Olga Vainshtein reads from her book, "images of Fashion: The
Construction of Body and Gender, tonight at Rackham Amphitheatre.
A writer and Russian University for the Humanities teacher,
Vainshtein gives her spin on how images construct our perceptions of
bodies and gender. Don't miss out. The reading begins at
7:30 p.m. Free.
November 19, 1997
It's all Goode on piano at Hill
Gabrielle Brechner and Angela Lewis star In "Ladyhouse Blues."
By Emily Lambert
Daily Arts Writer
Orchestral musicians and their conductors aren't
always good friends. Musicians, educated and inde-
pendent, can be less than eager to submit to the guy
with the baton.
But in the conductor-lessR
Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, the P
musicians are the managers and Ri
everyone has a voice.
"That's always been for me a
great pleasure of working with
them, the fact that there's a more
personal relationship with everybody there," said
pianist Richard Goode, who will perform with the
orchestra tonight at Hill Auditorium. "We can rehearse
and find our way together without an intermediary
and with a maximum of give and take.'
Next year marks the orchestra's 25th season, and
Goode has collaborated with Orpheus for almost all of
those years. In the beginning, he recalled, rehearsals were
difficult as all 25 musicians fought to shape each piece.
"It was democracy," he said, "which meant anarchy
in this case.' Now, however, "it's modified anarchy."
To prepare a piece, Goode meets with the acting
concertmaster and first desk players. Together, they
devise a plan to propose to the orchestra, "and then we
hash things out.'
chard Goode
Tonight at 8
Hill Auditorium
$10 - call 764-2538
"You're not a conductor, but you
are in a way. You are the soloist, a
first among equals ... so you get a
lot of chance to have your input?.
The two Mozart concertos on
tonight's program contrast the
relationship between the soloist
and orchestra. The first, No.9 in
"There are disagreements sometimes, and we work
it out," he said. "The ideal is a piece of gloriously
magnified chamber music."
Soloing with Orpheus is an interesting experience,
Goode said.
Mendelssohn houses
*Blues' this weekend
E-flat Major K.271, showcases pianistic virtuosity.
The second, No.24 in c minor K.491, is "as least as
demanding for the orchestra as it is for the piano,"
Goode said. Also on the bill is Handel's "Water
Music," Suite II, and "Lost Waltz," by contemporary
composer Elizabeth Brown.
Goode and Orpheus are in the process of recording
all Mozart's piano concertos, and this tour marks their
first time performing K.271, Mozart's earlier work,
togethei. Not long ago, Goode played both concertos
with the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra and again with
the Orchestre de Paris. He likes to hear different inter-
pretations of the pieces, he said, but reserves a special
appreciation for Orpheus.
"This group, because they have no conductor, have
By Christopher Tkaczyk
Campus Arts Editor
The University's newest theatrical
production opens this weekend with
Kevin Morrison's "Ladyhouse Blues."
More important, the play is directed by
a"new professor -
someone who hasP
enwhat it takes'~
ithin the profes-
sional theatrical Thu
circle, and who can
lend his intelli- Men
gence and experi-
ence to student actors.
"Ladyhouse Blues" is a musical play
-- not a musical. The play is set within
the era of the first World War. It tells the
story of five Irish women (a mother and
cr four daughters) who are trapped
ithin the confines of their household.
They are held captive by the emotional
ties that bind people to one another dur-
ing times of strife and war.
The Madden house is left in the hands
of its women; the men are off to war.
With the oncoming social revolution
implicating a woman's place in society,
the Madden women realize that they
want to get out of their home and go out
to the world as independents. But to do
uch a thing at a time when they need
one another can bring disaster of the
emotional kind. As the soldiers in
Europe need the support of their fellow
Americans back home, the Madden
women need the support of each other to
cope with the burden of the times.
As many people have done and still
do, the Madden women find solace
Within music. By singing the blues,
Ahey are comforted and consoled.
usic serves as a powerful vehicle that
carries the women on an emotional
level to overcome their obstacles.
Because the play is about women, and
not about racial issues, director and
University professor Darryl Jones has
decided to cast the play colorblind. "I've
attempted to present the issues that
women of this period faced. This play
doesn't involve racial conflict or issues,
and once the audi-
ence gets over the
initislshock of non-
iouse Blues traditional casting,
ay-Saturday at 8 p m. they will begin to
Sunday at 2 p.m. accept the actresses
elssohn Theater - $7 as women, and not
as actresses," Jones
said. "They'll see beyond that.
