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November 10, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-11-10

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One hundred seven years of editorzuilfreedom

November 10, 1997


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takes over
No. 1 spot
in AP poll.
John Lerol
Daily Sports Editor
STATE COLLEGE -The implica-
tions of Michigan's domination of
previously unbeaten Penn State reach
far beyond the Big Ten standings. The
Wolverines jumped three spots in the
Associated Press top 25 poll and own
the poll's No. I ranking for the first
time since Oct. 1990.

Wolverines annihilate Penn State
to take lead in race to Rose Bowl

By Daniel- Rumr.
Daily Sports Editor
STATE COLLEGE - Chants of "It's
great to be a Michigan Wolverine!" bel-
lowed from the winners' lockerroom
after yester-
Michigan 34 day's game,
as silence
Penn State 8 and disap-
- pointment
seeped from the Penn State side.
The game between undefeated
Michigan and Penn State for control of
the Big Ten was anticipated to be the best
matchup in. the country, but sometimes
expectations fall short of reality.
Behind a dominant offensive line and
stellar defensive performance, No. 4
Michigan (6-0 Big Ten, 9-0 overall)
rolled to a convincing 34-8 victory over
No. 2 Penn State (4-1, 7-1) in front of a

record crowd of 97,498 at Beaver
Stadium on Saturday night.
The victory, Michigan's first over Penn
State in the past three tries, made the
Wolverines the lone undefeated team in
the Big Ten, gave them the lead in the
Rose Bowl race and sent them to No. 1 in
the Associated Press poll for the first
time since 1990.
"Honestly, it wasn't easy. It was a
matter of preparation," Michigan safety
Marcus Ray said. "You watch our
offensive line, the guys up front -
they dominated. If our offense contin-
ues to play like that, we'll be very, very
Michigan dominated the Nittany
Lions from the opening drive to the end
of the game, due in large part to a
renewed offense. The Wolverines cut
down on the turnovers and penalties

that have ailed them throughout the sea-
son to turn in their best offensive per-
formance to date.
"It was the best performance we had
at Michigan in a long time;" Michigan
coach Lloyd Carr said.
Michigan quarterback Brian Griese,
who paced the Wolverines with short
pass patterns, passed for 151 yards and
two touchdowns while running backs
Chris Howard and Anthony Thomas
and fullback Chris Floyd combined to
add finesse and power to the rushing
attack. In total, the three backs account-
ed for 195 of the Wolverines 265 rush-
ing yards and added two touchdowns.
But the story of the day was again
Michigan's defense, which entered the
game ranked No. 1 in the nation.
Yesterday, with the exception of a
See GAME, Page 7A

rhe pols
The complete
A Pand USA
Coaches Poll.
Page 2B.

Michigan was
ranked second
in the USA
coaches poll,
surpassed only
by Florida State,
who trounced
then-No. in
North Carolina,

Michigan's Charles Woodson is mobbed by his teammates after scoring the
Wolverines' second touchdown in Michigan's 34-8 victory over Penn State.

Students rock

20-3, in Chapel Hill, N.C., Saturday
Undefeated Nebraska dropped
rom the top spot in both polls after
needing overtime to edge unranked
Missouri, 45-38. The Cornhuskers
slipped to No. 3 and Penn State to No.
6 in both polls.
"Right now, Michigan has the best
defense in the country and one of the
hottest offenses," said Jim Cnockaert
of the Ann Arbor News, who voted
Michigan No. I in this week's AP
"Lloyd Carr said all season that as
soon as they cut down on their mis-
takes, their offense would be great,"
Cnockaert said. "Nobody's stopped
Michigan except themselves, but that
performance Saturday was amazing."
It is not unusual for a team to lose
its No. -1ranking after a poor perfor-
mance, even after winning. - The
Nittany Lions dropped to No. 2 in
&th polls after a sub-par effort
'gainst Minnesota. The next week,
Penn State slipped to No. 3 in the
coaches poll after squeaking by
With Florida State occupying the
No. 2 spot in that poll last week, it's
no surprise that the Seminoles are the
See POLL, Page 7A

Bollinger s


in surprise party
By Heather Kamins
and Peter Romer-Friedman
Daily Staff Reporters
University President Lee Bollinger sat on his bed watching
the Michigan-Penn State game with his wife Saturday night
when more than 1,000 University students hurdled his bushes,
climbed the trees, crammed onto his lawn and began scream-
ing his name.
As the crowd mounted the steps of the white house shout-
ing "we want Lee," Bollinger emerged and invited the stu-
dents in - making the President's house the home of the
largest post-game party on campus.
"You can stay here as long as you want and come inside,'
Bollinger said, hugging and embracing students in celebra-
tion of the Michigan victory.
The swarm of students pushed through the small door of 815
South University Ave. Hundreds of students packed into every
room of the house, including Bollinger's bedroom, living room
and study.
Kinesiology sophomore Bob Lehrer made himself at home
in Bollinger's bedroom.
"I sat on Lee Bollinger's bed and was watching football on
TV' Lehrer said. "I called from his phone to my answering
machine and left a message. He gave me a hug and on the
See FANS, Page 7A

