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November 17, 1997 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-11-17

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 17, 1997 -,3A

'U prof. wins
service award
At a ceremony last Friday, Urban and
egional Planning Assistant Prof.
Margaret Dewar was awarded the 1997
Michigan Campus Compact Faculty
Dewar won the award for her work
with the Michigan Neighborhood
AmeriCorps Program and the
Community Outreach Partnership
Center. She also helped develop the
University's Center for Learning
' rough Community Service as well as
her programs.
The award is given each year to a fac-
ulty member on the Compact's member
campuses for involving students in com-
munity service or service-learning.
'U' members
awarded $500K
in research grants
Two University doctors were each
awarded one of five grants sponsored
by the U.S. Hoechst Marion Roussel
health outcomes research division.
Company-wide Commitment to
Outcomes Research and Development
grants fund research studies in the
areas of cardiovascular diseases, neuro-
sciences, oncology and several other
developing medical areas. University
physicians Kim Eagle and Michael
im won the grants.
The five grants amount to about
$500,000, and the recipients were cho-
sen by panelists who reviewed submit-
ted proposals.
Students design
football stadium
A team of University graduate stu-
dents from the College of Architecture
*id Urban Planning have been named
finalists in an international competition
to design a new football stadium to be
located in Los Angeles.
The students designed the facility to
be usable year-round for purposes other
than football, like an amusement park
and retail spaces.
The students incorporated two
pedestrian circulation patterns in order
to make the structure illustrate energy
#d activity.
Programs aim at
campus diversity
Three programs funded by the
KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation are
aiming to increase minority enrollment
in the nation's top business schools.
The programs include recruiting pro-
fessionals from business fields into the
?ctoral programs, the KPMG
Minority Doctoral Scholarships and
peer networking groups to create a high
etention rate.
The recipients receive a $10,000
scholarship that is renewable for five
years. Five University students are mem-
bers of the Doctoral Students
Association, several of whom are in the
Ph.D. project and one is a scholarship
4peaker to
discuss fashion,

body images
As a part of LSA's theme semester,
the Institute for Research on Women
and Gender and the Center for Research
on Russian and East European Studies
are co-sponsoring Prof. Olga
'ainshtain's discussion on the way fash-
on shapes perceptions of the body.
Vainshtain teaches at the Russian
University of the Humanities in
Moscow. She focuses her research on
European romanticism, history of
English literature, modern critical theo-
ry and the semiology of the body and
The discussion is scheduled for
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the
jckham Amphitheatre and is titled,
mages of Fashion: The Construction
of Body and Gender."
Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Marla Hackett.

warns o
By Neal Lepsetz
Daily Staff Reporter
In the eyes of Dr. Eric Chivian,
health care doesn't end at the hospital
bedside or in the laboratory - it also
extends into the environment.
Chivian spoke to medical students
at the Ford Amphitheatre on Saturday
as part of a weekend-long regional
conference for the American Medical
Student Association (AMSA), an
organization that promotes activism
in community service.
Chivian warned of the escalating
environmental dilemmas caused by a
growing global population, pollution
and global warming.
"I don't think we have time to
wait, Chivian said.
Director of Harvard Medical
School's Center for Health and the
Global Environment, Chivian co-
founded International Physicians for
the Prevention of Nuclear War, which
received the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize
for its efforts.
Alluding to a $12 million campaign
by oil companies to dissuade people of
the dangers of burning fossil fuels,
Chivian said that physicians have the
power and responsibility to increase
public awareness on such issues.
"The United States (has) five per-
cent of the world's population. We
make 22 percent of the world's green-
house gases," Chivian said. Despite
opponents' assertions that environ-
mentalists don't have enough proof to
back up their claims, Chivian said
there is reason to be concerned.
In the past 50 years alone, the level
of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
has increased 30 percent, Chavin said.

Dr. Eric Chivian addresses a crowd of medical students at the Ford Amphitheatre on Saturday night. Chivian warned the
crowd that the rising population worldwide is increasing problems of global warming.

