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November 11, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-11-11

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One hundred seven years of editorialfreedom

November 11, 1997


Student assaulted at Arb

y Sam Stavis
aily Staff Reporter
in an attempt to simplify the compli-
ated computing system at the
Iniversity, the Information Technology
'ivision is changing its method of pro-
iding computing services to students,
aff and faculty.
Ling in January, ITD will provide
1I users with a comprehensive package
that will
New lTD cover basic
Package n e e d s,
including e-
E-mail: Includes up mail, IFS
to,three megabytes file storage,
f storage for d i a l - i n
messages access and
.Laser printing: Up laser print-
c&0 pages per ing. For
tmf at Campus more than a
Computing Sites year, ITD
D Diain access: Up has given
to 80 hours per term users $10 a
through MichNet month to
Etile storage: Up to . spend on
ive megabytes of ITD com-
IFS storage space puting ser-
per termpuigsr
Web access: vices of their
' 'r U and Usenet choice.
"We are
trying to
mplify the process by which users get
iese services," said Ruth Addis, man-
,er for production and support for
rD. "We are letting people do their
'ork, which is researching, teaching
1d learning, instead of doing our
ork, which is providing technology."
Under the new system, if a user
ceeds the limit of what is provided by
edsic computing package, the addi-
onal services are billed directly to the
ser's account.
This billing system solves one of the
lost serious problems with the old sys-
im, ITD officials said. Previously,
sers could be cut off from basic ser-
ices if they ran out of money in their
PD accounts.
This became a problem for LSA
>phomore Andy Cho, who was denied
r rvices because he had used up
is $10 allocation.
641 print out like crazy,' Cho said. "it
as a problem at the end of last year"
To regain use of cancelled lTD ser-
ices for that month, users would have
visit an ITD office and deposit a
ieck in their account.
"Everybody wound up with more
ork to do," said Laurie Burns, ITD
See ITD, Page 2

By Stephanie Hepburn
Daily Staff Reporter
A 21-year-old student was sexually assaulted
Sunday evening at Nichols Arboretum after a
lone male perpetrator threatened her with a
knife. The woman spent the night in the hospital
due to injuries she received in the 8 p.m. attack.
Department of Public Safety spokesperson
Elizabeth Hall said she was unable to comment
about the case's specifics because the incident
is under investigation.
DPS classified the incident as a first-degree
sexual assault, which requires some sort of
penetration. The student spent the entire night
at the hospital due to injuries, none of which
were inflicted by the man's knife.
"She only received a small superficial cut
that may have come from the knife," Hall said.
The perpetrator, who DPS officials said
could still be in the area, was last seen on

foot. The perpetrator is a white male with a
medium complexion, DPS reports state.
The man is described as approximately
30 years old and between 5-foot-6 and 5-
foot-9 with a medium build, and light col-
ored hair. He was not wearing glasses and
did not have facial hair. He was wearing a
red-and-black checkered heavy shirt or
coat, blue jeans and a watch on his left
Hall said the arboretum is not a particularly
dangerous area, adding that only two criminal
sexual conducts have been reported to DPS
since the campus police force's inception.
"In 1989, there was a fourth-degree criminal
sexual conduct," Hall said. "In December of
1990, there was a first-degree criminal sexual
First- and third-degree sexual assault requires
penetration of some kind. Second- and fourth-

degree involve sexual contact.
The arboretum is a beat area for DPS offi-
cers, with patrols regularly going through the
premises. A blue emergency button and strobe
lights also are located by the stairs near the
Huron River in the Arb.
Hall said that DPS is "very concerned when
this happens to a member in the community."
"We will take whatever steps it takes to help
and to do whatever we can to prevent this type
of thing from happening again," she said.
Despite patrol and precautions, this incident
has brought to the forefront the danger that
such assaults can occur anywhere on campus,
said leaders of the University's Sexual Assault
Prevention and Awareness Center.
SAPAC advises students who have been sex-
ually assaulted after they contact SA PAC coun-
selors or call the crisis hotline.
See ASSAULT, Page 2

Sexual assault prevention
Be aware of your surroundings, of where you are and
who is with you. Stay alert to what is happening
around you, whether you are at home, at a friend's
houseor on the street. Lock your car and house doors.
U Believe that you never deserve to be raped. You have
the right to say "no" to a date, lover, spouse or any-
9 Practice punching, running, yelling and other ways to
fight off, an attacker. Imagine how you would success-
fully resist being raped. This will help prepare you to
fight off an attacker.
* For more information; call the University's Sexual
Assault Prevention and Awareness Center at 936-
3333, or the Asslult Crisis Center at 482-7273.

Source: Assault Cnsis Center

The aftermath
_> a 7 tThv-

discuss lawsuit

By Janet Adamy
and Jeffrey Kosseff
)aily Staff Reporters
Student leaders from opposite ends
of campus and the political spectrum
shared surprisingly similar views on
equality and diversity during a round-
table discussion held at the Michigan
Daily on Sunday.
The roundtable forum was an oppor-
tunity for students to voice their opin-
ions on the lawsuit filed last month that
challenges the use of affirmative action
in the University's admissions process.
Although the 10 student leaders from
various campus organizations had dif-
fering opinions on whether affirmative
action is the correct means by. which to
achieve diversity, all agreed that society
has not reached equality among the
"We need to have these ... measures
in place to combat the injustice that's
taken place in the past," said Lauren
Shubow, president of the LSA Student
While the students' views onaffir-
mative action differed widely, most
agreed the lawsuit was unavoidable.

