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October 27, 1997 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1997-10-27

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Sports Desk: 647 -333
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lieve it?
Defense could have won
this game all by itsel
E AST LANSING - They Ornstein who lasted one play before he
dropped like flies, like 30-pound was belted so hard by Michigan line-
bricks from the top of Spartan backer Grady Brooks that one sideline
Stadium. You almost had to feel sorry reporter asked, "Is he dead?"
for them. So Schultz trotted back on to the
First it was field, hoping to conserve any pride he
Todd Schultz had left. And just when the Spartans
who tossed four looked like they actually had an
interceptions offense, reserve safety DiAllo Johnson
and was beaten picked off Michigan's sixth pass of the
up all day. Then game.
Bill Burke, who Yipes.
accounted for JOHN The Wolverines took what they
Michigan State's LEROI wanted when they wanted, leaving no
only points all Out of doubt that they have the best defense
game, had a in the Big Ten and maybe in the
shot, but he was nation. Michigan's offense was idling
sacked twice along in first gear. No matter. The
before even completing a pass for pos- defense could have won this game all
itive yardage. And when he threw the by itself.
Spartans' fifth interception of the "We were beating them up," said
game, he was yanked. Michigan cornerback Charles Woodson
So in came third-stringer Gus See LER01, Page 4B

Woodson reminds us
all how amazing he is
By Alan Goldenbach blows to the Spartans' collective ego
Daily Sports Editor that were almost as vicious as some of
EAST LANSING - Charles his four solo tackles on the field. But
Woodson's head was spinning so quick- the tackles somehow lacked the comi-
ly it was amazing that he had time to cal aspect of Woodson's postgame chat-
stop and talk. ter.
Then again, talking has never been "I think their coaches ought to keep a
much of a problem for the All-America better tab on what they say to the press,"
cornerback, whose gift for gab com- said Woodson referring to Michigan
petes pretty darn well with his gift for State's trash-talking in the week leading
grabbing opposing quarterbacks' pass- up to the game. "They were sayihg a lot
es. of things this week and we were just
Woodson completely stole the show taking it all in. This is the type of game
,not only on the field with his two inter- where you don't need any extra fuel -to
ceptions - one that was legendarily the fire."
acrobatic, the other as a result of his But even without the trash-talking,
impeccable pass coverage - but off the there was already a red flag surround-
field as well, with his talented mouth ing this game for Woodson as a result of
after the game. his last visit to Spartan Stadium. The
Woodson was dishing out verbal See WOODSON, Page 48

Michigan cornerback Charles Woodson Intercepted this Todd Schultz pass in the third quarter with one hand. Woodson got one foot down just in time to stay in bounds.

Michigan State turns tables, wins at Yost

chigan center
Andrew Merrick
gets tripped up
by Michigan
State's Mike
Weaver in
Saturday's 4-2
loss at Yost Ice
Arena. The
Wolverines were
' ble to capital-
ize on any of
their eight power
play opportuni-
ties against the

By Pranay Reddy
Daily Sports Writer
If what people were saying were true,
Saturday night's hockey game between
Michigan and Michigan State would signal a
changing of the guard in the CCHA.
After dominating the CCHA for several
years, the Wolverines were supposed to have
their collective grip loosened on the CCHA
Looking at Spartans' 4-2 victory over the
Wolverines on Saturday, that just might have
been the case. But Michigan coach Red
Berenson said it's a long season, and this is just
the beginning for his young team.
"Our team realized tonight that you. can't
make mistakes or give a team those opportuni-
ties and expect to win a game," Berenson said.
Mistakes ravaged the play of Michigan's spe-
cial teams for most of the evening. Both the

Wolverines' power play and penalty killing
lines failed to be effective.
The Spartans drew first blood on their second
power play opportunity of the game, after
Michigan right wing Bill Muckalt was called
for tripping. Nearly a minute later, Michigan
State center Mike York put in a rebound off
teammate Chris Bogas' one-timer to give the
Spartans a 1-0 lead.
Michigan State coach Ron Mason said his
team needed to start strong in a hostile environ-
ment such as Yost Ice Arena.
"When you're on the road, you want to get
ahead if you can and take the crowd out of it,"
he said.
On the other side of the ice, Michigan was
struggling with its power play, going 0-for-2 in
the first period while getting off only one shot.
On the other hand, the Spartans managed eight
shots in their four first-period power plays.

"(Special teams) is something we need to
work on," Michigan center Bobby Hayes said.
"I don't feel like we're as strong as we should
be in that area, but we have some new guys
working in there, and they're not going to be the
greatest penalty killers right from the bat."
The second period only highlighted
Michigan's inability to score, but this time
around, the Wolverines had no trouble getting
shots off - getting them in the net was another
story, however.
Michigan fired eight shots in the period to
Michigan State's four, yet failed to connect on
any of them. Ironically, Michigan's drought was
ended in the period by the Spartans themselves.
With Michigan working the puck around
Michigan State's end of the ice, a centering pass
slid past Spartan netminder Chad Alban and
was accidentally deflected in pff Bogas' skate,
See SPARTANS, Page 68

. v,

state propels Bl~
By van Braunstein
Dily Sports Writer
-What a weekend. In two games filled with contro-
versy, double overtimes and last-second goals, the
Michigan field hockey team managed to produce two
victories to regain the lead in the Big Ten conference.
The Wolverines (14-5 overall, 6-3 Big Ten) went
io the weekend knowing they were about to play the
most important games of the season. They came
from behind in both, putting the team in great shape
to win the first Big Ten title in its history. With a vic-
tory over Michigan State next Sunday, the Wolverines
can do no worse than tie for the championship.
The Wolverines beat Ohio State, 3-2, in double
overtime Sunday on a controversial goal by freshman
forward Kelly Gannon, after defeating No. 4 Penn
fofc '_1 nn V*rla..~ n a wa frw- l r-t -1 a nh.Me

e win over Ohio
ie into first place

second overtime on a corner shot by the Wolverines.
Senior midfielder Julie Flachs took the initial shot,
which was blocked by Ohio State goalie Nikki
Thompson. Gannon was able to slide the rebound into
the net, causing a huge celebration to erupt on the
"She is our marquee freshman," Michigan coach
Marsha Pankratz said of Gannon. "She is playing way
above the freshman level."
The festivities quickly died down as Ohio State
coach Anne Wilkinson raced onto the field to argue
the goal. The rule on a corner shot states that the ini-
tial shot must not be higher than 16 inches above the
ground. Wilkinson insisted that Flachs's shot was
above this limit, but referee Eddie Hall held his
Tra Whri xp nt...n - i-rib h i,, ikan p-,

Wolverines glad
Ellerbe is head
of etheirfamly'
By James Goldstein
and Dan Stillman
Daily Sports Writers
CHICAGO - While many were surprised when assistant
men's basketball coach Brian Ellerbe was promoted to interim
head coach for the season on Friday, those who will probably
be affected the most - the players - expressed satisfaction
and relief.
"We were going to play no matter who the coaching staff
was'" co-captain Robert Traylor said. "But we're all thankful
that things worked out the way we kind of wanted them to."
Michigan Athletic Director Tom Goss had been searching
for a nermanent headcoach from outside the nroram since he

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