4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 18, 1997 tIz £irbigur iag 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JosH WHITE Editor in Chief ERIN MARSH Editorial Page Editor Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Happy hunting Housing decisions require some homework NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'We really wanted to provide education for the students on both sides of the issue so they can make a wise decision regarding what stance they would like to take.' - MSA Minority Affairs Commission chair Kenneth Jones, commenting on this week's symposium titled 'Affirmative Action 101: Understanding the Controversy YUK KUNIYUKI 20()l ALCE> ODY5 i y P-- WHAr ARE THE"Y TALKI)(j A3otA-r? Your g iT. 1 T SgE D A Soo O ThE SA T Dp - sA HS MEHOJ61 1N MATH./ 1 IPOW-r HAVE ANPI ro MOR THe J PROISL cM5! ANYFHftJ4 -HEY NIfP + ovt~A A S f OLE62 P(4L15, 5col A r LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A s the November days inch closer to December, chief among student con- cerns are finals, registration, and for some, housing. For many students, renting an apartment or house is their first major, financial responsibility; therefore they must take the proper steps to ensure that they make the best decision. The first tip to remember is to do the proper research. Students must make sure they know what they want in their home before they look to rent. Just a few topics for consideration are location, maintenance, parking availability, and even things such as the number of bathrooms. Students also have to prepare themselves so that they understand exactly what they pay for when they sign their lease. Not every lease is the same; some leases require tenants to pay for heat, water, and electricity while others may not require the leaseholder to pay the entire overhead. A novice in the market for a home may feel the natural inclination to sign for the first acceptable place he or she finds. While the discovery of a potential domicile is exciting, signing without a thorough inves- tigation of other houses or apartments can be.a big mistake. Students should be aware that the first place might not have the best price, or the best lease agreement. Shopping around is a good course of action for any purchase, and the high cost of housing in Ann Arbor demands that students follow this sage advice. Another consideration for students is with whom they want to do business. Ann Arbor has both housing agencies and inde- pendent landlords. There are advantages to each; for example, housing agencies may have a huge selection of places, perhaps numbering in the hundreds, while an inde- pendent landlord offers a personal touch that may not be felt from a large agency. There are no guarantees as to which option has the best price or terms of lease. As one begins to narrow down his or her choices, he or she should talk to tenants or neighbors of the buildings under considera- tion. People who live in or near these build- ings are an important source of information. They can give a student their impressions of the landlord, the required maintenance, and the temperament of the other tenants. Students need to consider a place's atmos- phere in addition to price. While a home may be affordable, the people one lives with or the landlord one deals with may make it too emotionally expensive. When the time comes to sign the lease, students should be aware of the length of time the lease requires. Twelve-month leas- es are common, which requires students to pay for more months than necessary for an eight-month school year. While some stu- dents stay in town for the summer to work or take classes, others have obligations that will require them to leave Ann Arbor. In this case, a student must arrange to sublet his or her apartment. Finding a person to sublet - while trying not to lose too much money - may be a hassle students do not wish to deal with. In short, finding a home is a big step for students. Renting a first apartment or house helps one to feel truly independent for the first time. But a student must make sure that he or she finds the right place at the right price to feel the satisfaction of a decision well made. On the slide Decrease in minority F or the third consecutive year, the num- ber of minorities who applied to the University Medical School declined markedly. Coinciding with a 4.8-percent decline in the overall number of applica- tions, the number of minority applicants dropped 17 percent - more than 3-1/2 times as fast as the overall number of appli- cations. Though the drops mirror a nation- wide trend of declining medical school applications - both from the general appli- cant pool and specifically from minorities - the decrease in minority applicants to the University far outstrips the nation's average: Nationally, minority applications fell only 11.1 percent in the wake of an 8.4- percent c}rop in total applications. While the University's decline has left actual minority admissions virtually unaffected this year, the shortage of minority applications indi- cate that the Medical School does not appeal to minorities as well as the medical institutions of other colleges. The Medical School must thoroughly investigate its declining appeal and commit itself to main- taining diversity among medical school classes. As the proportion of underrepresented minority doctors in the United States fails to mirror the percentage of the correspond- ing minority groups in the general popula- tion, there exists a significant need to estab- lish and maintain diversity within medical schools. For example, statistics released this year reveal that underrepresented minority groups account for just 12 percent of medical school enrollment, although they are 21 percent of the population. The