6 - The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, November 12, 1997 I **********PARKING'********** On campus parking! Special rates! 665-8825. CABLE DESCRAMBLER KIT $14.95 view all premium & pay-per-view channels. 1-800-752-1389. FUTON $400, Beds twin $50, Q set $1200, Best offer 996-0519. '92 FORD ESCORT LX 4 dr. Red. 5 sp. 180K. Loaded! Great shape! $3450. 769- 6683. automotive '88 GRAND AM. Runs great, 1 owner, 5 sp., rust-free, 130K. $2300. 665-8949. '89 FORD PROBE loaded, sunroof, am/fm/ cassette/cd, premium sound, exc. cond., $3400 obo. 248-626-8025. 1991 MONTERO, 71,000 miles. Great Condition. Perfect for winter! 485-3295. 86 TOYOTA COROLLA 5spd., AM/FM cassette, 4dr., AC, 98k, $2400 call 971-3119. ACURA INTEGRA GS 1990 mint cond. Fully loaded 83K. $7495 or best. 769-7245. SEIZED CARS from $175. Porsches, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW's, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD's. Your area. Toll free 800/218- 9000 ext. A-1864 for current listings. TOYOTA COROLLA, 1987, only 79,000 miles. Silver, manual transmission, moon roof, cassette. Runs fine, but no A/C. $2900 finn. Call Rich at 936-2122. !!!BEAUTIFUL 5 BDRM. houses. 916 Greenwood. 1716 E. Kingsley. 332-6000. !!!BEAUTIFUL 4 BDRM. apt. 819 S. State #4. May lease. 332-6000. !!!BEAUTIFUL 2 & 3 BDRM. apts. 1004 S. Forest #B1, #B2, & #B3. 332-6000. !!!BEAUTIFUL 7 BDRM. house 948 Greenwood. May lease. 332-6000. ***CMB HAS HOUSES! 3, 4, & 6 bdrm. avail. for Sep. Call 741-9300. **4 BDRM. HOUSE at 217 N. Thayer up to 6 persons,fTurn. basement, prkg. Call 769- 7025 (till 9pm). *3 BDRM. APT.: carpet, ldry., prkg., fireplace. Sept. '98 lease. 572-1036. *TOP CAMPUS LOCATION* 418 E. Washington. Extra large, 1 bdrm., furnished, air, storage, ldry. 668-1100. 4 MONTH LEASE NOW RENTING FOR SECOND SEMESTER. LIMITED NUMBER OF 2 BEDROOMS AT 6 BDRM. HOUSES: carpet, Idry., prkg. May '98 lease. 572-1036. 6/7 BDRM. TRI-LEVEL, spacious, 2 full baths, cathedral ceiling, skylight, avail, fall '98. 741-9300. 715 ARBOR #2 1 bdrm. can accommodate 2, May lease. 332-6000. 819 S. STATE #1. 2 bdrm., can accom- modate 4. May-May lease. Fully furn., dishwasher. Call 332-6000. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR housing? Visit us @ www.AmvestpropEat.corn on the net. AVAILABLE NOW MODERN 1 bdnn. apt. Dishwasher, disposal, mirrored dining area, track lighting, A/C, heat & water included, parking spot. Laundry on premises. 665-8825. APPLE COLOR Stylewriter Printer $179. Global Village 14.4 Modem $45. Both items I yr. old, good cond. 332-2519. IBM THINKPAD 365 XD Pentium 120, 11.3 dual scan 24 RAM, 1.1 GB HD, 33.6 modem, CD, as new. $1300/best. 930-6424. MACEXCHANGE Discount Computer Outlet. Sales and Service. Plain Talk Microphone $20, PowerMacs from $699. Buy, Sell, Trade, New, Used, Upgrade. 1739 Washtenaw, 482-0739. MACINTOSH CENTRIS 650. $660/neg. Monitor & printer incl. Call 570-9257. E OPEN 7 )AYSU 'OP BY )DAY!!! -2680 un~sity X~~eLQ s AVAILABLE MAY. 7 bdrm. house, 200 yards from Law School/Union. Furnished with 3 bathrooms, Idry., deck, prkg. available. $2480/mo. Call 741-9622. BEAUTIFUL LARGE CAMPUS area 6-12 bedroom homes. All include free laundry and parking. 12 month leases. Some May and some September. Call 663-1370. CAMPUS 6 BEDROOM beautiful home Arch St. 2 baths, parking, natural woodwork, furnished, modern kitchen with everything, fireplace, laundry, $2350 + utilities, May lease, 426-4772. CAMPUS 6 BDRM. HOUSE. Very nice. S. Forest. Large rooms. Furnished, fireplace, newly redecorated, laundry, dishwasher, 2 baths, parking. $2300. Sept. lease. 