Diego with Delano and Stonge, to two Boston trips to the blizzard at Penn State whe- Evans and I left a fellow traveller at a Citgo. But nothing comes close to getting to know the University and to interacting with all of you - from the good to the bad, from the smiles to the fights. If there is one thing that I ask of cam- WALTER HARRISON VICE PRESIDENT FOR UNIVERSITY RELATIONS 2020 FLEMING ANINAP PRA MI 48109 .