Students surround University President Lee Bollinger at a wild, but brief, post-game celebration. Bollinger invited more than 1,000 people into his
home on South University after a group of students gathered on his lawn. "This Is the best university in the world," Bollinger said.

togresponse to
Iraq needed
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON - President Clinton said yes-
terday that the United States will seek a "very
strong and unambiguous" response from the U.N.
Security Council to compel Iraq to give free pas-
sage to international inspectors charged with pre-
venting President Saddam Hussein's government
*m developing weapons of mass destruction.
Clinton, appearing on yesterday's broadcast of
NBC's "Meet the Press," said that France, Russia
and Arab nations - who before the latest con-
frontation had balked at U.S. efforts to tighten
sanctions on Iraq - should now realize that they
"have a huge stake in not allowing (Saddam) to
develop weapons of mass destruction"
In Baghdad, Saddam made a public statement
that, while opaque in its meaning, suggested he is
unyielding. Appearing on Iraqi television, he said
0 country has "to choose between sacrifice or
slavery," and that people must decide "to live hon-
orably and with dignity or to face all the possibili-
The latest Iraq conflict began late last month
after Saddam's government blocked the U.N.
Special Commission (UNSCOM) charged with
ensuring that Iraq does not develop chemical, bio-



Clinton supports 'U' race-relations

S Baghdad
SA,,1) ''> IRAQ
1&0 miles 1
100 km KL'ViI-


veillance planes flown by the United States on
assignment for the United Nations are scheduled to
resume flying, despite threats from the Iraqi gov-
ernment that they risk being shot down. Clinton
said such attempts "would be a big mistake" that
would invite a U.S. military response: "We will not
tolerate his efforts to murder our pilots."
Barring such an incitement by Iraq, however,
U.S. officials said their efforts are focused on this
week's meetings in New York. Senior Clinton offi-
cials said they had been working feverishly over
the weekend, phoning counterparts in various
world capitals, to ensure that Iraq is presented with
a common front at the Security Council - ending
what hopes Saddam may have entertained about
exploiting a rift.
So far the administration has shed little light on
what measures it thinks can both win support
among allies and be sufficiently punitive to force
Saddam to allow the inspection team to resume its
"At a moment like this, it's very important that
the president maintain all options and signal none:'
f' linasAcnil n n..nrnnoi tn AC0., ,44A0,,asn, n,

By Jeffrey Kosseff The Ini
Daily Staff Reporter Communil
The University's affirmative action pro- effort to{
grams have recently come under attack, but at boundaries
least one important figure, President Clinton, seminars t
has given praise to a University race-relations "Studen
program. pared to
As part of Clinton's Initiatives on Race, the Assistant
White House Website named 14 "Promising Education
Practices" that are designed to improve race sor. "Stud
relations and build a sense of national unity. to negotiat
The University's Program on Intergroup ways."
Relations, Conflict and Community is one of In additi
just two higher education programs featured tices, Clint
on the Website. problems a
"There is a true effort for diversity in this pro- forum will
gram," said David Chai, a staffer in Clinton's "yet-to-be-
Initiative on Race office. "Their operations are Chai wo
all ways that we thought were extremely posi- will be the
tive. Managed conflict is very important." "It's not
Brecak Away
dras aCtivists
By Peter Romer-Friedman
Daily Staff Reporter
For the first time ever, representatives from 63 schools
and 21 states congregated on the University campus this
weekend to celebrate and promote the future of alternative
spring break programs.
More than 300 people arrived in Ann Arbor to attend
Break Away's Fourth National Conference, marking the first
time the conference has moved from the organization's
national headquarters at Vanderbilt University. The
TIni~ct' Prni~rt ,. rvp nrteA t rn.ni,,. Crino nkp,

tergroup Relations, Conflict and
ty program began in 1988, as an
open dialogue between cultural
s. The program offers classes and
hat foster discussion between races.
nts who participate are well pre-
work in a diverse society," said
LSA Dean for Undergraduate
David Schoem, an IRCC profes-
ents are much more ready and able
te conflict situations in constructive
ion to naming the 14 promising prac-
on is holding town meetings on race
across the country. Chai said the first
1 take place Wednesday, Dec. 3, in a
named" location in the Midwest.
ould not speculate if the University
site of the meeting.
ruled out, but I don't know if it is a

definite possibility," Chai said.
Chai said the list that names IRCC is the
first of many ways the Clinton
Administration will recognize efforts across
the country.
At the University, there are three types of
IRCC classes: first-year seminars, which
enroll about 250 students per year and focus
on research and dialogue about racial and eth-
nic differences; intergroup dialogue classes;
and upper-level seminars.
Many students who participated in IRCC
classes said they benefitted from the experience.
"It was an excellent class:' said LSA sopho-
more Heather Pacini. who took an IRCC class
in Fall 1996. "It really opened my eyes up to
different cultures."
For her final project, Pacini wrote a term
paper about how to improve race relations on
See CLINTON, Page 2A


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