"We're above levels that have exist-
ed for 130,000 years," he said.
As a result, the average surface
temperature has increased, and pro-
jections predict it will rise two
degrees Celsius in the next century.
While this may not seem like much,
Chivian pointed out that it was only a
difference of five degrees that sepa-
rates our time from the Ice Age.
In 1995, the hottest year on record,
Chicago felt the effects of a heat wave
responsible for claiming the lives of
about 700 people.
"There will be both an increase in
intensity and an increase in frequency
of heat waves," Chivian said. The
poor, elderly and infants are especial-
ly vulnerable. Severe food shortages
could also be a result, as livestock are
killed by heatwaves and agriculture is

affected by drought, he said.
Frank Faustus, AMSA chapter presi-
dent at Case Western University, said
Chivian raised important issues.
"I think that he brought up some
really good points concerning the
responsibility of physicians in the
idea of environmental protection for
public heath reasons," Faustus said.
Chivian also expressed concern for
the continuing destruction of natural
habitat around the world and the ulti-
mate affect it has on the animal popu-
"With a loss of species, we may be
losing models that are tremendously
important to human research,"
Chivian said.
For example, black bears may offer
clues to the treatment of osteoperosis.
For four to five months of the year,

the bears are essentially immobile. Yet
the bears lose no bone mass, while
humans would lose about 25 percent
due to similar inactivity.
Chivian also mentioned that
researchers are trying to discover why
sharks have a much greater immunity
than humans to diseases such as can-
"If we lose species, we may lose the
secrets, the models from millions and
millions of years of evolution,"
Chivian said.
Conference co-coordinator Rajesh
Govindala said the event was a suc-
"We wanted to present a confer-
ence that would give students an
opportunity to find out all the ways
they can be proactive in health-care
causes," Govindala said.

'U' budget
plan to be
By Chris Metinko
Duily Stat Reporter
Since its official inception two years
ago, the University's Valued Centered
Management budget plan has been a
point of contention between administra-
tors and faculty forces.
Because VCM has been a particular
sticking point, both parties will be pay-
ing close attention to Provost Nancy
Cantor as she outlines the future of
VCM at today's meeting of the faculty
governing body, the Senate Assembly.
At today's meeting, Cantor is expect-
ed to simply announce plans to tweak
the existing VCM programs, but not
overhaul the system.
"The basic problem with VCM here
is it did not adequately take into account
its psychological and financial incen-
tives on the behavior of departments
and on individual faculty," said Martin
Einhorn, chair of the faculty's financial
affairs advisory committee.
VCM's genesis came under the
tenure of former Provost Gilbert
Whittaker. In theory, the plan allocats
each University department a certain
proportion of dollars brought in by
tuition and other activities. Therefor,es
individual departments increase enr l-
ment, funding dollars should increase,
and the largest programs should reeioe
more money than smaller departmet.
"The previous system had all ge r-
al funds come to the provost wherethy
would be allocated," said Paul Coura t,
associate-provost for academic and buy-
getary affairs. Under the old syste,
Courant said all departments got tb
same amount of money "across the
board with some adjustments."
Courant said that according to VCM,
"deans and other units get to keep the
bulk of their revenue."
Courant said the promise of higher
central funding entices departments to
increase enrollment.
"There are much, much strongr
incentives at the University level, he
But faculty nmembers have fault d
VCM, charging that the plan has not
been outlined clearly and that the incen-
tives of the budget system conflict with
traditional academic values.
"The University needs a modern bul-
get plan," said Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs Chair
Louis D'Alecy. "The new budget must
make the patterns and flows of costs and
revenues clear"
Einhorn said VCM can limit research
and teaching initiatives.
"A system must be found that is not
only efficient and financially sound, but
in which also promotes the traditional
goals of the University in the areas f
teaching, scholarship and research and
service to society" Einhorn said.

MSA candidates discuss issues at debate

By Susan T. Port
and Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporters
With the help of some off-key singing,
the Michigan Student Assembly debate
was devoid of any yelling, fighting or
emotional ccnfrontation.
Candidates representing five MSA
parties discussed their views on issues
affecting University students during a
televised debate Friday. The debate was
sponsored by student television station
WOLV and student radio station WCBN.
WCBN News Director Matt
Friedman, who moderated the debate,
said the debates "enable U of M stu-
dents to be more informed voters."
The debate format consisted of open-
ing and closing statements and a Q & A
session. Affirmative action, academic
needs, campus safety and current flaws in
the MSA system were in the forefront of
the discussion. A candidate from each
party was given the opportunity to state
views on issues considered pertinent to
The candidates who came to voice

their parties' opinions included Dan
Serota, who heads the Michigan Party,
Andrew Serowik of the Students' Party,
Jessica Curtin of the Defend Affirmative
Action Party (DAAP), Rory Diamond of
the Liberty Party, and Pak Man Shuen of
the United Rebels Front (URF). No inde-
pendent candidates attended the debates.
Serowik, whose party currently holds
the majority of seats on the assembly,
said the student government has ful-
filled all of its campaign promises from
the spring elections.
"By any measure, the Students' Party
has an enviable track record," Serowik
said. "Students' Party is known for real
practical changes, really doing some-
thing for students."
But Serota criticized the current
assembly for unproductive assembly
meetings, as well as lack of personal
attention to student groups in the
process of allocating funds.
This year's Budget Priorities
Committee abandoned its traditional
practice of hearings with student
groups. Serota described BPC's actions

