Th.. 1#A*.-I.;,c-- r%-;I- T..^^A,%ti Illntrnrrtl nr A 1007 - '4 Suspect steals CDs; partiers allow suspect A homeowner in the 500 block of Linden Street found two dead-bolted doers kicked in early Saturday morn- ing, Ann Arbor Police Department reports state. The man found a suspect hiding in one of the upstairs bedroom's closet, at which point the suspect handed the musical selections to the homeowner, saying "hold these." V/hen the homeowner asked the sus- pect to wait for the police, the suspect punched him in the jaw and fled, according to AAPD reports. Several partygoers noticed the sus- pect leaving the house and followed him to the 1500 block of Washtenaw Avenue, where he was arrested by AAPD officers. The suspect was arraigned yesterday after being detained in the Washtenaw Onty Jail AAPD officials say the kicked-in bedroom doors can result in a 'breaking and entering charge, even though the the suspect did not break into the house. Woman living in 'U' building An employee in the Student ivities Building called the partment of Public Safety on Friday morning to report that a woman was residing in the atrium of the building. The caller said that the woman had left several bags in the entrance area of the building, which houses many University offices, including the Office of Admissions. The caller requested that DPS Icers remove the woman's ongings and place them in a safe place until the woman returned. After combing the building, the offi- cers did not come across the woman or her bags. Wallet, credit cards stolen from Tisch Hall A woman called DPS on Thursday night to report that her wallet was missing after she had been in Tisch Hall. While the woman was cancelling her credit cards, someone attempted to withdraw money from an ATM pMachine with her card, DPS reports state. PPS has no suspects and is currently estigating the case. E-mail message details explicit Websites A woman who teaches at Washtenaw Community College reported to DPS on Thursday that she received a harass- *e-mail message detailing a list of pIt Websites that use explicit lan- age. The woman said she believed the e- mail .came from a student who she tured over to a WCC dean recently for mentioning an offensive Website dur- ing her class. n There was no return e-mail address listed on the message. DPS officers addressed the situa- by providing the caller with liter- ature from the University's Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center. - Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter Alice Robinson. LoCAL/STATE Teichigan Daiy - iuesN i Programs target alcohol awareness, risks I-- .3 By Debra Hirschfield For the Daily Recent alcohol-related deaths on college cam- puses across the country make this year's Alcohol Awareness Week especially relevant for University students. Marsha Benz, University Health Service health education coordinator, said the death of two col- lege students from excessive alcohol use at Louisiana State University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology this fall should be an eye- opener for college students. "It is disturbing how it happens once and then it occurs again," Benz said. "Didn't anyone pay attention?" This week's events, sponsored by UHS, the Substance Abuse Education Network and the Michigan State Medical Society, aim to increase awareness of the physical and legal risks that accompany alcohol use. The programs are designed to increase student understanding of the effects of alcohol use and to offer tips on moderation. Benz said these alcohol-related deaths continue because students do not pay attention to the poten- tial deadliness of alcohol use. "Alcohol can be lethal," she said. "We try to get the message out, but not everyone hears it.' Alcohol Awareness Week Student Coordinator Denise Sanderson said increasing awareness is the most important goal of the program. "Since alcohol is a problem on most campuses, making students aware is the first place to start," said Sanderson, a Public Health second-year grad- uate student. The program coordinators have changed the focus this year from a weeklong awareness cam- paign to an effort to educate students about the con- sequences of excessive alcohol consumption throughout the year. Benz and Sanderson said it will be productive for students if the activities are spread out during the year to give them extended access to information. "We are changing the focus so that students can get resources throughout the year," Benz said. As a result, the number of events during this year's Alcohol Awareness Week are fewer than in previous years, Sanderson said. Each month, student organizations plan an activity, rather than limiting them to just one per week," said Sanderson. Benz said the involvement of various student groups stirs more interest among students. "Peers talking to peers is effective," Sanderson said. Benz said the recent deaths on college campus- es has prompted her to change her attitude regard- ing substance abuse education. She said that although she avoids using fear messages when informing students, a minimal amount of fear might be useful in getting students' attention today. "It has been shown through research that fear messages do not work," Benz said. "I usually don't do fear messages, but due to recent deaths (it could be