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October 29, 1997 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-10-29

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4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 29, 1997

Ul Eijtehimgu &dlg

420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Edited and managed by
students at the
University of Michigan

Editor in Chief
Editorial Page Editor

Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily ' editorial board. All
other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily.
Serving 'U,
Center is a valuable community resource

'It's a cycle that cannot be seen from within. My story
must be told. I must be heard. Asking for help Is
not a sign of weakness. It's the opposite.'
- University graduate student Deanne Dura, at Monday 's annual Speak Out
event for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault

p rograms like Project Serve and Project
Outreach showcase the University's
175-year commitment to community ser-
vice. The recently opened Center for
Learning through Community Service will
be the centerpiece of the University's com-
munity service efforts. The Center strives to
become a place that will bring students, fac-
ulty and community members together. It is
one-stop shopping for potential volunteers,
and is a wonderful addition to the
First Lady Michelle Engler, University
Regent Olivia Maynard, LSA senior Mona
Hanna and 17 other faculty and community
members constitute the Center's new
national board. In a community where more
extensive social services are needed -
housing assistance for the homeless, for
example - the enthusiasm of the Center's
workers and constituent organizations
encourages everyone, from students to
community members, to lend a helping
hand. In an increasingly apathetic society,
where service-oriented activities are most
often left to "social activists," the
University has created a place where stu-
dents and community members can become
part f the solution.
The immediate goals of the national
board are to establish the Center's mission,
and to raise the necessary funds to maintain
the site. Eventually, the Center would like to
compete with prominent umbrella organiza-
tions such as Stanford University's HAAS
Center and Brown University's Swearer
Center. Since opening, these organizations
have successfully increased volunteer
opportunities in their surrounding commu-
nities. The organizations provide funding,

resources, contacts and ideas. The Center
offers the potential to do the same in Ann
The Center deserves applause for its
plans to unite the many service-oriented
groups in the Ann Arbor area. In addition,
the Center plans to offer community service
groups additional funding opportunities -
this will provide the means for organiza-
tions' worthwhile ideals to be molded into
realistic solutions. By opening the Center,
the University has proven its dedication to
the community and its desire to challenge
the status quo.
While the Center creates a source for
funding, it will also serve a much larger role
- as a think tank that encourages open
exchanges, particularly between student-
run groups and academic researchers. This
exchange of ideas can provide the ground-
work for community improvement, and
should be supported in every way.
Student groups, along with national
organizations, such as AmeriCorps and
America Reads, need to take advantage of
the Center. They should use their space
within the new building to not only promote
their respective agendas, but also to open
roads to other, lesser-known organizations.
With its extensive resources, its mem-
bers' dedication and the University's back-
ing, the Center promises to be a place of
service for many years to come. With peo-
ple devoting more time to work and studies,
places like the Center can simplify the
search for volunteer outlets. The Center,
and other places like it, hold the power to
build a larger corps of eager volunteers, and
improve the world one community at a

Climate control
U.S. needs stricter emissions standards

E very minute, humans are pumping
approximately 48,000 tons of carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere. The United
States, with less than 5 percent of the
world's population, is responsible for 25
percent of carbon dioxide emissions.
Carbon dioxide, often called a "greenhouse
gas," is partly responsible for the green-
house effect - a phenomenon most climate
scientists believe will spark drastic and dev-
astating climate changes. This past
Wednesday, as part of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate
Change, President Bill Clinton broke his
promise to reduce national greenhouse gas
emissions. Interest groups, parties and con-
cerned citizens must apply pressure on
Clinton to return emphasis to environmen-
tal priorities.
While carbon dioxide is a naturally
occurring gas, its concentration in the
atmosphere has been rapidly increasing
since the Industrial Revolution. Fossil fuels
are the primary cause for the increase, and
its effects are clearly visible today. Since
1880, the Earth's average temperature has
risen by approximately .6 degrees Celsius.
This rise in temperature, which will contin-
ue if emissions remain at constant levels or
continue to increase, poses a threat to
nature's intricate balance.
In 1992, at the environmental summit in
Brazil, Clinton and Vice President Al Gore
accused the Bush administration of being
the "lone holdout" and an "obstacle to
progress" when it came to reducing green-
house gas emissions. After taking office,
Clinton pledged to reduce U.S. emissions to
1990 levels by 2000.
His new position instead calls for emis-

