12 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 16, 1998 FRIDAYFOCUS The Race to the Top In the upcoming gubernatorial primaries, the three frontrunners for the top seat in the state are debating many issues affecting higher education and the University community. By Jeffrey Kosseff and Peter Romer-Friedman Jn less than a year, Michigan citizens will decide whether to grant four more years in office to Republican Gov. John Engler or to give his job to one of two Democrats currently cam- paigning for August's gubernatorial primaries. According to Engler's administra- tion, the stage is set for Engler's re- election: the economy is thriving and the future is promising. But controver- sial issues, such as affirmative action and funding for higher education, are stirring up debate across the state, cre- ating sparks for what could be a heated race to the governor's mansion. With August primaries approaching, Engler is by far the most favored Republican candidate, and the two frontrunners for the Democratic nomi- nation have University connections. Larry Owen, a University Law School alumnus and former chair of the Michigan State University Board of Trustees, and Doug Ross, a lecturer at the University's School of Public Policy and former assistant secretary of labor under President Clinton, are in a heated battle for the nomination. While the three candidates differ on many issues that are impor- _ tant to the University community, they all claim the means tos reach the same end - quality education for M i c h i g a n 's students. Affirmative Action Two law- suits filed i against the University late last year alleg- ing discrimina- tion against non-minority students in a d m i s s i o n s h i g h I i g h t e d Democratic Gubernatorial a ff i r m a t i v e University lecturer Doug action in high- at the School of Public P er education nationwide. All candidates say policies must be reformed, but Engler holds a stronger position against race-based affirmative action than his liberal would-be oppo- nents. "The Governor looks towards Michigan State University where admission and financial aid are tied to economic need, rather than ethnic her- itage," said Engler spokesperson John Truscott. "It makes U of M's policy dif- ficult to uphold. It seems that the University might run into some trou- ble." But Owen said there is still a 'dire need for programs that help fight past discrimination. While he said he agrees that the system has flaws, he said there are many positive aspects of affirma- tive action programs. "The fact of historical discrimination in this state is real," Owen said. "It cer- tainly needs to be remedied. In some respects, the policies need to be reme- died, but we still need affirmative action." Ross is the staunchest advocate for affirmative action. Employing affirma- tive action through admissions is not enough, he said. "(Affirmative action) plays a critical role of a state institution," Ross said. "If we can keep some version of affir- mative action in the courts we should go to the poor schools to prepare them for college. The goal is not affirmative action. It's simply a means to an end and the end is equal opportunity." Ross said he hopes the University prevails in the two pending lawsuits in order to ensure a diverse student body in the future. He also attacked state Sen. David Jaye (R-Macomb) for help- ing to organize the lawsuits that he said have divided the state. While Jaye was spearheading preparations for the orig- inal lawsuit last fall, he also successful- Daily Staff Reporter "My objection to Mr. Jaye is that while he's arguing that race should not be used as an issue, he used it to win his own election," Ross said. "We can- not let race tear society apart. Anyone who seeks to enflame racial tensions is a part of the problem, not the solution. I say shame on him. The right way to (address affirmative action) is to initi- ate a dialogue." Owen associated Jaye's staunch posi- tion against affirmative action with the politics of "The road TO ing that Ender is more concerned with cutting taxes than funding education. "If you're not increasing or even cut- ting, your priorities are wrong," Ross said. "The governor has not made education one of his priorities." Owen, who has focused most of his campaign against Engler rather than Ross, agreed that Engler's administration has not allocated enough money to state higher education. a strong the Engler admin istra- tion's. "That's one example of the Engler Republicans' economy will e paved with higher education."