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One hundred seven years ofeditorialfreedom
October 29, 1997
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Big Ho
By Janet Adamy
Daily Staff Reporter
After receiving a wave of negative feedback
from first-year students who got split-season foot-
b tickets, Michigan Athletic Director Tom Goss
is ng action to correct the problem.
The Board in Control of Intercollegiate
Athletics approved Goss' proposal yesterday to
add 5,200 seats to Michigan Stadium for a total
of 107,701 seats, easily making it the largest
venue in the nation.
"This whole project started with the need to
accommodate first-year students as we move
forward into 1998," Goss said. "The issue is, if
you're a student, you should be able to experi-
en a football game."
use mai
The proposal seeks to add four rows of seats
to the top of the stadium, which would first
make room for 3,000 more students, the number
that received split-season tickets this year. It also
would free-up tickets for the hundreds of fans
who were unable to purchase season tickets this
The estimated cost of the expansion is $6 mil-
lion, which Goss said will be paid during the
next eight years through the revenue generated
by the extra seats.
If approved by the University Board of Regents,
construction would begin after this year's football'
season is over, and would be scheduled for com-
pletion by the beginning of next season. Goss said
he hopes the proposal will be on the agenda of
get 5,200 more seats
next month's regents' meeting.
Goss attributed the increased demand for tick-
ets to the addition of Penn State to the Big Ten
Conference three years ago.
"Now that Penn State is in the Big Ten, we think
that assures us a quality schedule," Goss said. "It
almost guarantees you a sellout every year."
The new rows would be supported by brick
columns and encased in brick that would match
the existing fence that surrounds the stadium.
"It's actually going to improve the looks of the
stadium," said Walter Harrison, vice president
for University relations.
Harrison, who serves on the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics, said the addition will
not be used to provide more corporate boxes or
to make other drastic changes to the stadium.
"What we're really trying to do is accommodate
all the students who want tickets," Harrison said.
The stadium would be expanded by eight feet,
allowing for the much-needed addition of
restrooms, and the possible relocation of ven-
dors to directly under the stadium, Harrison said.
Goss said the idea for the expansion was not
motivated by a desire to have the country's
biggest stadium. .
"It's nice to have the largest stadium, but it's
even better to come up with some alternatives
for our students," Goss said.
Associate Medical Prof. Steve Papadopolous,
financial chair of the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics, said he feels confident
that the renovation will pay for itself.
"History has told us that the demand for reg-
ular-season ticket holders stays relatively con-
stant," Papadopolous said.
Goss said he is optimistic that the regents will
vote in favor of the proposal.
"I think they recognize what our problems are
this year," Goss said. "Since the priority will be
students first and everyone else second, that
should fit into the regents overall objectives."
Students said they were pleased Goss has come
up with a solution to the ticket shortage problem.
"Increased seating will be beneficial to all the
students," said LSA first-year student Michael
Frishman. "Since our football team is so good,
our stadium should be expanded."
Chinese president to visit White House
Jiang on
e Washington Post
WASHINGTON - As the first
U.S.-China summit in Washington
in more than a decade opens today,
the Clinton administration has
seized on China's energy crisis as a
key to forging cooperation on a
broad range of economic, environ-
mental and security issues.
While energy issues will likely be
overshadowed by other themes,
cluding human rights, at a meeting
Yetween President Clinton and
Chinese President Jiang Zemin,
China's energy and environmental
problems have provided a common
opening for the United States in sev-
eral of the most important and
seemingly unconnected items on the
China's explosive economic
growth has created skyrocketing
q mands for oil and electricity and
n acute need to clean its air and
water, administration officials and
independent analysts said. The
Chinese are seeking international
sources of oil, nuclear power plants
and clean-burning factories, supply-
ing leverage for U.S. policymakers
and a potential windfall of billons of
dollars for U.S. energy companies.
The administration is hoping to
capitalize on the energy issue to
Oake progress on four primary
objectives: reducing weapons prolif-
eration, especially in the Middle
East; curbing the growth of green-
house gas emissions; cutting the
U.S. trade deficit with China
through sales in the energy sector;
and accelerating U.S. penetration of
the opaque Chinese bureaucracy.
See CHINA, Page 2
Miller theater
By Janet Adamy
Daily Staff Reporter
In an effort to demonstrate a commit-
ment to physical campus reminders of
the University's rich history, University
President Lee Bollinger wants to build
an auditorium to honor University
alumnus Arthur Miller.
The idea for the 500-seat theater,
which Bollinger announced while
addressing members of the faculty senate
Monday, stems from his desire to honor
the distinguished alumnus, as well as a
need for another theater, Bollinger said.
"Having a theater that honors and
shows our pride in Arthur Miller as an
alumnus of the University would be a
great addition to the campus,"
Bollinger said. "We have a terrific the-
ater and dance department, so we
already have enough creativity on cam-
pus to make use of such a facility."
While Bollinger said he is considering
making the newtheater part of a cultural
center near Hill Auditorium and the
Power Center, Bollinger is not limiting
the construction to central campus.
"On the other hand, adding to the
vitality of North Campus is a possibili-
ty as well," Bollinger said.
Music Prof. William Albright said
another theater or concert hall would be
welcome, but cautioned Bollinger
against building it on Central Campus.