Kreider, Director for the Greenpeace USA
Climate Campaign notes, "Now, it is Al
Gore and Bill Clinton who are the obsta-
While politicians continue to have their
hands in the pockets of big industries, it will
be difficult for the White House to achieve
a realistic reduction in fossil fuel emissions.
The money that industry groups put forth to
derail emission caps throws a monkey
wrench into greenhouse gas emission
reduction. To avoid industry objections,
Clinton conveniently pushed back the time
frame eight to 12 years, when he will no
longer be in office. Clinton claims he would
face criticism either way, for doing too little
or too much. When it comes to reducing the
real threat of global warming, there must be
no room for doing too little, which is the
route Clinton took.
Along with pushing back the deadline,
Clinton announced that to promote renew-
able technologies and energy efficiency in
the marketplace, the U.S. will support a set
of financial incentives and tax breaks to
industries. While this idea has potential, the
Clinton administration still does not plan to
remove large corporate subsidies to the oil,
coal and gas companies - the three indus-
tries most responsible for greenhouse gas
In a time when Clinton is not facing re-
election pressures, it is incomprehensible
why he chose to back down onhis previous
statement, calling for "a strong American
commitment to realistic and binding limits
that will significantly reduce our emissions
of greenhouse gases." As the largest pol-
luter in the world, the U.S. must put its pri-
orities in check by proposing a swift and

athletics not
for amateurs
The dismissal of
University basketball coach
Steve Fisher, because of inci-
dents relating to the recruit-
ment of graduating high
school athletes, should be
seen as part of a giant, ridicu-
lous charade. The charade is
that big-time intercollegiate
athletics is for student ama-
While it is true that the
majority of student athletes
are students first, and athletes
second, it is also true that
competing on college teams
is the usual route to follow if
you want to be a professional
basketball or football player.
Our system seems to have
evolved from the British tra-
dition of schools meeting
each other on the playing
field. But there is no reason
why schools and universities
have to be parts of sports
leagues. In fact, the practice
is not universal. For example,
in many European countries,
universities do not have ath-
letic teams. Instead, towns
have local amateur sports
clubs, through the ranks of
which professional players
The European club sys-
tem has several advantages
over scholastic and collegiate
athletics. First, university
administrations are not dis-
tracted from the business of
running academic institu-
tions. Second, top-level ama-
teur competition is not limit-
ed to college students.
Athletes who are not academ-
ically inclined are not forced
to go through the motions of
being college students. Third,
athletically talented young
people, who are also academ-
ically inclined, are not
coerced into devoting more
time to sports than they
would like to, in order to
finance their college educa-
U.S. colleges and univer-
sities are not in a hurry to
divest themselves of their
athletic programs. Why?
Because they bring in money
from TV coverage, and they
help the university get money
from alumni. European uni-
versities have a far more
effective way of getting
money - taxes.
Because of generous gov-
ernment support for higher
education, the European stu-
dent pays virtually no tuition,
while the American may have
to work her way through col-
lege, get an athletic scholar-
ship and play on a team, go
into debt or use up her par-
ents' life savings.

impending lawsuit against the
University. According to the
Ann Arbor News (10/20/97),
Rep. Jaye has been fighting
affirmative action since his
freshman days at the
University, when he said he
worked as a cafeteria "dish
dog" to pay for tutoring in
math and science. He was
quoted as saying, "I remem-
ber these minority kids with
very fancy clothes and jewel-
ry, laughing and driving
fancy cars...they didn't have
to work. They had their own
tutors, their own counselors,
their own career day."
I find these quotes
appalling. It would seem that
Jaye's motivations for fight-
ing affirmative action are not
striving for equality, but stem
from being upset that there
were some minority students
in college with him who were
more privileged. Unlike those
who fight affirmative action
because they believe it is
unfair, Jaye seems to be
fighting affirmative action
because of his own racism.
Certainly the majority of
minority students at the
University do not fall into the
category of over-privileged.
Besides, why is it that Jaye
was upset not by over-privi-
leged white students, but only
minorities? I find it insulting
to the notion of equality that
Jaye's personal vendetta
against minorities more privi-
leged than himself is the
basis for the lawsuit.
However, I do believe in
the necessity of the lawsuit
itself. Regardless of my per-
sonal support of affirmative
action, both sides do have
very valid arguments, and
racism is definitely not con-
fined to either side. This law-
suit might be the key to truly
defining equality in our
University and our nation.
But in the debates that are
sure to occur in the few
months, it is imperative that
we all question the motives
for our beliefs and come up
with a solution to the dilem-
ma over affirmative action
that has no basis in racism,
but strives entirely for equali-
ty. Litigators on both sides
can agree with this, I am cer-
tain, and to do any less would
be an injustice.
Give credit to
the rest of the
U' defense
Charles Woodson is
Michigan's superstar. He
makes great plays and grabs
headlines, and deserves much
of the attention he receives.
But one key thing often left
out of the news is the rest of
the Michigan defense. If