-LryOe 'e r- Larry Owen Gubernatorial candidate (D) "It has not given an adequate invest- ment in higher edu- cation." Owen said. "The road to a strong economy will be paved with higher education." But Truscott said Engler plans to sup- port education by allocating more R 'o approach to things," Owen said. "They divide the state to gain political advantage. It is deplorable. It will disable us from hav- ing such a high quality of living in Michigan. The exploits of Jaye and Engler are terrible." Truscott said Engler defends Jaye's affiliation with the lawsuits because there is no law excluding state senators from par- ticipating in such n cases. "Jaye did what he thought was right," Truscott said. "It's their legal right to do so. So frequently we have liberals going against the state, that when we have a conservative go against the state it is noteworthy, and that's why people are talking about it." Owen said that if the plaintiffs win LOUISBROWN/Daily the lawsuit in candidate and Appellate Court oss holds a seminar and the licy last week. University's affir- mative action pro- grams are eliminat- ed by that victory, it will be difficult to remedy past discrimination. "We could look at income status and family background," Owen said. "That would be a real problem." Ross said that regardless of the outcome of the lawsuit, Head Start programs that bolster the skills of minorities should be expanded to put minority applicants on the same level with the majority of applicants. "The University of Michigan should be identifying talented students in middle school, preparing them with tutors, after- school programs and summer programs," Ross said. "We should go into low-income areas and give them the support so that they have an equal shot." Truscott said the key to creating equal opportunity in Michigan education is hav- ing high quality primary and secondary education for all students. "Universities are there to recruit whomever they want," Truscott said. "We advocate equal access. Part of it is having a great K-12 system to prepare students to go to college." Higher Education Funding For the past few years, the state govern- ment has given state universities funding increases that are about twice the rate of inflation. This year, however, Engler's Department of Management and Budget indicated that it will not advocate a high rate of increase for higher education appropriations. Universities' budgets "will be tight and they will have to manage better," Truscott said. "We're only talking about a 1-per- cent increase, and it's hard to spread that around." Truscott predicted that in 1999 "the budget will grow more." He added that Engler encourages university presidents and governing boards to keep tuition increases low. Ross criticized Fnler for his lack of money to the state's primary and sec- ondary school systems. Ross criticized Engler for spending more money on projects such as prisons, and less money on education. "We can either invest substantially in K-12 or build five new prisons as the gov- ernor proposed," Ross said. "I would look to shift more resources towards education and stop the building of immense prisons." Another funding issue attracting atten- tion from candidates is the disproportion- ate amount of state dollars per student the University receives from the state. The state allocates as much as twice the amount of funding to the University as it does to other universities such as Grand Valley State University. Ross said the state is justified in allocat- ing a larger proportion of money to the University because of its reputation out- side of Michigan. "The universities are very different within the state and play different roles." Ross said. "When you come to University of Michigan you pay more but you get greater opportunities. The reality is that U of M offers much of' what other schools can't offer." One higher education accomplishment of which the Engler administration boasts is the college savings bond program, which was instituted last fall. The money the state receives from the bonds goes to University construction. But Owen said the savings bond pro- gram robs students of money because they could invest in a more lucrative mutual fund or stock. "That bond program is a travesty," Owen said. "It's a terrible way for children to save for college. If you're going to save for college, you must realize the benefits of the stock market." The Out-of-State Debate The University's situation as both a large state university and one of'the best- regarded academic institutions in the country, puts it in a unique position in receiving out-of-state students. The maximum proportion of out-of- state students for the University is about one-third, which is significantly higher than the maximum proportions in most other state universities. Some state legislators here called the University elitist, and state Rep. Morris Hood (D-Detroit), who chairs the House appropriations committee, attacked the University's high number of out-of-state students during a recent appropriations meeting. Hood claimed that underprivi- leged students in Detroit are passed over for students from other states who are willing to pay a higher tuition. But some of the candidates said Michigan's special position as a top-notch education institution is a reason to allow students from all around the world to attend. "The University of Michigan is a spe- cial place," Owen said. "To maintain a high status, the University of Michigan must have a stronger out-of-state compo- nent than most state universities. It will operate differently." Owen said that in the long run, the state's economy will be strengthened by the well-educated students who graduate from the University. "The state and the students of the University of Michigan will greatly bene- fit " Owen said efits from out-of-state students, he said the University's geographical statistics must always be examined. "There needs to be a constant debate on how many out-of-state students attend