426-4772. CAMPUS AREA SLEEPING room avail- able now. $385/mo. Oakland Mgmt. 761- 7491. CAMPUS MANAGEMENT INC. Fall '98 We are currently showing our Houses and Large Apartments to prospective Fall '98 residents. We specialize in working with larger groups. Please call us if you are looking for a house or apartment with three to six bedrooms. 663-4101. CENTRAL CAMPUS. 6 or 7 bedroom houses for rent, furnished, parking, dishwasher, washer/dryer. May-May. 572- 7282. CO-OP CONTRACTS avail. Live super cheap w/food/util./laundry paid. $362/mo. Cool people too. Call Emily 669-0267. EFFICIENCY, one, two, three, four, & six bdrm. apts. and houses now leasing for fall 98, 761-8990 or 668-7640 for appt. FALL '98 Huge bi-level apt. with 6 very lar- ge bedrooms, 2 baths, bay window, new kitchen, dishwasher, disposal, a/c, heat and water incl., furnished, laundry on premises. 665-8825. FALL '98 HUGE 9 BDRM. hse. on South U. Easily holds thirteen people. Lg. basement & 3 1/2 baths, 2 living rms., 2 modern kitchs., lg. front porch, fireplace, French doors, newly carpeted, ldry., & lots of prkg. 665-8825. FALL-98 Top Quality 1-6 Bdr. Apts. & Houses near campus. Call 761-6170. FALL/MAY '98 Remodeled 1/6 bdrm., apts. & houses top locations. 994-3907. ****SUBLET Winter and/or Spring. One block from campus 727 Packard. One bdrm., in 3 bdrm. apt. Prkg., Indry Pay elec. & phone. $380/mo. neg. 669-0671. *APT. FOR RENT! Sublet (2-4) Winter and/or Spring. 2 brm., fully fum., balc., a/c., util. incl., Great location 1 blk. S. of S. Univerity. 668-6952. 1 BDRM. IN 7 BDRM. house. Female only. Great location. Winter term. Call 213-5758. 1 BDRM. in a 3 bdrm. apt. behind Rackham. Utilities incl. $320 mo. + sec. dep. Call Laura S. @332-6001. A BEAUTIFUL 6 BEDROOM house, 2 full baths, dishwasher, heat & water included. Plenty of parking and good location. Avail- able Winter, Spring, or Summer 1998. Sublet 1-6 bedrooms. Call Sam at 332-1164 or 669- 0012. BEAUTIFUL 1 bdrm. fully fum. apt. $450 or best, including util. 669-4016. BEST LOCATION! 2 rooms on State St. in beautiful 4 bdrm. home avail. immed. Clean & quiet. Free prkg. 2 bath., large modem kitchen, & living rm. New carpet, new furniture. $400 + elec. Call John at (313) 327-4049. GREATWINTER SUBLET! Take your choice-huge rm. in nice 6 bdrm. house on Church St. for $380 or smaller rm. for $290. Call soon 332-7985. IMMEDIATE Occupancy! 1 rm. in 3 bdrm. apt. 2 baths, balc., & new carpet throughout. 525 Walnut. $490/mo. Fem. only. 313-881- 2988. JAN-AUG SUBLET 1 bdrn. of furn. 2 bdrm. apt. near Huron & 7th. Quiet & nice neighborhood. $350 or best. 995-0356. JAN. - AUG. furnished I bdrm. apt. central campus. $475. Call 913-9252. N. SIDE SUBLET Jan. thru May option fur- ther lease 3 min. to Plymouth & Kroger malls 2 bdrm. 2 baths Large terrace Spacious Quiet 32 feet closets Gym Pool Tennis $780 children pets 741-7637. PRIME LOCATION-WINTER sublet. Off >f S. Univ. @ 625 S. Forest. 1 bdrm. in 3 5drm apt. Prkg., Idry., heat & water incl. Rent neg. Fem. only. 997-9645. ROOMMATE NEEDED Jan.-Aug. Lovely oft apt. Central Campus. $435. 995-1307. SUBLET FOR WINTER/spring/summer in a bi-level two bedroom apartment. Close to central. Rent negotiable. Call 668-7130. WINTER '98: Lg. 6 bdrm. hse. on Greenwood. Close to mps. 6 people. prkg. dry. fum. 747-8897 or 663-4436. WINTER AND/OR Spring Summer sublet. 2 bdrm., I bath, fully furn., price neg. Call 930-9742. WINTER AN)/OR Spring/Summer Sublet. 1 bdrm. in 2 bdrm. apt. Great location for a great price. Call 663-8862! WINTER SUBLET Spr./sum. avail. 