Copenhaver plays his position
as well as anyone in the Big
Ten, and is constantly forcing
plays. Ray and Copenhaver
are just two examples of play-
ers who would be stars else-
where, but are quietly making
stars of Woodson and the
whole Michigan team.
The point is, Woodson
makes great plays, but is get-
ting the opportunity to make
great plays largely because of
the rest of the defense. If the
linemen do not get pressure,
poor throws are not made. If
the other defensive backs do
not cover their zones, Schultz
does not have to throw
Woodson's way. The rest of
the defense deserves head-
lines, big ones. Eleven players
were responsible for every
interception, though you will
not hear their names.
1 would take Charles
Woodson over any other
defensive player in the coun-
try. Maybe any offensive
player, too. He deserves head-
lines, and his leaping inter-
ception was one for the ages.
More important, though, the
whole defense is playing
inspired and giving up noth-
ing. Hopefully, Woodson will
continue to get the attention
he deserves. I also hope that
the rest of the defense gets
some credit, because they are
the key to a Rose Bowl trip
and the national champi-
North Campus
lacks health
care services
I could not agree more
with the editorial concerning
the North Campus Nursing
Clinic in the Oct. 24th edition
of the Daily ("Nurses' sta-
The North Campus clinic
provides similar services as
University Health Services
does for Central Campus, and
should be funded accordingly.
Why is the University not
adequately funding this clin-
ic? It seems unreasonable to
expect the residents of North
Campus to fund the inconve-
nient services on Central
Campus and not have Central
Campus residents do the same
in return. Why are the resi-
dents of North Campus con-
tinually forced to go to
Central Campus to complete
A 15-minute bus ride is a
long ride for anyone, especial-
ly a sick child. Furthermore,
this 15 minutes does not
include the time it takes to
walk to the nearest bus stop,
and wait for the next bus. If
one wanted to drive to UHS,
as any Ann Arbor resident

creative costwne
T he holidays are stressful times for
everybody. Psychologists and
other people who keep track of thes
things say that more people commit
suicide between Thanksgiving and
New Year's than
any other time of
the year. Think
about your extend-
ed family for a
minute and tell me
this isn't true.
But Halloween
stress is different
than Thanksgiving
stress or
Christmas stress. JAMES
On real holidays MILLER
you have to worry MILLER
about whether or ON TAP
not Martha
Stewart would approve of your place
settings, if Uncle Merle and Aunt
Mavis are going to try and kill each
other or if grandma is going to show h
up stone drunk, again, and start smok-
ing joints in the bathroom after the
On Halloween, however, our creativ-
ity is called into question. We all get
invited to Halloween parties, especial-
ly if the Eve falls on a weekend. And
they sound like fun, everybody dressed
up and bobbing for apples in tubs of
wood alcohol - wha's not to like?
But then the costume question rears
its ugly head. What are you supposed
to go as? You can't just wear some stu-
pid mask, or cut holes in a sheet. That's
hardly the best a college student can
do. But what? We have limited time
and resources and whatever you do
decide to go as, it has to be conducive
to the muscular movements of party-
going (smoking, elbow-bending,
pinching and retching).
So, for the momentarily stumped, I
offer a small list of Halloween cos-
tumes that will make you the life of the
party, and earn the undying respect of
your hipster friends.
An R.A.: If you think about it for
a minute, everyone can do this one.
We've all spent some time in dorms,
and consequently are rather familiar
with the creature that is the Resident
Advisor. The clothes for this costume
aren't too exotic, just the regular jeans
and sweatshirt will be fine. But the key
is in the behavior. Walk around the
party yanking drinks out of the hands
of your fellow guests. Or pick a room
away from the action of the party, sit in
it all night, don't talk to anyone, don't
leave, stare at your computer, work on
your resume and think of different
ways to deny the fact that people who
choose to live in dorms as upperclass-
men are massive dorks.
Quote to memorize: "Come on guys
quiet down. You can have fun without
sex, booze, drugs and loud music. I do
it all the time, and look how cool lam.
Come on, give me my retainer back!"
C Brainless Media Slut: Watch
VH-1 for a while and inspiration
should just fall out of the air. A black
dress with Moliere cleavage and a
"Friends" haircut are necessary. Smile
a lot and talk about how modeling is
hard work, how you're working on a
screenplay and how great it is to work
with Keanu Reeves.
Quote to memorize: "We were on the
set for something like seven hours a

day, plus at least another 20 minutes in
the make-up chair. Grueling, I tell you.
Grueling. Will you buy me some-
Sean "Puffy" Combs: Go ahead,
cash in on some celebrity. The trick to
a "Puffy" costume is to balance the
two forces of his life: The hardcore
gangsta we all know he is, and the mil-
lionaire media mogul that he's
become, two things that personally I
feel are hand and glove. Anyway,
baggy pants, baseball cap and an
"R.I.P. Biggie" tattooed on your chest,
combined with a picture of Ted Turner
around your neck, should do the trick.
Quote to memorize: "Yeah, keepin' it
real to all the young g's out there is
what I'm all about. In fact, Mariah
Carey and I were just talking about this
Anti-Affirmative Action
Litigant: Find a party you weren't
invited to and threaten to sue the occu-
pants if they don't let you in. Whine
about how all the black guests were let
in ahead of you. Whine if there's black
people in front of you in the keg line.
Whine that it's too cold outside, or that
you don't like the tile in the bathroom.
Quote to memorize: "I'm going to
stand here and hold my breath until
someone makes my life perfect and
rejection-free for me.
BAMN Member: Wear black
combat boots and whatever combina


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