e til- a Imk qmPP7 ews: 76-DAILY dvertlsing: 764-0554 One hundred seven years of editora lfreedom Tuesday November 4, 1997 r- 3 n i ME: I Daily In-depth: Class time Court will not hear -.Ima.dgmlh P ro P'O 209 BRYAN MCLELLAN.Daily tSA junior Bill Mullen sits in his art history class before a midterm exam yesterday in Mason Hall. University students generally spend less time in class than other students across the country. holds less cass days than other clesntowd The Washington Post WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court yesterday removed the last significant legal hurdle to California's statewide ban on affirmative action, rejecting a challenge by civil rights groups who had argued that the law was unconstitutional. Campaigns to eliminate preferences based on race and sex are underway in several states, and people on both sides of the issue predicted the court's action would reinvigorate those efforts. Voters in Houston, the nation's fourth-largest city, are deciding today whether the local government should abandon such long- standing preferences in the area of public contracting. When the initiative passed last year, California became the first state in the country to abolish affirmative action in a variety of state programs, from hiring and college admissions to government contracting. The controversial measure drew national attention and was stopped from taking effect for nearly a year while it was challenged in court. By deciding not to accept the case yesterday, the Supreme Court left in place a lower court ruling that found Proposition 209 constitutional. That rul- ing, by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, stressed "This is a that when the government gives an advantage to indi- g e n lg tt viduals based on their race, it penalizes people who all the ther belong to another race. Civil rights groups claimed the states that law unfairly stripped local governments in California want to copy of their traditional authority P o osto Yesterday's Supreme " Court action, while not a ruling on the merits of - Kathleen Sullivan Proposition 209, was a Stanford law professor powerful signal, especially in light of a recent string of high-court rulings that have served to limit the scope of race- based government policies. "You would have to be living on a different planet not to think this is a very significant decision," said Ward Connerly, who spearheaded the fight for California's Proposition 209 and said he now spends about a third of his time traveling to other states to help activists with similar initiatives. He said efforts are blos- soming particularly in Colorado, Florida and Washington state. "This is a green light to all the other states that want to copy Proposition 209," said Stanford law professor Kathleen Sullivan, who had helped the American Civil Liberties Union in its challenge to the California-measure. "At our count, there were 26 other states in some stage of progress." In California, the state is just beginning the lengthy, but largely procedural, process of eliminating preference pro- grams. At the municipal level, there are several state hurdles that must be crossed before the law can be imposed. Under California law, Republican Gov. Pete Wilson is required to file a lawsuit seeking a ruling that state affirmative action statutes are in conflict with Proposition 209. Hoping to speed up the process, Wilson in September asked the Democratic-con- trolled legislature to repeal or amend 30 statutes that he iden- tified as granting illegal race or gender preferences. But the legislature adjourned for the year without acting. 'U, lawsuit may not eaffected By Janet Adamy and Jeffrey Kosseff Daily Staff Reporters While many legal experts say the U.S. Supreme Court's refusal to hear a case challenging California's Proposition 209 will not affect the lawsuit challenging the University's admissions poli- cies, some contend the decision is a breakthrough in the mative action.f U n i v e r s i t y President Lee Bollinger said the decision will not affect the current Bollinger suit against the University. which was filed last month by the same law firm that won the Hopwood v University of Texas Law School case that eliminated affirmative action pro- grams in the 5th Circuit. "In the current litigation ... the issue is quite different," Bollinger said. "The Supreme Court has held that whatever the University of Michigan does in pursuing a diverse student body is constitutional:' The only Supreme Court case in the affirmative action arena is Bakke v. University of Califbrnia Medical School at Davis. In that case, the Court was split 4-4-1, and there was no single majority opinion. Justice Lewis Powell's single opinion, which says that race is permissable as one of several admissions criteria, is often considered the guiding decision-of that case. Many higher education institutions have used Powell's opinion in creating admissions and financial aid policies. Wayne State University constitution- al law Prof. Robert Sedler said the case against the University has no relation to the case refused yesterday by the Supreme Court. The California case, he said, challenges the constitutionality of a law California citizens voted to enact, See SCOTUS, Page 2 By Peter Romer-Friedman Daily Staff Reporter When Jordan Toplitzky came to Ann or this September, he unpacked, adjusted dfamiliarized himself with the University. But it took him two months to fully realize the benefits of the University's academic cal- endar - short, intense and flexible. "The U of M obviously knows what it's doing," said Toplitzky, an LSA first-year stu- dent 'from Los Angeles. "My brother at Brandeis University starts earlier than us, and ends in late May. I really like to end. early. None of my friends get out as early as do. It gives me time to find jobs and ternships, and to visit friends. My brother has so many breaks that he spends too many days in Boston without classes." - Toplitzky pointed out many uncommon features in the University's academic calen- dar, which has a total of 135 days of class in its fall and winter terms - 21 days less than the national average. But the University's compact academic year may soon not be such a novelty. In the