effective):' SACUA members seek new benefits AP PHOTO Bonita McAvoy of Jackson rakes leaves in front of her home yesterday. Jackson, who was raking leaves with her hus- band, said yesterday was her day off. Rep. holds en viron~tm-ent forum Fe By Chris Metinko Daily Staff Reporter Members of the faculty's governing body are looking for benefits and com- pensation comparable to their peers who serve on similar boards at other universities. Several members of the nine-person Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs discussed the salary discrepancy at yesterday's meeting. SACUA Chair Louis D'Alecy said all members serve on two faculty sub- committees and attend four-hour SACUA meetings each week. "They're volunteering a lot of their time," D'Alecy said, At an Oct. 20 meeting, SACUA members spoke with Sandra Weiss, chair of the University of California's faculty's governing body, via confer- ence call. Weiss said she and the board's vice-chair receive $60,000 per year and full time off for their work on the board. The California board, how- ever, oversees all the university's cam- puses, while each of the University of Michigan campuses have separate fac- ulty governing boards. The conversation prompted SACUA member Lewis Kleinsmith to create a similar plan of faculty governance compensation that he said is more up to date with other universities.- "I was surprised to hear from people at (the Committee on Institutional Cooperation) and the people at the University of California that many of the other universities have both release time and compensation," D'Alecy said. The University allows only the SACUA chair to receive some time off from his department to head the board. The chair, however, must forfeit half of his salary. The Office of the Provost recom- mends the department cut the chair's workload in half, but the SACUA chair does not necessarily receive half of his time off. SACUA member and sociology Prof. Donald Deskins said he agrees with UC's system of giving the faculty's gov- erning body chair and vice chair more time off or increasing their compensa- tion. "They do a considerable amount of work, and they deserve it," Deskins said. D'Alecy said the change in benefits might be necessary to attract new mem- bers to SACUA, which is not accom- plished in the present system. "I think it makes it particularly hard to get new blood in," D'Alecy said. "You have to have a lot of con- viction in your heart to volunteer and face the devaluing of (SACUA mem- bers)." In past years, SACUA has tried to get quarter time off for all members of the committee, but the proposal was not adopted by the administration. SACUA member Barbara MacAdam said the past setbacks should not dis- courage this attempt. "I see no problem raising it as a cur- rent issue with our provost," said MacAdam, adding that the new admin- istration has been willing to hear pro- posals regardless of past decisions by the former administration. SACUA member and Education Prof. Valerie Lee said previous attempts failed because the administration was concerned about the monetary costs of giving professors time off or increasing their salaries. "Immediately, it comes down to how much will it cost and where does the money come from,' Lee said. D'Alecy said if the departments hive to compensate for the financial differ- ence, potential SACUA members from weaker departments could be eliminated. "A poor department can ill afford to put someone forward," D'Alecy said By Megan Exley Daily Staff Reporter The flora isn't the only thing that attract crowds to the University's Matthaei Botanical Gardens. About 20 environmental supporters attended a public forum last night with Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-Ann Arbor) to voice con- cerns about national, state and local environmental laws. Rivers said the meeting served as an occasion for her local constituents to bring their ideas about environmental issues directly to her. She encouraged the crowd to offer suggestions about creating new laws that would reform current policies and possibly create new bills to more adequately protect the environment. "Environmental problems are undeniable," Rivers said. "It's also hard to get people to change their ways of life." Issues of contention .varied from concerns over local air and water pollution and wildlife control to the overwhelming approval of the nuclear waste bill by both the House and the Senate last week, Some audience members expressed frustration at the coun- try's somewhat "indifference" to environmental issues. Art sophomore Cherie Beauton said she was appalled at last week's passage of the nuclear waste bill, which will allow a nuclear waste dump to be created in Nevada's Yucca Mountains and permit interstate transportation of nuclear waste to this destination. "This waste will be travelling through 44 states," Beauton said. "I was shocked to find out that many students weren't even aware of the whole issue." Beauton said she recently sent an e-mail to several campus groups about the nuclear waste depository issue. She said that while she had found some people were supportive of fighting the proposed nuclear dump, many were at a loss of how exactly to go about protesting it. Rivers said she was not yet sure whether President Clinton will approve the bill. Rivers