national enrollment percentage for blacks equals only 50 percent of their representa- apps indicates trouble nic heterogeneity proves important in that diverse medical schools contribute strongly to doctors' adeptness at addressing the con- cerns of patients of all ethnic and racial backgrounds. As declining applications and a potential shift in admissions policies threaten to eliminate this real-life compo- nent of medical education, University Medical School officials should intensify their investigation of recruitment policies. Though some Medical School representa- tives argue that the drop lacks significance because of the corresponding drop in over- all applications, the institution should investigate its current situation to avert larger - or even equivalent - declines in the future. To its credit, the Medical School has already begun taking steps toward fostering diversity and a minority-friendly climate. The impetus for its recent actions came in 1996 when the results of a cultural diversi- ty assessment revealed that minority stu- dents and faculty did not feel welcome at the University's Medical School. In fact, 95 percent of black students said they wouldn't stay at the Medical School if they were offered a position elsewhere. Latino/as and Native Americans, too, expressed a general dissatisfaction with the environment. In the wake of the findings, the school established a Diversity and Career Development Center in tandem with a mentorship program. Generally designated as one of the nation's top medical institutions, the University Medical School should take note of its failing efforts and expand its current programs to ensure that students of all eth- nic and racial backgrounds will seek out and enjoy the high-quality education it Thanks for Islam week coverage TO THE DAILY: I must say 1 was very impressed with the front page coverage of the Islam Awareness Week events ("Muslim Women Address Myths," 11/12/97). With all the negative media about Islam and Muslims it's refreshing and something to be commended when the truth about Islam and Muslims is addressed in a very straightforward man- ner - that is, that Islam and Muslims are not predomi- nantly terrorists. I think I speak on behalf of all conscious Muslims on campus when I say thanks for your positive acknowledg- ment of a very informative lecture that truly did unveil the myths about Muslim women. SAIRAH SAEED LSA SOPHOMORE Campaign 'hoopla' detracts from real issues TO THE DAILY: Once again our twice yearly case of indigestion has arrivedsonethe campus, name- ly the elections for our vari- ous student governments. What vexes me is not the inane issues that are present- ed year aftertyear, the regu- lar daily reports on the elec- tions speaking to a mass of very disinterested students, or even the pollsters calling out to you to vote as hun- dreds of students pass by the polls with complete disinter- est. No, the real annoyance is the actual campaign signs and hoopla that goes on each election, all the glaring signs, posters screaming for attention and election day the candidates doing every- thing possible to get your vote. A particular example of this was found last year, wherethe Michigan Party had a gentleman outside the fishbowl dressed like a large can of beer, calling out "A vote for Michigan is a vote for beer." Cute, irri- tating enough to almost make a voter go in and cast a ballot just to get rid of annoyance, but I digress. As you walk through Angell Hall, or the MLB, or to a lesser degree any other campus building, you will see the clutter of the cam- riain everywhere. them. Hopefully next elec- tion we can actually walk through Angell Hall without being visually bombarded every time we look any- where but at our shoes. EDWARD CHUSID LSA JUNIOR U.S. military deserves our respect To THE DAILY: I would like to say that the unparalleled ignorance of Joe Sexauer in his Nov. 12 letter ("U.S. military actions are 'imperialistic"') to the Daily absolutely astounded me. In his absurd letter he paints a portrait of our military picking on other nations. Whether I feel that the United States is imperi- alistic is irrelevant. What is relevant is that in Sexauer's desperate need for a scape- goat, he obviously failed to realize that the U.S. military takes its orders from the Commander in Chief, a.k.a. the president. That's right, the person elected by we, the people. But Sexauer would rather blame the courageous men and women who by law have to follow the orders given to them by their Commander in Chief! This is sheer lunacy! If Sexauer weren't showing such cowardice then he would take the blame upon himself for electing the pres- ident who orders those so- called "imperialistic" mili- tary actions. In light of what our mili- tary has done for us, I ask you all to honor our veterans and all those within the U.S. military, for they have taken an oath to defend each and every one of us, including the ingrates like Sexauer. Take pride in your country and your military. Hell, the next time you see a man or woman ever so proudly wearing a U.S. military uni- form thank them, or just give a friendly smile. Let them know they are appreci- ated. And to those who believe as Sexauer does, try getting a clue next time before you dishonor the courageous men and women who protect your freedom. It's amazing to think that our military would fight and die to defend such arrogant and thankless people like yourselves. But that just once again demonstrates how wonderful the United States of America and its military really are, and how lucky we are to be Americans! Thank you U.S. Armed Forces, past and present! RYAN ISMIRLE LSA SOPHOMORE agree that the percentage of eligible voters at the University who actually exer- cise their rights is far too