"The Central Campus is pretty
impacted with things," Albright said.
"(During events), it's hard to get
Bollinger said the theater is only in
the conceptual stage, and he has not yet
begun to address how to fund for the
"It's just, on my part, an idea,"
Bollinger said. "It's always possible that
people won't like the idea."
But Roy Muir, associate vice presi-
dent for development, said he is opti-
mistic the University will financially
support Bollinger's agenda.
"Almost any project that has the lead-
ership endorsement of the president has
a great deal of fundraising potential,"
Muir said.
Bollinger said he hopes to incorpo-
rate the new theater, as well as numer-
ous campus renovations, into his master
plan - an administrative effort to bring
physical cohesion to the campus.
"We do have the need within the
University to repair and refurbish our
existing cultural facilities," Bollinger
Among the highest priority for
repairs is Hill Auditorium, which has
been on the docket for renovations
since the mammoth fund-raising effort
the Campaign for Michigan began
nearly 10 years ago.
But the campaign successfully raised
just $3 million of the expected $30 mil-
lion needed to cover the auditorium's
deferred maintenance concerns.
"We're not talking about a small
amount of money, so that's why it has to
be sort of a community effort,"
Bollinger said.
Bollinger said the Rackham Building
is also in need of renovations, which
Muir estimated Will cost about $18 mil-
See MILLER, Page 2
Lobsang Phuntsok, center, of Tibet, walks with other people who are protesting China. They marched through the streets
of Colonial Williamsburg yesterday, where Chinese President Jiang Zemin was visiting the Governor's Palace.
'U'anticipa tes
By Chris Metinko
Daily Staff Reporter
Chinese President Jiang Zemin will receive a 21-gun
salute at the White House today, marking the first journey
of the communist country's leadership to U.S. soil in 12
"This is an important opportunity and one I hope won't
be missed," said Andrew Mertha, a graduate student
instructor in political science.
Mertha said the visit is critical because the often
strained relationship between the two countries is once
again on unstable ground. U.S. leaders have adhered to
Jiang visit
a policy they term "constructive engagement" with
In theory, the policy allows the United States to keep
Chinese relations open and establishes steady dialogue
between the countries.
"Such a relationship was unsustainable in the long run,"
Mertha said.
But history Prof. Chun-Shu Chang disagrees about the
fragile nature of the policy. Chang said modifying current
Chinese-American policy during this visit is not necessary
because the current system now works for both nations.
See REACT, Page 7
"ysifer Petiinaki
DArts Editor
The line outside Tou
today won't be for the $
special. Wannabe actors
will instead be waiting f
be the next Puck, Judd or
Ann Arbor will be
MTV's "The Real World
Rules" casting directors
to 5 p.m. at Touchdown C
t 4-year-old residents
Detroit area are invited
stuff at an open casting ca
season, which includes
World - Seattle" and tw
"Road Rules" adventures
"The Real World" will
through July 1998, and
hits campus
new casts
World" invite viewers to live vicarious-
ly through the adventures of the charac-
chdown Cafe ters. Daily activities - including din-
2 Miller Lite ners, discussions and all-out cat-fights
and actresses - are exposed on film for everyone's
or a chance to viewing pleasure. "Road Rules" adds a
Montana. special twist, with all of the above
welcoming filmed during wacky on-the-road jour-
I" and "Road neys.
from 10 a m. "Road Rules" Casting Assistant
afe. Eighteen- Melanie Lindahl, "Road Rules"
of the Metro Casting Director Kira O'Dell and "Real
to show their World" Director Craig Borders will
ll for the 1998 conduct the interviews.
s "The Real Rebo McFadden, casting assistant
vo eight-week for "The Real World," said would-be
participants should expect one-on-one
film January interviews. If Touchdown Cafe
both "Road becomes too crowded, he said, audi-
Concert a brwin'
Crash does not
worry'U experts
By Jefrey Kosseff [Rebound
Daily Staff Reporter A look at the Dow Jones industrial j
Monday's 554-point plummet of the Dow since Aug.6, 1997.
Jones Industrial Average will not have long- 8,400 _ ____
1--ts-3~ closing highs. o
lasting effects on the U.S. economy or r Y2ll-teconghh
investors' portfolios, local experts and 8,200 8,259.
investors say.
"There will not be long-term effects," said 8,000
finance Prof. M. Nimalendran. "It had an
effect, but it looks like we have recovered." 7800
The market rebounded yesterday with an
increase of 337 points. ,600
Economics Prof. Matthew Shapiro said 7498.32
the constant increasing and decreasing of the ?40t
stock market is to be expected.
"The stock market goes down and it goes ,200 -_
back up" Shapiro said.
Monday's crash will not permanently dam- 7,000 . :
age the U.S. economic climate, Shapiro said. Aug. Sept.:Oct.
"In terms of consumption, it won't cause a AP
big impact," Shapiro said. "If it falls substantially more, then it could damage the
financial markets."
Another reason why the drop will not seriously harm the U.S. economy,
Nimalendran said, is that the Dow Jones has increased about 20 percent since January.
"Overall, the market has been up a lot," Nimaledran said. "The prices will con-
tinue to move up and down."
University students who invest in the stock market said the crash did not cause
mv,.r damage to their ctr' nn e-nrtfolinc.
. 1