and Rep. John Conyers (D- Detroit) were the only two members of the Michigan delega- tion to vote against the bill. Rivers said many people feel there are few alternatives when it comes to dealing with nuclear waste. "Many people will say that they would rather have a nuclear waste dump there, rather than here," Rivers said. Fewer candidates, parties file for MSA fall elections By Susan t. Port Daily Staff Reporter This fall's list of would-be members of the Michigan Student Assembly is shorter than usual. Fewer parties and candidates filed by Friday's 5 p.m. deadline than in recent MSA election seasons. Three parties - the Michigan Party, the Students' Party and the Pissed Off at Korrupt Executives Party (POKE) - and a host of independent candi- dates filed for a total of 39 representative can- didates. Last fall, eight parties and 101 candi- dates filed for the election. Representatives from the Michigan Party and Students' Party are the majority of students run- ning. Students running as independents or with newer parties may have a more difficult time get- ting elected, Nagrant said. Nagrant said that after the Students' Party win last spring, other potential candidates may have realized that running with smaller parties is more difficult than being associated with the more established parties. "I think last year's Students' Party big victory pretty much polarized into two main parties,' said Nagrant, an LSA senior. "I think people are more reluctant to run for separate parties." Nagrant said running with a party gives an extra edge to first-year students who never have run before. "I think there is a lot of value running with par- ties;" Nagrant said. "(Students) can learn tech- niques of campaigning." Dan Serota; who chairs the Michigan Party, said running with a party is an advantage for those who want to gain experience and wis- dom from their peers. Serota added that several people running under a joint platform rather than numerous individual platforms is less confusing for vot- ers. "I would like to think the Michigan Party has built a reputation that students tend to support," said Serota, an LSA senior. LSA Rep. Barry Rosenberg, who is running for re-election as an independent, said he thinks it's harder to run as an independent. "One good thing about the parties is to help edu- cate candidates about the process," said Rosenberg, an LSA senior. "If you are a hard- working candidate, it is possible to be elected as an independent." Rosenberg said serving on the assembly as an independent has allowed him to have less restric- tions when dealing with the issues. "Being an independent allows me to focus on issues without feeling bound to party lines," Rosenberg said. Martin Cagin, who is running with the POKE party, said he decided to run because he is impressed with the POKE Party's platform. Cagin said he may risk not getting elected by not running with one of the more established parties. "I like some of the ideals they have,"said Cagin, an LSA sophomore. LSA first-year student Sarah Chopp said she decided to run with the Students' Party because she was impressed with the strength of its platform. Chopp added that running with the Studenits' Party will help her publicize her candidacy during the campaign. Chopp was appointed to a vacant seat on the assembly-last month and is running to keep the seat. "The people I met in student government became my mentors," said Chopp. "I definite- ly wanted to run with a party, especially as a freshman. We are working together for politi- cal issues." Corrections U Dean Samuels is the Dean of the School of Art and Design. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily. The School of Art and Design held its reunion weekend this past Saturday and Sunday. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily. 0 Graduate Student Instructors receive a salary of $900 per month. This was incorrectly reported in the Daily's Fall Outlook section. What's happening in Ann Arbor today GROUP MEETINGS J Allanza, 995-0123, Michigan Union, MUG, 7:30 p.m. Q Cleptomaniacs and Shoplifters Anonymous, 913-6990, First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron St., Room 102, 7-8:30 p.m. 0 Conservative Minyan, 769-0500, U;11-1 A An UHI c+ 7,'2f! n ' EVENTS U "Crashed Car Display," Sponsored by The Department of Public Safety, Diag, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. U "The Greening of Detroit, Part ii: The Social Correlates byRhonda M. Ryznar" Speaker, Sponsored by The Science Research Club, G-390 rpntal !;rhni. Danm ,-:49{}7-7 4 SERVICES Q Campus information Centers, 763- INFO,, and on the World Wide Web U HIV/AIDS Testing, 572-9355, HARC offices, 3075 Clark Rd., Suite 203, Ypsilanti, 6-9 p.m. [1 Northwlk. 763-WAL K Rurslev At Northwestern College of Chiropractic, we feel strongly about the quality of education we provide to our 650 students and their preparedness for satisfying careers. As our 3,000 alumni know, we can provide you with an unmatched educational experience featuring: " A well-rounded, rigorous educational program; + Emphasis on clinical, hands-on education and experience; * 11:1 student-to-faculty ratio, individual faculty attention; " Clinical internships in 100+ community and four College clinics; " Fxtensive interdisciniinarv clinical learninn 4, r I r