4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 10, 1997 ue Bibigun &ulg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the R.$ 4. . z ' t r: JosH WHITE Editor in Chief ERIN MARSH Editorial Page Editor University of Michigan Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily FROM THE DAILY The gitt of ifen Minorities should register for marrow donation NOTABLE QUOTABLE 'Lee Bollinger is in for life with this stunt.' - Music School senior Jason Tuttle, expressing his approval of University President Lee Bollinger s decision to open up his house to more than 1,000 celebrating students Saturday night JORDAN YOUNG 2 -t VIEWPOINT Celebration brout out best in U Read my lips: I'll be the next Jimmy Carter Bone marrow transplants have cured thousands of patients who would have been labeled "terminal" only a few years ago. But some minority patients are unlike- ly to benefit from this monumental medical advancement. Bone marrow recipients must find a donor whose marrow closely mirrors their own, and outside of immediate family, the best chance of a match comes within one's own racial or ethnic group. But minorities compose only 16 percent of the nation's 2,790,000 registered donors. Next week, the National Blood Marrow Donor Program is sponsoring a minority blood marrow drive on campus in efforts to allevi- ate this shortage. Students should consider signing up as potential donors - all it takes is a few minutes of time and two tablespoons of blood. Normally, patients in need of transplants have a 75 percent chance of finding a match, but for minorities this number drops dramat- ically. Minorities needing organ or marrow transplants often must wait twice as long as whites. It is not uncommon to see widely publicized donor searches in the local news, but their chance of success is unpredictable. The black community, with only 216,000 of the registered donors, faces the greatest dif- ficulties finding donor matches. The NBMDR is working relentlessly to increase the size of the national bone marrow donor registry, and these efforts must continue, especially for minority groups. Since NBMDP's inception in 1986, more than 18,000 bone marrow transplants have been performed. The procedure gives a 40 to 60 percent chance of survival to patients suf- fering from leukemia and 60 other formerly fatal diseases. Marrow recipients are first given chemotherapy to kill their own dis- I eased marrow, and shortly thereafter, doc- tors give patients new marrow from a donor. Donors have the potential to save patients, but before signing up for the registry, they should consider the ramifications - mar- row donation is a painful procedure. If a registered donor is matched with a recipient, they are contacted and urged to donate, unless they are gravely ill or face other extenuating circumstances. The pro- cedure requires a three-day hospital stay, and up to a week of recovery time. Doctors usually anesthetize donors and extract 5 percent of their marrow, from the rear of their pelvic bone. But no permanent harm is done - the marrow regenerates within a short period of time, and the operation involves minimal risk. While this is a diffi- cult operation, potential donors should remember to put it in perspective - a week of discomfort can give a recipient many years of life. It is not clear why minorities are under- represented among registered bone marrow donors. Perhaps there are certain religious or cultural considerations - but it is more likely that there has been insufficient out- reach into minority communities. NBMDP has taken stock of these problems, and is increasing efforts to put more minorities on its donor roles. Normally, it costs individuals $45 to join the marrow registry, but at next week's cam- pus-wide bone marrow drive, registration will be free. Interested individuals can reg- ister from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday at the Michigan Union, Tuesday at the Medical Center and Wednesday at Pierpont Commons on North Campus. Minorities should strongly consider registering; thou- sands of lives hang in the balance. BY JODI S. COHEN, JEFF ELDRIDGE AND WILL WEISSERT Students screamed from the top steps of the president's house. They stood on top of desks in the Law Library. They cheered from the top of planters, garbage cans and cars on South University. They screamed "Go Blue" at the top of their lungs. They were on top of the world. One student proclaimed Saturday night as "the most memorable day of my college years" while another said he'd "never been prouder.' The victory celebration Saturday evening went beyond the usual post-game excite- ment. Streets flowed with maize and blue. And it didn't take long until throngs of euphoric fans settled into one location. With the magnetism reminiscent of a more idealis- tic era, fans surged toward the residence of University President Lee Bollinger to pat him on the back and squeeze his shoulders. They roared for several deafening minutes as he bran- dished a single rose high over- head and declared, "This is the best university in the world:' The 12th University president opened his arms - and the doors of his house - so the crowd of about 1,000 could go inside. But the fans never got out of hand. Sure, they screamed in the stuffy' Law Library and blocked traffic on South University. The white carpet in the president's house is a little gray and a few hard-core studiers might have been both- ered by the noise, but there was no harm done in Ann Arbor from the "riots.b The scene was jubilant, hopeful and well-behaved. Indeed, the atmosphere Saturday evening stood in con- trast to celebrations at other large universities. No couches burned, as they did at Michigan State University this past September when the school's football team beat Western Michigan. Inside the fraternity- party