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November 04, 1997 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-11-04

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 4, 1997


U. N. team tries to
defuse Iraqi crisis

- - --------------

Supreme Court hears polygraph


Seeking to wrest concessions from
the United Nations, Saddam
Hussein agreed yesterday to let a
three-member U.N. mission visit
i'Iraq to try to defuse the crisis over
.his plans to expel American arms
But the atmosphere of conciliation
dissipated over an alleged Iraqi threat to
ire on U.S. surveillance planes that
patrol Iraq in support of U.N. weapons
U.S. Ambassador Bill Richardson
condemned the threat as an "irresponsi-
bl escalation" of the crisis between
Iraq and the United Nations.
Further clouding the mission, the
two sides offered differing interpre-
tdions of its purpose. Secretary-
General Kofi Annan said the three
emissaries - from Algeria, Sweden
and Argentina - would "discuss
with the Iraqis a firm implementa-
tltion of the U.N. resolution" allowing

the inspectors unrestricted access to
suspected weapons sites.
But Iraq's ambassador, Nizar
Hamdoon, said the mission would open
a "dialogue" on Iraqi accusations that
the Americans are dragging their feet
on lifting of U.N. sanctions by refusing
to certify that Iraq has destroyed all its
banned weapons.
The crippling economic sanctions
were imposed in 1990 after Saddam
invaded neighboring Kuwait, trig-
gering a clash that led to the 1991
Gulf War.
The decision to accept the mission
was announced after Iraqi authori-
ties refused to admit an American
inspector to a suspected weapons
Chief inspector Richard Butler of
Australia said the team leader chose to
abort the planned inspection and
advised two other teams to do so as

WASHINGTON--Is the polygraph a reliable "lie detector" that can con
vict the guilty and free the innocent, or a pseudo-scientific fraud that has n
place in a court of law?
That is an old question, but it came before the Supreme Court for the firs,
yesterday. The answer has the potential to reshape virtually every trial in the n n
Polygraph results have been banned from most courts for most of this century
The general rule was set back in 1923 when a federal judge concluded that a rathe
primitive lie-detector, which simply measured changes in a suspect's blood pres
sure, was itself suspect and could not used in court.
But the tide of opinion has shifted recently. Polygraph testing has greatl:
improved, its advocates say, thanks to computerized monitoring of minut
changes in a person's pulse, perspiration and breathing. Some studies con
lude polygraphs are accurate 90 percent of the time.
Last year, in a major departure, the U.S. court of appeals for the arrne
forces ruled that a defendant has a constitutional right to tell jurors f
polygraph test that indicated he was not lying. U
That case is now the one before the court. If the justices were to affirm the lower
court decision, defendants in every court in the nation - federal and state -
would have the right to use favorable polygraph results.

well. Butler
gal ."

called Iraq's action "ille-

Iraqi women hold portraits of President Saddam Hussein during a protest yester-
day against the latest United Nations resolution in Baghdad.

Continued from Page 1
"while the case against the University questions the legal-
ity of policies developed by the University's Board of
.Regents, which is autonomous from the state.
"It has no impact," Sedler said. "The state of
California has made a policy decision to prohibit affir-
inative action. There's no relationship at all."
But State Rep. David Jaye (R-Macomb) called the
decision a "tremendous constitutional victory."
"The U.S. Supreme Court has just removed the
biggest obstacle to getting rid of affirmative action
procedures at the University of Michigan," Jaye said.
"This means that the case does not have enough con-
.titutional merit."
Jaye recently proposed a joint resolution similar to
Proposition 209. If it is passed by the legislature,
Michigan citizens would vote on the bill through a refer-
-ndum, which would eliminate the use of all race and gen-
der-based preferences in the public and private sectors.
Jaye said the Court's refusal to hear the case against
Proposition 209 gives a "boost" to his legislation.
Some legal scholars argue that yesterday's decision
will support the case against the University's affirma-
'tive action policies.
Frederick Lynch, a government professor at
Claremont College in California and author of a book*

attacking the University's affirmative action pro-
grams, said that due to the Supreme Court's refusal to
hear the Hopwood case last year, the 5th Circuit's rul-
ing against minority preferences in higher education
stands in Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas.
Therefore, California and the 5th Circuit are two
"laboratories" that will test a system that does not per-
mit race-based admissions, Lynch said.
"It's a major step forward in the case against affir-
mative action in Michigan, Lynch said. "There will
be two areas in which we could see how diversity is
achieved without racial preferences. It has definite
Terry Pell, legal council for the Center for Individual
Rights, said that while the decision won't have any
direct legal effect on the lawsuit against the University,
it lends support to the fight against affirmative action.
"It helps make clear that the argument against racial
preferences is a mainstream view, not a fringe one,"
Pell said.
Law Dean Jeffrey Lehman said the decision does
not reflect the Supreme Court's beliefs about affirma-
tive action.
"All this says is that the Supreme Court doesn't
think this is a good case for them to get into," Lehman
John Pickering, senior partner in Wilmer, Cutler
and Pickering, the Washington, D.C.-based lawfirm

