LoCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Monday, October 27,.1997- 5A MSU Continued from Page 1A won 28 of the last 29 meetings. Michigan won that battle convincingly, 173-95. "It was a good defense," Irvin said. "I won't take any credit away from Michigan. They played a great game on defense." Michigan State didn't even have a first down in the third quarter when Andre Weathers and Charles Woodson picked off two Todd Schultz passes. Woodson's interception was exceptionally amazing, but the All-American cornerback said it only made up for an earlier oversight With Michigan up 3-0, late in the first quarter, Michigan State lined up for an apparent 39-yard field goal. But holder Bill Burke took the snap and threw deep to Irvin, who lined up wide left, out of the view of any Michigan player. Burke lobbed the ball up for Irvin who caught it a good 15 yards away from the "Usually on field goals, I check the opponent's for- mation," Woodson said. "Today, for some reason. I didn't check the guy coming in and they made a great play and caught us off-guard. "Those are the types of plays that can take a team out of sync. But we never allowed that to happen to us." After the next six possessions ended in Spartan punts and a Marcus Ray interception, Michigan had the ball on its own five-yard line with 5:36 to go in the first half. The Wolverines promptly drove 95 yards in I I plays, culminating with a one-yard sneak by quar- terback Brian Griese, giving them a 10-7 lead. The drive was highlighted by a 51-yard scamper by Chris Howard that brought Michigan out from deep within its own territory. "That was an opportunity for us," Griese said of Michigan's precarious field position to start the drive. "We didn't look at it as a bad situation, we looked at it as a chance to shut everybody up." And it did. The drive lasted until the final minute of the half, giving Michigan the momentum coming out of the lockerroom and quieting the crowd. Three of Michigan State's first four possessions in the second half ended in interceptions. Meanwhile, Michigan pounded the ball on the ground, looking to establish a running game that was almost non-existent in the first half Of Michigan's four third-quarter drives, the Wolverines could only muster a 30-yard Kraig Baker field goal. Two drives ended in Michigan punts, one in a missed 38-yard field goal. Even though Michigan went into the fourth quarter up only six points, its defense stopped the Spartans short of the 50-yard line until the game's final minute. when a Michigan victory was well in hand. Woodson's second interception gave the Wolverines the ball at the Michigan State 33. and five plays later, Howard dove over the goal line from two yards out, giving Michigan a 20-7 lead with 12 minutes left. Baker kicked his third field goal of the game with just under eight minutes left to close out the scoring. "This was a big win for us because it keeps us in the race for the Big Ten championship," Michigan coach Lloyd Carr said. MALLORY S.E. FLOYD/Daily lose to 100 women gather outside the Michigan Union this weekend, getting lady to board a bus for the Million Woman March in Philadelphia. closest Wolverine and galloped in for an down. ELLERBE Continued from Page 1A Schenk and King. The report is now in the hands of the NCAA, which will decide whether to conduct an investiga- tion of its own. Although the law firm only found what it termed to be three minor viola- tions, Goss said he was concerned about many things in the report and that it was time to make a change in the pro- gram's direction. The search for Fisher's replacement took a strange twist of its own Thursday evening when two radio stations, Detroit's WJR and Chicago's WGN, IARCH ontinued from Page 1A ns~r going, but mostly everyone anted change, she said. LSA junior Christina Branson said ie was drawn to the march early on. \s soon as I know about it, I knew I ad to be there;' she said. Branson said the march's messages iotivated her to become a more active articipant in the community. "I'm not ing to say what I'm going to do to lp people, I'mjust going to do it,"she id LO -Academic Adviser Wendy loods, whose three daughters accompa- ed her to the march, said the time she >ent with her daughters and the other omen was a bonding experience. "It was incredible," Woods said. "I ink there was a lot of bonding starting om the moment we got to the Union." Woods' daughter Kiana, who gradu- ed from the University's Law School in May, said she was thankful to share the march with the most important women in her life. "I couldn't think of anybody else I wanted to share that experience with," Kiana Woods said. Moo-Young said mechanical diffi- culties, including broken windshield wipers, forced the University group's trip form Ann Arbor to Philadelphia to be lengthened, but it still bonded the women together. "We had a lot of dif- ferent struggles in getting there," Moo- Young said. "(But,) the harsh condi- tions were actually what brought us closer together" Maurant and Moo-Young formed the student group called Million Woman March Student Initiative with the pur- pose of gathering interested march par- ticipants. They now plan to continue the group for other reasons, including to put together a film presentation on the march and to open campus dialogues to continue the spirit of the march. reported that former Brigham Young coach Roger Reid would be hired for the position. But at that point, Reid was flying into Ann Arbor for a Friday morning inter- view with Goss, who said the job never was offered to anyone until Friday after- noon, when he called Ellerbe. Goss said he will resume the search for a permanent coach immediately fol- lowing the season. "I believe that by conducting a search just after the season ends, we will be able to find an excellent permanent head coach and satisfy the core values our department holds dear" Goss said. Those values set by Goss when he easy touch- took office include honesty and integrity, accountability and responsibility, respect and compassion, competitive spirit, and that the team must come first. During the short search, Goss angered many athletic directors and coaches throughout the college basketball world, including Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski, who publicly chastised Goss for conducting a search that threat- ened to take away a coach from his pro- gram so close to the start of the season. "If I'm to set a standard with my val- ues, I can't talk out of both sides of my mouth,' Goss said. As for whether Ellerbe is interested in earning himself a permanent job as Michigan head coach: "This is a great job," Ellerbe said. "You'd be nuts not to want this job.: i You were always different. Smarter. Driven. Highly individualistic. A Plumtree Software kind of person. Dorm 4 taniC. If you think you're pregnant... call us-we listen, we care. PROBLEM PREGNANCY HELP 975-4357 Any time, any day, 24 hours. F.uly confidential.. Something is happening out there: The most rapid creation of wealth in the world is being generated in software, by young, intelligent people without regard for conventions or corporate ladders. You can make a difference here. You can change the world here. If you're looking for an elite experience, this is it. At Plumtree, we don't care if you majored in physics or computer-science or math--or plant history for that matter. We just want intelligent people with a passion for what they're doing. 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