sceneof the president's house, beers were spilled - and cleaned up with shirts. Cigarettes were extinguished outside the front door. Sure, there were those who went into his bedroom or stole Bass beer from his fridge, but they also filed out when Jean Magnaro asked them to leave. Here at Michigan, students knew to put the excitement into perspective. Nobody wanted to trash the house. Fans only wanted to squeeze inside to add a postscript to the his- toric game by signing the pres- ident's guestbook. The one student who "puked" on, the president's lawn saw the moment as a chance to hug the president and say "it's all better because I puked with the president." Police stood nearby in case the celebration got out of hand - but no inter- ference was needed. Instead, everyone just want- ed to enjoy the moment. In a university of thousands, it can be hard to feel a sense of unity. But as the crowd on one side of the library shouted "Go" and the other side shouted "Blue," the cheers seemed louder than any during recent years at Michigan Stadium. There could have been 100 people in the library. Perhaps ,000. It doesn't really matter, because it seemed like the entire student body was there. From the beginning celebra- tion on South University, through the president's house, into the Law Quad and onto the steps of the Union, it was the way Michigan is supposed to be. It's how you imagine Ann Arbor when you're a little kid and you see the students cheering on TV It's how you imagine the students would react after a big win. "Look at this school spirit," one student said, pointing to the screaming fans on the steps of the Michigan Union. "Can you say anything more?" First-year students and seniors alike chanted about going to Pasadena and about being the best in the land. They carried roses, cow bells and large Michigan flags. Students rushed out of the bars - not into them - to celebrate together. They ran to the one place that symbolizes the entire university - the presi- dent's house. Their joy unabated, their wonder and energy striking - the student response went beyond what had happened at a football game in Happy Valley just moments before. They were all University students - they were all on top of the world. The whole event came and went in less than an hour, but as students began to stream out from the same house they had strained to get into, their grins were as wide as Angell Hall's pillars. Parts of Bollinger's house will have to be cleaned but the words titling the Nov. 8 page in his guestbook - "The Destruction of Penn State" - and the flood of names now penned on that page will remind the University of this occasion for years to come. It was about more than just winning a game. It was about maize-and-blue fans screaming together: "It's great .:. to be... a Mich-i-gan Wolverine." And it is. - Cohen, Eldridge and Weissert are Daily news edi- tors. They can be reached over e-mail at cohenjs@umich.edu, jeldridg@umich.edu and wcw@umich.edu. U ntil just recently, I was a typical college senior - fed up with classwork, desperate to find a post- graduate occupation and totally clue- less as to what to do about any of it. And then I turned on CNN. In front of my eyes the unthinkable was occurring: the dedication of the George Herbert Walker Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas. It seems everyone has apparently forgotten George Bush's true roots: a native New JSU Englander who RIH went to YaleR A University, Bush TRIVIAL has probably spent PURSUITS more time walk- ing his late dog Millie than living in the Lone Star state. Nevertheless, all the old boys were there. Gerry, Jimmy, George and Bill. They were grinning and shaking hands. They took turns cracking witty sweet nothings to the press corps comments that would surely sound dumb and insensitive were they not said by former Commanders-in-Chief. That's the job for me, I thought. Ex- President of the United States. It would be perfect: safer than being the president, much more fun, no one to yell at me, memoirs to publish, his- tory books to watch myself enter, photo opportunities with the other liv- ing members of my exclusive club, boards of directors of public interest firms to sit on and lots and lots and lots of money to make. But please, don't get me wrong. I have no interest in becoming the actu- al president; I think it is one of the worst jobs anyone could have. AndI have absolutely no chance of getting elected until my beloved hometown of Washington, D.C., becomes a state (which is to say that I am positive that I will never get the job). Still, being an ex-president would be pretty nice. About five years after I would have left office, once everyone has forgotten what a schmuck I was and how I led the nation into the ground, I would have a monument built to myself - a library that would return me to the spotlight I once hated as much as broccoli. From then on I could attempt to revise history so that I may die clinging to a shred of digni- ty. Even Richard Nixon was able to do that without getting caught. I know that I would be the perfect ex-president because, since I will have never held the office of chief execu- tive, I, like George Bush, will have done nothing while in office. Already, I deserve a library more than he does: Bush was president for 1,461 days, and he has an $80 million library in his "honor" to show for it. That's $54,757 per day in office. I'd say I'm worth at least $55,000. Of course, I'm sure Bush's library is filled with some great stuff, like pho- tos of him and his grandchildren, him and Newt Gingrich, and him giving the Skull and Bones secret handshake to an old Yale buddy. Lest we forget that in four years all the guy could accomplish was theAmericanswith Disabilities Act, a depression and a botched war. (Isn't it funny that Bush re-emerges