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October 28, 1997 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-10-28

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One hundred seven years f fediknr frccdom

October 28, 1997

"r e

begms for
By Janet Adamy
Daily Staff Reporter
The University began a search last
week for the dean of the Rackham
School of Graduate Studies, a position
that has been tumultuous in recent years.
Provost Nancy Cantor, who left the
po on of Rackham dean to become
Urersity provost in August, began the
search process by selecting a five-
member search committee, composed
of members who chose Cantor to lead
Rackham 18 months ago.
"Rackham, as an organization, has
had four deans in the past four years, so
it was very important to get people who
already knew what the (applicant) pool
needs," Cantor said.
While the committee is encouraging
fa y members to apply for the posi-
tion, currently filled by interim
Rackham Dean Earl Lewis, Cantor
said the search will focus on the candi-
dates who were successful during the
last search.
"Obviously, they're going to look at
ray nominations that come in, but they
will turn to people who were highly
desired before," Cantor said.
Psychology and women's studies
Po Abigail Stewart, who chairs the
search committee, said the committee
expects to fill the position with a can-
didate from the University, but will
consider looking at external candidates
if they are unable to find a suitable
internal one.
"We did think then, and we do think
See RACKHAM, Page 7
spM eaks to
Senate Assembly
*resses affirmative
ction, tobacco
Chris Metinka
ily Staff Reporter
University President Lee Bollinger
addressed the entire faculty governance
body for the first time in his term yes-
erday. Bollinger laid out his goals as
president and answered questions about
handing affirmative action lawsuit.
"The lawsuit challenges that our
undergraduate admission policy is
unconstitutional under the 14th
mendment," Bollinger said. "This
will not be resolved quickly."
Bollinger reminded the faculty that the
University is an institution of higher edu-
ton and must not lose sight of its goals
adpurposes, even though the suit is
'rjig a test of character for all of us"'
Mllinger also took the opportunity to
xplain his initial goals as president and
sad he was pleased with the progress he
made in filling key administrative
psitions, talking to organizations that

ffect the University and addressing the
lues of the University
Before the president's speech, the
Senate Assembly, which includes faculty
representatives from different colleges,
ook action on two proposals, including
sembly's own stance on diversity.
The assembly voted to link both
Bollinger's statement on diversity,
hich stated that the University must
use diversity to create "the best educa-
ional environment we can," and the
faculty's current stance that the
University must be open and support-
ive to diversity.
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs Chair Louis D'Alecy
stinking the two statements made the
faculty's diversity position stronger.
"I think it was a very good approach,"
said D'Alecy, adding that, "(Senate
Assembly) have to and will do more."
Not all assembly members were
happy with the action.
"This statement doesn't address the

s ° halts after
Dow alls


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Education graduate student Trey Thompson tells her story about domestic violence at the annual;
night in the Michigan Union Ballroom.

Speak Out last

0 Decline marks largest
one-day point drop in
nation's history
The Washington Post
NEW YORK - U.S. stock prices
tumbled in unrelenting waves of selling
yesterday, prompting the New York
Stock Exchange to halt trading twice as
the Dow Jones industrial average of 30
stocks fell to levels that tripped pre-
arranged "circuit breakers" installed
after the 1987 stock market crash.
A high hum on the floor of the
exchange rose to a roar seconds before
the closing bell as the Dow average
plummeted a stunning 554.26 points,
blowing through the second circuit
breaker that is supposed to close stock
trading automatically for one hour after
a fall of 550 points. The decline was the
largest ever in terms of points on the
Dow average, but it represented only a
7.2 percent decline.
Several traders said they expect fur-
ther selling when the U.S. markets open
today, as the huge drop here shakes
markets around the world. The cascad-
ing wave of selling began in Asian mar-
kets last summer, but it now girdles the
globe, with each market feeding off the
anxiety of its neighbors.
Late-night trading in a futures contract
based on another popular market index,
the Standard & Poor's 504 stock index,
quickly reached its downside limit, equal
to another 125-point drop in the Dow,
before recovering slightly. And selling
continued overseas as markets in
Australia dropped 8 percent, the
Philippines fell 7 percent, Singapore lost
6.6 percent and Tokyo's Nikkei 225 stock
was index down 1 percent in early trad-
"It's going to be really ugly tomor-
row," predicted Bobby Cohen, a broker
on the exchange floor.
The one-day drop to 7161.15 was the

Dow's 12th-largest decline ever on a
percentage basis, with the popular
barometer of blue-chip stocks down
13.3 percent from its peak on Aug. 6,
the first drop of more than 10 percent
since 1990. Other U.S. stock indicators
were also sharply lower, with both the
S&P 500 index and the technology-
laden Nasdaq Stock Market falling
about 7 percent.
U.S. Treasury securities rose, espe-
cially those with short-term maturities,
as investors looked for a safe port to
ride out the storm in other markets. The
yield, which moves in opposite direc-
tion from prices, on two-year notes slid
to 5.63 percent.
Although the numbers are huge and
the tensions are high, yesterday's drop
does not compare to the chaos and dev-
astation that shook the markets on Oct.
19, 1987, when the Dow average
dropped 22.6 percent in a fall of 508
points that strained the very founda-
tions of market systems.
Yesterday's fall still leaves the popu-
lar market average up 11 percent for the
Yesterday offered the first test of the
circuit breakers, which halt trading
when the Dow drops first 350 points,
and then 200 more points. They are
designed to give investors a chance to
assess the market damage and, ideally,
put in buy orders. But yesterday, when
the first 30-minute halt began at 2:35
and investors surveyed the carnage,
most decided to sit tight or sell.
The market reopened at 3:05 and
took less than half an hour to slide 200
more points. That triggered the second
circuit breaker, closing the market 30
minutes early.
"We are in uncharted territory now,'
said James Maguire, a specialist who
handles stock trades on the NYSE floor.
Inside: Could yesterday's events mark
the end of the bull market? Page 2.