909 Church St. Beautiful bi-ev. apt. 2 spacious bdrms., 1-1/2 bath, fully fum., 2 A/C, dshwr. Plenty of free prkg. Price neg. Call 761-8362 or 332-3827. WINTER TERM. Large fum. bdrm. within a house. Great Location. 921 S. State. In- cludes laundry, 2 baths, and a studious environment. Only $375/month, includes all utilities! Call 913-4570. WINTER-1326 Geddes. huge Rm/4 bdrm apt by CCRB, prkg, $350 w/util. 747-8953. services 1/2 $ CELL-PHONE service. Take over 13 month contract. (313) with free call waiting. $16/mo. 970-240-9770. AUTO INSURANCE-Are you paying too much? Exc. rates. Free quotes. 663-6655. FREE CASH GRANTS College. Scholarships. Business. Medical bills. Never Repay. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 Ext.G- 1864. MONEY FOR COLLEGE We can help you obtain funding. 1000's of awards avail. to all students. Immed. qualification. Call 800/651- 3393. SEEKING FINANCIAL AID but don'y know where to look? Student Financial Ser- vices profiles over 200,000+ individual awards (private/public). For the cost of a text book, tap into resources you never knew existed. Call 1-800-922-9091 ext. F55981. Earn $750-$1500/Week Raise all the money your group needs by sponsoring a VISA Fundraiser on your campus. No investment & very little time needed. Theres no obligation, so why not call for information today. call 1-800-323-8454 X95 THESIS EDITING. Language, organization, formats. All disciplines. Twenty years UofM experience. 996-0566. TYPING & WRITING SERVICE Resumes, cover letters, applications & essays. Ann Arbor Typing. 994-5515. IAheip wanted ANN ARBOR'S BIGGEST SPORTS BAR & RESTAURANT Now hiring waitstaff and cooks for fall, holiday break and winter terms . No exp. needed but helpful. Great pay and social atmosphere. Hardworking, punctual applicants - should a pply at, SCOREKEEPERS- 310 MAYNARD, ANN ARBOR 995-0100 (ACROSS FROM BORDERS). $1500 WEEKLY POTENTIAL mailing our circulars. Free information. Call 410-783- 8274. ACCESS TO A COMPUTER? Let it work for you! For free info, log onto: www.hbn.coni, access code:5319. AD PLACEMENT COORDINATOR needed at The Michigan Daily. Mon.-Fri., 3- 5 p.m., 5-10 hrs./wk. Work study possible, not necessary. Call Nancy at 764-0431 8:30- 4:30. ANN ARBOR CO. seeks highly motivated, positive individuals to join our rapidly grow- ing organization with client account teams. Part time with the possibility to increase hours. Great professional development opportunities. Flexible hours including evenings. Positions available: Scheduling: Telephone contact with service evaluators. Must have personality and pleasant phone skills; Processing: Database entry; editing; analysis. Typing skills preferred. Call Colleen at 668-8148 x 103 or write colleenm@ second-to-none.com ASST. MARKETER-P/T, phone work eves./wknds. Good pay. 741-4176. ASTHMA PATIENTS WANTED FOR New Preventative Asthma Drug Study The University of Michigan Allergy Division is seeking participants with asthma for a clinical trial of a new preventative treatment of asthma. Participants must: 1. Be at least 15 years old 2. Be in general good health 3. Be a non-smoker 4. Have a history of asthma 5. Be a male or non-pregnant female The research program will last 9 weeks outpatient and participants will be compensated. Interested persons, please contact Deborah Smith at 313-936-5634. ATTENTION WANTED 86 PEOPLE We'll pay you to lose up to 30 lbs. in 30 days. Offer expires 11/30. 