News: 76-DAILY Advertising: 764-0554 It I Un *rni One huidred seven years of editor al freedom Monday November 17, 1997 I < Michiga By Nicholas J. Cotsonika lDaily Sports Editor MADISON - After four straight four-loss seasons and a summer of soul-searching, Michigan's coaches concluded that a lack of grit and mental toughness had Pi holding back their talented teams. They demand- e change, and Saturday they got it. Their top-ranked Wolverines gutted out a 26-16 victory over No. 23 Wisconsin to secure at least a share of their first Big Ten title since 1992. The gamesset the stage for next week's showdown in Ann Arbor with No. 4 Ohio State - the team that was undefeated and ranked No. 2 the past two years before losing to Michigan. All the Wolverines have achieved this season will be highlighted or erased then, running back Chris Howard said, because "no sowill remember what you did in the past if you lose that kind of game." A victory would give the Wolverines (7-0 Big Ten. 10-0 overall) the Big Ten title outright, sending them to the Rose Bowl for the first time since the 1992 sea- son with a chance to win their first national champi- onship since 1948. But nine perfect seasons have been ruined in the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry, which often displays a series to examm.- affirmative action Symposium intended to educate students about contentious topic By Katie Piona Daily Staff Reporter With the lawsuit that challenges the U iversity's affirmative action prac- tj looming, members of various stu- dent organizations have united to spon- sor a four-day symposium this week to shed light on the pressing issue. "Affirmative Action 101: Understanding the Controversy" intends to inform members of the University community about the social policy through a series of two-hour speech and discussion sessions focus- i on several topics, including affir- u . Live action's history and the politics surrounding the controversial issue. "We really wanted to provide educa- tion for the students on both sides of the issue so they can make a wise decision regarding what stance they would like to On a guide take on the issue," said Kenneth Jones, students who chairs the Michigan Student Assembly Minority Affairs Commission. MAC, along with the Women's Issues Commission, organized the posium, while more than 10 stu- t organizations, many with contrast- ing opinions on affirmative action, are 1n ! See SYMPOSIUM, Page 2A Affirmative Action 101 By Diba R Daily Staff R Tonight: History of affirmative Dytfus actionofif-ra an gell Hall, Auditorium C, 7-9 p.m. fifth-grad Fishbowl *romorrow: Academic affirmative On Fri action Elementar Angell Hall, Auditorium C, 7-9 p.m. with wid Education I Wednesday: Politics and affirmative SERVE ar action Walking Angell Hall, Auditorium D, 8-10 p.m. after surf Harris ask Thursday: Student Panel and The vol discussion University Angell Hall, Auditorium C, 7-9 p.m. climbs to 10-0; OSU awaits The Showdown Countdown to The Game 5 DAYS No. 1 Michigan vs. No. 4 Ohio State Saturday, noon (ABC) victory was their first as the nation's top team since 1977. Michigan has won 10 games for the first time since 1991 and is 10-0 for the first time since 1974. And for the first time in recent memory, letdowns have been liquidated. "It's tough when you're down and when you have all the critics telling you you're mediocre, that you don't have it anymore, you can't coach, you can't play," Carr said. "All those things make it tough for guys to continue to believe. I think the great thing about this group of kids is their resolve. We haven't had an emotional letdown all year long." They marched out bearing what Carr called the "tremendous pressure" of being No. I before 79.806 fans at notoriously noisy Camp Randall Stadium. They played in wind-chill temperatures that plunged below 15 degrees in a brisk breeze. And they were able to overcome difficulties on offense as their defense, rated best in the nation, struggled. The defense gave up its second touchdown reception and second second-half touchdown of the season, and it was scored upon in the fourth quarter for just the second time. Carr said "the offense won this game for us," and defensive end Glen Steele said the offense "bailed out See BADGERS, Page 4B different Michigan team than the one that usually plays in games like Saturday's. Letdown losses have haunted the Wolverines, who last year lost to a strug- gling Purdue team and blew a 16-point lead to lose at Northwestern. The Wolverines, who jumped from No. 4 to No. 1 after beating Penn State last week, had lost their pre- vious three games as a top-ranked team. Saturday's MARGARET MYERS/Daily Tight end Jerame Tuman (80) hugs wide receiver Tai Streets on Saturday after Streets scored the Wolverines second touchdown in the Michigan-Wisconsin game. China dissident freed after 18 years in pnson DETROIT (AP) China's most prominent pro-democracy campaigner was freed on medical parole yesterday after nearly 18 years in prison and flown to Detroit, where he was hospi- talized immediately. Wei Jingsheng, first arrested in March 1979 during the crackdown on the Democracy Wall movement. suffers from heart problems, high blood pressure and other ailments made worse during his prison term. After his arrival at Detroit, M e t r o p o I i tan i Airport about Wel Jingsheng 10:40 a.m. yester- day, the 47-year-old Wei was admitted to Henry Ford Hospital, hospital spokesperson Meg Leonard said. Wei was in fair but stable condition last night, said Dr. Thomas Royer, Henry Ford chief medical officer. He was being treated for hypertension and being eval- uated for other medical problems, but Royer didn't specify exactly for what. "A lot of his problems aren't known yet," Leonard said. Wei was taken to the hospital immedi- ately after arriving in Detroit, Royer said. "We're pleased Mr. Wei was able to walk into the hospital without assis- tance" he said. "We are conducting fur- ther tests, and in the meantime are assist- ing him in getting much-needed rest." Royer declined to answer questions, saying the hospital was honoring Wei's request