at the same time that his old enemy Saddam Hussein is getting antsy again!) As I see it, being an ex-president is a position that requires no interview, no application and no dreaded resume or cover letter. Ex-presidents don't need to apply for their jobs, they just grow into them.Justassk Ronal~d eangan:h started acting as an ex-president back in 1983. Speaking out Clinton must support the gay community O ver the weekend, President Bill Clinton became the first sitting pres- ident to speak at a gay-rights event - a significant move in support of the gay community. The Human Rights Campaign's annual gala, consisting of 1,500 activists, is the nation's largest gay and lesbian political event, and the presi- dent's visit inspired intense emotion and controversy. Several gay-rights groups, such as the Detroit-based Triangle Foundation, came out in strong support of the president and the human rights work he has done, while other groups, like Act Up Washington, who feel the president betrayed them, protested his appearance. In addition, con- servative organizations, such as the Family Research Council, question Clinton's rela- tionship with the gay community and claim that his address at the gala shows that he is ignoring Americans who morally object to homosexual lifestyles. The president's visit has sparked great debate about gay rights. Much of the attention has focused on what Clinton has done for the gay community and whether he has fulfilled his campaign promises. On the positive side, Clinton has undoubtedly been the most gay-friendly leader to ever hold the Oval Office. Some of his progres- sive efforts include appointing gays and lesbians to high-level government posi- tions, changing a security clearance policy that previously did not allow access because of lifestyle, making persecution based on sexual preference a qualification for political asylum and supporting a national law that would prohibit employ- ment discrimination based on a person's sexual orientation. The president has made a sincere effort, but he has failed to give gays and lesbians equal rights during his five years in office. A significant disappointment was the enactment of his "don't ask don't tell" pol- icy for gays in the military - a policy that forces gay military enlistees and officers to live their lives in silence and fear. Also, Clinton has made no improvements in the establishment of legal same-sex mar- riages. Most important, Clinton has not made enough efforts to include gays in nationwide laws anti-discriminatory laws. Clinton wields a tremendous amount of power, and he has a vast array of available resources - he must use his influence more effectively in enacting legislation that gives the gay and lesbian community equality. In addition, Clinton is in his sec- ond term of office, freeing him from polit- ical pressure tied to his re-election; he should not let popular conservative stances influence his policies any longer. Clinton made only half a statement by showing up at the Human Rights Campaign gala. It is his duty to do more for this persecuted community. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Poll authors must* draft questions carefully To THE DAILY: I was interested to see that somebody in MSA, Rep. David Burden, is interested in finding out how students truly feel on the issue of affirmative action. I would welcome a student opinion poll as a sign to the begin- ning of intelligent debate on the issue. However, it should be noted that the authors of such questions have the power to make the poll results support their opinion, whatever that might be. For example, if the question Such a complex issue deserves a carefully written question, or questions, that truly aim at uncovering the student opinion, not promot- ing political agendas. TODD SZYMCZAK ENGINEERING SENIOR Album review was poorly written TO THE DAILY: I am writing my opinions regarding the Shootyz Groove album review by Sharad J. Khemam (11/4/97). It was poorly written, opin- ionated, ignorant and unin- formed. Shootyz Groove is not a "young band," but Website. (http://www.papil- lion.ne.us/-npaul/shootyz/), he could have written a more truthful review. The reviewer says that Shootyz Groove should stop touring with 311, yet the band has not toured with 311 since 1996. The reviewer also compares Shootyz Groove with 311 many times throughout the article, yet these comparisons reveal the author knows little about the music and style of 311. The only thing 311 has in common with Shootyz Groove is the number of members in the band. The reviewer suggests that Shootyz Groove should "lose the cockiness," but I have met all the members of Shootyz Groove and they are sincere, friendly and enjoy performing for their fans. Maybe next time, the review- Considering my predecessors' trac records, I know I'm the perfect can di- date. I've already got my path to the ex- presidency planned to a tee. All I have to do is grow old, become slightly more conservative, get mean and ugly and learn how to hit a golf ball, and the job will be mine. As an ex-president, I would serve my favorite constituent: me. Accordingly, many former presidents have spent the time quite well. George Washington got to ride horses and speak at the ded- ication of a few cider mills and black- smith shops before keeling over while frolicking in the snow. Thomas Jefferson spent the time inventing new gadgets and impregnating the ladies of the house. Lyndon Baines Johnson got to fish and use profanity whenever he damn well pleased. Gerald Ford, when he's not tripping over his own shadow, gets to be the only human being not immediately associated with the Michigan Athletic Department to have access to Wolverine football practices. 0I How TO CONTACT THEM WALTER HARRISON VICE PRESIDENT FOR UNIVERSITY RELATIONS 9090 Fi MIN II