1-800-598-2671. CHRISTMAS HELP Has created several openings in our retail marketing dept. for housewares & some sporting accessories. Full & part time, no door-to-door or telephone sales. Start immed. at $10.25/hr. Call for interview info, 971- 6122, 9am-9pm. COUNTER HELP needed at Tim Horton's in the Michigan League Building 911 North University. A clean work environment with meal allowance and uniforms. An easy walk from the Hill. Flexible scheduling. Morning, lunch, afternoon, and evening shifts available. Work a few hours before orer class or even a full time morning/day po available. Up to $6.75 per hour to start. Stop by today and fill out an application. DRIVERS WANTED Flexible schedules. Our subs your car. $8-13/hr. Apply at 929 E. Ann or call 913-9200. ENGINEERING CONSULTING firm seeks research asst./technical writer for full- time entry level position. BA/BF, writing & organizational ability, computer & library research skills req. Mechaical background/ ability pref. Fax resume to 313-973-0808, attn. J. Carbeck ESPRESSO ROYALE CAFFE. 214 S. Main St. Now hiring fun, enthusiastic people for part-time & full-time. Must be avail. during holidays. $6-6.50 to start. Apply in person. FEMALE NUDE MODEL wanted for photo project. Good pay. Easy work. 973-8791. GRADUATING SENIORS- Mackinac Island's Murray hotel needs year-round manager. Live/work 6 months on Mackinac Island and 6 months in Ann Arbor. Call: 1- 800-462-2546 or write: P.O. Box 7706, Ann Arbor, MI 48107. Fax resume to: 313-665- 2644. g cs INTERNET-BASED advertisingags - seeking a reliable, organized graphic desig- ner to help create banner ads for the Web. Ar- tistic background and knowledge of Photoshop a must. Call Aimee at (313) 747 8619. JACK N' JILL LEARNING Center is look ing for full & part-time teachers. Call Nan at 761-8070. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! $6.50+/hr. Create your own sched. Va l computer & comm. skills. Flexible hou fun atmosphere. Paid training. For application & info stop by MI Telefund 611 Church #304 or call 998-7420. MEIJER Cashier positions available. Starting at $7.09 and up based on experience. Flexible shif preference. **One hour study breaks** Arrange groups to work the same schedul for carpooling options! Other positions als available. EOE Immediate Interviews 3145 Ann Arbor-Saline Road MERCHANDISING MEDICAL part-tim as a medical merchandiser for ProtoCall y will call on physicians sampling prescripti products. You should be a customer focus professional with a desire to excel in a chal lenging environment Flexible daytime hou Area for product storage required Vali driver's license and insurance required. F resume to 1-888-845-6515 or mail 5133 Winshall Dr. Swartz Creek, MI 48473. MODELS WANTED: Catalog & Live Fashion. Create your portfolio and j i website. All ages needed. Ashley A 332 S. Ashley or call 332-0993. MUSIC INDUSTRY Booking agency seeks intems Call Jeremy after 11am 995-5777. NATIONAL PARK EMPLOYMENT- Dis- cover how to work in America's Parks Forests, & Wildlife Preserves. Competitive wages & bonuses! Seasonal/year-round. For employment information, call: (517) 324 30 1. PART TIME SALES help. No exp. necessary. Apply at Sears Watch & Jewelry Repair Counter, Briarwood Mall. PART TIME RECEPTIONIST Apr person 715 N. Univ. Basement 12-5. olege Cleaners Work hours 10-5 weekdays. POST-ACUTE BRAIN INJURY PROGRAM has immediate openings for direct care staff. $8.00/hr starting pay; more depending on education and experience. Eam additional income and gain valuable hands- on experience. Full, part-time, and job shar- ing positions available. Apply at 3200 E. Eisenhower Parkway or call 313-677-0070. PERFORMA 250 MB hardc ready. $450 or! 630 CD. 20 Megs of RAM, drive, color monitor, intemet best. 994-6586. i !!!BEAUTIFUL6BDRM. 819S. State #2 & #3. May lease, A/C, dwshr. 332-6000. !!!BEAUTIFUL 6 BDRM. houses. 