for privacy. Leonard said Wei could be released from the hospital as early as today. Kenneth Lieberthal, a University political science professor and expert on China, said the recent summit between the presidents of China and the United States was a driving factor in Wei's release. "This release is very welcomed," Lieberthal said. "It reflects the types of progress that can be made when both sides have an interest in dealing seri- ously with the concerns of the other." But Lieberthal cautioned that Wei's release is likely more symbolic than substantive. "Frankly, I see this as a small part of what should be the human rights discus- sion with China," he said. "This is important for some individual people, but it affects extremely few people in China. "The more important issues are cooperation in the development of China's legal system, anti-poverty pro- grams, and environmental programs that have a broad impact on China." See CHINA, Page 2A JOY JACOBS Da y ed tour of the University, Detroit fifth-graders jump on the 'M' on the Diag after learning of its symbolism. The came to the University with a program called Students Establishing Educational Dreams. et ro fiftraders get sid look at campus life. ab teporter ed University students watched as more than 80 ers surfed the Web in computing sites, filled the and infiltrated the Michigan Union basement. day, the curious students from Stellwagen ry School in East Detroit observed campus life e eyes as a part of Students Establishing al Dreams, a program organized by Project nd the Student Athlete Advisory Council. g out of the Shapiro Undergraduate Library ing the Web, Stellwagen fifth-grader Tierra ,ed, "Do we get to do more fun things?" unteers who buddied up with the children were students involved in Project SERVE and other interested students. "I think it's a great program because a lot of them were very enthusiastic about it," said Lona Stoll, an LSA first- year student. "A lot of them are really thinking about col- lege now, and they have a better idea of what it's like." Stoll said she was interested in getting involved with community service and saw this as an excellent opportu- nity. "We played on the computers. We looked up snow tigers (on the Internet). That was fun," Harris told her teacher as the group headed to the Chemistry Building to partake in a chromatography experiment. Friday's snowfall added to the excitement as many stu- dents tried to make snowballs without getting caught. See SERVICE, Page 3A ' hosts intergroup dialogue conference Iraq anticipates attack, clears hospitals By Jeffrey Kosseff Daily Staff Reporter When Ximena Zuniga began the Intergroup Relations, Conflict and Community (ICRCC) program in 1988, she gathered students in the Blue Carpet Lounge of Alice Lloyd Residence Hall and held discussions on differences in race, gender and culture. Now an intergroup dialogue facilitator at the University of Massachusetts, Zuniga returned to the University this weekend with 80 educators nationwide to attend a conference highlighting the pro- gram she founded. The conference was held in the LSA building, close to the pro- gram's offices in the Michigan Union. "This was a very small, marginal pro- gram" Zuniga said. "It's very exciting to see how far the program has come. There has been an incredible change." Representatives of the federal govern- ment, colleges and universities across the country and higher education associa- tions attended the conference to observe and participate in the University's renowned intergroup dialogues.. Hundreds of University students par- ticipate in , IGRCC programs each semester through first-year seminars, "The U of M has shown great leadership" -- Sonya Jarvus Consultant for Initiative on Race list of 14 "Promising Practices" in race relations. "It is well-developed and pro- vides some useful ideas that I will make sure the staff has a chance to review." Intergroup dialogue has always been an important part of Clinton's Initiative, Jarvus said. "The President has strongly indicated he wants to focus on dialogue," he said. Teresa Brett, co-director of IGRCC, said the conference gave educators from across the nation an' opportunity to showcase their programs. "People are talking broadly about different aspects of their programs;" she said. The conference "is the result -of, a number of years of planning'" Brett-said. Zuniga said the conference was an effective way of getting out tbhe mes- sage of the usefulness of intergroup BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Saddam Hussein stressed yesterday that Iraq "does not seek conflict" with the United States and expressed hope that a solution to the crisis could be worked even as officials ordered citizens tlbe prepared for a possible U.S. air attack. Saddam, who provoked the standoff by expelling American members of the U.N. weapons inspection team, met with his Cabinet yesterday and said he hoped a conflict could be averted. "Iraq does not seek conflict with the United States and if there is a solution to this crisis ... we would be happy," he said in a state- ment carried by the Iraqi News Agency. Kuwait andj Syria, which sup- ported strikes against Iraq during the 1991 Persian s Gulf War, said Hussein Nations., Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf said the use of force "has proven that it does not lead to solutions, but to a complication of matters." His remarks were aired on Iraq tele- vision and carried by E's Middle East News Agency. The United States yesterday pressed forward with its military buildup, send- ing the aircraft carrier USS George Washington through the Suez Canal toward the Persian Gulf. would be removed. Hassan Abdel Jabar, a doctor at Baghdad Central Hospital, said the hos- pital would only accept emergency cases "because we are expecting a strike by the Americans." Thousands of Iraqi civilians flocked to Saddam's palaces in Baghdad and industrial installations around the capi- tal to join other people serving as human shields. Kuwait and Syria, which supported strikes against Iraq during the 1991 Persian Gulf War, said they were I