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November 10, 1997 - Image 14

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-11-10

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66 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - November 10, 1997

Blue women win weekend toumey
By David DenHerder Ten, 4-0 overall) won only three of the backstroke with two second-place fin- that they will match up well in thc esen.
Daily Sports Wrter 15 individual events. Sophomore ishes, and sophomore Hanna Shin fin- as the season progresses.
The Michigan women's swimming Shannon Shakespeare won the individ- ished second to Minnesota's T.D. Rowe "People come out at the end of 4ho
and diving team passed its first test of ual medley and senior Talor Bendel cap- in the one-meter spring board. season like you wouldn't believe,"
the season this weekend, dunking three tured top honors in the 200-yard Surprisingly, this team is not consid- Fraumann said. "I am very confident iII
teams at the Minnesota Quad-Dual freestyle. ered to be as deep as in years past. our breast strokers."
Invitational. Freshman standout Kasey Harris won "Really, we don't have as much depth This meet also showcased L1lotg
In head-to-head competition, the the 200 butterfly and finished second in this year, but there are areas at the standing tradition in Big Ten svomen's
Wolverines outscored Northwestern, the 200 free to ice a 1-2 Michigan finish NCAA level where we will be excep- swimming and diving - sportsganrship,.
228-1 14, and North Carolina, 192-161. in the event. tional," Richardson said. As the old saying goes, fit's 0
The true competition came from last "We knew Kasey would be good Richardson said that the team showed whether you win or lose, but how you:
year's Big Ten runner-up, Minnesota, when we recruited her," Michigan coach excellent potential in the freestyle, and play the game, and Big Ten teams se-m
which came within one point of the Jim Richardson said. "She will swim he said he expects the medley rlay to be to exemplify this statement well.
Wolverines, 177-176. well in season, and will also be very competitive at the end of the season. "There's a very high level of mutual
"Considering all the hard training good at the end of the season." One of Michigan's few concerns, respect in this conference," Richardson
we've been through this week, I thought The Wolverines demonstrated their however, still lies with the breaststroke said. "Other coaches are alsays very
we swam very well," senior co-captain strength in freestyle with victories in the events. Despite a 3-4 finish in the 100 supportive of swimmers on other teums
Ellen Fraumann said. 400 and 800 free relays, and a close sec- breast, the Wolverines failed to crack the Michigan will have two weeks to pre-
Despite sweeping all three teams in ond-place finish in the 200 free relay. top five in the 200 breast. pare before it hosts conference rival Pent
the final standings, Michigan (2-0 Big Senior Linda Riker was strong in the Still, the Wolverines have confidence State at Canham Natatorium.

Michigan sophomore Shannon Shakespeare won the individual medley in this
weekend's Minnesota Quad-Dual Invitational.

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M' falls
to Texas'
in annual
By Chad Kujala
Daily Sports Writer
The Michigan men's swimting
and diving team traveled to Autin,
Texas, this weekend to renew an,
annual clash of powerhouses.
The showdown between Michi*,
and'Texas has become a fierce battle
between two top-five teams in recent
Although the Wolverines were
able to come out on top the past two
seasons, the Longhorns eded I te
streak by winning a nail-bier. on
This dual meet was reminiscentft
the last victory by Texas osu,
Michigan in 1994. The Longho*
prevailed it another downto-the-
wire meet winning, 125-118.-:
This year's meet saw Texas (2-1)'
pull out a victory by seven }points
again, 124-117. The win pulled Texas'
closer to evening out the all-time sor
between the two schools. Michigan
leads the all-time series 4-3.
"It was a close meet and there
were a lot of close races, and that's
the way dual meets should be," T>
coach Eddie Reese said.
Michigan (1-1) was able to stay
close despite winning only fiveof
the 13 events. Tom Malchow led the
Wolverines with two of the f've
first-place finishes.
Malehow won the 200-meter
freestyle (1:53.62) and the 200-
meter butterfly (2:01.23). Senior
captain Owen von Richter finished-
second behind Malchow in the bO
Von Richter continued a success-,
ful day by adding a victory in the
200-meter individual medley, finish-
ing with a time of 2:06.64.
Senior Ryan Papa also scored, a,
win for the Wolverines, finishing
first in the 200-meter breast-stroke.
Papa didn't just beat the average
competition, however. He finished
ahead of Texas' Neil Walker, t
1997 NCAA champion in thl..1
yard breast stroke.
The Wolverines final and most-
dominating performance came in the:
200-meter breast stroke.' -
In the final individual even of he
meet, Michigan swimmers finished
in the top three spots. Fres imah-
Scott Werner won the event, three
seconds ahead of teammate
Francisco Suriano Siu, a 19
Olympian for El Salvad
Sophomore Scott Meyer completed'
the Michigan sweep after finishing
The one-two-three sweep by the-
Wolverines in the last individual'
event in the meet gave them achance-
to pull out the victory.
In the end, however, the:
Longhorns were too tough i ithe
relay events. p
Texas won the 400-meter medlv
relay, the first event of the meet.
Michigan's team of Papa, Werner,:
Derya Buyukuneu and Malchow fin-
ished four seconds behind the'

After Michigan's sweep in the 200.
breast stroke, the Longhof"fok
lowed with a sweep of their on.
Texas finished the meet by placing
two teams in front of Michigan
the 400-meter freestyle relay.
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