as "corruption at its core."
"We need to go back to six months
ago when MSA was a more friendly
place," Scrota said.
During discussion on the issue of cam-
pus safety, Shuen said URF is not con-
cerned about safety at the University.
"Ann Arbor is very safe and campus
safety is not an issue," he said.
Shuen then used some time to sing
a verse of Alanis Morrisette's
Curtin said DAAP's only plank in its
platform is affirmative action. But she
stated her own views on campus safety,
including domestic violence.
"(MSA) should be a place students
can come to tell MSA what happened,"
Curtin said, encouraging rape victims to
bring their concerns to MSA. "The
administration is concerned with cover-
ing up these things."
Diamond emphasized that the
Liberty Party's main concerns include
the lack of student recognition for
'MSA, adding that assembly members
are self-motivated.

"No one is voting, no one cares,"
Diamond said. "The people in MSA are
in for two reasons - they are in for
their resumes and second, they are half-
wit political junkies."
MSA President Mike Nagrant said the
issues presented in the debate will help to
guide MSA in the upcoming semester.
"We'll be able to incorporate the
issues in what we do in MSA," Nagrant
said. "I found it very entertaining, a
really good time."
The debate is scheduled to air on
WCBN 88.3 FM tomorrow from 6-7
p.m. and on WOLV channel 70 tomor-
row from 9-10 pm.

Continued from Page :LA
Stellwagen fifth-grader Latoya Hicks
said she enjoyed the tour of the
Chemistry Building but wished the
weather was warmer.
"My favorite thing was the comput-
ers. I liked the science lab," Hicks said.
"I'd like to come back when it's hot."
After taking a brief tour of Central
Campus, where they took turns spin-
ning the cube near the Fleming
Administration Building, the fifth
graders ate lunch in the press box over-
looking a snow-covered football stadi-
um. Later, they watched the women's
basketball team practice.
"This is kind of the exciting part," said
Engineering senior Rich Witt, regarding
the visit to the stadium. "They get to meet
athletes and other students. I did this last

year. This year they focused more on aca-
demics, which is good."
Stellwagen fifth-grade science teacher
Linda Paynes saw this trip as an incen-
tive for the students to go to college.
"They should be planning their
future:' Paynes said. "It gives them an
inside view of what college life is like.
They need to know what they have to
do in order to come to college"
During a Q &A session, questions var-
ied from "Do you get cable here?" and
"Do you have to go to gym?" to "What
kinds of grades do you have to get to go
to this school?"
While in the basement of the Union,
LSA junior Gregg Lanier explained the
process of buying books to the children.
"In college, your books aren't given to
you. You have to buy them," Lanier said.
Lanier said he got involved because
he thought it would be a good idea to
have a representative from the LSA

Student Government. He said he was
touched by some of the experiences he
had with the children during the day.
"They weren't intimidated by the big
things like the stadium. Instead, they
were intrigued,"'Lanier said.
Chris Drake, a Stellwagen fourth and
fifth-grade math teacher, said he was
excited about the trip.
"A lot of these kids need something to
look forward to;" Drake said.

Evangelistic Meeting
Time: Nov 21, 7:30 p.m.
Address: Chapman Room
First Baptist Church
512 E.Huron,
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Language: Cantonese
Contact: Roger Chan
764-1254 csrchan@umich.edu
Organized by Ann Arbor Chinese Christian Church

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U Coalition to Defend Affirmative
Action ByAnyMeans Necessary,
332-1188, Michigan Union, Tap
Room, 7:30 p.m.
J Students for Choice, 913-5425,
Modern Languages Building,
Room B108, 8:30 p.m.

U "Puerto Rican Week Exhibit,"
Sponsored by Puerto Rican
Association, Michigan Union,
Study Lounge.
U "Secret Daughter," Film showing,
Sponsored b the Institute for
Research on Women and Gender,
Michigan Theater, 6:30 p.m.
Q "The ABCs of Aizheimer's: An
Arinta.n.n " cnnncnArc h

Main St., 7-8:30 p.m.
U "Uneasy Alliances: Negotiating
Research and Practice In
Institutional Settings," Speakers,
Sponsored by the Institute for
Research on Women and Gender,
LS&A Building, LS&A Executive
Conference Room, 3-5 p.m.

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