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September 04, 1997 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-09-04

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The Michigan Daily -Thursday, September 4, 1997 - 5A

America Reads to start at U'

By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
Data entry and phone answering are no longer the only
options for University students who participate in work-.
study programs.
The University is now among more than 700 universi-
nationwide participating in the America Reads
alenge. An initiative heavily promoted by Sen. Carl
Levin (D-Mich.), the program provides grants that pay for
work-study students to teach the fundamentals of reading
in elementary schools.
"The program is really taking off," said Diane Jones,
communications director of the national America Reads
Challenge in Washington, D.C. "We've gotten a tremen-
dous response from colleges across the country."
University students will tutor kindergartners and first
graders at two Ann Arbor elementary schools and three in
Vllow Run, a town 10 miles from Ann Arbor.
arolyn Schrodel, the America Reads Challenge coordi-
nator at the University, said she screened more than 120
applicants for the 85 available positions. Many of the stu-
dents, she said, are interested in pursuing a career in teach-
"The students are very excited to begin," Schrodel said.
After eight hours of training, the students will tutor the
elementary school children twice a week in two-hour ses-
sions. The work-study students will continue to be trained
throughout the school year.
Ahe tutoring will be individualized, Schrodel said, and
ut 170 elementary school children will be involved in
the program.
In future years, she said, America Reads will expand at
the University.
"The program will grow both with the number of stu-

dents and the number of areas we service," Schrodel said.
To fully meet the goals of the America Reads Challenge,
however, the number of University students participating
would have to grow to half of all work study students,
which would be 1,500.
Some work-study students said that tutoring children
would be an interesting way to earn money.
"That would be a lot of fun," said LSA Senior Jeremy
Schroeder, a work-study student who currently works as a
library assistant at the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library.
In addition to providing community service, Schrodel
said the work- study students will benefit from the experi-
"It will enhance their own education through their com-
mitment," she said. "It's a win-win situation for everyone."
Levin said it is important that the University participates
in the initiative.
"The U of M is a great role model," Levin said. "If it
carries through here, it will set a wonderful example."'
Some experts questioned the potential effectiveness of
the tutoring program.
The outcome of the tutoring "depends on the training
the college students receive before they tutor," said G.
Reid Lyon, chief of the Learning Disabilities, Cognitive
and Social Development Branch of the National Institute
of Health. Lyon has done extensive research on developing
reading skills.
"If people who are working with kids are not prepared,"
Lyon said, "it will not work."
Lyon said he is skeptical about the eight hours of train-
ing the students will receive before they begin tutoring.
"There's a lot to be learned about developmental read-
ing skills, and eight hours is a very short period in which
to learn them," Lyon said.

Continued from Page 1A
Development and the Howard Hughes
Medical Institute.
Omenn served as a White House
Fellow at the Atomic Energy
Commission under Presidents Nixon and
Ford. He was the associate director of the
Office of Management and Budget from
1977-1981. He also servedas chair ofthe
Presidential/Congressional Commission
on Risk Assessment and Risk
Bollinger said Omenn was selected
over finalists Joel Kaplan, chair of
anesthesiology at Mount Sinai
Hospital in New York, and Jack Stobo,
former chair of internal medicine at
Johns Hopkins University. Stobo was
recently named president of the
University of Texas at Galveston.
Engineering Dean Stephen Director,
a search committee member, said
Omenn will facilitate collaboration
between schools and departments that
interact with the University Hospitals.
"I think he's well qualified for the
job, Director said. "What he brings is

not only intellectual spirit, but also
interdisciplinary experience that will
work well with interacting between the
different disciplines across campus."
The job won't be simple, however.
In recent years, the Medical Center
has been finding ways to implement
$200 million in budget cuts, due to
high patient costs and the rise of
Health Maintenance Organizations.
The University now will begin
searching for ways to cut the final $70
million from the budget. Hospital
officials said this requires that the
University take new steps to down-
size. Several options have been con-
sidered, including privatization and
collaboration with other hospitals.
"Omenn has very important goals,
externally and internally," Wicha said.
"He has to make decisions about the
future of the health center..
"Internally, he needs to work on the
clinical program, the teaching program
and the research program, as well as
other units within the University* He
will have to look at appointing a dean to
the medical school and a CEO of the

Omenn's biography:
Earned B.A. from Princeton
University, M.D. from Harvard
University and Ph.D. in genetics
from University of Washington.
8 White House Fellow at the Atomic
Energy Commission under presidents
Nixon and Ford.
2 Associate director of the Office of
Management and Budget from 1977-
1 Chair of the
Commission on Risk Assessment
and Risk management.
2 Widely published on issues of
chemoprevention of cancers, risk
analysis, and the genetic
predisposition to environmental and
occupational hazards.
2 Dean of University of
Washington's School of Public
Health and Community Medicine.

m v

Continued from Page IA
decided to enroll in the course after
to his thesis adviser, who told Das
that studying with Bollinger would be "a
once-in-a-lifetime experience."
"How often do you get to rub elbows
with the president of the University?"
Das said.
John Jackson, chair of the political
science department, said he is pleased
that Bollinger decided to teach the
*I think everyone in the department
is very excited," Jackson said. "He is an
excellentprofessor and is an expert in
the field. I think this is great for the stu-
Some students have already invested
significant time in preparing for the
course! LSA senior Robert Wollin read
one of Bollinger's books during the
sumner to get a leg up on his class-
Iread ... 'Images of a Free Press'
r the summer," Wollin said. "I
found it very stimulating. I enjoyed
reading President Bollinger's ideas of
how the different types of press are

treated differently under the First
Amendment. But I was disappointed,
because I was trying to get a head start
on the course by reading the book, but
then I found out that Bollinger chose
to use his other book, 'The Tolerant
Bollinger has not yet scheduled reg-
ular office hours with students.

LSA senior Angelo Kontos said he
was excited to have the chance to
meet the president and intends to
make office hour plans with
"I'll probably go to (office hours)
once just to meet him" Kontos said. "I
think it is really good that he is teach-

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