the University," Ross said. "I certainly will always want some out-of-state students." Truscott said Engler is against admit- ting out-of-state students to public univer- sities if an equally qualified in-state appli- cant is rejected. "Ifan out-of-state student takes the spot of an in-state student, we would discour- age that," Truscott said. Crime on Campus The murder of LSA senior Tamara Williams last fall sparked great concern about domestic violence on campuses across the state. The candidates said domestic violence would not be tolerated during their administrations. Each said that, if elected, they would encourage aggressive anti-violence laws and increased counseling for victims. Truscott said that under the Engler administration, crime rates in Michigan have plummet- ed. FIL E:PHOTO Gov. John Engler takes the oath of office for his second term in 1995. Engler hopes to take that oath one more time. ;: : "Our violent crime rate has dropped six years in a row," Truscott said. "We've increased grant funding to pro- tect victims and their fami- lies, to make it easier to get out of a bad sit- "I R U student vote has small imnpact on pnmaries With the gubernatorial primary elections fast approaching, a plethora of political campaigns will try to persuade Ann Arbor students to go to the polls. While recent studies have shown college students arc beconO ing more apathetic toward politics, some groups say they are look- ing forward to rejuvenating the voice of students across the state. In fact, many politicians have expressed their frustration for the lack of student turnout at the polls, even in non-election years. Larry Owen, who is currently challenging Doug Ross to run on the Democratic ticket for governor, said that despite low turnout in the past, he will focus his campaign to gain students' votes. "Everyone involved is disappointed by the lack of partici- pation by university students," Owen said. "They have the greatest interest in our decision. We plan on doing as muc 4 as possible to increase participation. They will have to 11N with our decisions longer than we will." While Owen said he hopes to get students involved in the elections, Gov. John Engler's spokesperson John Truscott said Engler's administration will take an increasingly hands-off approach with students across the * state and in Ann Arbor. Truscott said the on-campus and local political groups will do the bulk of cam- paigning to secure Engler's third term. "We will actively seek any votes we ca 1/0 ' get," Truscott said. "What we have to do is to persuade (students) what kind of Michigan they want to graduate into." Meanwhile, as the political heavyweights gear up for the long and draining campaign process, student political leaders in Ann Arbor said they are looking forward to mobi- lizing a University student body that has a rich tradition in political activism. "It's a Michigan tradition of activism on both sides of the political spectrum. said Nick Kirk, president of Students for America and former chair of the campus chapter of the College Republicans dur- ing the 1996 presidential campaigns, "We'll give students an outlet for politi- cal energy. There's a lot of energy that can be harnessed in the student body." Because Engler is the only serious coi'- tender for the Republican ticket, student con- servative groups will not have as hard a task FILE PHOTO for the primaries as the College Democrats. 996 elections. "The College Democrats will do the tradi ot usually draw tional things to inform the student body, residential elec- said Sara Deneweth co-chair of the College Democrats of Michigan. "We're staying neu- tral and we won't endorse anyone. We've invited Doug Ross and other candidates to speak." Last winter, Owen, Ross and former contender state Sen. Jim Berryman (D-Adrian) spoke to the campus chapter of the College Democrats. Ross is scheduled to speak to the College Democrats on campus later this month. Deneweth said students can still determine the outcome o elections and policy by using their voices and their votes, College campuses are generally expected to be more polit- ically active during presidential election years. In 1996, hun- dreds of students got involved in political campaigns for elections on the federal, state and local levels. A cam- puswide program called Voice Your Vote successfully reg- istered thouanne r stentc v onte throuoh eion-un tahles uation. We have made it so the police can iiow testify. A ' lot of the vic- tims are so abused mental- ly and physi- cally that they're afraidY to come for- ward." Owen, who in s t i t u t e d domestic vio- lence support p r o g r a m st when he was A student votes during h mayor of East Gubernatorial elections d Lansing, said as many student votersa he would push tions. many crime reforms through the legislature. "The state has a key responsibility in instituting legal and social programs to prevent domestic violence," Owen said. "They are sound investments in solving a major problem." Ross said that providing quality educa- tion is a way to prevent crime. "People with an education don't turn to crime. ninety percent of the people in Jackson prison do not have a high school diploma," Ross said. "Education is a crime fiohtino strate"ax he 1 do no as pr t