"It was inevitable," said Michigan
Student Assembly Rep. David Burden,
adding that he would prefer the issue of
affirmative action to be dealt with by
voter referendum similar to California's
Proposition 209. "It's a debate that's
been brewing for a long time.
Even some adamant opponents of the
case that challenges the University's
affirmative action programs said the
lawsuit could have some benefits.
"To have it happen here, we have a
chance to turn it around," said Jessica
Curtin, a member of the Coalition to
Defend Affirmative Action By Any
Means Necessary (BAMN), pointing
out the large presence of minorities in
the Metro Detroit area. "They made a
big mistake by choosing Michigan."
Mark Potts, president of the campus
chapter of the College Republicans,
said the lawsuit will give the University
a chance to review its admissions pro-
"We shouldn't let our policies go
unchallenged for a long period of time"
Potts said. "Win or lose, I think this is
good whatever the consensus."

A carpet cleaner's truck sits outside University President Lee Bollinger's house yesterday morning, two days after Bollinger
invited more than 1,000 students into his house to celebrate the Michigan football team's victory over Penn State.

Colleges compare community relations

By Peter Meyers
Daily Staff Reporter
Two U.S. college towns are getting
together to discuss American college
town problems.
A delegation of 105 representatives
from Chapel Hill's city government,
business community and the University
of North Carolina will be in town
through tomorrow to talk with repre-
sentatives from the Ann Arbor City
Council, local leaders and the
University Director of Community
Relations Jim Kosteva said the expe-
dition has been in the works for two
years. One reason the event took so
long to get here was shifting leader-

ship at both universities, Kosteva
said. In the past two years, the
University acquired a new president,
and UNC chose a new chancellor.
Kosteva said that despite the flux of
personnel, the original goals of the con-
ference should not be affected.
"City and University cooperation is
at its heart," Kosteva said. "Wound
through the entire three-day dialogue
will be discussion of the city-university
The Chapel Hill community delega-
tion has made seven trips to other uni-
versity towns over the past decade,
Kosteva said. Past destinations have
included Lexington, Ky., Boulder, Col.,
and Palo Alto, Calif.

"City and university cooperation is
at its heart.3"
- Jim Kosteva
University director community relations

SMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - A
dge reduced Louise Woodward's
uxder conviction to manslaughter
nd set the English au pair free yester-
ay in hopes of bringing "a compas-
ionate conclusion" to a case that
hone a spotlight on everything from
vorking moms to the American legal
As the world watched, Judge Hiller
o sentenced Woodward to the 279
a served since her arrest last
ebruary in the death of 8-month-old
datthew Eappen.
The round-faced 19-year-old showed
o reaction in court. Her lawyers said
he would have no comment.
Hours earlier, the judge ruled that
he killed the baby by shaking him vio-
ently but that her actions did not con-
titute second-degree -murder because
h id not act with malice. Second-
ee murder carries a mandatory
entence of life in prison with the pcs-
ibility of parole after 15 years.
"In selecting the sentence here I do
ot denigrate Matthew Eappen's death
or his family's grief," Zobel said. But
e added: "It is, in my judgment, time
bring the judicial part of this extraor-

Kosteva said this year's fact-find-
ing mission will be a chance for the
Chapel Hill community to learn
about Ann Arbor's ways of doing
things, but that the Ann Arbor hosts
would also get ample opportunity to
learn from their visiting counter-
The most prominent impetus for this
meeting is a 1,000-acre gift of Chapel

Hill land to the University of North
Carolina. The land lies on the opposite
end of town from the present day cam-
"It may be a situation akin to our
North Campus about 30 years ago,'
Kosteva said. "I think we have lessons
we can share."
UNC also is interested in building a.
new venue for the performing arts sim-

ilar to the University's Power Center.
The University is also planning the
construction of another hall of this sort.
Susan Pollay, executive director of
the Ann Arbor Downtown
Development Authority, said city and
University officials are debating where
to put the University's new hall.
"It could be on campus, nestled into
the Frieze building," Pollay said. "Or it
could be on North Campus, to try to
get more people up there." The hall
could even be built off-campus, she
The two other major issues that
helped prompt the delegationĀ§ visit are
matters of sustainability and transporta-
See UNC, Page 7

'U' students teach
literature to prisoners

By Stephanie Hepburn
Daily Staff Reporter
Surrounded by barbed wire, Western Wayne
Prison stands alone and quiet as four women stu-
dents laden with pens, paper, sonnets by
Shakespeare and the Norton Anthology of Poetry
approach the prison to teach their weekly creative
writing class.
These students, who are enrolled in the Project
Community LSA class, work with inmates at various
local institutions, including the Washtenaw County
Juvenile Detention Center, Adrian County Jail and
Western Wayne Prison. The program is designed to
heighten the inmates' interest in education, while giv-
ing them a chance to express their emotions.
Inmates participate in activities that include cre-
ative writing workshops and instruction in job-

"We talk about emotional and personal things,"
Defor said. "Our debates are usually emotionally
charged. The fact that they are ex-cons gives them a
different perspective. The workshops give you an
opportunity to meet people you wouldn't normally
Inmates "really appreciate any learning struc-
ture," Defor added.
Mary Wright, a GSI for most of the Project
Community sections, said many students who par-
ticipate in the workshops are interested in a criminal
justice career.
"Students are introduced to the criminal justice
system in a practical way," Wright said. "The
workshops give students a chance to apply socio-
logical theories about crime through readings and
experience together. Working with prisoners, they


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