"This is a relationship play, and it's very
character driven. There isn't a great plot
- the entire play is conversation among
the daughters and their mother. Not a
tremendous amount of events unfold dur-
ing the play. It's very Chekovian.
"I found it very important to cast this
show with actors who could embrace
the material in a truthful way and really
embrace the period," Jones further
revealed about his casting decisions.
"I've seen these students become
these women. They've developed true
mother-daughter relationships during
rehearsals," he added. "As the women
of this time period often did, the women
of this house entertain themselves at
home, in the kitchen. They sing the
In past productions, "Ladyhouse
Blues" has been played with bittersweet
overtones. "I've seen it done in a melodra-
matic sense, almost borderline syrupy,"
Jones said. "With this production, I want-
ed to make it as realistic as possible.'
Jones, a professor new to the
University this semester, has worked
within professional theaters all across
the country, including Washington's
Arena Stage, where he directed and
performed in numerous productions.
maybe to listen even more closely to what you're
doing," he said. "And there is a kind of special plea-
sure about playing and realizing that everybody is lis-
tening with that kind of attention"
Richard Goode will play at Hill tonight.
WJLB launches annual 'Coats for Kids'
By Jessica Simmons
For the Daily
Once again, winter has rolled around,
bringing with it frigid winds and cold
temperatures. Quite often, the only
thing standing between you and the
harsh elements is a toasty warm winter
coat and sometimes even this doesn't
seem to be enough.
What many of us take for granted
some are forced to think about all the
time - whether they have adequate
clothing to protect them from the cold.
What's even worse is that children
comprise a large number of those who
suffer. In the city of Detroit, this is a
particularly serious problem. In years
past, quite a few children have missed
many days of school simply because
they didn't have a winter coat.
One Detroit radio station has stepped
in to lend a hand in helping to keep
Detroit-area children in coats and in
school. WJLB FM 98 will be kicking off
its annual "Coats for Kids" radiothon on
Thursday from the Lord and Taylor court
at Fairlane Mall in Dearborn. The two-
day radiothon will be broadcast live from
6 a.m. to midnight on Thursday and
again from 6 am. to 10 p.m. Friday by
WJLB D.J. Mason.
Since the inception of the "Coats for
Kids" radiothon four years ago, WJLB
has been working with major corpora-
tions and local merchants to gather gen-
tly used coats and monetary donations to
help Detroit-area children. The local
businesses and corporations involved in
the radiothon give either monetary dona-
tions or serve as collection points for
donated coats. Some businesses do both.
"We have a lot of offices adopt
'Coats for Kids' as their charity. They'll
collect coats and collect money and
bring those down to the radiothon for
'Coats for Kids"' said Maureen
Barkume, promotions director for the
The major . corporate sponsor
involved in this year's radiothon is
Sam's Club. "They make a donation as
well as serving as a collection point for
the used coats;' Barkume said.
The Detroit community has also been
instrumental in the success of the radio-
thon. Over the years, the radio station has
received thousands of coats and hundreds
of thousands of dollars for the purchase
98 'Coats
for Kids'
Broadcasting live Thursday
from 6 a.m-midnight and
Friday from 6 a.m.-0 p.m.
Call WJLB Vibeline at
(313) 962-9800 to make a
of new coats from the community alone.
"It's incredible. The phones ring off
the hook. Last year we raised approxi-
mately $150,000 at the radiothon and
that was both from people calling in their
support and coming down. We even have
situations where kids, young kids, come
down and donate their pennies, their jars
of pennies" Barkume said.
The station exhausts every avenue
possible for the success of the radio-
Aside from relying on business and
community cooperation, the station
makes various appearances throughout
the city, during November, to generate
as much publicity and support as possi-
The radiothon not only collects money
and coats for children, but it also provides
entertainment for radiothon participants
and radio listeners.
Each year, WJLB invites music indus-
try recording artists to help provide sup-
port and entertainment during the dura-
tion of the radiothon. In the past, "Coats
for Kids" has featured such recording
artists as Detroit's own Aaliyah and 112.
This year's entertainment promises to be
as lively as it has been in previous ones.
Special guests set to appear are
Blackstreet, Sounds of Blackness, Taral
Hicks, Curtis Blow with Nadanuff and
Kimberly Scott.
This year's radiothon is expected to
be the station's best so far.
There is still plenty of time for
those who wish to lend a helping hand
to do so. Anyone who wants to show
their support by donating a gently
used coat or by making a cash dona-
tion may call the WJLB Vibeline at
(313) 962-9800 for more information.
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