representing the University in the suit, would not
comment on the effects of the decision on the lawsuit,
but he said the high court's overall stance on affirma-
tive action has evolved in recent years.
"The court over the last few years has retreated
from it's stance on affirmative action," Pickering said.
"What the future holds, I don't know."
The refusal may indicate that the Court is waiting to
hear a case on affirmative action that deals with more
specific-facts, some legal experts say.
"It implies that they are looking for a narrower case
to rule on affirmative action," said William Allen, for-
mer chair of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission. "It
also implies that it is legitimate for the 9th Circuit to
uphold affirmative action."
Jeffrey Cuthbertson, president of Students for
Equality, said the decision is a positive step in the
fight to end racial preferences.
"The Supreme Court didn't see a viable constitu-
tional challenge to the referendum," Cuthbertson said.
"The Court did the right thing in not engaging in the
particular case."
LSA senior Alexander Martinez said the decision
upsets him because it will hinder the pursuits of those
fighting to defend affirmative action.
"People from here might want to use that as a prece-
dent to get the University's lawsuit to go a certain
way," Martinez said.

Jury convicts three
of conspiracy in fire
MOBILE, Ala. - Three young
whites were convicted yesterday of
torching a rural black church two days
after a Ku Klux Klan rally, but the jury
acquitted them of a new racial hatred
charge involving places of worship.
The case marked the first time a jury
had considered the new federal charge,
which imposes harsher penalties for
arson in a religious structure when race
is the motive. It was passed after a rash
of fires at black churches in the South
in 1995 and 1996.
Alan Odom, Brandy Boone and John
Kenneth Cumbie were convicted of
conspiracy in the June 30 arson fire
that destroyed St. Joe Baptist Church, a
tiny concrete-block structure with 21
Odom was also convicted of arson
for starting the blaze by lighting the
church curtains on fire after attending a
beer-drinking party earlier in the
A fourth defendant pleaded guilty to

arson before the trial began.
Boone was accused by prosecu-
tors of shouting "Let's go burn thc
nigger church" to inspire the arsor
and Cumbie allegedly did nothi -tc
stop it. They were found innoc o
arson and could receive betweer
four and five years in prison foi
Minor sun exposure
may prevent cancer
WASHINGTON -Basking briefl
in the sun every day may be an impor
tant way to prevent breast c r
researchers said yesterday. But
also warned, "Don't overdo it."
New studies indicate that vitamin ,
a nutrient made by the skin durini
exposure to sunlight, can lower the ris<
of breast cancer by 30 percent to 4(
percent and perhaps even more.
"We know now that a little bit of sur
is beneficial, but it is not good to stab
out there four or five hours," said epi-
demiologist Ester John of the ?t
California Cancer Center.


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Thai prme minister
vows to step down
BANGKOK, Thailand -
Embattled Prime Minister Chavalit
Yongchaiyudh, facing mounting
criticism over his nation's economic
tailspin, yesterday said he will step
down later this week. Thais and for-
eign business people reacted posi-
tively to the news, which was
expected to boost the battered Thai
stock market and currency.
An end to Thailand's political
infighting would be good news in
the West, where the economic crises
in Southeast Asia are blamed for
triggering last week's dramatic
gyrations in world stock markets.
Last week, the United States
demonstrated its concern about the
region's financial instability by
offering to contribute $3 billion to a
$23 billion bailout for Indonesia
orchestrated by the International
Monetary Fund. In August, the IMF
had approved a $17.2.billion pack-
age for Thailand.
"I think there will be quite a positive

reaction from most Thais to the news (o
Chavalit's impending departure) Andi
will fuel ashort-term rally"said Kent
White, managing director of Pacific
Strategic Consulting Co. in Bangkok
Typhoon pummels
Vietnam's coast
'Typhoon Linda pummeled Vietnam'
southern coast yesterday, sinking hun
dreds of fishing boats and flatt
thousands of homes in the most dev at
ing storm to hit the country in decades.
Roaring through with gusts of mort
80 mph, Linda left a trail of destructio
in Ca Mau province.
At least 500 small fishing boats an
their crews were unaccounted for in C
Mau province alone, a local official said
speaking on condition of anonymity
Another 200 boats from a fleet of 30
were missing yesterday afternoon=i
neighboring Ben Tre province.o
exact death toll was unclear, but author-
ities said dozens were confirmed dead.
- Compiledfrom Daily wire reprts.


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