low. That, however, is the extent of my agreement with Mr. Bailey. As I read further, I found little more than incoherent thoughts that completely destroy any semblance of a solid argumnt. He writes, "I can forgive :he Ann Arbor residents. It the students that I cannot" Why can me segment of the populatio be culpable for a lack of civic responsi- bility and not mother? If you are going to inlict one, indict both! Th Ann Arbor residents bear m1 equal, if not greater, resonsibility. Why? How maiy University students are going to be pay- ing increased paperty taxes out of pocket bcause of the passage of Propsal A, a property tax incease for park maintenane? That's right! None. Reading furtler still, I see that he shifts focs complete- ly from the evils if low voter turnout to those c Republicans in goeral. While he attemptato make a respectable argumnt on this front, he falls shorin two respects: 1) he resets to stereotyping and ovrgeneral- ization and 2) he ha obvi- ously failed to do hi home- work. To start, Bailey fers to "the racist (yet newl elect- ed) State Sen. Davidaye ." First of all, whe Jaye's rhetoric (like tht of most others) may see extreme, labeling him s a racist is in poor taste. Contrary to popular beef, not all conservatives ar racist. Second, and mor important, Jaye was nevr elected to the State Sense, as Bailey states. He wonhe Republican primary, but; still representing his con- stituency in Monroe as it state representative. Moreover, "evil tyrants like Newt Gingrich and the House Republicans" could not escape unscathed either. They were blamed for a whole litany of government shortcomings. True, the lack of voter turnout in off-year elections is sad. But perhaps the unin- formed voter can be equally dangerous. While it's impor- tant to get involved, it's equally important to be aware. STEVE COUCH LSA FIRST-YEAR STUDENT Land mines on the Diag? They mcde voting esy noW it spur turn to ac T here just aren't any ood exoses left, with the simple votinpro- cedure imaginable, it hogs mynind that so few students ' l \(e in Michitgan Student Assemt elctions this week. And I say that few students will vote because that is just what hap- pens on this cam- pus. We are a lot, of talk when it comes to politics and student go- erment --- it seems everyone JOyH has an opinion WHITE that they would JMPI just love to share IEGUN v et no one takes their chance to actuy have a say. Abysmal turnout numbs that fell to less than 8 percent of e student body just a few years ag began to recover last year, but the niversity needs much more than a covery, it needs resuscitation. Sure, it is easy to sit backnd whine that student government dsnt mean anything, that the peopl who are involved in MSA ar politico waimabes who like to rea their own quotesin the newspaper. is easy to distance ourselves fret MSA's processes, and easy to critiize our fel- low students who are oft cied admin- istrators of a very large pigy bank. It is even easier to say that ty don't da anything - most studentdon't hay:. any idea what MSA does c even whit it is. But MSA does do quit a bit, ani most of what it actually des involv an enormous coffer of car mone', What student groups receiie in terrs of funding comes straight from te MSA's Budget Priorities Committe, and our student governmet has c- plete control over all of those dci- sions. In theory, we choose the peole who make such decisions. We chose the students who represent our u- dent body both to the University nd to the community, as I said befor in theory. The problem is that no one shov, up at the polls. The paper ballo, it seems, are too much of a burdk for more than 90 percent of the sident body. The five minutes it takes) fill out a ballot of course would beetter spent watching Oprah or the Crtoon Network or sitting around on th Diag, because, as we are fond of saing "I have better things to do." Apparently everyone in An Arbor had better things to do earer this month when city election came around as well, students eecially. What I begin to wonder is were this apathy builds, and why. I can understand why stunts may say that their student govenment is ineffectual; in reality thereis proba- bly very little that MSA ca really do to effect each and every stuent's life. If a student is not involed in an MSA-funded group or ifa student doesn't care how they are r presented, there may be no reason tocare about MSA, either. But as the pst ineffec- tiveness of the assembly s overwrit- ten by current genuine attempts at making a difference, MSA's impor- tance grows and our need for input increases. MSAicleaned itself up this year, dedicating more funds to students and less to internal administrative costs. MSA President Michael Nagrant has been instrumental in establishing a student coursepack store that should, if implemented as it is proposed, alleviate the costs of coursepacks and give students a visi- ble and tangible reminder of what MSA does. Perhaps MSA needs more projects like this, but to get such pro- jects we need effective leaders and representatives. That's where the student body comes dn. If the number of voters increases, tie mandate the candidates receive bicomes more important. When our stent government becomes respon- sibs to all of us and not to just a small perentage, their actions mean more and 'ey feel that they have to answer to allbf us. Thee are great candidates out there Aho are running in this week's- electio, and there will undoubtedly be woiwhile candidates who will run for resident and vice president in the sring. Look past the parties and the bckering and find those stu- dents whi want to change things for the bettermnd who want to leave this University a better place than they found it. Itwe find those people and send them nto office with a strong