past few months, several institutions have embraced the national trend - the shrinking the school. year. Prior to this semester; then-University of North Carolina President C.D. Spangler mandated a shorter academic calendar for all UNC schools. As other schools tweak their systems to shave days off academic calendars, University students, faculty and administrators say the schedule hire is too popular to alter. Former University President James Duderstadt said the Un iversity's academic policies not only allow students to get an early jump on the summer internship and job market, but also make the spring and sum- mer semesters available for those lo-king to grab some extra credits. "In the 1960s, a decision was made to go to trimesters, to level out University enroll- ment with classes in all 12 months" Duderstadt said. "There still is some wisdom How Long Does the School Year Take? ® University of Michigan: two 13 1/2- week terms N Dartmouth College: three 10-week terms ® University of North Carolina: two 15- week terms * Colorado College: eight 3 1/2-week terms ® Michigan State University: two 15- week terms in allowing students to go year round.: The University's spring and summer terms often make it easier to graduate in four years or less, Duderstadt said. At the same time, it has become harder for students nationwide to graduate in four years. "Michigan was one of the first schools to move to this calendar," Duderstadt said. See TIME, Page 5 F. -dent' Out ow for A2 lecions y Peter Meyers aily Staff Reporter Habitually low turnout among the tudent body population in local elec- ions is expected to continue in today's nn Arbor City Council elections. " In off years, it's way, way down. We ould benefit a lot more if a lot of stu- ents who considered themselves crats would come out and vote:' ;ai Douglas Scott, chair of the Ann Arbor Democratic Party. Local elections held in years without :ongressional or presidential races ften have very low voter turnout, but he paralyzing effects usually have been fore pronounced among student vot- rs. In the 1995 election, Ann Arbor's verall voter turnout was 13 percent, >ut in the student-dominated precincts, hverage was 2.6 percent. The worst of the student precincts was the second precinct of the 1st Ward, where students and residents voted in Alice Lloyd residence hall. Turnout in :his precinct was 0.8 percent. Only 13 votes were tallied. Student political leaders said they eare frmitraterd hy the failinL, student Polling sites in areas of high student population: 1st Ward --Michigan Union. Alice Lloyd residence hall, Community Nigh School 2nd Ward - Family Housing' Community Center, Mary Markley residence hall, Angell School 0 3rd Ward - East Quad residence hall 4th Ward - South Quad residence hall, Mary St. Polling Place' 5th Ward - Ann Arbor YMCA If you.,are registered to vote in Ann Arbor and uncertain about your polling place, call the City Clerk's office at 994-2725. cilmembers "are often willing to come and have coffee with you," she said. But some students actually partici- pate in some candidates' campaigns. "We're working for Parma Yarkin," Cohen said of the College Democrats. "She's doing some get out the vote' activities." Yarkin is the democratic candidate in the 2nd Ward. The College Democrats have been distributing campaign litera- ture and trying to assemble a phone bank on her behalf., Libertarian candidate Michael Enright, an LSA sophomore, said that students are his core voters. "I've tried to focus on students and to get students involved," Enright said. "I think students need a student mem- 'U' prof. faces trial on charges of improperly interviewing a child By Stephanie Hepburn Daily Staff Reporter A nationally recognized University professor and sexual abuse expert faced the first day of trial yesterday on charges that she and her staff emotionally abused a child during a 1992 interview. The lawyers for defendant Kathleen Coulborn Faller, who heads the University's Family Assessment Clinic, faced Judge Donald Shelton in a Washtenaw County courtroom yester- day. The University has spent more than $600,000 for the Ann Arbor law firm Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone to defend Faller in the case. The firm asked Shelton several times to dismiss the case, claiming immunity because Faller and the staff members are state employees. Shelton rejected the pleas on Thursday. Larry Champney, an Engineering alumnus, is suing Faller and the University, claiming that his 8-year-old daughter was emotionally abused by. one of the clinic's employees when she was 3 years old. The employee alleged- ly tried to get the young girl to "say something bad about her father." Faller, who supervised the interview, wrote a final report on the interview, stating that Champney may have sexually abused his daughter. Champney denied the allegations and claimed that his former wife should not have been able to assist in the interview because she was a biased participant. During the videotaped interview, Champney's former wife asked her daughter questions about what Champney did to her. Lisa Baker, associate vice president for University relations, said that Faller has the University's complete support. "We stand behind the actions of pro- fessor Faller and her colleagues who were performing in an evaluative capac- ity," Baker said. "This is consistent with the University's mission of teaching, researching and service. It is important See TRIAL, Page 7 Intertribal songs celebrate heritage By Katie Plona Daily Staff Reporter Members of the University commu- nity formed a circle last night as inter- tribal songs rang through Trotter House for a drum social. The Treetown Singers and the Blue Lake Singers performed at the drum social, one of several events planned for Native American Heritage Month, titled "Woven by Traditions." things that is important to all native people is the significance of the drum. Jodi Cook, co-chair of the Native American Student Association, said one of the purposes of the drum social was to familiarize people in the University community with drumming. "We put it at the top of the month because it's such an important part of our heritage," Cook said. Both Cook and NASA Co-chair Joe t