907 & 932 Greenwood, and 715 Arbor. May lease. 332-6000. Furnished Apartments 536 S. Forest Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 (313) 761-2680 FAX (313) 761-2027 3 BDRM. HOUSE, 1.5 bath, beautiful hardwood floors, carport, dishwasher, laundry. 741-9300. 6 AND 9 BEDROOM house available on Church at Hill. Fully furn., complete kitchens, full size wshr./dryer, and parking. May to May lease. $2760 - $4050/ mo. + utilities. Call Evalyn during business hours at 994-0644. 5 & 6 Bedroom Houses For 1998 Copi Properties 663-5609 i .._...... _ 4 Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe ACROSS 1 "My People" author 5 Michener genre 9 "The Lion King" 14 Carpentry groove 15 Presence 16 Shaquille 17 Snowball 18 "NAH!" 20 Auto appendage 22 Mrs. Rabin 23 Adm. or Capt.'s org. 24 Stuck in one's craw 26 Fracture detector, for short 28 Consumer advocator Ralph 30 -a dime 34 Dizzy Gillespie's genre 37 Natural table 39 Press on 40 "There ought to be -.." 41 Calvin Klein employee 42 50% off event 43 Deli side order 44 - the start 45 "Arabian Nights" prince 70 Cosmetic additive 71 RR VIPs DOWN 1 Mystery writers' award 2 Arturo - Spanish author/ broadcaster 3 Gussy up 4 "AHA!" 34 Memorable soiree 35 A Fitzgerald 36 Sounds from the cote 38 Novelist Anya 41 Lied to 45 "...-go marching on" 47 Pal of Pooh 49 Singer O'Shea 51 Cuddly bamboo eater 53 Like the yak 54 Airline to Brazil 55 Gershwin biographer David and family 56 "Diary of - Housewife" 57 Actress Daly 58 Double curve 60 Time can do it 63 Boathouse item 64 Road alert 51 6 71 81 9' 10 11 12 13 19 21 25 27 29 31 32 33 177 "$3.05/line for first day, $1.05/line for each additional, consecutive day 'Frequency/bulk contracts available. Looked favorably upon Assist Earth sci. ElI "WHO CARES!" Actress Claire Cafe offering Blackouts King of clubs? Of the ankle Gain - on Exorcism battler "I SEE!" Fortification Hyde Park stroller Play the wolf Impecuniosity 4 days 5 days E AIR L IHL RE S I A Yt~ P IE 12.40 18.60 24.80 14.50 21.75 29.00 -W line ad deadline * 11:30 a.m. one business day prior to publication E R A iH N S E 7 E A Y cR E E T A S BjI L _ 11/12197 1305 S. University Huge Penthouses Every luxury you can imagine! Campus Rentals 665-88251 Rates: All charges shown on the open rates line chart are for consecutive insertions. If an ad is discontinued and then started again at a later date, it is billed as a new insertion. An ad may be 130 r *mextended at a consecutive rate if requested and paid in full by 11:30 a.m. on originally scheduled ending date. Liability: The liability of TMD for failure to publish an advertisement for any reason, or for i * publishing incorrect ads in a specified issue, shall be limited to publishing in a subsequent issue. TMD will be responsible for classified advertisement errors only if notified by 5:00 p.m. on the first day of publication.0 " nNo Refunds: Advertisers may cancel an ad before publication, but no refund will be given. Abbreviations: Only standard abbreviations as defined by TMD will be accepted. Refusal: All ads are subject to editing and approval. We do not publish advertisements for resale of tickets at more than face value. TMD reserves the right to request samples of mail order items prior to accepting advertising. - r r n n ~ n ~ -rnrn n n n r -- n- _classified mail-in form Today's date start date # of insertions HOUSES & APARTMENTS available Sep./May. Great location! Furnished, Indry., and prkg. Honest and dependable owners/ managers. Call 662-3458 or 304-1886. HOUSES FOR FALL 1998 Great selection of 4-10 bedrooms Great locations, furnished, laundry 663-3050 or 495-6333. I I 1I - 1 I