Annual Speak Out event sparks
tears from survivors, supporters

By Kristin Wright
Daily Staff Reporter
One out of every two women involved in dating rela-
tionships suffers physical, sexual, emotional or verbal
abuse by their partners.
In response to this alarming statistic, the University's
Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center held its
I lth annual "Speak Out!" yesterday evening in the
Michigan Union Ballroom.
In emotional testimonies, survivors "speak out" to the
public and tell the stories of their personal encounters
with domestic violence and sexual assault.
"Speak Out is an incredible chance for healing, growth

and unity," said Brenna DeVaney, SAPAC's peer educa-
tion program coordinator. "Each of us has something to
say. This is a night for us to say it, scream it, or whisper
it together."
Most of the audience members that spoke out to the
public about their experiences with sexual assault and
domestic violence had not planned to do so before the
event. The strong emotions of each spontaneous or pre-
pared speaker encouraged others to join the discussion.
Issues and concerns surrounding domestic violence
and sexual assault were discussed only by those women
who had experienced and survived the abuse.
See SPEAK OUT, Page 7

Diag rally
By Christine M. Paik
Daily Staff Reporter
In response to the recent lawsuit
challenging affirmative action poli-
cies at the University, students on the
Diag and across the country gathered
for a National Day of Action in
Defense of Affirmative Action yester-;
The, demonstration was called by the
Coalition to Defend Affirmative
Action By Any Means Necessary
(BAMN), Rev. Jesse Jackson and the
Rainbow PUSH coalition and Students
for Access and Opportunity at the
University of Texas. While students
rallied on campuses across the coun-
try, Jackson led a march in defense of
affirmative action in Sacramento,
Braving the bitter winds, about 70
students attended the rally, which con-
sisted mostly of BAMN members who
spoke about organizing a new civil
rights movement to defend affirmative
"The problem is that the tendency
of a lot of the organizations defend-
ing affirmative action is to continue
their more conservative traditions
and not take that much political
action," said BAMN member Jessica
"That's something we've got to

Affirmative action
suit raises concerns

BAMN members hold an affirmative action banner at yesterday's rally on the Diag
which was part of a National Day of Action.

By Jeffrey Kosseff
Daily Staff Reporter
The University community has been
presented with passionate and opposing
political, social and legal arguments on
affirmative action. The lawsuit filed
this month challenging the University's
undergraduate admissions policies has
encouraged many to evaluate and deci-
pher the claims by University officials,
state legislators and legal experts on
this controversial topic.
Jennifer Gratz and Patrick
Hamacher, who were rejected from the
University, have brought suit against
the University through the Center for
Individual Rights, the same
Washington D.C.-based law firm that
won the Hopwood affirmative action
case in Texas last year.
The debate over the University's use
of affirmative action policies began in
May, when four state representatives
used the media to launch attacks on the
University's undergraduate admissions
policies. After reading front page stories
in regional newspapers about the possi-
ble lawsuit, more than 400 people who
felt they were discriminated against by
the University contacted the representa-
tives, who referred them to CIR.
Rep. David Jaye (R-Macomb), a
University alumnus and one of
Michigan's most outspoken opponents
of affirmative action, said the
University's policies favor minorities
and are so blatantly illegal that this law-
suit will set new judicial precedent in
the area of affirmative action.
"The U of M is so unfair, un-American

an edge in academia and the job market
stems from his time at the University in
the '70s, when, he said, less-qualified
minorities received preference in finan-
cial aid programs.
"A number of my friends did not get
scholarships and were forced to drop out
because they are not minorities," Jaye said.
Some of Jaye's colleagues, however,
say that his great involvement in the
lawsuit has less to do with his concern
for fairness in admissions and financial
aid and more to do with his concern in
winning the 12-candidate Republican
primary election next week for a state
Senate seat.
"David will be able to milk this issue
for years," said state Rep. Mary Schroer
(D-Ann Arbor). "We all have to suffer
because of David's stupid causes."
CIR Executive Director Michael
Greve said the University is targeted for
a lawsuit because it is a large, high-
quality public university that has a
strong affirmative action plan in place.
Since former University President
James Duderstadt instituted the
Michigan Mandate in 1987, minority
enrollment has doubled.
Ted Spencer, director of undergradu-
ate admissions, is not reluctant to
acknowledge that the University does
give special consideration to minorities
in admissions.
"I will not deny the fact that we have
used race as a factor," Spencer said
"We want a variety of students repre-
senting diverse areas. We've always felt

The Diag rally began with a speech
by Lee Felarca, a 1995 graduate of the
University of California at Berkeley,
who helped to organize the California
chapter of BAMN.
"What the media usually doesn't
show is that Proposition 209 in
California, which set groundwork for
the attack on affirmative action, was
won by a margin of 54 (percent) to 46
(percent)," Felarca said. "What this
means is that it was a small margin,
very closely split, so it was not a done
BAMN member Shanta Driver com-
pared the issues surrounding affirma-
tive action to the civil rights movement

"We are part of an emerging civil
rights movement that is forming across
the nation for full and real equality in
America," Driver said.
"We can defend and hold on to
affirmative action only by being
aggressive. We will not stop fighting
until full equality is achieved," she
"The fight for affirmative action is
the fight for equality, the fight for dig-
nity, the fight for the future of America.
We need to remind America about its
racist past."
Curtin said the University has a criti-
cal role to play in the country's future in
terms of achieving equality across the

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